
This will be my first book in English. It's more or less translated from one of my previous books "Czarny bryg". I wish you good time reading this and I ask you to be easy on me, because it's my first time doing this.

And I ask of you if you find mistakes you can mark them so I would be able to correct them.

13 651 words.


Hastings. Night like any other. Rosa gone out from mansion, to breath some fresh air. She had enough of everything after that day's lessons. She wanted to sit for a while and then go back to bed avoiding being spotted by anyone. Her parents forbid her from leaving home by herself, explaining that it's dangerous.

Rose was 16 year old woman. Her hair were short, curly and dark coloured, brown eyes that resembled really much the colour of her hair. Her eyes were big, so they were giving her childish look. She had small lips and because she was young her chest was practically flat. At that moment she wore pink nightgown, but usually she wore more sophisticated dresses. Her surname was Roberts and it was commonly known. Her father was one of the most rich merchants who sailed the seven seas. From time to time, he was taking his daughter with himself. Even thought sailing was not for women, she loved being at the sea. But lately her father stopped taking her with him. She spent more and more time with mother and on learning. She was taught how to behave like a lady and how she should behave as a future wife and mother.

Not long ago she got engaged to the eldest of Wilson's brothers, Leonard. Man was 5 years older than her – it wasn't much of a gap, but they didn't have the same launguage.

Leonard was governor's son, so he lived a wealthy life. But because of this he was big-headed and proud. He didn't belive there could be anyone stronger than him. He was also the Navy's Commander, so he earned a lot of money himself.

But woman didn't care for money. She wanted for her husband to love her for who she was, not for money, so she could be herself in his presence not some kind of lady. She wanted to speak aloud what she felt, but when she saw the entusiasm of her parents about her marriage, she coldn't find the courage to sadden them.

She was their only child, the apple of their eye. They loved her really much. The same way, she loved them. But she really despised the idea of this marriage.

She got up from the bench and turned torwards her room. The moment she opened door to the mansion she heard an explosion behind her. She turned around, only to see colapsing stable. She was terrified. Only now she saw black smoke that hoverd above the town. She felt torn. She didn't know whether to run help people or run inside house and hide, like her parents would have wanted.

She chose the latter. She knew she would be lectured afterwards, but she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she would run away. She started running to town, tripping a few times on the way. Her feet hurt, but she wasn't thinking of stopping.

When she got there, she was welcomed by the sight of misery and despair. Many buildings were ruined. The rest was burning. There were no time to think. She saw a man going out of one of the burning houses, helping an old man.

She gone to men, trying to provide with first aid for burned ones. She was treating wounds, pulling shatterd glass from their bodies. All in all she was a great help for medics.

During bandaging of some man, she heard a woman's cry.

„Please, somebody save my children!"

Without a thought she thrown herself inside burning building. She felt flames licking her body and pain in spots that were burned. But she was moving forward. She heard a cry and she gone the way it came from.

On the ground sat little girl, tightly hugging a baby. Rosa got to kids and took girl by arm.

„We need to go." She told pulling girl after her. „Keep him close, so he won't suffocate."

Girl obediently pressed her brother more to her chest, limiting his access to chocking air.

When they were near the entrance Rosa noticed that ceiling joists were about to collapse. She pushed the girl out of the house, the moment they fell. Rosa didn't have any way to escape.

She turned around to look for another exit. Smoke was suffocating and wounds were hurting. She was afraid. Afraid that she won't make it.

Then she spotted an opened window. It was her hope. When it was at her fingertips, wardrobe next to her flipped over on her.

A scream of pain left her lips. It hurted like hell, but she needed to get out. She tried to move furniture, but she was too weak and brought on herself more pain. She tried to call for help, but smoke that got to her lungs made her cough uncontrolably.

Rosa thought it was her end when her eyelids started being heavy. She wanted to sleep, because she was exhausted.

The moment she closed her eyes, one of the walls got broken down and two men went inside the house. They picked up the wardrobe and got woman outside. She saw like in blur, only shadows. And the things she heard were hard to understand.

She were sited on the ground and medic started taking care of more serious wounds. Not long after she got back to her usual self. She looked around and remembered what happened. She tried to stand, but she felt terrible pain in left leg and fell on the ground.

„Don't stand, Miss. Your leg is wounded."

„Is it serious?" She asked trying to get used to swirling world.

„No, but it's bleeding."

„But nothing will hapen to me, am I right?"

„It shouldn't."

„Please, help me up." He helped her and when she stood she thanked him.

She was about to go her way, but heard something peculiar. She saw flying cannonball. She was too late, wasn't able to warn them. It hit the near building, killing everyone inside it.

Blast was so strong that knocked woman over. She looked the way cannonball came from. On shore stood black ship. On his mast waved black flag. 

The guards needed to be alarmed. She tried to get up, but her body was really exausted. She needed a lot of strength to get up, but after few attempts she finally stood up.

Limping, she was going to the belltower. She nedded to ring the bell, otherwise all of the townspeople would be killed.

She thought that among the conflagration she would be invisible. But she was mistaken, highly mistaken. As she was passing by one of the buildnings, somebody caught her and silenced. She started struggling, but the man holding her was two times her size. She wanted to cry for help, but his hand silenced all of her worlds. Next moment she stooped struggling, because she was hit by the handle of man's saber.

Man slung her over his shoulder and gone back to ship. He bounded her to the mast and went again on land to loot and plunder.

After few hours all went back on ship and sailed out.


Rosa slowly woke up from slumber. First thing she felt was pain at the back of the head. It was so strong that moan escaped her lips.

„Princess must have woken up." She heard someone's voice.

She opened her eyes and saw a group of men looking at her with fascination. Her blood run cold and she wanted to get away, but she was tied. She tried curl up into a small ball, but this moment captain showed up. How did she know it was him? His body was covered in tattos and on his head was captain's hat. His skin was tanned and he had short beard. He had medium lenght, brown hair, fastened on neck. Looking at him woman gave him at most 25 years.

When captain noticed that woman woke up, his face showed really disgusting smile.

„What do you think lads, how much will we get for this child?" Man turned to his comrades.

Rosa was shaking with fear, not knowing what will happen with her. But she knew one thing: she wanted to go home.

One of men leaned more torwards her. He was looking on her with focus, making Rosa uncomfortable. She prefered when they looked at her with resentment.

„What will we do with such kid?" Spoke the man with cut-short brown hair and short beard. „We can't even play with her, because she doesn't have anything there."

All of them started laughing. Woman felt anger but at the same time she was relived, because she knew they wouldn't do anything to her.

„W-what do you want from me?" She gained all of her courage and asked that question. Her voice was quiet, weak. It resembled how afraid she was.

Man who was Captain looked on her. His face was frightening, so Rosa regretted she asked the question.

„I hope your parents love you. Otherwise you will end as a snack for sharks."

Rosa felt her body shaking again and her stomach's shrinking. Now she was more afraid than before. She knew her parents loved her really much, but they loved money the same way, maybe slightly less. They would sacrifice few thousands of dinars only as a finality. And knowing them they would probably sought a way to decive pirates.

Young Roberts hated unhonourable plays. But her parents usually used them.

She lowered her head as to not look at her kidnappers. She knew it's probably her end, bacause if pirates found out the plot, it is most likely she would be send to the bottom of the sea. That is why she wanted to have the least contact with them she could have.

„Take her to cargo deck."

Instantly two men make a move to fulfill the order. One of them untied Rosa and was pulling her after and other was guarding rear. They took her under deck and locked her in spacious room, filled with barrels with gunpowder.

She knew there's no way to escape. But even if she were able to break free from gunpowder-magazine, they were at the open sea and she, no matter what, couldn't swim. So the only option she got left was to sit and pray for a miracle.


Many days passed. Rosa didn't know how much 'cause all this time she was locked away in cargo deck. Not even for a second she was given an opportunity to leave that place. She didn't saw anyone, but few men who were bringing her food.

All of a sudden she heard a roar, so she stood up and looked through the hole in the boards. Instantly sky covered in black clouds and sea got rought. Seconds later woman stood up from boards, after wave knocked her off of her feet. She heard creak of the lock, hit and fast steps of someone. Slowly she aproached the door and pushed them. To her shock they stood opened to her. She leaned out and looked around. She didn't saw anyone, only heard yelling from the deck.

Rosa started a fight with herself. From one side she wanted to go out, and from the other one she knew that consequences would be severe. But curiosity won this battle and seconds later she was going up the stairs.

She leaned her head through trapdoor and looked around. Heavy storm was raging out. The crew was working with all their might to secure the ship. But it was clear as day that they couldn't handle everything. They didn't saw it.

Cloth of mainmast was swinging dangerously. If they didn't took it really fast, it was most likely that mast would break down.

Without thinking she run out from under the deck and got to the ropes. She started going up mast and because she was smaller than men on the ship the wind didn't tossed her so much.

When she got to the top she  collected the sail, with a little trouble. But she forgot one thing.

Because she was so much focused on sail she forgot to secure herself and the moment another wave striked the ship, Rosa lost balance and fell off.

Before she got what happened her body hit surface of the water. Terror took her over and she tried to scream but water got to her mouth. She wanted to swim out, she was moving her hands with panic, but instead of swimming up, she was drowning.

She regretted. Regretted that she went up that mast.

But before she lost her consciousness, she felt that someone is embracing her by the waist and pulling her up.

Not long after she was lying on the deck, dripping with water and convulsively caughing.

When she got a hold of herself, she looked up. Men standing before her had stern faces, but the most horrifying was captain who was dripping with water and looking at her with cold, grey eyes.

Rosa was petrified but she couldn't took her eyes from man. His eyes were drawing her in. Even thought her body was shaking she couldn't turn her eyes.

„Get up." His voice was sharp, the same as pull with which he made her stood.

His grip on her arm was really painful. Moan left her lips when he pulled harder, but man didn't show concern. He took her under deck and opened the door, wanting to leave Rosa where she was before. But when doors stood open water poured out on their boots.

Rosa felt all of her muscules tightening. She grapped his hand and started struggling to free herself.

„Stop tossing!" He snapped. But woman didn't flinch this time. She was too afraid to care, because she was about to be thrown into room full of water.

„I beg you, don't do that." She felt tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. „Anywhere, but not here."

„Why should I listen to you? You are but a mearly captive."

„I beg you." Her voice quietened. „I'm afraid of water."

„Then why the hell did you go up the mast!?"

„Instinct. When I saw it was about to break my body reacted on it's own."

„Why do you know how to do this?" In his voice she heard curiosity. Rosa didn't want to tell him anything because she knew man could use it against her. „I asked you. Answer."

She looked at him with fear. She was afraid, but more of him using the information she would tell him.

„If so."

Captain started pulling her towards the room. She felt her heart stop, breath got caught in her throat and her body stiffened. She wanted to plead but not a sound got out from her mouth. Before she could scream, she got thrown inside the room. Scream got out before she touched the water and she closed her eyes...but she never touched the water.

She opened her eyes to see, she is firmly hold by hand. She didn't feel pain because she was so much frightened.

She felt a tug and fell on her bottom. She looked at man and her eyes where saying 'why?'.

„You'll start talking or shouold I throw you out of the ship?"

She took a deep breath. She knew there was no escape. That neither way she could distract Captain.

She stood up and dusted herself off. She stood before him as an equal and started answering.

„Father was often taking me on his ship and I leaned somehow."

He looked at her as if she was mad and despite that he didn't offened her. Many told her she is strange because of this one thing. Because of that she knew how to behave on ship.

So she stooped talking about it and her father stopped taking her on his voyages so her good name wouldn't be shattered. This way her dreams died.

„Can you steer the ship?" He asked after moment of silence. She asked casually, but his eyes were shining with curiosity.

„I think I can. Why do you want to know?" She felt a little more calm when he stopped yelling on her and looked a little intrested.

He didn't answer her. He took her hand and started pulling her towards deck. Over time they were under deck the storm calmed down and the sky was covered in white clouds.

He led Rosa through the deck and all of the crewsman were looking at them. Woman wanted to dissapear at that moment, but she couldn't.

Captain led her to helm. He stood beside steering wheel and let go of her. Man at steer was looking at her for about a minute and then he looked at his comrade.

„You gone mad, Jack?" His question sounded more like statement. Captain didn't react, only looked at Rosa.

„Show me."

„B-but, what?" She felt her hands started shaking.

„You say you can steer, so show me. Leo, move."

Man listened to order and left. She took it and heard from man „She will bring problems."

She felt her confidence waver. After man's worlds she realised she is on foreign grounds. She realised she should hold back.

But she couldn't. When she took a hold of the steer she felt free. She took a good grip on it and she turned to Jack.

„What course, Captain?" Only after she asked, she understood what she said. „Sorry."

„North. After wind."

She expected a brusque answer, but she didn't get it.

She looked at mast, on which top was tied little, black flag and she ordered to set the sails.

And she didn't expect to be completly ignored by the crew. But before she lost all hope, she heard a loud yell from beside her.

„Set sails!"

She smiled. For the first time ever since her father took her for the last time on his ship, she truly smiled.

When sails were set, she turned the wheel, changing the course. They sailed for some time in that direction. Rosa held steer tightly, without fear. She knew how to change course depending on wind's direction.

„You're good..." Afterwards he added. „For a woman."

She laughed under her breath. It was first time, except for father, that someone appreciated she could sail.

„When I set my foot on ship, for the first time I immediately fell in love with sea. It was my freedom. Place where I could be myself." She said with melancholy. „But when it turned out woman should not do such things, everything popped like bubble. When I got engaged to a certain man I never again stepped on the ship." She sighted. „You better take back the steer, because I might not be able to give it away."

„You don't have to."

„What?" She looked at him with shock. „You are not afraid I will break your ship?"

„No. I can see you are feeling really good. And either way you don't have a way to escape."

She looked forward. She didn't want to go back home. She prefered to be pirate captive, if she could sail.

„I have proposition." She said, not turning her eyes from waves. „Take me at the end of the world. In return you will get double the ransom."

„Tempting offer. What if I say 'no'?"

„My parents will find a way to catch you. They are like that. They love money and only without other options they will part with it."

„They would choose it over their daughter?"

She didn't answer, bacause she knew the answer would be 'yes'.

Silence fell between the two of them. Only hustle of the crew and sounds of the waves were heard.

„Alright. I will take you at the end of the world, but I need guarantee that I will recive the money."

She noded and took off the ring she was wearing and gave it to the man.

„Is it enough? It is family memento and I am not planning on giving it up. When you return me to my parents, we will exchange ring for money, alright?"

„You don't think I''ll keep it with the money?"

„You look like honourable person." She said, again focusing her gaze on waves.

They fell silent again, but this time only sound of the waves were heard. Rosa felt that man was looking at her from time to time. Not too long after she couldn't take it anymore and she steered her gaze on him.

„If you want I will give you back the steer."

„It's not that. When you concentrate on steering you look completly relaxed."

„I know, but I cannot help it. I feel like fish in the water." She let go of the steering wheel, letting the man take over. „It is better if you will not let me, because I will come to like it too much and you will be stuck with woman."

She grabbed the bottom of her dress and started walking in cargo direction's. But man's voice stopped her.

„Where are you going?"

„To where I was before."

„You don't prefer to stay on the deck?"

„Maybe, but your crew does not like the idea of having a woman on ship, less on deck."

She gave him sorrowful smile and went down, praying that water went out of the ship.


Few days passed. At this time ship docked in port and Rosa was finally able to stand on solid ground. She just didn't know it was a pirate port.

She understood it only when some man grabbed her hand and started pulling her in direction, only he knew.

„Excuse me, can you let me go?"


She tried to break free, but the more she was fighting, the more he was tightening his grip.

„Let me go!"

She yelled, so the man stopped on his tracks and turned to her.

„You don't have any rights, Missy. You are here only to entertain us."

Her eyes went two times normal size. Fear took over her all, but she didn't stop fighting.

„Let her go, Rex."

When Rosa heard well known voice, she turned her eyes to the man.

„Well, well, well, who my eyes see?" Man approched the captain and shook his hand. „Palmer, how are you doing?"

Rosa looked at men with shock. They were really different, mainly their age.

'Rex' had short, grey hair and lush beard.

„You found another woman?" Said the older, eyeing Rosa all over. She felt bad when he was looking at her. „Isn't she a little too young?"

„She's not a woman, but passenger."

„When did you start taking women onboard?" Rex started laughing. Rosa felt really uncomfortable. She didn't understand what was so laughable. „You know woman on board draw's misfortune?"

Rosa wanted to deny, but she couldn't find enough courage. Man was two times her size, if not three and even thought she tried to belive Jack wouldn't let him do anything to her, she was still afraid.

„You'd be suprised." Said Palmer and looked at Rosa.

„Let me intoduce myself, Madame." Man approached her and all of her body went stiff. „You don't have to be afraid of me, if you are Jack's companion. I'm Captain Rex Walles."

Man bowed and took off his hat.

„I am honoured. Rosa Roberts."

She showed him little smile and curtseyed. Man's eyes dangerously shined when he heard her name.

„What Roberts' daughter is doing here?" He asked casually, but she knew he really wanted that information.

„Sightseeing." She answered shortly. She didn't intend to tell that person her plans. She took step behind and went to Jack's side. „Can we go?"

Jack looked at her and smiled a little. He gave her his arm, which she accpeted with gratitude. He noded his friend on goodbye and started moving.

„Where you want to go?"

Rosa looked around, but in reality she didn't know what to say. When she was going with her father she wasn't able to go ashore. She was just a guest and was sightseeing.

She was on foreign land. She didn't know what and how.

„I do not know." She anwered after a while and her face went red. She felt ashamed thet she couldn't make the decision.

„Maybe to an inn and then we'll think?"

She noded.

He led her through twisting alleys. If she was alone, she most likely would be lost.

When she was looking around she spotted suspiciously looking people and whores. Hearing their moans, Rosa felt her stomach tightening. She wanted to leave this place as fast as she could. Captain, as if feeling bad mood of his companion, took up the pace. They went inside the inn he was always choosing – 'The Black Dragon'.

He opened door before Rosa and let her go in first. In return he got a little smile from her. He loved when she smiled. After this little time he get accustomed to her and he started to like her company. For woman she knew much about sailing. This helped them keep conversations going. She wasn't afraid of hard work, unlike many others he got to know.

She was the only woman whose opinion he valued and he didn't mind her company, even though she was a child. Jack didn't feel it at all.

When they crossed the doorstep of inn everyones eyes turned to them. Rosa wanted to run away, just to stop them from looking at her. On the other hand Palmer was on cloud nine. He felt like god, when everyone were looking at him. They knew their place and that they shouldn't mess with him.

He stood by counter, embracing woman by waist, so he could lead her easier.

When the innkeeper spotted them, he tensed.

„I don't want any problems, Palmer." Man said calmly, looking from time to time at Rosa.

„So am I."

„How many?"

„One more than usual."

„I thought she is your woman." Now he was openly gazing at her.

„You were wrong. Give me the keys" It wasn't a request.

Man snoreted, but obediently took out the keys to the rooms and gave them to Captain.


Rosa stood on rock, looking down on the cove where the crew was swimming. Captain was encouraging her to join them but she simply couldn't.

Firstly it was non-ethical, because women shouldn't swim with men. Secondly, she was deadly afraid of water and didn't intend to go closer than 1 meter.

So she was standing and looking at men.

„Come." Captain looked at her with smile. Everyone of them was with only their trousers on, because it was hard to swim with clothes. „I'll catch you. I promise."

„No, thank you. But you can play to your hearts content."

She was about to leave, but before she could turn, she heard.

„Take a deep breath."

He was pushed and the next moment she was falling stright to the water. Before she hit the surface, she was tightly embraced by Jack.

She didn't know whether or not he would let go of her, but she wasn't going to take any risks. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around waist and refused to let go.

„Take me on shore." She whispered. She didn't want to look like a crybaby, but at that moment she wanted to cry her eyes out.

„It's shallow here. You can safely stand." He tore her off of himself and set her on the bottom. But fear was stronger and she felt as if she was drowning.

„I beg you. Don't do this again. This time I'm going to drown." She cried, losing touch with reality.

She remembered what happened 6 years ago. From that time she hated water, but she still loved sailing. She was always bound to ship, so when there was a storm she wouldn't be washed off by the waves and she could live it off with cold blood, but when it was about swimming or diving, her trauma was giving off.

Palmer seeing what is happening grabbed Rosa and she started gradually relaxing.

„I beg you, don't do this again."

„I'll teach you how to swim. Maybe then this fear will disapear." He said going to deeper parts of cove.

He let go of Rosa and was only holding her hands and he started walking away from her.

„Use your legs."

Rosa was sceptical, but she listened.

She was swimming. Not by herself, but still. Her joy at that moment was indescribable.

„Now try by yourself." She were terrified. „I'm next to you. I won't leave you.

She noded with hesitation and next she was swimming by herself. She felt free, but the instant she started going underwater all good feelings vanished.

She started panicking and tossing and it made her drown faster. Seconds later she was on the surface, hold tightly by Jack.

She started caughing and man get her on shore.

„I hate you." She said, when he left her on sand.

She turned around with intention of going back to her room in inn, but Jack stopped her.

„Try one last time. I think I know why you aren't able to swim."

„Enlighten me, Captain." She said, crossing her arms. Firstly to show her displeasure, secondly to cover her breasts, that were showing through wet material.

„Wet dress is pulling you dawn. After few days they would sew you trosuers and then we'll see. Besides it'll be easier for you to move around on ship.

Rosa sighed resigned, but she agreed.

„Come, I'll escort you back." He said, setting his captain's coat on her shoulders.

She noded in thanks and went after Palmer, side-by-side. She didn't said it aloud, but she was happy he thought about going with her. She was afraid of going alone through this town, where everyone could be a threat to her.


Few days later Rosa stood in this same cove, but this time wearing fitting trousers, below knees,  white shirt with puffy, falling sleeves and black corset. This outfit was giving her pirate look, but she was in neither way one.

They stood in water up to their knees and Rosa fought with herself to take another step.

„Don't be afraid. I'm not letting you go."

She didn't know why, but she belived him. Even though he kidnapped her she could belive him after knowing him for one month.

She took deep breath and took one step and then another one and when she had water up to her stomach she lied on the surface and started pushing water before her. At first she was afraid, but after a while it turned out she is swimming. She couldn't belive. She was swimming!

Her face widened with smile and she felt a warm feeling inside. No one could achive this and rest didn't even try. She asked her fiance to teach her, but he said that woman doesn't need to know how to swim. From that moment on she felt bitterness whenever she saw him.

Rosa dived and cold water embraced her whole body. She felt carefree. She felt free. No rules mattered that moment. She didn't care she was daughter of a rich merchant or that she was a woman. She simply enjoyed that moment.

After few minutes she swimmed on surface and saw concerned faces of her comrades. After this month men got to know her and understood that she's not like any other. She's strong, even though she doesn't want to show this, because 'she must be a lady'. She's woman who isn't afraid of hard work, so they welcomed her as one of them.

Rosa went to Jack and couldn't help her joy, so she hugged him. When it got to her what she just done, she backed away, going all red.

„Thank you. I thank you from all my heart. For 6 years they were trying to get rid of this fear and no one could. Maybe pirates aren't as bad as they say?"

She smiled at him and turned away to swim some more.

Not long after they departed again. Palmer on the one hand wanted this treasure, on the other Rosa could be valuable for his crew. She knew how to behave on ship, didn't have problem with masts, wasn't afraid of heights, could clean deck and knew how to steer ship. Adding to that if it was needed she could use cannons.

Few days after their departure in port docked few ships of English Navy. On biggest and leading one was Leonard Wilson.

Man looked with disgust at filth and lechery that was spreading in port. He gone off of his ship and with his men he started searching that place, destroing everything on his way. Finally, when he learned where his beloved vanished he ordered to depart.

„I will find you. I will not let anyone take you from me."


Two weeks passed. Day passed by day. There wasn't a lot to do on ship so days were practically the same. But sometimes there were exceptions.

And it was one of those days. When Rosa woke up early and gone up the deck, she saw men who were fighting using sabers. For some time she was looking at them from afar, before Leo spotted her. He had short, brown hair and short beard. He was quatermaster on 'Black Eagle' - this was ship's name. Leo was first after Captain and it was his duty to take over when Captain wasn't able to command.

He beckoned her over and she stood before him.

„You want to learn how to fight?" He asked looking carefully at Rosa.

„You do not think it is unfeminine?" She asked rising one eyebrow. Man looked shocked. „Alright. But are you confident you can teach me? If you have not seen yet, I am special-needs child."

„We'll see."

They stood vis-a-vis and Leo drawn his saber and threw it at her. She didn't try to catch it but jumped away, being afraid that it would hit her.

„Without this, it'll be hard for you."

She got deep breath and picked saber up and then she tossed it back to man.

„Once again."

This time she tried to catch it, but weapon again landed on boards. Rosa picked it up and positioned herself the same way as Leo.

Man swinged saber and Rosa cowered up.

„You have to shiled yourself using sword." He said, helping her up. „Otherwise you'll die fast."

They took positions again and man attacked, immediately knocking out her weapon.

„Hold it firmly, so it wouldn't be knocked out so easily. Even though you are a woman, you wouldn't be treated differently. They'll kill you the first chance they get, same as us. For now you are a pirate, so you should fight like one."

They spaired again. Rosa was able to block man's attack and even deflect. Next she attacked him, but he immediately dodged and before she got what happened, she had blade pressed against her throat.

„Why so slow?" He asked with laughter.

„I am lacking second hand. It's easier to shiled using one and attack with other."

Leo requested from Ethan, grew blond guy, to lend woman his sword. Man drew his saber and throwed to Rosa. And, suprasingly, she caught it. She started jumping with happiness and her face widened with smile. But when she saw she was watched by them all, she got embarassed and stood in battle position.


At first it was hard for her to keep balance after clashing weapons with opponent and with striking blows where she wanted. But when time passed she started to understand her own mistakes and correct them.

When she learened basics, she started experimenting. She learned that 'the bigger, the better' isn't exactly true and beacuse she was small she was more agile than men on the ship.

At that exact moment she stood opposite to Captain, holding two sabers in hands and readying herself for battle.

It wasn't her who initiated this fight. In the morning Jack went to her and asked her 'if she wanted to try herslef with him'. Not giving it much thought she agreed.

They started going in circles. Palmer, in contrast to Roberts, was holding one saber, which didn't meaned he was weaker.

He started turning weapon, to show his ability to control it. Rosa wanted to do the same, but weapon got out of her hand and fell, to what men watching fight, reacted with laughter. But they didn't know one thing: She did it deliberately to dull Jack's vigilance.

She was a pirate [at that moment] and they were using every trick they had. And even thought she was against dirty tricks, from time to time she was also using them.

Man attacked first. He swinged at her stomach and she dodged. Next she launched an attack.

She aimed one saber at his head and another at his legs. But before any reached it's target he jumped away. She gathered herself quickly and attacked again. This time he deflected her atack. He did it so hard that she fell over on the boards.

She gasped when her hip hit the deck, then her face showed pain.

Palmer started moving her direction, planning to end this fight, but Rosa wasn't going to let him.

When he was within her reach, she kicked him on leg and he curled up with pain. It gave her enough time to get up. She knew she would have bruise, but it wasn't time to think about it.

Again she stood before her opponent with stubborness showing on her face. She wasn't planing to lose. She wanted to show them that woman can be stronger than man.

But it was hard task, because Jack was two times her size.

„Fine as for woman" Sad Palmer with lousy grin.

„Poorly as for man." Roberts passed the buck, making his grin fade.

„Soon you'll sing a diffrent song."

He aimed for her legs, planning attacking her chest next. But he didn't expected what she did.

Instead of dodging by jumping back as he was expecting, she jumped and immobilized his blade using her legs. He's eyes went two times normal size, but he gathered himself really quickly and he pulled his weapon, before she got a chance to attack.

But before she fell, she grabbed him and they landed on boards together. They were tossing and turning and moments later Rosa lied below Jack with saber pressed to her throat. She wasn't indebted to him, because she held knife pressed to his ribs.

They both were panting from exertion and they both couldn't belive what just happened. And not only them.

„We have a draw!" Yelled Leo, going to them. „I didn't thought there is someone who could be equal to Jack in fighting with melee weapon."

„So am I." Palmer got up and offered his hand to Rosa. She took it with hesitation. „Congratulations. No one ever in such short time got equal to me."

„I should take it as a complement, right?" She said with smile.

She couldn't belive what just happened but she took it really calmly.

Pirates were chatting about duel and smile wasn't dissapearing from Rosa's face. For the first time she felt she found her place in world.


Next months were passing and Rosa felt better on ship by the day. She grew accustomed to the crew and the most with Captain. Crew also noticed this. Every time Rosa took steer their Captain always accompanied her. When Captain was going on deck on nights, she was also on it always joining the man. Usually she was the fisrt one on deck. They could spend hours with themselves, forgetting about world. Crew saw how they were looking at each other, but it wasn't their place to make them aware of this.

In addition they started treating her as one of them. At first they were showing hostility to her, but when some time passed, it started changing. They understood that she's different from any other woman and she doesn't bring misfortune, but you could even say it was other way around.

Rosa was standing by the steer. On her left stood Jack, on her right Leo. Men were making sure she is keeping the course.

Then they heard Oliver's yell from foretop.

„I see land!"

„Keep the course." Said Palmer to Rosa.

She nodded and took firmer grip on wheel, steering ship on  island. Not long after, they docked in port.

The crew started to leave ship, but Rosa refused to leave it. This time she was afraid. She didn't know but she was afraid to stand on this particular island.

Jack stoopped in the middle of footbridge and turned to Rosa.

„What are you afraid of? They don't bite." She looked at him as if he was an idiot and that made him laugh.

She sighed and started to walk down the footbridge and when she got to him, he started walking again.

When they were passing by house, one like many others, they saw an old lady. Then out of nowhere strong wind started blowing openig doors to henhouse. Chickens immediately took their chance and ran away from it. Rosa saw what happened and she couldn't go by. She jumped by fence surrounding the house and tried to catch birds. But it was hard to catch runaways. It didn't help that Jack was laughing his ass off looking from the side.

„Could you shut up and get you ass here to help me with this?" She asked, rising her brow.

He looked at her some time with amusement and then he moved to help her. They quickly gathered animals and gave it back to granny.

Woman smiled and thanked them.

„Jack, you finally found yourself a girlfriend?" She asked and made Jack beet red.

„No, she's just a passenger."

„I didn't know you were transporting people. I thought you only conveyed money. Why are you sailing with Jack?" This question was directed to Rosa. „You must know who he is."

„I know. Jack promised to take me at the edge of the world."

Granny looked at Palmer with anger.

„Are you dumb, boy!? What if you fall!?"

„It's my decision. Rosa wanted to see the end and I agreed."

Woman sighed, but smile came back on her face.

„Just don't fall. Have fun."

„Thank you and goodbye." Said Roberts when they were leaving.

Jack took her to big house. On the oustside it didn't stand out. It looked like any other. But insides were richly decorated. New furnitures from dark wood. On the table in the corner laid maps. There were also two doors. Jack went to the one's on the left and opened them, letting Rosa in first. She looked around. Room was preatty big, decorated in dark colours. Inside were wardrobe, desk and really big bed.

„When we'll be staying here this'll be your room. Is it okay?" He asked standing in the doorframe.

„I really thought it would be smaller." She said turning towards man and throwing herself on the bed. „But it's good change."

Jack nodded and left room. Rosa curled up and didn't even know when she fell asleep.


Few days passed. Rosa didn't have anything to do, so she was sightseeing in the town. She couldn't find Jack anywhere. He was always gone on the dawn, before she woke up.

So she was wandering through the town without a goal, taking in the tropical views. In England she didn't have that. As an example, she saw palm trees for the first time.

She was walking forward and daydreaming, what caused her to bump into someone.

„Sorry." She said, taking two steps back to see on who she bumped into. When she understood who he was, she couldn't belive who she saw. „Rex?"

„If anything it's Captain Rex for you." He snapped, when he saw who stood before him. „What're you doing here?"

„Jack had something to do. Besides we need to replenish supplies and we can sail further."

„'You'?" She nodded not understanding what he meant. „Since when are you part of the crew?"


„Answer." He snapped.

„I am not. But I can freely move around the ship. Jack even let's me..."

„For you it's Captain Jack!" He rised his voice.

She looked at him as if he were mad.

„If he isn't disturbed by that it shouldn't matter to you how I adress him."

„Now you're sassy? Last time you weren't so brave."

„Thank your friend." She said passing by him and she started walking forward. „I have nothing more to say to you. It was good to see you."

She didn't turened to Rex, so she couldn't see his grinning face. He moved again, but he spotted Jack.

„How much you heard?" Ha asked standing beside his friend.

„Enough. It's hard to belive few months ago she was shaking with fear from only looking at me."

„Why did you take her?"

„For ransom."

„So why are you taking her this far?"

„So she would help me get it."

„You really think that she'll do this? She wouldn't get anything from this, on the contrary, she'll lose."

„If not, she'll also lose." Jack showed him the ring he got from Rosa. „She wouldn't leave it. It's more precious to her than few thousands reals."

„If you think so." Rex sighed and shrugged. „ You better won't be mistaken. Good luck mate and be cautious of her."

He patted Jack on the back and went his way. Jack stood some time there, looking the way Rosa dissapeared and next he gone back to his tasks.


Few days latter they took off. That place was really to Rosa's liking. People there were equal in opposition to Hastings. All of them had the same right for land or food. This is why they were so different from English people.

When they boarded Jack prohibited her from going on deck. She didn't know why, but she listened to his request.

Not long after the ship got tossed and Rosa heard cannon shot.

When she got up ship tossed again, but this time harder, sending her on boards. Seconds later cannonball flew above her head, destroing everything on it's way.

Rosa quickly got up and she wanted to leave the room, but Leo stopped her.

„What is happening!?" She shouted when man closed doors after himself.

„Navy." He snorted and grabbed Rosa pulling her torwards. „I'm sorry. Jack ordered to do this."

He drawn knife and stabbed her side. She screamed and next moment she was lying on boards, trying to stop the bleeding.

„Why?" She asked feeling that blood is leaking from the corner of her mouth.

„It's the only way for you to live." He said leaving the room and locking the door. Not long after Rosa fainted.

But outside started living hell. Cannonballs were flying in all directions, but because pirates were outnumbered it was clear who will lose.

„Draw to that island!" Jack ordered, going to helm.

„But Captain, it's suicide!"

„We must, otherwise we'll go to bottom. They wouldn't shot because that woman is on board."

„Tell me the truth. It was your plan from the beggining."

Jack only nodded and stared at land that was getting closer. He knew when they dock, it'll be the end.

Wilson stood on prow and looked what his cannonns were doing to pirate's ship.

Then he saw they were retreating. They wanted to get on the island.

He started laughing mockingly.

„Hold fire!"

All ships under his command stopped shooting.

„They cannot escape. Course on that island! I will get them and silence once and for all."

Only one ship docked on the island, rest stood in reserve.

When ship docked, first order Leonard gave was to search abandoned ship. Rest of his people had to go deeper the land and search for runaways.

„Captain, come and look."

Wilson went inside the ship and looked at it with disgust. He wanted to leave it as fast as possible.

When he saw Rosa lying on the boards, he got to her imediately.


He heard faint moan and then he saw that woman is standing up. He held her arm and helped her sit up.

„What happened?" He asked, but when he saw wound on her stomach, his face showed disbelief and rage. „What, this damned pirates did to you?"

„I-it's nothing." She said, having problems with breathing.

Now she knew what Jack mean. If she run away with them, Leonard could think she betrayed the Crown, but when she was found on ship, covered in blood...she couldn't do this to herself. This way the crew was guilty of it.

But Rosa didn't know one thing: Why?

Leonard helped her up and took her on his ship to treat her wound. Then he left ship and went to search for pirates.

Rosa stayed on ship. But she wasn't expecting things that happened.

Medic didn't stiched her wound, but ordered his two assistants to held her and where there was wound he burned on her skin Jolly Roger.

When man though Rosa isn't consious he started singing and talking to himself.

„Finally Captain will be able to dispose of this girl. Who wouldn't belive a medic that mark was there before."

Then she knew, she cannot stay there. She knew there were no way out for her, but she could still save Jack and his crew.

Silently as she could, she stood up from cot and grabbed stick resting by the bed. Quietly she went to the man and when he turned she swung it and hit him on the head. When he was lying unconcious on the ground she ran away from ship.

Wound was still open and amonut of blood she lost wasn't helping either.

She was going further into jungle, still trying to stop the bleading. Then she got to the beach that parted one forest from the other. She saw someone's shadow, so she picked up a pace. And even thought she was feeling terrible pain she still moved forward.

When she had forest on sholder lenght she heard gunshot.

She turned around just to see Wilson holding his gun against Jack's temple. There were also rest of the crew, all of them captured.

„Thank you for leading me to them." Leonard sneered.

Rosa's legs gave out and she was now kneeling in sand. Her arm fell off of the wound letting blood freely flow.

All was lost.


„We shouldn't trust her."

That and similar worlds were thrown her direction. But she still kneedled with her eyes big from disbelief. All was lost because of her. Because she went after them.

„How could you trust someone who wasn't on your side, to begin with?"

Jack's worlds hurt like deep wounds, because it wasn't like he said. It was the exact opposite. Rosa fell in love with this life. Eternally on seas. And even thought there weren't opportunity to see if she would like life of lawless, she knew if she was to choose, she would choose being a pirate, instead of wife of that coxcomb.

Leonard gave Jack to one of his men and he went to Rosa and helped her up.

„Come, my love. We are going home." She wasn't going to move, so he leaned to her ear. „If you will not cooperate I will order to kill them right here, right now."

„Promise, you will spare them."

He nodded and then Rosa let him lead her. She just didn't know she was making graveyal mistake.

They went back to jungle. When they were passing by the river, by the bluff not too far from waterfall, Leonard stopped and turned around to his quatermaster.

„Kill half, rest will be hanged with their captain."

Rosa stpped abruptly and grabbed Wilson by the arm.

„You promised you'll spare them!" Tears started gathering in the corners of her eyes.

„No matter when, they will die. I did not promise you anything.


She wanted to slap him, but she felt pain in wound. She curled and moaned from pain.

„Don't...don't do this." Her voice was quiet.

One by one, guns were pressed to temples of her comrades and every one of them got bullet in the head. Rosa was looking at it with tearing eyes, not being able to help her friends.

„Find Marina! Tell her I lo..." Gun fired and Leo quietend.

„No!" She wanted to get to him, but she was strongly held by Leonard.

„Calm down." Bodies were thrown to the river, so they would dissapear. „We will go back home and marry and they would be hanged for their crimes."

Her face shown pure disgust. She couldn't look at this man who ordered to kill this people. He wasn't all that different from pirates. He just explained himself he was doing this for good.

When Rosa looked at Leonard, he looked at her with disbelief.

„I'd rather die than marry you."

All of them were shocked. No one belived that this little, obedient girl will be able to say something like that. Jack's face widened with smile.

„If you want. Your wish is my command."

Before anyone moved, he drwan his gun and pulled the trigger. Rosa felt horrible pain. She staggered and the next moment she was falling down.

Last she saw was Jack, last she left was cold embracing her body.

He saw bullet going her way and piercing her body. He saw her stagger and next moment falling.

Jack saw it all, but couldn't do anything.

He was tossing and wanted to get his hands on Wilson, but he was firmly held and could do nothing.

When Roberts' body dissapeared in depths of water, Lonard turned around to Captain Palmer.

„Take them. We are going back to England." He came close to the pirate. „ And you will hang for killing my fiancee and robbery."

„You'll pay for this!" Jack jerked forward trying to headbutt scoundrel.

„I don't think so. Your world versus mine. Who would they belive, pirate?"

They started pulling them on ship. Jack tried to fight, but in vain.

Before they got him onboard, he looked for the last time on island where he lost so much.

Many hours passed. She slowly opened her eyes. She wanted to get up, but she felt terrible pain. She sprung up and curled with pain.

Wound on shoulder was a real pain. She felt terrible but she knew she was alive...somehow.

She wanted to get up and only then she felt weight on her legs. When she looked on them she threw up.

On her legs was body of one of her comrades. She couldn't help but retch.

She pushed corpse off of herself and started running. She wanted to be as far as possible from that place. But it was really hard.

Wound in shoulder and the one in stomach were giving signs of being there and they were badly bleeding.

She started going up the track. She didn't know where she was and what is happening with her and where is she going. She only knew she must get out from there the fastest way possible.

She planned to save Jack. As they say: „Life for life".

He spared her and she was planing to pay her debt, even if it meant they would kill her.


She didn't know how many time passed, but she knew it was a lot. Rosa was wandering through the island, trying to find shore.

When she finally did that, it appeared that she was on this side of island where Black Eagle was docked. She was delighted.

Even thought her wounds were beeding and she was hungry, she started running. She went immediately onboard and started rummaging through bottles, looking for something she could disinfect her wounds with. She also looked for some cloth to bandage them. It was necessary, especially because they tore open again.

When she looked through one of the shelves, somone boarded ship, but she was so much engrossed by her searching that she didn't noticed

She got to know about this only when she felt blade pressed to her throat. Without thinking she attacked his sensitive spot and when he was curling with pain she grabbed the gun that was hanged on the wall.

She aimed at him, ignoring the pain.

Then she saw who she attacked.


She said lowering the weapon Then pain got to her. She grabbed aching place. To her misfortune she grabbed it with wounded arm and now she was suffering consequences.

„What are you doing here?" She asked, still holding bleeding arm.

„It's me who should ask that question. Where's Jack?"

His tone was anything but friendly. But Rosa didn't care about it. She returned to looking for medications and at the same time she answered the question.

„On the way to hanging."

„Say what!?" He grabbed her and shaked her. „Speak. What have you done!?"

„Shut up. My head is killing me. I just lived through gunshot and fall from 50 meters, so shut up for second." Disbelief on man's face is had to describe. „They say I betrayed them, but it's not truth. I wouldn't do this to someone who showed me how life looks...You don't have to belive me, but I'm going to save Jack. Even if I have to move this by myself."

She finally found bottle with alcohol. She tore off her shirt and poured liquid on wound. It stung like hell, but wound was clean. She did the same thing with the other. Then she got out clean cloth and was going to bandage the wounds, but Walles interupted her.

„Give it, I'll help you."

Without complaint she gave him material and let him dress her wounds.

„Why?" She asked, covering her chest when man tied cloth.

„It's as Jack said. You're special, in odd way, but special. Not every woman would stood her ground when she saw a gun."

„Technically speacking, I haven't had time to react. My 'fiance' shot without aiming..." She turned pale. „Jack! He'll be hanged for killing me. We cannot wait."

„Calm down." He sighed. „I'll take you on 'Island'. Then I'll go save Jack."

„No way. I got him there and I'll help him out."

„Technically, he did it to himself."

„Close your trap. If I didn't drag him at the end of the world nothing would happen." She moved to the door and was about to leave, but then she stopped for brief moment. „First things first. I must meet Marina."



„Marina lives on Island."

„Then it's settled. You would resupply and I'm going to meet with her."

„Aren't you too bossy?"

„I know you have your pride, but I won't let anything happen to Jack. So it would be better for us both, if you hide it in your pocket."

She left the room. Moments later Rex went after her with grin.

'You have odd taste, Jack.' He thought when he was leaving.


They sailed for about one week. All this time Rosa was recuperating her wounds. She knew without operational arm she was useless so she sat and looked.

When they got to Island, she ran on shore, planning to look for Marina but Captain stopped her.

„You're staying here and we are going to get Jack back."

„Don't make me laugh. I'm going to find Marina and at the same time you can resupply. Then we can head out."

„You have time until dusk. If you don't come back we're going without you."

She nodded and took off. On her face was big smile.

She went to house of the old woman, she was helping with catching hens.


„Hello, young one. How can I help you?"

„Do you know where can I find Marina?"

„Yes. She should be in church right now. But she should be free in a few minutes."

„Where it's located?"

„On main square."

„Thank you."

She sprinted away, trying to hold injured arm close to her, so not to damage it more. It wasn't the brightest idea to run, but she was short on time.

When she saw a cross, she picked up the speed. Only when she got to the building she slowed down and went inside chapel.

When inside, she looked around. There were few people, but she spotted brown, long haired woman, she was looking for.

She went to her and kneeled beside her. Then she leaned to her ear and whispered.

„I'll be waiting in front of church."

After those worlds she stood and left the building.

She stood, leaning by the wall for a few minutes. When woman left the building Rosa stood in front of  her.


„Yes. How can I help you?"

„Can we talk eye to eye? You know some quiet place?"

„Depends on who you are."

„Rosa. Leo sent me."


She went after her obediently. They got to small house on the outskirts.

„So, what do you want?" It was as plain as day that she wasn't friendly.

„Leo said to tell you he loves you."

„This is why you came for?" She said, then she put her hand on stomach.

„Y-you're pregnant?"

„Yes, 7 month."

Rosa felt her eyes tearing. Because of her this child will grow without father. Because she led this monster to them.

„I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." Rosa bursted into tears. She sat on the ground and started crying. „It's my fault..."

„What are you talking about?"

„Leo said...They pressed the gun...When he was about to die, he thought only about you..."

„What!?" Woman held her stomach and fell on chair.

„I'm sorry...It's my fault. If only I stayed on this damned ship...If only I stayed...If I let them take me back to England, he wouldn't die."

„But you would be dead."

Rosa nodded. She didn't want to admit it, but she was afraid to die. But at the same time she couldn't forgive herself, that because of her her friend died. Died beloved and father of unborn child.

„Don't cry." She said, stroking Rosa's head. „He chose this life knowing how it could end. It's not your fault."


„No buts. You should live life you were given by Leo. Don't let his death be in vain. Let me ask only one thing: Did everyone die?"

She denied using head.

„No. Jack is alive, as the half of the crew. I don't know why they killed them. Either way they would be hanged...Unless he wanted to hurt me."

„It could be this way. It means you must stay strong. For them."

„You too." Rosa stood up and brushed her tears. „You must be strong for your child." Marina nodded. „In that case I'm leaving. Either way I can't do anything for you. I hope your child will get to know how wonderful was his father."

„I will certainly do this"

„Goodbye." Rosa left house. But before she could go away, Marina run off of the house.

„I hope to see you again."

„I doubt. But it would really be pleasure."


„Man who killed Leo is my fiance." She saw that Marina starts getting angry, but Rosa wasn't going to stop. Instead she rised the helm of her shirt, showing her mark on the side. „And he wishes me dead as much as Jack."

„In that case, I hope that you'll take him with you to grave."

„So am I."

Rosa wanted to go, but Marina got to her and hugged her.

„I'll pray for you to live through it."

Rosa hugged her back and left house. She went to the ship and on the way back she went to stalls with clothes.


Month passed since they took off. Rosa was slowly recuperating and she could now move her arm, but it was still not completly operational, so she didn't even thought about exercising.

Rosa spent nearly all of the nights on the deck. Practically none of them were spent under. She was sleeping it off on days.

Rex was looking at her with sympathy. Even thought he knew what will happen when they get on islands, he was certain that woman will be tangled in it and it didn't matter she was young – she would be treated the same as pirates because she would be with them.

Sometimes, when their gaze met, she was sending him reassuring smiles.

Rosa knew what she was getting into, she wasn't going to back off either. She knew she could die, but she wanted to save her friends. Because they were really preacious to her. They were practically family and even thought she knew them only for a few months, they showed her more kindness than people in Hastings.

On one of the sleepless nights, Rosa was lying on deck and gazing at the stars, when Captain came to her and sat beside. Roberts also sat.

„If you want you can leave earlier. Then you'll come back to your house and get your previous life back."

Rosa showed him sad smile.

„For me there's not 'previous life'. There's only death or exile. Man, who was to be my husband, planned for a long time to get rid of me. And Jack by this kidnapping helped him achive this. And now, when I know what Leonard was planning all along I cannot come back. In addition, everyone must think I'm dead, because he must have told them tale of Jack shooting me."

„You're brave for woman."

„And you're sentimenatal for man." She laughed when he looked at her with anger. „But thanks. I really appreciate."

„So, see you at the gallows?"

„Yeah. See you at the gallows."

She send him little smile. He stood up, but before going, he turned to her.

„Go to sleep."

„Good advice, bvt I can't. It's better if you get good night's sleep, Captain. Because without you your crew won't handle everything."


Next months were passing and Rosa was feeling better by the day. Not only phisically but also mentally. Melancholy was overrided by rage and determination.

Arm was still hurting, but she started training swordsmanship again. She started getting accustomed to disabled arm and learned how to use it to strike and not lose it by the same time.

Sometimes crew was gathering to observe her training, sometimes they took part in sparring.

Rex never joined, but he knew Rosa had potential.

Few days later they got to their destination.

„Now what? You have any ideas, woman?" Rex turned to Rosa.

At this time she was dressing in cloak.

„I have one."

„I'm all ears."

„You stay and I'm going to free the prisoners."

She moved to leave, but Captain grabbed her and pulled in his direction.

„You must have something wrong with your head."

„If you don't want to sit idly, you can think of a way to save Jack from execution."

„Isn't it easier to snatch him quietly?"

„Either way they would go after us."

„We won't get him out without getting all garnison on our heads." Said Rex.

„Exactly. If we get him during execution it would be easier to hide. In addition they would be so shocked that before they get what striked them, we will be long gone.

She threw hood on her head and went in direction of her house.


Rosa waited hidden in bushes, waiting for an opportunity. She saw, few minutes ago, that her for three times cursed fiance, went inside mansion.

When she felt it's time she went the way she always used to get out undetected from house. No one ever stood there so she could safely go inside mansion from bacwkwards.

She opened door for staff and went inside. She hid herself in shadows and when Marie, her personal servant and friend, was passing by her, she grabbed her.

Instantly, Marie wanted to scream, but Rosa covered her mouth.

„Quiet. We need to talk. In place no one can find us. Will you be quiet?"

She nodded, so Rosa let her go. Marie immediately hugged her.

„I thought I will not see you." Marie weeped.

„Shhh. If someone knows I'm here it will be a big problem."

„Okay. Let's go."

Marie led Rosa to her room. It was place where lord rarely visited.

„What was happening with you."

„Many things."

„I see that you changed and grown your hair." Marie took flocks of hair that were nearly shoulder length.

„I didn't had time to cut them. Listen, I need your help."

„I will do what I can."

„I need to get inside dungeons."

„Why? I don't know if you heard but they caught this foul pirates."

„Precisely this is why I need to get there. I need to free them."

„You gone ma...!?" Rosa covered mouth of her friend, but it was to late. They heard steps gradually getting closer. Before doors swung open, Rosa jumped behind them. Butler went inside.

„Why are you screaming?"

„M-me? I didn't scream. You must have misheard."

„What are you doing here? Haven't you had to clean masters room?

„I just done that."

„Then you can empty young lady's room. Sir Wilson said she was murdered by pirates." Sadness was audible in his voice. „Poor Miss Rosa. So young and by such barbarians. It's good they will be hanged tomorrow."

'I'm sorry Renard.'

Rosa went behind him and hit him on head using handle of the gun.

„What have you done!?" Marie started panic.

„What must've been done. If you were quiet, I wouldn't have to do this."

„If you weren't speaking such nonsense I wouldn't scream. Now we need to tell Sir Wilson that you are all right." Marie moved to the doors, but Rosa grabbed her and pulled opposite direction. „It hurts. What's wrong?"

„Leonard cannot know I'm alive."

„But he is your beloved."

„Beloved who thinks that was able to kill me." She showed her shot wound. „He fired too fast and missed. I'm alive only because of his shitty aim. Those pirates saved me and if Leonard took me with him I would have been in dungeon with them."

This time she showed her burned mark.

„What's this. Are you a pirate?"

„No, but my fiance wants for everyone to think that way. It's his fault that I have this. That's why I need to save those people."

„I can't help you. I can't betray."

„I thought, at least you would understand." She opened the doors and was about to leave.

„Wait...I know how to get inside. Wait, I'll bring you a disguise, but it will be the only help you get from me."

„I'm not asking for more."

Marie left and Rosa stayed inside the room, waiting dor her friend's arrival. But now she wasn't so certain it was a good idea.

After about half an hour doors opened and Marie went inside with clothes in hands.

„Change. No one will suspect nun. I don't know where they are held, but I wish you luck. Come back." Marie hugged her, what surprised Rosa. Positively. „I won't say anything to anyone, but be carefull."

„I will. I knew I could trust you."

Rosa changed and left mansion unnoticed.

She went to dungeons that were located under governor's mansion.

When she got close to the gates, guards stopped her.

„What do you want?"

„I was ordered to come here and hear pirates confession."

„Isn't it priest's job?" One of them turned to other with confusion.

„Usually." She said. „But he didn't want to lose time for such people."

Men looked at themselves and then let her through.

When she left their field of vision she sighed with relief. It was a miracle that guard that was left to guard prisoners was asleep, so it wasn't a problem to steal keys.

She went to cell where her companions were caged.

„Why are you here? We aren't really religious."

„You may be not." She took cap off. „But I was said to help people in need."

She came closer to the bars and opened them. But before she got what happened, she was on the other side and they were closed.


„You batrayed us. If it weren't for you, they would still be alive." They started going away.

„I didn't betray anyone! I swear, I didn't do it!"

But they weren't listening. After moment they left her field of vision. She started yanking on bars, but it was in vain.

„So it's the end?" She leaned against the wall and tears started flowing „I was saved only to let them kill me." She weeped. „So be it. If it'll help soothe their pain I can sacrifice myself."

She rested her head on knees, so no one could see how bad it was with her.

She knew she wouldn't survive this. When first guard will show up, he'll take her to Leonard and he certainly will kill her and get rid of body, so no one would discover his lie.

Suddenly she heard click of the lock, so she got her head up. Then she saw unshaved mug of Luck.

„Why?" She asked brushing her tears away.

„Traitor wouldn't come back, knowing what will happen to him." Man reached out to her and helped her up. „Besides, we won't leave one of us."

„No one after such fall could survive. How did you do this?"

„He missed." She showed them scar. „He never had good aim."

„You're cursed. Now you must stay with us."

„I can live with that."

They heard footsteps of incoming guards.

„Time to go"

„I can't argue."

„Where's Jack?"

„We need to leave him or else they'll catch us. But I have an idea." They gave her an evil eye. „I'm not leaving anyone behind."

They started running.


Escape didn't go exactly as planned. They had to put to sleep a few guards, but it didn't come to killing.

They went to Rex's ship, that was docked in cove at the other side of the town.

„We did it."

„Not without little help, but yes. You have any ideas?"

„One, little, but you may like it."

They told her their concept.

„It's a suicide." She said looking at the Captain.

„You getting here, alone is a suicide. Well?"

She took deep breath.

„Okey. But you need to cover me."

„Can do."

„Now we only need to prepare everything." Said Rex.

All of them got to work.

Next day. Dungeons.

„Get up."

Guard hit Jack on the stomach using gun's handle.

He curled from pain and started caughing, but he got up.

„You won't get away with this." Before him stood bollocked son of governor.

„What do you want from me, man?"

„Someone freed prisoners, yesterday. But I think someone forgot about you. Such a pity we couldn't play around longer. Take him out."

Jack got hit again, this time on back. He walked after this scum and after him was guard.

When they gone outside, Jack got blinded by the sunlight. He was going towards gallows, praying that he'll break his neck, the moment trap will dissapear from below him.

He stood there and noose was put on his neck. Then they started reading list of his crimes. He thought it won't end.

„For all of your crimes you are sentenced to death by hanging."

This moment trap under his feet got open and he started falling. He closed his eyes, but he didn't feel rope tightening on him. Instead he heard gunshot and he hit the ground.

He opened his eyes to see woman dressed in white shirt with puffed sleeves and black corset, brown trousers and boots of the same color. On her head was brown, triangular hat.

„Isn't it rude to start a party without me, darling?" Rosa rose her head, showing everyone her face. „We didn't see each other for a long time, don't you think?"

Leonard went pale and people around started whispering.

„H-how? He shot you. I saw you falling. I saw your body dissapearing in depths!"

„Correction. You shot. If it was him I wouldn't survive, but you always had shitty aim." She pulled her shirt a little, to show him the scar. „It's good you haven't learned how to shoot. Thanks to this people will get to know who you really are."

She started moving towards podium. People were stepping aside, letting her pass. In the corner of eyes she saw her parents and she knew she dissapointed them, but now she had different values and priorities. At that moment first priority was saving Jack and escaping without hurt.

„Why are you suddenly so quiet? Last time we saw you were so talkative."

„D-don't come closer, you monster!" Wilson pulled out the gun and aimed at woman. „Or else I shoot!"

„You missed from 5 meters, but you think you'll hit from there?"

Man pulled the trigger and bullet went next to Rosa's head. She reached to her ear and saw blood on her hand.

„Congrats, you hit. But I'm not certain if I shouldn't draw target here..." She made a circle on her chest with finger. „...so you would know where to aim."

Man pulled another gun. This time Rosa dodged the bullet and started running to the podium.

„Guards, catch her!" Man yelled, going more pale.

But before his bodyguards were able to come close to podium, they were busy fighting with pirates.

„You see, now fight will be fair and sqare. You versus me."

„H-how can it be fair, if you are a woman. I will not fight you."

„But you weren't bothered by it to shot me."

Rosa jumped on podium and drew two rapiers. She swung and injured Leonard's face.

„If you won't do anything it'll be boring. You'll lose too fast."

„I won't lose to a woman." He drawn his weapon and attacked her. She parried his blow and striked at him.

In the background was total masacre. Britains died one after another. On podium was fierce battle. Roberts sweared to avenge her comrades and life she lost because of this man. Wilson, on the other hand, only wished Rosa's death.

People that came to watch execution ran away, beacuse they didn't want to be pulled into fight.

Pirates freed Jack and they wanted to take him somewhere safe, but he didn't leave his brothers. He also went to fight.

It was plain as day that Rosa was weaker. Even though she was better at swordsmanship, but she didn't had Leonard's strenght.

At some point Leonard cut through Rosa's leg, making her kneel. No matter how much she wanted, she couldn't stand up.

„It's time to say goodbye." Said Wilson with disgusting smile. He pulled out a gun and aimed it at Rosa's head. „Last wish?"

„Burn in hell."

She looked him in the eyes, awaiting what was about to happen. But when he was about to pull the trigger, someone was faster.

Jack shot gun from Leonard's hand. Man screamed from pain and grabbed his hand.

At this moment Rosa jerked herself up and pierced Leonard's stomach. It was dishonoured play, but she didn't have any other way.

Man grabbed sword, that torn his stomach and looked at Rosa, who had his blood on her hands.

Jack went to her and helped her up.

Leonard started caughing blood and fallen on his knees. He felt his life leaving him, but he wasn't going without a fight.

„You are able to play only dirty?" He wheezed. „I thought you were honourable."

„You were wrong." She said pulling out gun and aiming it at man's head. „After all I am a pirate."

She fired and bullet went between his eyes and through his head.

„We need to go. Before they call reinforcments." She said firmly holding onto Jack.

She wanted to go by herself, but he lifted her.

„Put me down!" She snapped angrily.

„We don't have time for this."

All who were able to run away, dissapeared from there. They got onto their ships and took off from there.

Rosa stood by side looking far away. To place where her parents were and even thought they couldn't see her, she saw them pretty good.

Her mother was hugging her father. She cried. But Rosa couldn't do anything to end this. She couldn't go ashore, because she would get killed. For treason. Rosa felt lonely tear flow from her eye.

She felt somebody's hand on her head but she couldn't find courage to face them.

„You regretting?" She heard Jack's voice.

„Only that I won't see them again." She said brushing away tears and then turning to man. „And you, Captain? Won't you regret taking woman aboard?"

„Why would I? You are good pickup for the crew." He took her in his hands and went in cabins direction. „Come, we need to treat you."


Few weeks have passed. Wound on leg was closed and Rosa could freely move around.

She was going to captain's cabin. She knocked and opened the door.

„Captain, order accomplished."

„Let's go. Let's not make them wait."

They went.

„Shouldn't you be staying by steer?"

„Patric learns fast. Now you have two helmsmen."

They went on bridge and when Rosa was close to the steer, boy backed away letting her took it.

„The honour is yours." Jack whispered to her.

„Are you sure?" He only nodded. „12 broadsides for our fallen brothers!"

After her worlds cannons fired. Salvo after salvo.

She was looking at this with broad smile. She lost many, but she got new family, where she was treated equally to others.


I hope you liked it. Maybe in near future I try doing this with one of my others books.


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