"Psychics dont exist dummy"

Ok Cynaris and JoyeEverett715 y'all are my only readers so I guess this should make sense.

Cynaris requested to do this:

But I was too lazy to type it in a comment so I decided to write a chapter on it.

Here's some context:

it referring to a picture but since everyone who reads this book knows the context I can move on.

Ok let's get started

Boomer: she's possessed by demon

Person from 2050: pft no, she's a person who has incredibly awesome foresight

Boomer: you kids will never know what it meant to open mental hospitals and lock up psychics because they were possessed by Satan.

2050's dude: I don't even exist yet

Boomer: yeah and I'm probably gonna die off when that year rolls around. Your point?

The boomer and the dude from the 2050's then fight to the death. I'm too lazy to explain in detail, but it's epic. At one point, they end up in an iron cage with spikes sticking in that's on fire.
Then it somehow turns into a classic anime fight

Boomer: back in my day we didn't have these devil self-driving cars! Psychics will not burn at the stake—they will burn in hell, much like you spoiled rotten kids!

That dude from 2050: ok boomer

Boomer is annihilated. But the boomer let's out one final response that destroys the dude from 2050.

Boomer: suck on it snowflake

The boomer and the dude from the future are buried together because the roasts were so bad no one wanted to know who said what. Out of nowhere some Puritan from the 16th century shows up and dances on the graves of the boomer and the dude from 2050. Somehow he knows all of what transpired previously and knows about their deaths.

Puritan: if only you knew why this all played out. This was all apart of my plan to burn y'all at the stake for being witches. Psychics deserve to burn on the stake before being burned in hell and you—boomer, and you—dudefrom2050 both got that punishment.

Time paradoxes should not exist. We must keep things in order as God intended. Now take this mediocre fight out of my face, you plebeian scum.

The Puritan says the Hail Mary (or whatever prayer the puritans pray) and goes back to his own time period. Since he was the one holding the fabric of the universe together while the time paradox was happening during the fight between the boomer and the future dude, everyone forgets about the question "wait what was the question again about psychics?" once the Puritan went back to his own time period.

So it turns out the question was never answered, Cynaris. I guess we'll never know.

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