7. Fool On The Hill

Chapter Seven: Fool On The Hill

"They can see that he's just a fool, and he never gives an answer."
-Written by Lennon & McCartney

Paul was beyond nervous to meet Audrey's parents. As he drove back to his place he was shaking. He had never gotten to this stage of the relationship. He hadn't even officially asked her to be his girlfriend. They had a few hugs here and there, but nothing too serious, even maybe a peck on the cheek at the most. And now here he is getting ready to meet her parents. Paul wasn't even this nervous when he met up with a record producers, even though what the producers thought of the band was going to make or break their career.

Paul wore one of his more dressier suits, these were the suits that he wore to meet the producers and important people that were responsible for over viewing what his band does. He figured that he was going to look very put together. What if her parents were with the elite of London? He could only imagine what a fool he would look to everyone. . .

. . . "Oh you know that Paul McCartney lad?"

"Hm, the one in that awful band?"

"The very one."

"What about him?"

"I heard that he doesn't have proper table manners."

"Oh how dreadful."

"I also heard he dresses like a beggar!"

"Oh my." . . .

. . . Paul shivered at the very thought. He knew that his parents raised him with decent table manners, but not enough to sit and comfortably eat dinner with the queen or something.

"What am I going to do?" Paul said loudly to himself as he looked in the mirror and rubbed his hands over his face. "Right you have to get it together McCartney!" Paul yelled at himself in the mirror. "You can do this!" Paul encouraged himself. "I shook Princess Margret and didn't make a fool of myself."

After Paul's little prep talk. He grabbed a coat from his wardrobe and raced down the hall to grab his car keys. He walked out the door and locked it behind him and got into his car and drove towards Audrey's house to pick her up.


"Hey Audrey!" Paul exclaimed as she locked the door of her house.

"Hi Paul." She smile politely.

Paul could see as clear as day that the smile didn't fully reach Audrey's eyes. There was something that was making her feel down. Was it a hard day(s night 😂*) of work? Was everyone being unreasonable? Multiple thoughts ran through Paul's head.

"Are you alright." Paul said noticing her distance look.

"Complete fine." Audrey replied distantly.

Paul had to take that answer, even though deep down he knew she was lying. There was no point of Paul rushing through and start to question her. She would open up eventually. It might take some time, but she will open up. Paul just had to have faith in Audrey at what ever she was going through, she will tell him in good time.

"Are you ready for dinner." Paul said as he pulled out of the drive way and he was hoping that the change of subject will make her feel better.

"Sure." Audrey said curtly. Because of this Paul left the subject alone and carried on driving.

The pair continued to drive in an almost awkward silence. Paul had every intention to create a conversation with Audrey, but sadly he never spoke. He thought that no conversation could help him with his current situation with Audrey.

"Make a right at that intersection." Audrey said as she pointed in the direction of the intersection.

Paul just simply nodded. The only thing that Audrey has been doing is pointing out the directions to her parents house. After another left, right, right then another left they finally pulled down the street where her parents lived. Paul sighed in relief, he was beyond glad that he had came to Audrey's parents house, he was hoping that some of the awkward tension in the car would be released.

They walked up to the door and Paul felt his palms of his hands get sweaty. He had never had this much nerves in his life. Paul smiled at Audrey as she turned to look at Paul. So Audrey knocked on the door. The door soon opened as showed Audrey's aunt.

"Aunt Susan!" Audrey said as she embraced her into a hug.

"Audrey darlin'!" Susan exclaimed back. "Oh as whose that behind you?" Susan said as she noticed the top of someones head.

"This is my good friend Paul." Audrey replied as she moved out of the way to show her aunt Paul.

"Hello." Susan said as she smiled brightly at him. "Your in that band aren't you?" Susan said once she had realised that she had seen him on the television before.

"Yes ma'am, I'm the bass player." Paul replied politely.

"Please just call me Susan, no need for formalities." Susan smiled at Paul. "Well come inside." Susan said as she moved out of the way.

Paul took if his coat at gave placed on the coat rack. They walked down the hall and made it into the living room. Paul inwardly gasped as he saw what looked like Audrey's whole family. Paul didn't really hear Audrey as she introduced him to her family. Paul walked around and shook peoples hands as he passed them and Audrey properly introduced them.

The dinning room wasn't overly large, there was some people sitting at the table in the kitchen, the table out on the deck and most people in the dining room. But Paul was alone in the living room with Audrey's father.

"So Paul, what do you do for a job?" Audrey's father asked Paul.

"Pardon?" Paul said politely as he wasn't paying attention.

"I ask you what your job was." Audrey's father asked once again.

"Well Mr. Gilbert, I'm in a band." Paul said.

"Oh and is this band successful?" Audrey's father asked Paul once again.

"You could say that." Paul mumbled under his breath.

"What was that lad?" Audrey's father questioned once more.

"Yeah, we've released quite a few singles that have been successful." Paul replied. He had no help from anyone. If he was with someone younger than her father, maybe the whole 'job' conversation could be easier. "The band is called The Beatles, if you wondering." Paul added to be safe and in hopes to finish the conversation.

"Oh yes I've heard of them." Audrey's father said. "Now to the point why I want to talk to you." Audrey's father.

"Yes?" Paul said slightly afraid.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?"

Paul was speechless, what was his true intentions? It was like the words didn't compute in his mind at all. 'Her father must think I'm a vegetable right now.' Paul thought as his face still showed confusion. It was obvious that he want Audrey to be happy and he wanted to be the one that makes her happy. Paul stuttered before he could properly answer.

"Sir, you must know that I have no ill-intentions with your daughter. I simply want to make her happy and enjoy our time together." Paul said confidently.

There was a coat of awkward silence before Audrey walked in the room.

"Dad where you trying to scare Paulie off?" Audrey asked as she sent a knowingly look at her father. "Don't say anything." Audrey said, cutting off both her father and Paul. "Dinners been ready for the last ten mintues." And with that she walked away leaving the two men by themselves in the living room once again.


A/N: I'm sorry for the extremely over due chapter! I am aiming to finish this book by the end of August! I've don't know if I've said this but I'm currently co-writing a story with MidnightMotion ! I hope you are having a great day!

-ash 💞

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