Untitled Part 7
Rood walked down the hallway accompanied by Dio who had his face buried in his hand. They got all the stares, but Rood could't care less.
"Dio. What do you think about that rumor?" Rood talks openly despite the attention he was attracting.
"Hmm...Well. Since i haven't seen it myself..."
Dio stops walking alongside Rood and pauses. "Rood, what are you thinking? 'Let's go against the Hereis.' It's nothing...Like that...Right...?"
Rood says nothing for a while, then resumes with his brightest smile. "Of course not."
"Hello...? The look on your face says otherwise, you know."
The two walk on to class, hearing more of the same topic. In class, Lidusis was at the back as always, while everyone sat and chatted happily in the front. But, like nothing, Lidusis read his book. Rood looks at Dio with a serious face.
"We're already on the same boat." Rood grabs Dio's hands without letting a single response out of him. They arrived at Lidusis who looked confused at seeing the two. Grabbing a desk, Rood sat at the left side of Lidusis, while Dio took the left. Lidusis turns and looks at Rood surprisingly.
All through lectures, Rood still had the undivided attentions of the students. Apparently, getting in contact with Lidusis was a taboo. It was a firm rule not to get in contact with Lidusis, according to Chevel. But rood at breached it. Rood looks at Lidusis, not sure if he should speak.
"Um...Lidusis." Rood called.
Lidusis fails to respond which only ticks Rood off.
"Lidusis. Hey. Oi. Talk to me. You-" Dio slams his desks.
"Rood! I'm suddenly really hungry!"
"What? hold on a sec-" Dio grabs Rood hand and pulls him away. Lidusis was left alone with the two empty desks beside him.
"Rood, think about it. With just the two of us, nothing's going to change." Dio played around with his untouched food. "Not only that, Lord Artian doesn't talk whether we're next to him or not."
"I don't think..."
"This is crazy! The friends i've been laughing with just yesterday, don't even look me in the face anymore." Dio exclaimed.
"I do."
Dio looks at Rood as if he were crazy. "Rood, this isn't a joke. It's not too late-"
"So you're saying, with just the two of us, it'll be difficult right?" Rood asks.
"Then all we need to do is make more friends. Easy, too easy."
"Um...Ro-" Dio was grabbed from behind.
"Well. It's too late to turn back anyway." Behind Dio were students wielding the blue mark of a Klad .
"Rood Chrishi. Dio Varus. We have some business to discuss." A Klad spoke. 'Could you follow us for a bit?"
"Ro..Rood. W-What do i do?" Dio cried out, pointing at the hand on his shoulder. Rood just stares at Dio and smirks, leaving Dio to the Klad.
"Sure. I probably know what you want, but i'll go." Rood left along with Dio and the uninvited Klads.
They walked behind a deserted area for minutes, when at last, they found their destination. Sitting there was another Klad. The one with Chevel, the first time Rood had encountered him.
"Manon, we've brought them." One of the Klads reported.
Manon was sitting with his leg crossed, like he owned the Klads. "Right. You guys can go."
"Hu...Huh?" The Klads were confused.
"Leave." With that command, the Bunch left, leaving Dio and Rood behind.
"So? What do you want with us?" Rood spoke, fearless.
"What i want...Shouldn't you know?"
"No, I don't." Rood spoke with a smile.
Manon didn't speak for a while, but resumed. "I did hear you were new. I guess it's true, seeing as how you're talking so fearlessly." Manon held his chin. "Alright, I'll tell you straight. It's best not to involve yourself with that monster anymore."
"Monster?" Rood repeats. "I don't quite understand. In Helios...There is a monster?"
"Ha? I don't like word games. Is it sympathy? Are you trying to feel self satisfaction?" Manon pauses then resumes. "you don't know anything, so stop acting so arrogantly. Don't get involved with the monster. Even if you approach him...The one who will suffer will be you."
"Is that an advice?" Rood asks.
"Advice? No." Manon approaches Rood. "It's...a warning." With that, Manon left.
Rood was left standing with scrambled thoughts. "A warning..." Rood murmurs.
"Rood...Since they came out and said it bluntly, please..." Dio was pale.
Rood only looks at Dio, but Dio Gives up. "Never mind."
"Anyway, I need you to investigate,"
"Investigate? How?"
Rood gives off a guaranteed smile.
Rood spent his day questioning and interrogating Iduns who could have the slightest hints about of the whereabouts of Lidusis. But of course, each and everyone of them ignored him or warded him off with a "I-I don't know." Rood had tried, but no one seems to want to get involved with him. Rood Stood to think about any possible ideas, but none came to mind.
"If it's the monster you're looking for, i saw him heading towards the equipment room. He was holding mana stones, so i'm probably right"
Rood turned to look at a girl with long pure white hair. She had her hair to the side and tucked over her ear. She had a dull look on her face, as though she were bored.
"Ah, thanks." Rood turns to go, but pauses and retracts his steps back to the girl. "But...Who i'm looking for isn't a monster, but Lidusis." Rood then walks away.
Rood stood high above a building, scanning the below area for Lidusis. Since he was to use that road in order to get to the equipment room, Rood figured he'd get ahead of him. Rood finally spots Lidusis with the mana stones. He tries calling out to him, but hesitates, then with a second thought, Rood goes ahead with it.
"Li..." Rood stops himself again, then remembering what Manon had said, it angered Rood. "LIDUSIS!" Rood yelled across. That scream allured all the ongoing iduns. Lidusis got the message from above and turns to look, only realizing it was Rood. Rood gives him a wave, but Lidusis turns and skitters off. Rood was miserable. With all the effort he put in, it went to waste. Lidusis had ignited anger in Rood. He was trying his best to accomplish his mission as soon as possible, but the protagonist just seemed to be making it harder. In the heat of the moment, Rood looses it and jumps off the building, landing amidst the crowd of awed onlookers. Rood begins to chase after Lidusis. It carries on for over a minute, but Rood couldn't give up. with each step Lidusis took, Rood only grew closer. Seeing this, Lidusis, holds a mana stone compressed in his hand. It undoubtedly increases his speed. With Lidusis's new speed, the mana stones were now flying everywhere and Rood was unfortunate enough to be struck in his face. "&%^#$XXX!!!!!" Rood curses and clenches his face.
Lidusis was now on the balcony fence, ready to jump over, but he stops short and notices Rood in pain. "Sorry..." Lidusis spoke softly.
"What? If you're sorry, then stop running away. Why are you even running away in the first place?" Rood walks towards Lidusis.
"Because...You're chasing me..."
"Ha? Who's the one who started running first."
"Because...You called..." Lidusis spoke as if he were murmuring to himself.
"What are you saying? I can't hear you at all, you know."
Lidusis looks down over the balcony fence and notices Chevel with a handful of Klads. Lidu stares at Chevel with an alarmed look. Chevel, in a middle of a conversation, notices Lidusis staring at him.
Rood continued to advance towards Lidusis. "Don't you move one inch from there. And respon-"
"Don't come!" Lidusis yells. "Don't come close to me."
Rood smiles at Lidusis. "Okay. I understand" Rood then picks up a mana stone and throws it at Lidusis. "Is that what you thought i'd say?!" Rood was vexed. He closes the gap between them and grabs Lidusis's shirt. "If I do come... What are you gonna do?"
Lidusis seemed dazed, but didn't say anything.
Rood lets go of Lidusis's shirt. "Well...Not that i'm telling you to do something. I just want to talk a lit-"
Chevel lands aloft the balcony fence, his hands in his uniform's pocket. "Talk? With..." Chevel steps on Lidusis's back with his left leg. "This monster?" Chevel looks at Rood. "What talking do you need, hm? Oi, Idun bra-"
Rood didn't allow chevel finish. Chevel was pushed over the balcony by Rood, who looked over to see him fall. "Haha. His foot habits are terrible. Nice landing pose though."
Lidusis was awed. He dropped the mana balls after processing what just happened.
Rood turns and smiles at Lidusis. "Lidusis. First...Let's go somewhere qui-" Chevel grabs Rood's head, haven stood on the balcony fence again.
"Do you have a death wish...Idun brat?!" Chevel was pissed.
"No. I'd love to live...Can you move this hand first, it kinda hurts."
"You brat. Do you know who you're talking to?" Rood had angered Chevel.
"Of course. I do. Chevel Phon...Phon...What was it again?" The chatter had attracted attention from all over. A fight between an Idun and a Hereis no one had ever thought of. Rood grabs a hold of Chevel's hand on his head. "Anyway... Are you upper class, Hereis, said to have Hu~ge power here in Helios?" Rood said sarcastically.
"What was that? Was that sarcasm? Where did this arrogant little brat come from." Chevel questioned. He grabbed his necklace with his free hand and squeezes it. "Look, Idun brat. Looks like you don't quite understand. So...I'll teach you something." Chevel smiles. "Here in Helios...If an Idun messes with a Hereis, this is what happens." Chevel's left hand begins to produce white flares and he starts chanting. "Lama. El. Crus. Phel. Mericanu." The necklace was surrounded by a white blaze and it continues to enlarge.
Lidusis pushes Rood out of the way as he senses danger. "I...Told you not to get close to me." Lidusis walks forward. "Run. I'll...Do something about this." Even with the reassuring words, Lidusis was tense.
"I guess time's really gone by. Seeing as how you're saying something like that in front of me. Or... Have you gone crazy because a brat's given you a bit of attention?" Chevel looks down on Lidusis. "You...Monster!" Chevel leaps towards Lidusis with his mana covered hand. He grabs Lidusis in the face and knocks him down to the floor. "What I want...Is an endless nightmare. I'll show you...Hell."
Lidusis was knocked out. Chevel stood with his hand in his pocket and his necklace still glowing.
Rood looks at Lidusis on the floor. "Illusion magic? What is he seeing?" Rood thinks to himself. "You! What have you done to him?!" Rood questions Chevel.
"What? I just thought that monster's forgotten his crime. So I just reminded him." Chevel holds his glowing necklace again. "Also... Since you don't seem to know your position either, i'll punish you as well. How about it?"
Rood clenches his hand and says nothing
"By the way, do you have any miserable memories you don't want to see again? I can help you remember every second of it." Chevel grins.
"I think I can do it." Rood thinks. Rood's right hand begins erupting black swirls.
"Hold! What is happening here?!" Professor Kan yells, interrupting Rood.
Noticing the professor, Chevel turns to leave.
"Chevel Phon Hadelio! Using magic without permission within school grounds is strictly-" Professor Kan stops as he notices Lidusis on the floor, unconscious. "Are you alright? Mis-Mister Artian!"
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