Chapter 2: The Deal with Kisuke Urahara

The next morning, Y/N woke up in an unfamiliar in his futon. 

Y/N: (yawns) Wha- where am I? How did I even get here?

Y/N gasps as memories of Ichigo in her Soul Reaper outfit, the two Soul Reapers, and the girl they're after flooded through him like an ocean. 

Y/N: Wait, these memories... was this a dream? The last thing I remember was- 

Suddenly, Y/N jump up in panic as he heard Ichigo screamed. 

Y/N: Ichigo! 

He came to a room next to him and opened the sliding door. 

Y/N: Are you alright- 

He was cut off when he saw Ichigo in a awkward position with a huge muscular, lightly tan-skinned man sitting on top of her. His hair is cornrowed and he has a large handlebar mustache, which is connected to his long sideburns. He wears a pair of rectangular-shaped glasses. His attire consists of a white muscle shirt with regular pants and a blue apron. 

Tessai: (notices Y/N) Oh good, you seem to be awake as well. 

Y/N: Umm... Yeah, you two seem busy. I'll just walk out and pretend nothing happened. 

He was about to walk out when Ichigo managed to kick the large man at him. 

Y/N: Ow! Hey, why did you kicked him to me?! 

Ichigo: Oh shut up! You deserve that for charging in so recklessly at those two Soul Reapers!

Just then, Y/N saw other member of Ichigo badly wounded. He then went up and hugged Ichigo which made her blush.

Ichigo: (blush) Hey, what are you doing?

Y/N: Sorry, I'm just glad that you're okay.

Ichigo: What are you- (groans before realized, thoughts) Hey, he's right. I'm not dead. Why not? (looks around) And what's more, this isn't my house.  

Y/N lets go of Ichigo as he remember the names of the three people he met. The two Soul Reapers were Renji and Byakuya while the girl was Rukia. 

Y/N's thoughts: It wasn't a dream. That was real. 

Ichigo: Hey, can I ask you something? 

Y/N: Uh, sure. What is it? 

Ichigo: Can you see spirits as well? 

Y/N: (gasps in surprise) How did you...

Ichigo: Because only those with a strong will are able to see spirits. You seeing me in my Soul Reaper form is proof of that. Because question I want to know is how long? 

Y/N: Well, it was during my trip on Kyoto. At first I started to see invisible blurs, but then those become visible which revealed ghosts. I was scared and shock at first, but after time went past I started to get used to seeing them. 

Ichigo: I see... 

Y/N: Ichigo, I want to ask you something. What have you been doing this whole time? 

Ichigo: (sighs) I guess there's no point in hiding it now. Those people you've met along with Rukia were Soul Reapers. 

Y/N: Soul Reapers? As in Death God? 

Ichigo: That's right. From what Rukia told me, Soul Reapers are guardians of the souls who are going through the circle of transmigration. They are responsible for regulating the balance of Souls between the World of the Living and their home, the Soul Society. 

Y/N: So that means you're a Death God?

Ichigo stares at Y/N for a moment before laughing her ass off. He was confused by this as wipe the tears out of her eyes.

Ichigo: No, silly. I'm a Substitute Soul Reaper, a human who became a Soul Reaper by obtaining another Soul Reaper's power. 

Y/N: Wait, you had a Soul Reaper's power from another one?

Ichigo: Yeah. Rukia was a Soul Reaper when we first met, but she gave me her Soul Reaper powers so I can protect the people I cared about from Hollows. 

Y/N: Hollows? 

Ichigo: Hollows are monsters born from human souls who, for various reasons, do not cross over to the Soul Society after their death and stay in the World of the Living for too long. They are corrupt spirits with supernatural powers which devour the souls of both living and deceased humans. They reside in Hueco Mundo which serves a dimension between the World of the Living  and the Soul Society.

Y/N: God, I do not wanna be them when I die. Hold on, I also remember that Renji wielding a sword he called a Zanpakutō?

Ichigo: Zanpakutōs are a Soul Reaper's trademark weapon. Capable of cutting spiritual bodies, they are among the few weapons which can be used to combat Hollows.

Y/N: I see. And I already know they can transform their Zanpakutō into different forms. 

Ichigo: I got a say, Y/N. Any normal person that can see a Soul Reaper would run away. But you decide to stay and fight.

Y/N: What can I say? I live the danger. Besides, if I run away I'll be nothing more than a coward. Plus I own your family. The least I can do is to repay it.

Ichigo let out a laugh as she let out a smirk.

Ichigo: I see. You're quite reckless.

Y/N: It's part of my charm.

Ichigo: But I have to admit, Y/N. You've got guts.

Y/N: Thanks. 

Ichigo: (realized) Wait, where's Rukia? 

Y/N gasps as he remembered that she left with Byakuya and Renji to the Soul Society before he looks down with a sad expression. 

Y/N: She left with Byakuya and Renji to the Soul Society. 

Ichigo: (shocked) What? (grabs him by the shirt, angrily) And you just left that happened?! How could you do that?! 

Y/N: (smacks her hand off him) Byakuya pulled a threat me and he was gonna kill you, damnit! Besides, it was her choice to leave with them. 

???: Wow, never though you love birds were be fighting.

The two then saw Kisuke who walks in, prompting Tessai to quickly sit up and assume a more respectful position. 

Y/N: Hey, it's you. 

Ichigo: You know him? 

Y/N: Yeah, he's the guy who came to me with a cat while you were bleeding out. (looks at Kisuke) Kisuke, right? Thank you for helping her.  

Kisuke: No problem, Key boy. As long as she doesn't push her body too hard. We were barely able to patch her up.

Y/N: (confused) Key boy? 

Ichigo: Oh yeah. I remember seeing you wielding a strange key-shape sword. 

Y/N: Wait, you mean this? (summons his Keyblade) I still don't know what it is. 

Kisuke: That, my friend, is called a Keyblade.

Y/N: A Keyblade?

Kisuke: Before I get to that, let me start at the beginning. You already about the Soul Reapers, Hollows, and the two dimension which that contact to the World of the Living, right? 

Y/N: Yeah, Ichigo told me about it. 

Kisuke: Well, the souls do not appear from this world. In fact, they can appear from other worlds across the universe. You see, Keyblades are mysterious weapons that play an important role in the battle between light and darkness. And the ones who can wield them are called Keyblade wielders like yourself. They use their Keyblades to not only protect the worlds, but also fought off against the Heartless. A Heartless is a monster born from darkness that manifest in two forms, "Pureblood" and "Emblem". While most Heartless are, in fact, manifested hearts, they behave entirely devoid of emotion, and thus were named "Heartless".

As Kisuke was explains to Y/N and Ichigo, Tessai was showing them weird drawings which made them confused. Though Y/N narrow his eyes at Kisuke in suspicion as Ichigo notices it. 

Ichigo: What's wrong, Y/N?

Y/N: It's just... The way he dresses, the way he talks... You get a whole rapist vibe from this guy.

There was a tense silence in the room as everyone stares at me for a moment. Then unexpectedly Ichigo burst out laughing as she fell on the floor. She pounds her fist to the ground as Tessai just stares at Y/N while Kisuke huddles in the corner with a depress aura over him.

Y/N: (confused) What did I say?

Ichigo: N-nothing... It just that...

Ichigo burst out laughing causing Kisuke to look at her with a deadpan expression.

Kisuke: Ha ha ha... It's not that funny. 

Ichigo: (stops laughing) So, Mr. Hat-and-Clogs, I take this is your house? 

Kisuke: Uh-huh.  

Ichigo: Y/N told me that you saved me, is that true?

Kisuke: Huh. It seems to me, by the underlying tone of your voice, maybe you didn't want me to rescue you. 

Y/N: (panics) No, that's not true! She's probably not in a good mood right now, please forgive her! 

Ichigo recalls her failure and defeat the previous night before suddenly remembering the presence of Uryū Ishida at the site of the battle.

Ichigo: Wait. So what happened to Uryū?

Y/N: (confused) Uryū?

Ichigo: One of my classmates. I remember that he was there with me, helping me out. (looks at Kisuke) So is he alive? 

Kisuke: I treated Uryū at the site, but then he went home. He actually did lose a considerable amount of blood, but his wounds weren't as serious as yours. Even if he had just laid there for a couple of days, I don't think he would have died. So after I cleaned and dressed his wounds, he went home. When he left, he was worried about you. 

Ichigo: Uryū was worried? No way. 

Kisuke: I asked him to consider resting here a while so that he could regain his strength. 


Uryū: Thanks. I appreciate the offer, but really, I'm- I'm fine. Please, just take care of Ichigo and that boy who wielded the Keyblade. Because it's pretty apparent that if there's anyone who can defeat those guys, it certainly is not me. (clenched his bandaged hand) The only ones who can save Rukia... 


Kisuke: Save Rukia is you two. 

Y/N: What are you talking about? Rukia went to Soul Society of her free will, right?

Kisuke: So, you don't know. 

Y/N: Don't know about what? 

Kisuke: Sorry, but I'm afraid Rukia has been taken back to the Soul Society to be executed for giving her powers to Ichigo Kurosaki.

Hearing this made Y/N widen his eyes in shock. 

Y/N's thoughts: What? Executed?! It can't be. Ichigo said she became a Soul Reaper because Rukia gave her powers. What's wrong with that? Is that supposed to be a crime in the Soul Society? That must be why Byakuya and Renji went after Rukia, I let them take her. 

As Y/N believed it was stupid for her to be executed for something like this, sure he wasn't there to know what was really going on, but still. Execution just seemed a little too over the top for him.

Y/N: Where the hell is her brother and that crimson fucker?! Tell me where they are so I can but an end to them!

Kisuke: Whoa, whoa, take it easy hot shot. You still haven't fully adapted to your Keyblade.

Y/N: Alright and how long will that take for to fully adapt?

Kisuke: Hmm... I'd say about a year.


Kisuke: ...

Ichigo: ...

Y/N: ...

Kisuke: I get this feeling you've tried some of those before.

Y/N: But anyway, I can't wait a year. If you can get me to where she is, so I can get here and then deal with that bastard of a brother of hers. 

Kisuke: Hold your horses bucko, it may take you a year, or maybe a day if you and Ichigo agreed with my idea.

Y/N: (widen eyes, intrigued) Go on. 

Ichigo: Me and Y/N? (scoffs) What the hell can I do? Don't you understand?! Rukia has gone back to the Soul Society! So just how do I go after her?! How am I supposed to save her?! 

Y/N: Ichigo...

Ichigo: It can't be done. I can't do it! 

Kisuke: Do you really believe that? (Ichigo gasps) Like I said before, there's a way into the Soul Society.

Ichigo: There's a way? (stands up) How? Tell me! How do I get there? 

Kisuke: Of course I'll tell you. But on one condition. 

Ichigo: What's that? 

Kisuke: For the next ten days, you and Y/N will study with me and let me teach you how to fight properly. 

Y/N: Study for ten days?! 

Ichigo: You want us to waste time training with you? We don't have that kind of time, okay?! Rukia is gone and she could be executed any second! So we've got to get to the Soul Society as doonas we can!

Kisuke: (disappointed) Why don't you understand? 

Ichigo: Huh? 

Kisuke pushes Ichigo over and pins her to the ground with Shitonegaeshi, a Zanjutsu Soul Reaper technique that immobilizes her. 

Y/N: Ichigo! 

Y/N went over to help Ichigo, but Tessai came in front and points his middle finger at his chest.

Tessai: Bakudo #1: Sai!

Immediately, Y/N's arms went behind his back as he fell down to the ground.

Y/N: I-I can't move! What did you do to me?! 

Tessai: I've used what's called a Kidō spell on you. It's a high level incantation only Soul Reapers can cast. It's useless to struggle against it, you're just waisting your energy. 

Y/N: Damn you...!

Kisuke: (to Ichigo) Don't act so dumb. If you try to go there now, you'll die. You think you can beat them. You honestly believe you're ready to fight them. I went ahead and let you try fighting them, in order to prove a point. If Y/N didn't come and fought off against that lieutenant, you'll be dead already. I figured you'd understand results better than words. My hope was that you would learn your lesson. With the amount of strength you have now, you won't be able to do much once you get into the Soul Society. Right now, you're weak. And any time a weak person attempts to enter the enemy's den, it's basically suicide. 

Y/N then notices the same black cat Kisuke was holding when they first met walked in. 

Kisuke: So you want to save Rukia? Y/N seemed capable of saving her, but you? Don't make me laugh. If you get yourself killed, there'll be on one to blame. (stands up) The Soul Society usually has a one-month waiting period before an execution. Usually they respect their own rules. Let's hope that's the case with Rukia's execution. 

Ichigo: Let's hope so? 

Kisuke: It's altogether different the way humans are executed. So that gives me about ten days to torture you two. Then seven days to open the gate to the Soul Society. Then we'll have 13 days after we get there to get the job done. So we've got lots of time. 

Y/N then recalls Rukia walking into the Senkaimon. Deep down, Y/N blames himself for not going after her, but also letting Ichigo get hurt. It was the same feeling as he was responsible for her mother's death. 

Y/N: Will Ichigo and I become strong enough in ten days?

Kisuke: Yes. So long as you truly wish to save Rukia from the bottom of your heart... Your will must be stronger than steel. You must abandon any doubts that you two have. (smirks) Ten days to prepare for a game of life and death. 

Y/N: A game of life and death, huh? I never been a fan of gambling, but if it means I get to save Rukia... Alright then, but I also have one condition as well. 

Kisuke: Oh? What do you have in mind?  

Y/N: I want you to train how to become, not only a Keyblade wielder, but also a Soul Reaper like Ichigo. 

Ichigo stares at Y/N in shock as she never suspects him to ask that.

Ichigo: Hold on, you want to become a Soul Reaper? Why do want you that? 

Y/N: Because I want to become strong. I want to be strong enough to protect myself. Strong enough protect those that I care about. It was my fault for letting Rukia leave to the Soul Society, not knowing that she'll be executed once she'll return. (bows down, even though his hands are tided backward) So please, Kisuke, teach me how to become a Soul Reaper! 

Everyone stares at him for a moment as they can tell that he was serious.

Kisuke: Heh. You seem quite confident. Okay then, I'll teach you how to become a Soul Reaper. But first, I'm going to start with Ichigo and regain her Soul Reaper powers. So get some rest, because tomorrow is when you start the procedure. 

Y/N: Fine. 

Kisuke: Tessai, you can release him now.

Tessai: Yes boss. 

With a single gesture from Tessai, Y/N felt his hands have broken free from the invisible bind as he and Ichigo. 

Ichigo: Are you sure you want to do this? 

Y/N: I have to if I want to save Rukia. (looks at Ichigo) Besides, I can't let you become a Soul Reaper without me. (offers a fist bump, smile) What do you say, Ichigo Kurosaki? You want to get stronger together? 

Ichigo: (surprise, smile) Yeah. (fist bumped Y/N's) 

Y/N's thoughts: This is the started of my new life. I feel as though the rain has finally stopped. 

Chapter 2 ended. 

In the next chapter is where Y/N is not only trained to become a Keyblade wielder, but also a Soul Reaper. If you have any ideas for the next chapter, let me know at the comments below, peace out!

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