Prologue #1
I did not plan to make a new fanfiction. But Black Garden won't leave my mind no matter how much I try. At last, I decided to make a story out of it. I'm still working on my short stories, though, they won't be released any time soon. But I promise I'll publish those by this year.
The updates for this book might be a little slow because I haven't drafted the whole story yet. Plus, I don't even know what I'm writing. All I know is I'm giving life to my fantasies. This is an AU of the actual game. I will give a happy ending unlike the game because my seven angels deserve happy ends. Hope you like it : )
(The setting of the story is during the mediaeval age)
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"My lady. . . wake up. . ." You heard someone's voice.
You felt someone shake your shoulders lightly. The warmth of the hand seeped through the fabric of your blouse. Slowly, you opened your eyes to the dim lit room. You realized that your head rested over your arms on the study table.
"Have you woken up, lady?" It was the same voice and you recognized its owner. You turned your head around.
"Abel-san?" you asked at the sight of the man standing beside your chair.
With a tender smile, Abel told you, "you fell asleep while you were going through the paper work. You must've been more tired than you let on, my lady."
"No, I precisely dozed off," you reply, sitting up properly.
"That, too, is a sign of tiredness. You should return to your room for the night," Abel proposed.
"Perhaps, I should heed to your advice," you said with a small smile.
Abel was in charge of the management of your mansion, more accurately, the mansion where you lived in. Six months ago you received a mysterious letter. It was a letter about the will of inheritance of your paternal grandfather. You, who had lost her parents at a young age, never knew about your grandfather. There weren't any other relatives on whom you could depend. The letter told you to go to the mansion located in the Heavenly forest . You did so as told. One thing led to another and you became the mistress of the mansion as per your grandfather's wish.
As he was helping you arrange the papers you were going through, he suddenly spoke up, amused, "If you hadn't woken up, I wouldn't have minded carrying you to your bed. But, I was afraid I would ruin your sleep when you were looking so cute and peaceful."
"H-Huh?!" You turned your head to face him, surprise pasted on your features. You found him looking at you with those violet pair of eyes that always drew you in.
The fireplace was almost burned out, casting an orange hue in the dark room. The light that fell on him was adding more to his beauty. Abel was an attractive man and you didn't deny it. His ash brown hair, violet eyes, the small mole on his chin, his graceful posture and aura was capable of entrancing anyone; and you were one of them.
Though, you quickly managed to avert your eyes from the man, cheeks turning pink,"y-you don't have to go that far for me."
"No," he intervened. "all we do is for you. It is our mission to serve you, my lady." He reached out his hand and his gloved fingertips brushed against your cheek. With his hand, he tucked your long strands away from your face. "I am here to protect your smile."
You felt your cheeks heat up. "I'm certain the others feel the same way." By others, he implied the other six workers of your mansion. Abel, their leader, makes them seven in number.
"Th-Thank you, Abel-san." You gave him a shy smile.
A knock on the door interrupted your moment together. "Come in," you granted permission.
A man with raven hair and yellow eyes entered your office room. He was your valet and escort. A man of few words but a true gentleman.
"My lady, before you head to bed...... you should take a bath.... It will.... dispel your tiredness," your valet, Keith told you.
"It sounds appealing. I'll do so," you replied.
"Very well. I've.... already told....Simon.... to prepare.... a fragrant bath.... for you."
"Thank you, Keith-san. As always, you are really dependent."
"It is my duty as your valet."
You stood up after arranging the papers. Looking at the two, you said, "you should head back, too."
"As you wish," Abel and Keith obeyed in unison.
Keith added, "Virgil.... will escort you.... to the bath." As soon as he said that, someone knocked again. After receiving permission from you, another man came into the room.
"I've come here to escort you to the bath, my lady," a cheerful looking man with brown hair and brown eyes grinned at you. He was Virgil, your coach man.
"Thank you, Virgil-san." You walked towards him. Biding the other two goodnight, you left through the door Virgil held open for you.
After you left, Abel's smile immediately dropped as he asked Keith in a serious tone, "are the preparations coming well?"
Keith nodded.
. . .
"You look tired, lady," Virgil commented while you two were walking.
You wryly chuckled, "If everyone has been saying it to me then I must be looking horrible."
"No way! You look as cute as ever." Virgil winked.
"No, I am not..."
"You are! Trust me."
At last, you smiled slightly. "Then, thank you...... Virgil-san?"
"Am I.... working enough to meet up to grandfather's expectation? I was an average girl until I suddenly found out that I have a grandfather who is the governor of this area. If that was not enough, he chose me to succeed him...."
You didn't notice his expression darken for a moment. "Do you find being the mistress too much?"
You nodded. "To be frank... yes. I find it difficult but in the letter, grandfather wrote that he trusted me. So, I will do my utmost to protect the people he has entrusted to me." You ended with a smile.
"Lady.... you're really kind, aren't you?" his voice became soft.
You denied, "that's not-"
"Hey, Virgil! Why are you bothering our mistress?" A young voice joined.
You two looked at the other corridor to find...
"Mika-kun, Hugo-san."
Mika was the messenger boy and the youngest out of all seven of them. While, Hugo was the gatekeeper.
"Mika-chan, why did you think I was bothering our lady?" Virgil asked, putting a hand over where his heart was.
"Because that's what you always do," answered Mika.
"Ouch, I'm hurt," the oldest man leaned against the architected wall with a touch of melodrama.
"No, Virgil-san wasn't bothering me," you claimed.
"If you say so," Mika obliged.
You then looked at the green haired man beside Mika. "Are you returning from your patrol?"
"Yeah," Hugo replied.
"It is such an enormous place yet you patrol around it three times a day. Thank you for all you do, Hugo-san."
"No problem. It's my duty."
"Well then," Virgil announced, "we better get going."
"Right." You bid Hugo and Mika goodnight and walked away with Virgil.
. . . . . . .
"My lady, I have added prepared a lavender fragrant bath for you. Let the aroma of lavender soothe your body and soul," Simon, the caretaker of the birds and animals, stated.
"You used lavender?" You asked with a big smile.
"Yes. I am well aware that lavender is your favourite flower." He returned your smile. "Your clothes are kept in their place."
"Thank you, Simon-kun."
. . . . . . .
You dipped your body in the warm water. A pleased sigh escaped your lips. Your hair was tied up so you didn't need to worry about your hair getting wet. You sank up to your shoulders in the huge tub.
Your mind went to the seven who served you. They were extremely close to each other, more than close to be called family. Happiness swelled up inside you. It was a blessing that you met them. They had been nice and kind to you from the moment you came to this mansion.
"It's thanks to grandfather that I was able to meet them," you mumbled to yourself. "Grandfather.... what kind of person was he?"
Soon,a smile bloomed on your face. "I'm sure he was a wonderful person because the people of this town are living peacefully."
. . . . . . .
"My lady, can I enter?"
Eric, the one in charge of cooking and gardening of the mansion, also the younger brother of Abel, came with a tray in his hands.
"Eric-san, what brings you here?" You asked.
"I wanted you to have a warm cup of milk before you went to sleep. The weather is becoming chilly so you should keep yourself warm," Eric placed the tray on your nightstand.
A smile appeared on your face. "Thank you, Eric-san. You should keep yourself warm as well."
"Yes," he smiled back. "If you don't have any need for me now, I shall be leaving."
"Sure. Goodnight, Eric-san."
"Goodnight, my lady." With a polite bow, the brunette left the room.
Wearing your black nightgown, you sat at the edge of your bed. Taking the glass from the tray, you took a sip. The warmth spread inside you.
"They truly are wonderful people," you smiled when you once again realized that they take care of you very much.
A cool breeze entered your room through the open window. Putting down the unfinished glass of milk, you looked up at the ceiling, enjoying the somewhat comfortable breeze.
You thought about the seven servants of the mansion. You wanted to become better friends with them, be closer to them. Specially....
Your heart started pounding and you felt butterflies in your stomach. You wanted to be especially close with..... him. You couldn't deny any longer that you were in love with him. But you didn't want to admit it because it felt so...... forbidden.
A new wave of drowsiness hit you and before you knew it, your head fell on the pillow. The gentle wind lulled you to sleep.
But, before falling asleep, a name escaped from your lips. It was the name of the one you fell in love with.
"...Abel-san ....."
To Be Continued...
In case anyone is confused, I'm going to list their actual names-
Abel - Eiichi
Keith- Kira
Mika- Nagi
Eric- Eiji
Virgil- Van
Hugo- Yamato
Simon- Shion
[I'll be using their actual names soon]
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