Bleach Characters' React to Death Battle Chapter 4
Welcome back all of you to Bleach Characters' React to Death Battle. Here again is my friend and Co-writer, Kaizokuoniiorewanaru.
Kaizoku: A hey-hai-di-ho~
People are really loving this over on fanfiction, 98 faves and 112 follows in just under a month.
Kaizoku: Oh, I see.
Now who is out guest?
Kaizoku: I suppose it will be... Yuzu.
She was last chapter remember...
Kaizoku: Crap. I find it so hard to keep track with all the time gaps...
It's fine, we can use Ichigo. We haven't used him yet.
Kaizoku: Here's Ichigo, then.
Ichigo: (Falls from the sky and hits the ground. He then sits up) "WHAT THE HELL!?"
Sorry was in a rush.
Kaizoku: Yep.
Just hurry please.
Ichigo: "*sigh* Fine. These two don't own anything. They only own the reactions that we make."
Right, let's get onto the story.
Chapter 4: Basic Enemies, Goomba VS Koopa
"Ready for the next episode?" Isshin asked.
"Yeah. I'm ready." Ichigo replied.
"Just start the show already," Karin ordered, not really thinking this would be any good.
"Karin be nice," Yuzu scolded her sister.
"I'm ready." Isshin told Yuzu. He then hits play.
Cue: Invader (Jim Johnson)
When the music started play, the logo for Death Battle appeared.
"Let's get this over with," Karin said, board.
The first thing the Kurosakis notice is a short, chubby man with a well groomed mustache and wearing a red hat and overalls. He's riding a green dinosaur, he and his mount are traveling through a large, lushful valley with strange shaped and strange colored mountains with white spots and the area is filled with a whole variety of creatures they see before them.
"The Mushroom Kingdom is a world that houses many strange and interesting creatures. Like the Goomba, a walking brown mushroom with fangs." Wiz declared.
"And the Koopa that stupid turtle who always gets himself killed." Boomstick said.
The Goomba is now brown and the Koopa is bipedal with green shoes compared to their teaser appearance, last episode.
"Every video game has its fair share of basic, endless, common enemies, and you can't get anymore common than these two." Wiz proclaimed.
"But which is the best of the worst? He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick." Boomstick introduced.
"And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle." Wiz finished the introduction.
"This feels like a waste of time..." Karin stated, eyes closed, head on her fist.
"The world is very weird through..." Ichigo stated.
The doors close and opened again to show Gomba.
"The Goomba used to be steadfast allies of the Mushroom Kingdom," Wiz explained. "After years of oppression due to their low intelligence and short stature, they betrayed their own mushroom brethren and became the backbone of Bower's vast army."
"Seriously...? They'd really do this...?" Karin asked flatly.
"Who's Bowser though?" Yuzu asked.
"Not sure, maybe we'll see him later," Ichigo told them.
Charges Into Opponents
Not Very Strong
Can "Headbonk" as well
Adapts Well to Various Environments
Useless Fangs
"The Goomba's main combat strategy is to just walk directly into its opponents." Boomstick said.
"Seriously? That's all they can do?" Karin asked, unamused.
Ichigo had a deadpan look on his face. "These guys are the worst enemy ever, of all time..." Ichgo them had a feeling like that was a used line before. 'Why do I feel like that lines been used before...?'
"Well they are the first enemy I'm guessing," Isshin stated.
"While it isn't the smartest thing to do, it takes some real 'Spores' if ya know what I'm sayin'~" Boomstick punned, getting a groan from Ichigo and Karin. "Also, Goombas also have these vampire fangs, but they don't even seem to use them and thinkin' about it, why does a mushroom even have a mouth!?"
"... Does anyone have an answer to that...?" Karin asked, getting shrugs or head shakes.
Gives Jumping Ability
Cannot be Pierced by spikes or spines
Also called "Kuribo's Shoe"
Can be stolen easily
"When available, the Goomba will use the green Goomba's Shoe to give them the ability to jump on its foes, easily able to hop over twelve feet in the air." Wiz explained.
"Well, it kinda makes things interesting, right?" Yuzu asked.
"It's still strange though," Karin added.
Enable Slow Flight
Better Suited for Hovering
Easilly Clipped
Can Drop Micro-Goombas as Living Bombs
"Goombas can also sprout wings becoming Paragoombas, capable of barely sustained flight," Wiz explained.
"Eh, not the impressive," Kairin said.
"And when it flied, the mushroom thing can bomb victims below with Microgoombas," Boomstick stated, shocking the family. "You know you're a badass when you can drop babies as weapons!"
"WHAT THE HELL ARE WRONG WITH THESE CREATURS!!!???" the four shouted in ether shock or anger.
"That's just messed up!" Ichigo shouted.
"The traditional Goomba may seem like a useless pawn, but these things have been known to accomplish the impossible." Wiz suddenly declared.
The Kurosakis are slightly interested in this.
"Wait a minute, is that Goomba playing baseball? With no hands?" Boomstick asked, dumbfounded.
Indeed, the Goomba is actually holding a baseball bat despite a lack of hands.
"What the heck!?" Ichigo and Karin shout in shock.
"Oh my god, it has telepathy powers!" Boomstick shouted.
"But how!?" Isshin shouted in frustration. "I thought only smart beings could have that!?"
"That leaves you out then," Karin quipped.
Can use baseball bats without hands or arms
Not really. They're just weird like that...
"Telekinesis? No, it doesn't." Wiz corrected.
"Then how's it holding it!?"" Boomstick asked, but Wiz never answers.
Karin was standing up from the couch, and was now pulling her hair in fruition. "What is with this crazy thing! It makes no goddamn sense at all!" she roars in anger.
Ichigo was sratching his head, frustrated and confused by this creature.
"I think this broke them..." Isshin whispered to Yuzu who just nodded.
"Goombas are unwaving brave!" Wiz stated, still going. "Never backing down from a fight, always ferociously charging into battle without hesitation. Although sometimes, their stubborn courage can backfire."
"Yeah, you think it would stop walking when an impending death is directly in front of it." Boomstick pointed out, a Goomba continuing to walk until it fell off the edge into a pit.
Ichigo facepalmed hearing that.
"I feel like bashing my head on a wall because of how stupid this thing is," Karin grumbled out.
"After dissecting a... 'voluntary' Goomba myself, I discovered it's brain to be less than the size of an acorn," Wiz explained, showing it.
"It actually that small?" Yuzu asked.
"Apparently..." Ichigo sighed.
"Proving what we've always known..." Wiz began.
"Goombas are fucking morons." Boomstick finished.
"Yeah. They really are." Karin declared.
"Well we know who's going to die..." Ichigo stated.
The doors of Death Battle close after that, signaling the next contestant.
Cue: New Super Mario Brothers Wii Castle Theme
What they see before them is an evil turtle like reptilian creature, must be Bowser, holding a pink princess hostage. But the camera is focusing on the Koopa who looks like he's being a chair for the princess to sit on. The little guy looks annoyed as much as the princess was terrified.
"Bowser's most second common footsoldier is the Koopa Troopa, the Turtle Warrior." Wiz declared.
"Like Ninja Turtles!?" Boomstick asked, excited.
"No, not Ninja Turtles." Wiz answered, making Boomstick groan in disappointment.
"Guess we've seen Bowser now," Ksrin stated.
"And these Ninja Turtles sound awesome," Isshin stated.
"While the Goombas are the backbone, the Koopas are prevalent enough to have Bowser's army name: "Then Koopa Troop"." Wiz explained.
"Yep, these guys are going to win..." Karin stated flatly.
"We don't know everything yet Karin," Yuzu told her.
Enables slow flight
Decent aerial control
Easily clipped
Not exactly the best flyers
"Koopas have their own set of Paratroopa Wings that can fly for several minutes with no problem." Boomstick declared.
"Huh? But it says on the screen that they're easily clipped and they're not the best flyers..." Karin pointed out.
"Boomstick's an idiot, remember..." Ichigo said, dryly.
Various Sports
Running Banks
Creating Seaside Resorts
Go-Kart Racing
Ruining Safaris
Forming Lame Gangs
The Kurosakis were shocked, after reading it, that these turtle creatures can do all these things.
"I'm reading this correctly, right?" Isshin asked.
"Yeah, we are too." Yuzu answered him.
"Koopas are also fairly skilled in Tennis, Baseball, and Go-Kart Driving." Wizard listed the Koopas' achievements.
"Are you sure it's not a Ninja Turtle?" Boomstick asked.
"Stop asking that..." Ichigo grumbled.
"Well you can't blame him for asking..." Isshin stated, seeing how crazy smart these two are.
"Their best offense is also their finest deffence," Wiz explained.
Extremely Durable
Withstands Over 200ibs
Demolishes Anything the is Destructible
Bounce Off Walls
Comes in a variant of Collectible Colors
"The Koopa shell," Wiz continued, "made of a tough steel-like substance, capable of taking over 200 pounds of pressure!"
"That... Is an impressive shell..." Ichigo said in shock. His family just nodded.
"As an offensive weapon, the Koopa Shell can destroy almost anything. It's a living torpedo of pain!" Boomstick declared.
"Almost anything... Are you kidding me!?" Ichigo exclaimed.
"You okay Ichigo?" Yuzu asked.
"Uh. Yeah. I'm okay. It's just pretty unrealistic, you know?" Ichigo answered.
"There seems to be a misconception that it takes Mario two hits to kill a Koopa. Actually, it takes one. There just happens to be this durable shell in the way. However, this leads to the Koopa's greatest weakness. When Mario jumps on a Koopa's back, rather than retaliating, it retreats into its shell. Why?" Wiz asked.
"'Cause they are a bunch of pussies." Boomstick answered.
"Oh great..." Karin groans facepalming. "One's an idiot, the other's a wimp..."
"And here I was thinking that they had a chance..." Ichigo stated.
"That's right Boomstick!" Wiz agreed. "The Koopas are cowards, afraid to face a dangerous foe. Some run from danger but others will hide in their think shell."
"Sheesh..." Yuzu sighed.
"Then again, if I were carrying an impenetrable fortress on my back and... some large Italian man was trying to murder me, I'd probably hide in it too." Boomstick pointed out.
"Well, yeah, that's a good point..." Yuzu agreed. "You gotta admit that.
"Yeah but only if it was a last chose," Ichigo stated, Karin nodding with him.
"But you think as soon a Mario picks up the shell, it would be the perfect time to counterattack, right?" Wiz asked/ranted, getting nods from the Kurosakis. "And even when they're flying after a good kick, they refuse to stick their feet out and stop themselves."
"Well they are spinning at high speed it seems, "Yuzu stated. "I think they'd get dizzy from that and confused."
"Plus, it's not really a guarantee that the Koopa would stop when their arms and legs pop out and get put on the ground, anyway." Ichigo added.
"Buhh... Well, yeah, ah yaeh, you're right, they're bitches," Boomstick stated, getting ether flat or deadpan looks from the family.
Just then the doors closed and opened again.
"Alright the combatants are set!" Wiz stated. "Let's end this debate once and for all! But first, I need to find some combat research books from audible dot com.." it going to commercial.
Karin looked at the others. "So, votes?"
"I'm going for the Koopa." Yuzu voted.
"I'm not really sure," Isshin stated, shrugging.
"I guess I'm going with the Goomba. So that means Karin's our tiebreaker." Ichigo declared.
"I don't really care," Karin said, head on her fist, and waving it off. "This battle won't be any good."
"So that's two votes for 'don't know and/or don't care', then." Ichigo deadpanned.
"Does it really matter...?" Karin asked flatly.
"Well... who knows. It might surprise you." Ichigo answered.
"Oh sure it will and someone we know will be in this show, mean it's an impossibility," Karin stated.
"H-Hey now, let's not argue here..." Yuzu stuttered out.
"She's right you two, and it's starting," Isshin stated.
"But now, it's time for a DEATH BATTLE!" Boomstick shouted.
Just then the doors closed and opened again.
Out in a beautiful field, a Koopa emerges from a green looking tube sticking out of the ground and walks across the field. The music is a mix of violin and guitar that is really soothing to the Kurosakis. Everything feels happy, even the clouds are smiling. The Koopa suddenly comes across a Goomba and the music stop.
"And here comes the most boring Death Battle of all-" Karin never finished what she going to say when it started.
Both the Gooma and Koopa sprouted wings from their backs and took to the sky and changed at each other multiple times and then circling each other.
The Kurosakis were now starting to gain interest and are now second guessing how the fight is gonna look like.
The Koopa retracts into its shell, charges its spinning attack, and rockets forward. The Goomba dodges that attack and the Koopa ricochets off a nearby wall and rams the Goomba. The Goomba is sent away and lands underneath a block shaped creature with an angry face and dodges it before it could squish the fungus. It dodges several more and then gets hit by the Koopa again... which then is squashed by the block creature.
"W-What the heck is this!?" Karin asked in shock.
"Better than you thought huh?" Ichigo asked, not getting a response from Karin who was still shocked.
The Goomba tumbles into an area between two brick walls that are also filled with numerous cannons from the bottom to the top. The Kurosakis saw the two flying creatures ramming into each other while dodging cannonballs and bullets with arms and eyes that are being fired at very angle and direction.
"Not bad, this is getting really good," Isshin stated.
The Koopa, again, tries to use his spinning attack but misses and bounces back and forth against the walls. As they are about to exit the top of the two walls trapping them, a hail of large bullets are following them. The Goomba drops its Micro-Goombas to stop the bullets. The two continue ramming into each other. Suddenly, the sun appears to have an angry ace and its attention is drawn to the fight. The sun rams into the fungus, making it lose its wings, while the Koopa dodges the sun. The flightless Goomba helplessly falls out of the sky and into a Goomba Shoe. Now the odds are even.
"Even though that part with the Goomba using the Micro-Goombas as a shield, this is getting good," Isshin stated.
The Goomba jumps and corners the flying turtle underneath a line of floating blocks which the Goomba perches on. The Goomba in the shoe is waiting while the Koopa is trying to find a way to escape. It tries to fool the Goomba by appearing to escape one side but actually escape out the other. Despite having a less-than-acorn sized brain, the Goomba isn't fooled and jumps on the cowardly turtle which sends him hurtling into a green tube. The Goomba follows, but a plant with a mouth full of sharp teeth pops out and chomps on the Goomba. Blood is drawn.
"Whoa! Did the Koopa win!?" Yuzu gasped.
"I don't think so," Ichigo stated, pointing back to the show.
The Koopa land to the ground in a underground area. He was then startled when it saw multiple Goombas. The Goomba that survived the plant creature falls out of the pipe and falls onto the Koopa. The resulting slam caused the Koopa to retract into its shell. The Goomba is now being encouraged by the other Goombas while the Goomba who slammed into the Koopa looks over and sees a lava pit nearby.
"Looks like this is going to be it," Isshin stated.
The Kurosakis get closer to the screen, excited for the conclusion.
The Goomba kicks the shell as it slides toward the pit. The Goomba didn't think this through. The gap to the lava pit was too narrow as the shell went over the gap, bumped into the wall, slid back, and knocked into all the Goombas like a bowling ball through pins. Before the Kurosakis could react, the shell fell into another lava pit. A skeletal Koopa's skull pokes out of the pit and sinks back in.
Ichigo blinked, "Okay, I didn't see that ending coming."
Karin was still in shock until she roars in anger and frustration, "HOW WAS THAT ACTUALLY A GOOD FIGHT!!!??? THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN THAT GOOD!!! THIS EPISODE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN THIS GOOD!!!"
"K-Karin please calm down," yuzu tried to calm her.
Issihn whispered to Ichigo, "Should we pause for a few minutes to let Karin rant and calm down?" he asked his son.
"Yeah... I've got a feeling she's gonna be like this for a while..." Ichigo whispered back.
A few minutes had past, and Karin had finished her rant. "Sorry, I just need to get the off my chest," she told them, taking her seat.
"Well, since you have, Karin, you want to get back to the show?" Ichigo asked.
"Yeah, we can do it," Karin stated.
"Ho oh man!" Boomstick shouted, actually impressed by this fight. "I thought thois was gonna SUCK! That was awesome! Who knew those little fuckers can fight like that!?"
"Can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Boomstick," Karin and Ichigo stated.
"The Goomba's arsenal proved effective enough, but its own stupidity became its downfall." Wizard declared.
"Then the Koopa wussed out and kept to the safety of his shell, not stopping in time to avoid the giant pool of lava death!" Boomstick exclaimed.
"Even the Koopa's tough shell can't protect it from fire." Wiz added.
"I guess that's true," Ichigo agreed.
"Not a lot of things can holdup to fire or lave," Karin stated, nodding her head.
"You may say this battle really heated up in the end~!" Boomstick punned, making Ichigo and Karin groan, and chuckles from Isshin and Yuzu.
"This battle is a draw," Wiz stated.
"Wonder what the next match will be?" Yuzu asked.
"Well let it run and see what it is," Karin told her twin. "I hope it's something that makes more sense than this one..."
"Next time on Death Battle." Boomstick announced.
What they see are two manly, shirtless hulking men that looked like they were overdosed with testosterone with epic facial hair and are now being pitted against each other. They also see that it was highly demanded by the fans of this show.
"Okay, I feel like this is going to be epic," Karin stated, taking the remote.
"Someone's happy." Ichigo smiled.
"If this is going to be what I think it's going to be, it'll be awesome~" Karim stated, with a smile that told them she was going to love this.
"And that is?" Yuzu asked her twin.
"Wrestling~!" Karin answered, hitting the play button.
To be continued
And that's chapter 4 people.
Ichigo: (Scratches the back of his head) "Didn't think Karin was into wrestling..."
Kaizoku: To be honest, neither did I.
She's a tomboy, and it fits her, like Tatsuki.
Kaizoku: Oh yeah. Tatsuki is like that...
Ichigo: "I guess you have a point there."
Anyways, we should finish this now.
Kaizoku: Right. Thank you for joining us this episode, Ichigo.
Ichigo: (Shruggs) "I guess it was nice. Well I'm off. See ya." (Leaves)
And with that, we'll see you all next to for a Capcom wresting match. See you all next time.
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