Diversity is beautiful

I don't know why everyone is complaining about diversity.

I mean the more colors the better, ya know what I mean?

Why do people have to discriminate others? Jerkwads. Seriously. Just because they look different doesn't mean they are different. At the end of the day, we all look the same therefore we all deserve the same opportunities. I'm not joking

Yeah maybe they are a little too different but the more the merrier ya know what I'm saying?

The best analogy I could compare this too is the newish Star Wars trilogy. I mean yeah the plot is okay and the characters are fine but would you look at the diversity.

A woman??? As a main character in a Star Wars movie? We haven't had that since . . . one . . .five . . . seven . . .since ever! There was absolutely no other significant female protagonist in the Star Wars franchise. Rey is the first.



And can we talk about a black man? As a storm trooper? Like, unbe-freaking-lievable. So innovative and so groundbreaking I could cry. Who's Lando Calrissian? Pfht. No one cares about him. Let's get more Finn baby!!!! Yeah diversity rocks!!!!!!!!

And can we talk about Rose Tico? Asdfghjkl what a groundbreaking influential and thought-provoking chara. . . . Asian woman! More colors! Yeah!

Poe is fine. Kylo's eh.

But can we talk about that diversity ladies and gentleladies?

So beautiful I could almost cry. I mean that's what all people care about after all. Diversity and representation can I get an amen?


We all prefer the light-skinned ones because they are "pretty" or because we're "used to them" or the other ones just have to work "harder".

Okay whatever you hootin' tootin' redneck tobacco spittin' bible thumpin' get off my lawn racist hillbilly. You do you but just remember no one likes you and you should probably go hide in a hole for the rest of your life ok?

Anyway, for the woke people like me who know how to diversify the wokeness on this profile, lemme show y'all some beautiful diverse photos that will make you go, "yaaass queen."

1. A classic

Tut tut tut. How basic and whitewashed is this selectively bred piece of yellow fruit? I mean, it's curved because we wanted it to be that way. This is the fruit of basic people who aren't cultured enough to bring some wokeness into their diet. But I—we included it in here because they are actually pretty bomb. BUT, don't be fooled. Better tropical berries are coming your way.

2. An under appreciated green thing

Ahh, the beautiful plantain. Also known as the cooking banana. Such beautiful diversity, but this is only when the banana is under ripe. When it is rip it looks wayyy too much like the classic banana, and we can't have that can we? Moving on. Green is a boring color.

3. Oooh interesting

Checkmate racists. Thought bananas could only be green or yellow? Think again. Red banana-1, hillbillies-0.

4. Seedy babies

Everyone underestimates the short and stubby Latundan. Think again and open your third-eyes bananaists. #shortbananashaverightstoo.

And look at this rare collection of diversity!!!

I . . . I could almost cry . . . so beautiful.

What is that you say? What do they taste like? Are they even good?


Erm...uh n-no, I've . . . never eaten those other kinda of ba . . . But that doesn't matter! Okay? What does matter is the diversity, my kings and queens.

As the Italians say, "Au revoir!"

Wait aren't Italians white...

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