Sorry for any mistakes with grammar or spelling. I stay up late to work on these and Grammarly want's to change things I don't want changes...Don't forget to vote


Eleven months...It's been eleven months of being in here doing the same old jail. It's 2017 now got God sake! I am the only "good criminal" that they have left. My best friend is the only person that comes to see me every day, and if he is on tour he would call to talk to me every day and never disappoints me. Every conversation was either ended too quickly or if Jenny wasn't my cop another one would cut the call off. I wonder what my mother is doing? She saw me three months before I was locked up in here and that's the last time. I just want to hug her and show her how much she means to me. I started to do a lot of things in my journal that is hidden in here such as write songs and poems. Maybe I share these with him in nineteen years, except for one poem 

A/N: I'm kind of bad at poems so here ya go

One waits as time lingers 

To be awaited with the person

Save me from the darkness that triggers

Fear in this designated human.

Love to lust

Dusk to dawn

You're on my mind and never gone

I heard the keys cling again as I knew it wasn't Jenny. I just hope it's a cop that likes me, who am I kidding...no one else beside her likes me.

"Trina...Guess  what?" I heard Jenny voice as I bolted to the door off my bed

"What's going on?" I whisper

"I'm not supposed to tell you but get ready." She said as I was confused.

"For what?"

"Twelve O'clock pm tomorrow, you are going to be let out..." Jenny said as I tried my hardest to not et the tears fall out of my eyes. I gripped the cold, steel, metal bars as hard and as tight as I can to release the stress that was put on me from being in here.

"How do you know and who paid that bail?" I asked as she smiled at me seeing a tear fall from my face.

"I can't tell you but get some rest...you are going to have a busy day tomorrow." She said as she handed me a glazed donut as I took it and started to bite into it

"Thank you...for everything you have done. " I say to her as she let out a small chuckle

"You're so welcome Katrina, and I also took your clothes home and properly washed them for you. Change your life for me, will you? You're smart and too pretty for the jail life." She said walking off as I got finished with the donut and went to bed.

Time skip (Tomorrow)

My morning routine was the same. Take a shower, get breakfast, and sit in my cell, but only today we did our rotation. I was moved from cell C4 to A1 which is the cell that's close to the door. It was odd to me, it should be around ten o'clock am which means Jahseh should have come here to talk to me on the phone. Maybe he is gone on tour...no, the would have told me last night then. So why is he not here?

I opened up my journal to the middle page and found a something I didn't know was there...A picture of me and him from when we were kids and something on the page beside it...


Thank you for doing this for me...you didn't have to do this for me. Read this and do what I always told you to write in here. Create and Evolute...

Write your emotions in here, write down all of your thoughts and what you want to change every day about yourself and speak it into existence...It will happen. When you get out, I will share with you my journal with you as well...

Keep a smile on your face, and I will send love and support to Ms. Jones for you.

-Love ya Ma

XXXTentaction / Jahseh Onfroy

I smiled looking at the picture and the note he left me. So he goes by X now huh?... He's always filled with surprises, but that's my friend for you. Goofy, intelligent, and positive. I flipped the page over and started to write how I felt about this day so far.


The day has barely started and I am already having a feeling that today is going to be a great day. Thank you for sending me this journal Jah, I will use this until my pages are completely filled and I have to write on the wall. I am supposed to leave out here soon, but who knows how long that will be until I get out. Let's hope I didn't get lied too. 

I heard three sets of footsteps as I looked outside my cell to see what was going on. It was Jenny and two other male officers that I fucking hate. They don't give me trouble after I said what I had to say to the both of them. I quickly slid the journal in my jumpsuit and watched as they all just looked at me...

" Today's your lucky day." Jenny said as she unlocks the cell and I walk out of it with Jenny in the front as well as one white cop, with me in the middle, and another officer in the back.

"I can't believe someone paid 3.1 million dollars..." The cop in front said to Jenny

"Well things happen, and she's getting another chance at life. It's a blessing for you don't you agree?"

"Yes ma'am, but who paid the money to get me out?"

"Not important to answer right now.."The officer behind me says as we stop at the changing room that had my clothes and shoes from when I was locked up in here. Once I went into the room, I quickly changed clothes butting on my ripped blue jeans with my white muscle shirt with my black and white Jordans. I'm surprised no one stole these from out of here. I worked hard to get them...when I had a job. One thousand and eight hundred dollars for these shoes and I can still fit them. I slid the journal under my shirt and put my belt on so the journal wouldn't fall out. 

After thirty minutes of waiting in a comfortable chair, I felt like an entirely new person not being in orange. I saw Jenny as she told me to et up and she escorted me outside of the jail as I was confused about what's going on

"Katrina!" I head Jahseh yell. I looked over to see him in a BMW as my eyes started to water. He got out of the passager side and I ran towards him giving him a hug

"I fucking missed you vro!" I mumbled into his chest as I started to cry. I felt his arms wrap around me.

"Same Ma, I missed you too." He said as I looked back to see Jenny smiling at the both us. I went over and gave her the biggest hug  I could give her. Jenny hugged me back telling me to have fun being outside again and stay positive. Once we got into the car, I was just in awe and looked around the interior of the car

"Vro this is dope! When did you get this?!"

"A couple of weeks ago..."

"So I guess you got a lot of money to spend huh? After your viral song, I would guess you would be making alot." I playfully said as Jah grabbed something black from behind his seat and handed it to me. He placed it into my lap as he started the car and headed away from the jail. I opened the black fabric fully to see that it was a hoodie, I can tell this was his hoodie because it was his 'famous hoddie' that he wears when I see him

"Do you want me to put it on?" I questioned

"Yea, you shouldn't be wearing that muscle shirt." He said as I looked at him and smiled. I put the hoodie on and god it smells like him. I haven't smelled this cologne in a long time. He turned the radio on and hooked the aux cord to his phone.

"Where you want to go?" He asked as I thought for a few minutes and then came to the conclusion of Wendy's to get something to eat...

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