binge-watching is good for the soul
but not good for sleep
it definitely isnt
but everything is meaningless isn't it
only if you think it is
without bananas, how could i even exist
you would just worship a different fruit
I don't think i can imagine a world like that
sure you can its not that hard
we can distract ourselves from the meaninglessness our world pushes through watching a kids show right
sure, whatever makes you happy
then id have to actually care and invest emotional energy on fictitious characters
its really not that bad
am i even happy
what happens after i die
you're religious you should know
we become one with the bananagods
uh sure
can i eat a banana
you eat too many bananas
they're good for you
yeah bu--
they're good for you
you really need--
blaspheming the banana gods is punishable by death
that's really not necessary
why not
because they don't exist
how dare you
the banana overlords will smite----
lets just watch the show ok
I've got my banana eyes on you
if you made this far, that means you sat through all that scrolling. I hope your fingers are tired
because mine sure aren't
this is where you question my sanity
she ra 2018 season 5 lets go
starting with the trailer because i might as well
Oh boy
Adora has a sword but it be broken
I know why i think i still remember
She ra isn't coming back i guess
Or maybe they fix it
Stahp and watch
Big boi horde
Everyone is sad uh oh
A portal.
I cant do this alone
You aint alone adora
Silly adora
Oh shadow weaver
Oh ok its fast
Is she going to pull an angella
Enemy frenemies hordak prime or whatever your name is
Why do you exist
How do you exist
Stop existing
More crying
More melodrama
Redemption question mark?
Oh wait is she ra comin'
Ok its over
The trailer is ok
Its not like other netflix trailers that reveal the entire plot so thats good (i was wrong)
Its a trailer
ok episode 1
a friend recommended that i watch this Korean drama on Netflix. if you want to watch it, its called crash landing on you or something. I'm not into romance but the premise is interesting
it has sixteen episodes. each episode is one hour and fifteen minutes long. I watched 10 episodes in the span of one day
25 minute episodes here is nothing. i don't think i can even call watching the entire season of she ra binge-watching because of how short the episodes are
that was unrelated but i thought i should point it out
ill actually start writing down things now
but first let me stretch my legs
ok stretching done lets watch
I have ten million tabs open but thats ok
Ok the episodes magically appeared i guess im not sleeping tonight
I just realized something
Bow's name is bow because he fights with a bow an arrow
Glimmer because she glimmers
Angella because she's an angel
How did i not notice this im an idiot
Oh boi big boi horde bois invadin'
Scanning is scary
Adora ex machina
Bow ex machina
Horsey ex machina
More princesses i guess
Pew pew robot bois
Adora be forgettin stuff (me from the future: I've already forgotten these notes aren't great)
Chill out my bro
Ew the intro
"What is this adora" Its zen silly
Banana heaven
Oh horde boi is she ra confirmed?
Broken sword is broken
Shadow weaver and micah arguing club
At micah isn't trying to kill her anymore
Glimmer still .. glimmin' i guess
Wait no nevermind
She has a lisp now though?
My computer is broken i dont think it can handle so many tabs being open
Thats a shame
Hordak clone bois ueh
Youre welcome says shadow weaver
This is pretty boring. The reactions not the show
Nice action scene i guess
Can horde prime mind read
Ok episode 2 lets begin
Can someone do a compliation of bow's voice cracks
Horde prime kinda creepy
Oh it was all a dream
Didnt have a lot to say. Entrapta still great
Im pretty bad at this
Ok episode 3
little catra adora bein smol
Hordak is back bois
He be rememberin
Fightin gals
Sparkles heheh
Three episodes in and we're already deep with catra
Back of the neck. Kinda like attack on titan
That catra redemption was quick nice.
Oh boi
Episode 4 ok lets gooo
Do bananas exist on etheria
Where is shadow weaver my man
Oh boy drama between bow and glimmer there's going to be some big moment when bow realizes he shouldn't be mad and then they resolve it or something
I knew it
Oh look they found the crystals
Bad shadow weaver. bad
Oh i was right about the bow glimmer drama ok
Episode 5 yiss
Eight more episodes bois
You know they can hear you adora
Prime sees all
Prime knows all
Ew hes creepy
Catra be indoctrinated
She ra coming back was quicker than i thought but ok
Is catra ded
Did she purr
Is that catra purring
Oh boi hordak remembers entrapta
Episode 6 yay
Does she ra have light sabers now
Oh she can breathe in space too
Whos spinerella again
Im watching subtitles
Oh someone be horde controlled
Episode 7 lets gooo
Her name is perfuma
Finally i can stop calling her flower girl
Oh double trouble noice
Alright bananalings, episode 8
I like how all the angst and drama resolved itself mostly in the first few episodes. Some shows drag it out way too much
71 alerts from grammarly oh boy
Goin to a big boi planet
I sense
Ayy momma weaver is back
No bow lets smash stuff
Magic space lion is magical
Episode 9
Imagine being a horde clone
Imagine being hordak
Entrapta is wholesome
Ive always thought catra was cat person
Get it
Do you get it
That wasnt a good joke moving on
Looks like they be in a village
What happened to the new characters i forgot
Boy oh boi that was a spicy episode
Catra and momma shadow weaver reunion is going to be interesting
Episode 10
Back to back binge watching is fun
Im starting to get a headache but ill sleep it off when im done
And eat a banana.
Two bananas
An undisclosed amount of bananas
Bad kitty
Has glimmer always had a lisp
The magic of friendship bois
Friendship is power
Oof momma weaver
Episode 11 is a kewl kidd episode
Hehehe shadow weaver and catra
This episode is going great
Did micah become shadow weaver i kinda don't want micah to be puppet horde
Darn it catra
Episode 12 we're almost done
She ra bein' she ra
Everyone is just confessing there love back to back here ok
Oof micah
Is hordak getting good
is it just me or does the glimmer confessing her love to bow seem like out of nowhere
this is kinda a mess
Last Episode boyos and girlos
Welp its the last episode
Typing this while watching the show is kinda weird
My laptop is glitching
Haha 100 alerts on grammarly
Hold on in there buddy, we're almost there
I've been watching this show for 5 hours straight this is probably not helping
After i upload this im taking a nap
I sense redemption
I think idk
Oy micah
Yess momma shadow weaver
This be what you wanted joye
Oh wait
That sucks
Hax she ra
Ok its over
It be happenin
I kinda have a headache because i usually take breaks when I'm binge watching but this time i didn't and just stared at a screen for six hours straight
It's 7:00pm
Im gonna go to bed
Ok bye
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