Episode Seven
Ahem ahem..... there will be some detailed scenes further down the chapter.
With your back bumping against the wall, you had no means of escape. Blinking twice, you looked at the two males in front of you, confused. Kira and Yamato were in front of you, both of them blocking your sides with their arms. What was with your current situation anyway?
Kira had requested that you go to the library with him in the morning. After being escorted there, you saw Yamato waiting for you. The two of them were on look out while making sure you stayed with them. It was as if they were waiting for someone. You had no idea why you were suddenly brought there. And then suddenly, you found yourself in this condition.
"Kira-san? Yamato-san?" They held out their free hands for you.
"My lady...." You looked at Kira's yellow orbs.
"I can't lie to my heart anymore."
"I'll take you to heaven," Yamato claimed with a smirk.
"So, which one of us will you choose, lady?"
".......Eh?" You looked at them carefully once again. What were they talking about? You got interrupted the moment you decided to open your mouth.
"What's happening here?" It was a voice you would never fail to recognize.
Exchanging a knowing look, Kira and Yamato moved away from in front of you and faced Eiichi.
"Oh right, I've got to check on Nagi and Shion," declaring this, Yamato left the room nonchalantly.
"Eiji is.... waiting for me." In the same way, Kira exited before any of you got the chance to react.
"What.... just happened?" You tilted your head to the side, dumbfounded.
"That's supposed to be my question." Eiichi walked closer to you and recalled what he had seen -and overheard- a moment ago. "Those two... did they do anything to you?"
You shook your head in disagreement.
"....I see. It's good then."
. . . . . . .
"Lady~" Nagi called you in a sing-song voice while you were passing by the bed of flowers. "Do you want to join us? We're making flower crowns."
He wasn't alone. Shion was with him, although the boy looked as if he would fall asleep any moment.
"Flower crowns? I'd love to." You joined them with a smile.
"I can't bring myself to make one..... I must....rest my eyes..." Shion mumbled sleepily.
"Shion, don't fall asleep! You promised to play with me!"
"If it's alright with you, why don't I take Shion-kun's place now?" You proposed to Nagi. "You can play with him once he is fully awake."
"Hmm..... Alright!"
"Lady is kind....." Shion murmured before resting his head on your lap. ".....and warm."
For the next few minutes, you concentrated on making a flower crown for Nagi.
"Here you go, Nagi-kun." You placed the crown atop his head.
"Thank you,lady! I really like it!"
"What are you three doing here?"
"Eiichi!" Nagi exclaimed upon seeing him. "How do I look? Lady made this flower crown specifically for me. I look the cutest, don't I?"
A small smile appeared on his lips. "Yes, you look cute indeed."
Cheerfully, Nagi jumped on you by wrapping his arms around your neck. "Thanks, lady! You're the best."
"W-Wah!" You were startled but regained balance quickly. You couldn't help being content. In an equally cheerful voice, you told him, "I'm glad you like it, Nagi-kun."
. . . . . . .
"These desserts are delicious, Eiji-san."
"Hearing you say that is an honour, my lady," Eiji said with a polite smile.
You looked around you. Snacks after dinner with everyone were always pleasant. The sights of Yamato feeding a sleepy Shion and Kira and Van having a light chat made you smile fondly. While looking around, your eyes met a pair of beautiful purple orbs. It was Eiichi. Before being tantalized by those eyes, you shifted your gaze, a shy smile on your face.
"M'lady!" A jubilant voice called you. It belonged to Van. The man swiftly sat beside you and slipped an arm around your shoulders in a friendly manner.
"This tart is amazing. You should try it."
"?!!" The said piece was pressed against your lips. Though you were astounded, you still ate the tart that he fed you.
Van leaned closer to your ear to whisper, "We're sorry for all the trouble we've been causing you today,m'lady. But bear with it for now."
"?" What trouble was he talking about? You felt the urge to ask him however since he whispered it to you like that, it must've been a secret or something of that sort. So, you kept quiet about it.
Instead, you focused on the taste inside your mouth. "It's so sweet..."
"Ah," Eiji suddenly let out, "there is some cream on your lips."
"Oh..." You used a napkin to wipe it off. Right after you placed the napkin down, you felt someone's fingers tilt your chin.
"It's still there, my lady." Eiji's face was really close! But he was just going to help you, right? It was nice of him to do so. That's why you didn't think of the proximity as a problem.
Oh how wrong you were!
"Kyaa!" A strong tug on the arm pulled you from your seat. The hand which had pulled you also steadied you on your feet.
"Excuse us for a moment." The voice above you proclaimed. The man you loved dearly then grabbed your hand and dragged you behind him. The two of you vanished like a storm. What you two didn't know was the remaining six present in the hall shared satisfied and knowing smiles.
. . . . . . .
"E-Eiichi-san?! Where are we going?" You couldn't see Eiichi's face since he was dragging you behind him. You tried your best to match his quick paces in order not to fall behind. What was his reason for suddenly storming off like that? You pondered while staring at his broad back.
Finally he decided to speak, not stopping his long strides. "You have grown pretty chummy with all of them."
"H-Huh?" You blinked. His voice was somewhat different. Bitter to be exact.
"Didn't I tell you to put your guard up? Yet you've made me jealous enough today."
"J-Jealous?!" What was he referring to?
"I think I've hit my limit after all." He stopped walking, making you stop as well.
The moment Eiichi abruptly turned around, he held your cheeks and did the unexpected. Eiichi kissed you.
Your eyes were about to bulge open from the shock. Eiichi was kissing you!?! Your whole body turned immobilized.
In the meantime, Eiichi slipped one hand behind your head and pulled you towards him. He continued kissing you, unconcerned by your lack of composure.
Eiichi broke apart from the long kiss momentarily. But before you even had a moment to think clearly, his lips were once again on yours. His lips pressed against yours in a deep kiss, wetting your lips.
It was a completely different kind of kiss. You felt your body going limp. You had never expected your first -second,actually- kiss to be that intense. The heat clouded your mind. It was then your lungs began crying for oxygen that he pulled away. Immediately, you panted heavily for air, your hands unconsciously clinging to him for support.
When he lifted your chin, you could finally see his attractive face. However, there was something different about his eyes. His eyes had a fire burning within them.
Breathing heavily himself, Eiichi wiped your lips with his thumb. How did you look at that moment? You were certain your face was burning. Meanwhile, he moved to your ear and whispered your name in a raspy voice.
You couldn't take it anymore. In the end after all the shock, you did the only thing you could possibly do at that time. You passed out.
All of your consciousness faded. Before your body could hit the floor, Eiichi caught you. A hearty chuckle escaped his throat. Of course, you would faint from an unexpected kiss. Eiichi lifted your unconscious form in his arms. You really were out like a feather. Without saying anything, he carried you away.
. . . . . . .
"Mhmm...." It was nearly midnight by the time you regained consciousness. The first thing you saw was your familiar ceiling. Memories still unclear, you vaguely stared at the ceiling until you heard a voice.
"So, you're finally awake?"
"!!!" You shot your head in that direction to find Eiichi. He was on your bed, staring at you with his chin on his palm. All the memories resurged through you in a flash.
You blushed a deep red as you sat up straight. Your hand flew to your lips as you traced your lips with your fingers, unable to believe what had happened.
"Is something the matter?" Eiichi asked with a smirk, voice holding hints of teasing.
You flinched. Your answer came out as a squeak. "N-N-No. I-It's nothing...!"
Unknowingly, you tried to back away from him, without being aware that you were sitting near the edge of the bed. "Ah!" You nearly fell off if not for the arms preventing you.
Without any delay, Eiichi pulled you towards him and you bumped against his chest. Being that close to him made you blush.
"....Do you remember the kiss we shared?" He whispered in your ear.
"K-K-!!!" Your head shot up. When you did, you found your faces too close for your heart.
"I-I t-thought it was a d-dream," you weakly mumbled to him.
"That wasn't a dream, my lady." Eiichi's warm eyes calmed your insides. The eyes looking at you were tender and ardent, as if it were a mirror of his heart. "This isn't a dream either."
Slowly, Eiichi reduced the distance between your faces till your lips met in a romantic kiss. Nonetheless, it lasted for a short while because Eiichi quickly pulled away. Either way, you were still too shocked to react.
"I-I...." Your soft hands covered your embarrassed shocked face. "Wh-Why did y-you......k-k-k-kiss me...?"
"Isn't it obvious?" His gentle expression was fully capable of melting your heart.
"I love you."
"...!" You gasped. "You. . . . l-love me...?"
"More than you could ever realize." Gently, the brunette removed your hands from covering yourself before joining your foreheads together and holding your hand. "I can't hold my feelings back any longer. I want you to be mine."
". . . . Then. . . " You looked at him in utter disbelief. "Does that mean.... you will allow me to stay by your side?" He nodded.
"I can hold your hand...?"
"You're already holding it."
"I can....hold you in an embrace?" Eiichi pulled you closer to answer you. It was a yes. Overjoyed and overwhelmed by your emotions, your eyes closed while you wrapped your arms around the male tightly.
He loved you. Your love wasn't unrequited. You could now express your love to him. The man you had loved for so long loved you back. You wanted his love for so long. Your heart felt full to the brim with happiness.
"I love you!" You confessed. "I love you very much!"
The man chuckled. "I know."
Once you two pulled away, Eiichi began stroking your cheek with the back of his hand. You couldn't help leaning into his touch. His warmth made your heart flutter.
"I never imagined I would confess to you like this. Even after I didn't acknowledge these feelings deliberately, I've been defeated by you. In the end, I'm a man who can't tolerate watching other men touch you."
"Eh?" You tilted your head to the side.
"The rest....have tried to get close to you."
"W-What?! No, it didn't have that sort of meaning behind it."
"I'm aware of it. Do you know why the guys have been acting strange today?" You shook your head.
"They were trying to get us together and make me confess to you." You could hear the affection in his voice. Inside, he was grateful to them.
"H-Huh?! They were!?" Recollections of earlier that day entered your mind. True, those six were acting friendlier than usual. Besides, Van even apologized for what they had been doing. It all made sense now. They wanted you to find your true happiness even though you have less than a month to live.
"I can't believe they succeeded by making me envious." The hand stroking your cheek stopped. Instead, he grazed his thumb along your lips. "I desire to have these lips all to myself. Give yourself to me."
"....!!" There was only one way you could respond to his request. Though you were shy and hesitant to do so, your impulse to convey your all to him was far greater.
Reaching out to cradle his face, you leaned towards him, your knees supporting your weight. Closing your eyes, you planted a feathery kiss on his lips. Shyly, you breathed out. "...I have long given my heart to you."
"You..." The lavender eyes behind the glasses widened at a loss of words. Then, for the first time, Eiichi blushed a bright red. "How can you be so ignorant of your appeals?. . . Do you know the amount of restraint it takes not to act upon this temptation?"
In a flash, you found your back pressed against the soft bed. Eiichi crawled on top of you, after removing his glasses. You could see your blushing self reflected in his pool of eyes.
"E-E-Eiichi-s-san-!" Your stuttering was stopped by the finger pressed against your lips.
"Cease the formalities now. I want to hear you say my name only."
"E..." You took a deep breath to calm your nerves. "Eii....chi..."
The said man grinned at how sweetly his name rolled off your lips. He captured your lips in a short peck. "Say it once more."
"....Eiichi." He pecked you again before looking down at you from his position.
You looked flawless beneath him. Your silky hair was spread beside your face in an alluring mess. Half lidded shimmering eyes looking up at him, rosy cheeks and those lustrous lips- everything was distracting his mind.
"You make me crave to ravish you..." Eiichi whispered while moving his face towards you. When you thought he was going to kiss you again, he moved his face past you.
"Ahh...!!" His lips brushed against your ears. His hot breath made your ears red. At first he was only doing so before beginning to nibble on your earlobe.
"E-Eiichi..!" Your heart thumped against your chest so hard, you felt it would burst any second.
"Don't be anxious." The brunette pulled away after putting his hands on your shoulders. You hadn't realized your shoulders had stiffened that much. "I won't do anything against your wishes. The only thing I would never want is to hurt you. I will wait for you no matter how long it takes."
"Eiichi...." He understood that you weren't prepared mentally. His consideration made your eyes moist.
"Umm...." You timidly moved your lips near his ear to whisper."K-Kisses....are fine."
"!! ....You're too cute, my beautiful lady."
Eiichi found the back of your ear and planted the barest of kisses there. His hands held onto your hips while you gripped his shoulders.
"Mmnnn..." You whimpered at his touch.
Once you closed your eyes tightly, you could feel his hot lips gliding down your exposed neck. Your breathing started becoming ragged as your entire body became hot.
"Aah!" You mewled when a sharp pain ran through you while a sucking noise entered your ears. Eiichi lifted his head to look at you.
"I've finally marked you as my own." There was a fresh red kiss mark visible on the crook of your neck. Your complexion made the mark stand out more. "Now no one else can dare to have you. I won't let you leave me after making me fall this hard for you."
"Didn't you know,Eiichi?" You suddenly questioned him, in a cheerful voice. "I cannot imagine living without you."
Eiichi muttered your name, bewildered, before he smiled lovingly. "I love you."
"I love you too, Eiichi."
To be continued...
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