Chapter 2: search for the Ryoka

A/n: Hello, my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. Now I have been informed that wattpad has made a change to not sexualize characters under 18 years of age, so for the sake for this story to be remaining all female love interest of this story and my other stories will be booted up to 18 years of age, mainly for the younger looking characters or if one has an unspecified age. Now let the chapter begin.

Ichigo's pov

After having been split up after hitting the barrier, Ganju and I were heading towards the ground while Yoruichi seems to have fallen from my shoulder, since he wasn't with us means that he's somewhere else in the Serieitei. Luckily for us, Ganju used a technique to make the ground we're about to hit, into sand giving us a better surface to hit instead of the hard ground. 

Ichigo: *coughs out sand* Thanks to your goofy spell, we're safe for the moment.

Ganju: *coughs out more sand* How'd all this sand get in here?

Ichigo: *get's annoyed* Your skill did this. So shut up already.

Ganju: *growls* You know, you got a hell of a lot of nerve, kicking the guy who just saved your life.

Ichigo: Saved my life? I only said we were saved. You got that?

I suddenly felt two spiritual energy coming from behind me, but not just behind me but also from a vantage point.

????: Woohoo! What luck.

Me and Ganju turn towards the two, only to see two Soul Reapers one with a bald head and the other being rather flamboyant. They jumped down and landed across from us and I noticed the bald one was holding his zanpakuto with its sheath, while the flamboyant one is holding his like any other sword.

bald soul reaper: Can you believe this? First we skipped on our boring guard duty. And then these two fall right into our hands. *singing* Lucky, lucky me. Today I'm lucky. *normal tone* However, you, on the other hand most certainly aren't.

Ichigo: Yeah?

The bald one kept doing a stupid looking dance and singing on how "lucky" he is, once he was done me and Ganju were just dumbstruck on how odd he is, at least the last Soul Reaper I've encountered were at least keeping their heads on straight. Though, it seems the bald Soul Reaper was just as annoyed with our reaction.

bald soul reaper: What are you doing? You fools! Come on! Couldn't you see that I was doing my lucky dance for you both while I was waiting for you to come crawling out of your stinking sand box to fight me?! And why are you two gaping at me like a couple of idiots?!

Ichigo: What the hell is with him?

Ganju: Wait a minute.

Ichigo: Hmm? Oh, come on.

Ganju: Listen to me. I'm going to make a run for it, first chance I get.

Ichigo: So now your going to run? What are you some kind of little pansy?

Ganju: These guys have too much spirit energy for an amateur soul reaper like you. Don't you understand anything, you damn idiot?

bald soul reaper: Hey, what are those two arguing about?

flamboyant soul reaper: Well, it could be they're both scared out of their minds to fight us.

bald soul reaper: So then, why don't we just let them take their time and argue about it?

flamboyant soul reaper: But then again, if we let them take too long some of the other soul reapers may show up. And then they will steal our glory.

bald soul reaper: Yeah, that's true. I got it, we'll set a time limit. That will give me another chance to do another one of my pre-fight dances. So you two can have enough time to make your decision-

Ganju: If you want to fight, be my guest.

He then takes off running leaving me with the bald soul reaper and the flamboyant soul reaper, which was not a bother for me I can take on the both of them.

bald soul reaper: Aw, you two have a falling out?

Ichigo: Something like that.

bald soul reaper: Tch. He really shouldn't have run away. Get him.

flamboyant soul reaper: Right. I'm on it.

He then chases after Ganju, which just leaves me with the bald soul reaper that works for me since this guy doesn't look as strong as Renji, Byakuya or even that h/c soul reaper, which I have yet to fight him myself but Uryuu has fought him before. I jumped out of the sand pit and turn my attention to the bald soul reaper.

bald soul reaper: hey...

Ichigo: Hmm?

bald soul reaper: So tell me, why didn't you run away like your friend? He obviously ran because he sensed that our powers are far superior to his own. You know, if you ask me, I think your friend made a pretty wise decision.

Ichigo: If your power really is greater than mine, it would be useless to run. You'd run catch me for sure. But if, on the other hand, my power is greater, then I'll just defeat you, and be on my way. *places his hand on his sword* At least that's the way I see it.

bald soul reaper: Is that so... I guess you're not stupid after all.

3rd pov

As both Ichigo and the bald soul reaper stare down each other, far of in the distance is Y/n observing everything going down and witness Ganju making a run for it with the flamboyant soul reaper, chasing after him.

Y/n: Good, looks like I made it to see how powerful this kid has gotten. *notices Ichigo's sword* It seems that his zanpakuto has permanently change shape, which means it's original form was probably too damage to turn back.

Just then Y/n sees the bald soul reaper lunge at Ichigo, but the orange haired teen easily dodges the attack and was revealed that the bald soul reaper unsheathed his sword during his lunge. While Ichigo pulled out his sword and readied his blade for another attack, while the bald soul reaper stands back up.

bald soul reaper: [He moves well.]

Now it was Ichigo's turn to be on the offensive, by lunging at the bald soul reaper by reeling up a swing from his blade, but the mentioned soul reaper blocked Ichigo's sword with his sheath catching the orange haired teen off guard.

Ichigo: [His sheath?]

Then the bald soul reaper swing his sword that was in his left hand, which Ichigo notice this and jumped off of the bald soul reaper's sheath avoiding the swing of the sword. The bald soul reaper looks up to see Ichigo going over him and landed on the roof of a wall, but Ichigo jumps off the said roof and brings his sword down on the bald soul reaper, which the mentioned soul reaper jumps back making Ichigo's sword hit the ground. Then the orange haired teen goes for a horizontal swing, which was dodged again by the bald soul reaper and Ichigo goes for a third swing, but this was blocked by the bald soul reaper's sword.

Now it was the bald soul reaper's turn to be on the offense, by using both his sword and sheath to strike at Ichigo, which the said teen jumps away but also swung his sword at the bald soul reaper. While the said soul reaper respawned by swinging his sword at Ichigo, this causes both fighters to take damage from the other's blade, Ichigo landed on his feet while the bald soul reaper takes a step forward.

bald soul reaper: At least tell me your name.

Ichigo: Ichigo Kurosaki.

bald soul reaper: Ichigo, that's a good name?

Ichigo: You think so? No one's ever told me that before.

bald soul reaper: Yeah. They say that guys with Ichi in their names are overflowing with talent and good looks. At least that's what I've heard.

It was revealed that the bald soul reaper, was cut around his head right around the edge of his eyebrow with a trail of blood coming down from the side of his head.

bald soul reaper: I'm third seat assistant adjutant, squad 11, Ikkaku Madarame. Well, Ichi, what say we be friends?

Ichigo readies his sword, also revealing that he was too cut around his eyebrow but on the opposite side of his face.

Ichigo Ain't  gonna happen.

-with Y/n-

Y/n: Good, he's gotten better. Both Ikkaku and Ichigo took the same amount of damage, but how will Ichigo fair when Ikkaku uses his Zanpakuto's shikai form. *turns to the direction of Ganju* Though when it comes to Ganju, should I help him? No, he'll be fine. He's got plenty of tricks up his sleeve.

-back with Ichigo and Ikkaku-

Ichigo, rubs some of the blood dripping from his wound to make sure that some of it doesn't get into his eye.

Ikkaku: I don't get it.

Ichigo: Hmm?

Ikkaku: Sure there's some distance between us. But only a novice unfamiliar with fighting would allow a hand to leave his sword during a match.

Ichigo: Why don't you just shut your trap, all right?! I got blood in my eye! So I just stopped to wipe it away.

Ikkaku: Even shallow wounds above the eye bleed profusely. *takes off the pommel of is sword*

Ichigo takes notice of the removal of the pommel, and sees Ikkaku drags his thumb on the inner section of the pommel and wipes it on his cut.

Ikkaku: Therefore, you must stop the bleeding. You can't just wipe it away.

Ichigo: Hey, that's not fair! You have special ointment to stop your bleeding.

Ikkaku It is too, fair. It's called being prepared, you idiot! Instead of complaining, you should be applauding my professionalism.

Ichigo: Eh.

Ikkaku: Heh. You sure are one strange guy. You behave like a greenhorn. And you don't look like much of a fighter. But you have excellent reflexes.

Ikkaku then charges at Ichigo, and swings both his sword and sheath while Ichigo blocks both sword and sheath pair. Then goes for a overhead swing at Ikkaku, but the swing was block by the said soul reaper by using both sword and sheath, but mainly the sword taking the full force from the massive blade.

Ikkaku: And fierce attacks.

He then moves Ichigo's sword to the side, and goes for a stab and follows up with a barrage of swings with both sword and sheath. Ichigo then goes for a swing at Ikkaku, who flips out of the way of the blade then both Ichigo and Ikkaku enter into a blade lock.

Ikkaki: One could even say the sum of your movements are nearly close to matching mine.

The two break the lock and parried the other's attack and jumped away from the other, for Ikkaku he was merely testing the waters with Ichigo. While the said orange haired teen was waiting for Ikkaku to reveal his shikai form of his Zanpakuto.

Ikkaku: You should't look so angry. I'm complimenting you. You're too good to be dismissed as merely a greenhorn with natural abilities. There's something about the way you move. Who is your master, Ichigo?

Ichigo: Truth is, I only trained for 10 days. So I don't know if I can really call him my master. But there is a man who taught me the skills to fight.

Ikkaku: Who is he?

Ichigo: It's kisuke Urahara.

This brings a shocked look to Ikkaku face from just hearing the name alone,  he wasn't the only one Y/n who was watching from a distance also heard the name as well. Truth be told he hasn't met the man, only heard past events and knowing that he was a previously a Captain rank Soul Reaper.

Ikkaku: I see, so he was your master. In that case, it would be rude to kill you without giving it my all.

Ikkaku then brings both ends of his Zanpakuto and sheath to connect them together, while also increassing his spiritual pressure.

Ikkaku: Extend Hozukimaru.

As the whole weapon glows, Ichigo prepares himself to face Ikkaku's full strength and power of his Zanpakuto. The said weapon reveals to be a naginata type form, with a wax wood shaft and a red horsehair tassel at the pommel.

Ikkaku: Now's not the time to look surprised, Ichigo. Let'' go!

He then charges at Ichigo with his Zanpakuto with stabbing at Ichigo's head, but even with one eye being closed due to the blood pouring out from the eyebrow. Ichigo was able to avoid the attack by moving his head out of the way, then Ikkaku swing the pommel end of his weapon only for Ichigo to block it with his blade. While the said teen knows about the naginata's reach and is able to react accordingly.

Ichigo: A spear's reach is long. I know that much. I won't misread it.

Ikkaku: Your wrong.

He pulls his weapon back and it appears to be an opening for Ichigo, but for Y/n he can clearly tell that Ikkaku was baiting Ichigo in. As Ikkaku swing his Zanpakuto at Ichigo, while the said teen uses the flat side of his Zanpakuto to block it and moves in closer to Ikkaku.

Ikkaku: Split apart, Hozukimaru!

In that instant the naginata shaft opens up into three sections, which the section that held the blade move closer to Ichigo's head, trying to close him in and deal effective damage to Ichigo. But Ichigo was able to use his arm, to avoid the blade hitting his head while Ikkaku calls his weapon back.

Ikkaku: Remember I warned you not to misread it. Hozukimaru is not a spear. It is a three-part pole. *sees Ichigo's arm bleeding* Does it hurt? You probably can't hold a sword with that hand. I'm a man with a generous spirit. Normally, I would have taken you in alive. But I', afraid, in this case I won't receive any credit unless I kill you.

Ichigo: *wraps his arm in his Zanpakuto's cloth* Fine. 

Ikkaku: Now what? Your not serious, are you?

Ichigo Dead Serious!

He then charges at Ikkaku going for a jump swing, which Ikkaku avoids the attack and causing Ichigo to destroy a wall. Y/n can see that Ichigo still has plenty of energy to continue with the fight, and observes with some thoughts in mind.

Ichigo: Don't talk as if our fight is over. You still haven't seen what I can do. Now it's my turn, Ikkaku.

Ikkaku: *smirks* Those are certainly some might brave words, greenhorn.

To be continued

A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one. 

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