Prologue: two job offers

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the prologue of this story now I'm going to do something similar to the GTA V story when it comes with the reader working with Koko's group and the Lagoon company. please let know on any ideas for future chapters now let the prologue begin!

Y/n's pov

Y/n: *sighs* what a good day in Los Santos.

I was taking a drive through town in my (favorite GTA V car) trying to kill some time since the big score involving a bank and loads of cash I've been craving for more jobs. as I stop at a red light my phone starts to ring so I picked it up to see it was Lester calling me.

Y/n: *on phone* hey Lester how are ya?

Lester: {I'm doing fine, but that's not what I wanted to call you.}

Y/n: *on phone* really? so what do you need a job done?

Lester: {well I got two important people with me that would like to meet you. come by my place for more info.}

he hung up so I put my phone down and start driving to Lester's house wondering on who are these people that would want to meet me. soon after a couple minute drive once I stopped in front of Lester's house I see two black colored cars parked nearby. I got out of my car putting on my special wrist bands and grabbed my foldable tomahawks and placed them on my back under my shirt.

A/n: these are your foldable tomahawks you have a total of four.

once I got them on I start to head towards Lester's house and enter it then proceed to the living room where I could see Lester sitting down with three other people on man with white hair in a suit, a woman with short black hair with an eerie smile on her face and a woman wearing red with part of her face burnt.

Lester: ah good Y/n. glad your here I would like to introduce to you...

white haired male: nice to meet you Mister L/n my name is Kasper Hekmatyer. I'm in the HCLI's Asian Logistics Division the woman behind me is-.

woman: Chiquita my name is Chiquita nice to meet you.

woman in red: I'm Balalaika head of Hotel Moscow I'm glad that you could arrived Mister L/n.

Y/n: like wise, but please just Y/n is fine *sits down in a chair* so what is it that you two wanted to meet me?

Kasper: I'll start, you see I've looked at your passed jobs to that I must say I'm impressed as well as your arsenal.

Y/n: oh you mean these babies? *activates his wrist bands that turned into gauntlets*

Kasper: oh! so cool!

Y/n: hehe: thanks made these myself as well my handy tomahawks.

Chiquita: wow pretty impressive

Balalaika: yes indeed.

Kasper: well anyway I would like to offer you a place on my younger sister's team.

Y/n: I see...*looks at Balalaika* and what you you have to offer?

Balalaika: mine's a similar offer, but being part of the Lagoon company which are a group for hire.

Lester: both from what they told me before calling you is that both their jobs are quite....

Y/n: exciting?

Lester: "exciting" is not how I would put it, but they both can get you some thrills. the only difference is the group that Mister Hekmatyer mention is that his sister is a well known arms dealer. they do have some well proficient  with the weapons they use and that his sister can be how can I put this without being disrespectful.

Kasper: the word I would put it is interesting my sister can by cheerful and happy while being sometimes immature.

Balalaika: funny thing is that a member from the Lagoon company may have bought make-up from your sister when she was younger.

Kasper: *chuckles* ah yes I have heard of that. but now Y/n what is your answer?

Balalaika: do keep in mind Mister Hekmatyer I won't lose a potential member to a rival competitor.

Kasper: I wouldn't have it any other way.

Y/n: how about I join both?

Kasper/Balalaika: huh?

Chiquita: woo~ this could be interesting.

Y/n: well I could join both groups and work with them on a set schedule on which group I work with during the week. does that sound like a fair deal?

Kasper: I got no problem with it.

Balalaika: it does sound like a fair compromise, but where should they meet you?

Y/n: at my apartment it's one of the more high end ones. *gives both Kasper and Balalaika the address cards* here's the address on the apartment that I live in along with the room number.

they took them and give their pleasures and left as I bid Lester bye and got back into my car and drive to a story get some food for my home.

3rd pov

in the coasts of Thailand an Island that is filled with crime groups of any kind along with Balalaika's Hotel Moscow and the mentioned Lagoon company. in a building that the Lagoon company resides in reveal four people two men and two woman. one man was a large dark skinned male with sun-glasses and a goatee.

the other man was a blonde haired man wearing glasses and a Hawaiian t-shirt on a computer minding his own business.

one woman was a young looking one wearing a black crop top and short denim shorts with burgundy hair tied into a pony tail laying on the couch.

the last girl was a young looking woman with long dark hair wearing a plain white buttoned up shirt and jeans.

A/n: yah I'm making Rock female in this story.

suddenly the phone rings as the dark skinned man picked up the phone to answer to who was on the other end.

dark skinned man: *on phone* hello?

????: {Dutch it's me.}

Dutch: *on phone* and what can I do for you Miss Balalaika?

Balalaika: {I want you and your team to go to Los Santos.}

Dutch: *on phone* may I ask why there?

Balalaika: {you and your team will be gaining and sharing a new member there. he'll fill you in on the rest.}

Dutch hung up the phone and places it back down and looks back at the three others in the room giving him curious looks.

burgundy haired woman: what did Balalaika wanted Dutch.

Dutch: well to answer your question Revy Balalaika has gotten us a new shared team member.

blonde male: well that's new and what do you mean by "shared"?

Dutch: that's what she didn't tell me. so pack your things we're heading to Los Santos.

dark haired woman: wait Los Santos? the place that has a beautiful beach and high crime rates?

Dutch yeah that's the one.

-scene changed to an office-

in the office that resides in a well known city with multiple men, a woman with an eye patch and a kid with brown skin, white hair and red eyes and a woman with long white hair and blue eyes same as Kasper.

white haired woman: alright everyone! I got some good news!

older looking male: well your excited what up?

white haired woman: well I just got off with a call from my brother who got a us a new member in Los Santos.

everyone: Los Santos wow....

white haired boy: why in Los Santos?

white haired woman: well the member lives there Jonah and that's not all apparently we're sharing this member with another group.

eye patch woman: that's odd. but when do we leave?

white haired woman: first thing tomorrow morning so pack your things everyone!

To be continued

A/n: and prologue done I hope you guys enjoyed this story please let me know what you think. also if you have any ideas for chapter ideas and enemies that will get in between Y/n and the two groups that he will try to put y/n in a similar situation as Franklin from GTA V  and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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