Episode Four

This chapter was so hard to write... I hope it turned out good though.



"....Where are you taking me?"

"Wait and see, m'lady. You'll like it."

That was your conversation as the eldest brunette dragged you by your wrist. Honestly, he was full of surprises. All of a sudden, he had entered your room before simply grabbing your wrist and pulling you with him. You had no choice except to follow him.

"We're here!" Van grinned from ear to ear.

"Huh...?" He had brought you to....... "t-the garden?"

But that wasn't all. Everything around you was white. "...Snow?"

"Yup." Letting go of your wrist, he took a few steps forward and turned around. His arms were spread in an excited manner. "Pretty, isn't it?"


Despite being bewildered at his sudden cheerfulness, you couldn't help smiling at his light-heartedness. Van was truly the same perky Virgil you knew. It failed you to think of the recent stoic Van.

"There's that attractive smile I was looking for! Ah.... I feel all my worries melting away." He winked.

"Van-san...." You chuckled at his obvious flirtation. Just like all other times, his cheerfulness had infected you.

You then transfer your sight back to the garden. "So, it snowed last night..."

Your room had no windows so you had no clue of knowing what was happening outside of your room. At that sudden thought, your eyes widened up.

"V-Van-san, um... is it really alright for you to bring me to the garden?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"The garden is still... the same garden as the night garden..." you whispered, hanging your head down. "....I'm not allowed here."

In order to dissipate your furrowed brows, the male put his hand on your head. "You shouldn't think of that, m'lady. I'm the one who brought you here. So, if anything, I'm the one to blame."

"But I don't want you to be blamed because of me." You cried out. You wanted to go outside for the longest time. However, if someone else was to be punished for your deed then... "I really should go back to my room..."

"No." The man had gripped your wrist when you were about to turn around. With a faint smile, he told you, "you're way too kind, m'lady."

Something soft had landed on your orange dress. It was snowing. The snow had begun descending again. In the hushed white garden, your eyes remained locked.

A hand was placed over your cheek. His large hand felt warm on your cheek.

"Hey m'lady, can't it be me instead of Eii-chan?"

"H-Huh?" What did he mean by that?

"What if I say that I fell in love with you at first sight?"

"!!!" You froze at his words. Despite that, he continued.

"You appeared in front of us like an angel straight from heaven, pure and innocent. When I saw you for the first time, I immediately fell for you."

You, an angel? There was no way you could be compared to an angel! Van truly knew how to fluster someone with his straightforward words.

Moving from your cheek, both of his hands now rested on your shoulders. "It's true that I was captured by your beauty but soon I learned that it's not all. You're even beautiful inside. Kind, generous, soft-hearted and caring."


The mellow look disappeared from his eyes for a moment. "However, I can't deny my duties as a guardian. And, that's why, I..."

Wait, guardian? What did he intend to say? It was the first time you heard something like that. Though his statement had struck you, what he told next took all of your attention.

"I love you, m'lady. You know how I'm serious at everything I do, don't you? Then, trust me when I say that I want to protect you by staying by your side, m'lady."

From his laidback attitude, many would guess that he didn't take anything seriously. But, you thought differently. Van always took everything seriously. It was the same case now. His eyes were more sincere than ever.

"V-Van-san, I..." He was so earnestly conveying his feelings. You couldn't take advantage of his kind heart. You needed to tell him your true emotions as well. So, you took a step back.

"Van-san, I-I'm truly happy that you care about me but....." you bowed your head deeply, "....I'm sorry but I can't return your feelings!"

Silence followed after your exclamation. You became scared that you had hurt him deeply. Just as you felt tears sting your eyes....

"....Rejected,huh? Can't deny that I somewhat expected this..." Van chuckled in his casual manner before frantically telling you, "but lady, you don't have to bow your head to me like that. It makes me feel worse."

You lifted your head as he asked. "...I'm sorry for making you feel even worse..." You apologized quietly.

"No,no, don't apologize for that, m'lady! I was just joking." He rested one of his large hands on your head and affectionately patted you. ". . . .In fact, I'm grateful that you turned me down frankly."

".....Van-san...." You didn't know what to say. And you sensed that, perhaps, this undisturbed silence was what he actually wished. Hence, you two remained standing like that, his hand stroking your hair as you apologized to him inside your mind for denying his love.

.  . .  . . .  .

"Is there something on your mind, lady?" Van asked you as he watched a snowflake landing on your outstretched palm. You had finally decided to accept his generous proposal to enjoy the snow. Yet, your mind was somewhere else and Van had noticed it.

"Um..." You rotated your head to anxiously meet his chocolate brown orbs. "I'm sorry if I'm prying too much but. . . . . . . may I ask what you meant when you said you can't decline your duties as a 'guardian'?"

"Oh,that..." A lighthearted chuckle escaped his throat. "We haven't told you anything regarding us, have we?" He smiled.

"I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't pry so much."

"No, it's alright,lady. We should've told you earlier. Though, before telling you anything, I better take permission from Eii-chan. He's our leader, after all."

"What are you two doing here?" A sudden voice interrupted you.

"Speak of the devil," Van grinned. "Eii-chan, Kira-chan, hey there!"

On the other hand, you flinched. You hadn't seen nor interacted with Eiichi over the past month.

"Van," Eiichi started, "what is she doing here?" His cold voice made your heart sink as you lowered your head to avoid looking at him.

"Now, now, Eii-chan, don't be like that. I invited my lady to take a walk with me since everybody's so busy." The eldest pouted.

The bespectacled man stared at his friend before sighing in defeat. He could never scold Van, could he?

"...Do as you wish."

"Yay! Isn't that great?" He faces you. You looked up at him and showed a small smile of your own.

With another sigh, Eiichi had turned to leave you two until Van stopped him. "Wait, Eii-chan."


You couldn't hear those two since Van was nearly whispering to Eiichi. But Kira could hear them. Though, you could clearly see the seriousness of the former's features.

"....I'm planning to tell her... about us."


The elder quickly interrupted him. "I'm not gonna go into the details. I simply wanna tell her what she needs to know at the moment. But.... she has to know everything one day and you should be the one to tell her, Eii-chan."

"....." After a few seconds of simply staring at each other, Eiichi turned away. "Kira, you should accompany Van." The said man nodded obediently. With that, Eiichi left.

"Well then," Van dusted the snow off from the nearest bench. "You should sit down, m'lady."

Kira being the ever gentleman took your hand and escorted you over there. You offered him a smile as thanks.

"So, as I was saying," Van's voice took your attention, "we, the seven of us, are the guardians of this place. And, by 'this place', I didn't mean this mansion only. Rather, we are committed to the protection of this land, lady."

Now that caught you by surprise. You surely didn't predict to hear something like that.

"Protecting....this land?" From everything you had heard previously, you had come to the conclusion that they hid much more things than they let on. Everything they told you seemed to make the matter even more confusing.

"Our original duty is.....to keep this place and its people.... safe," Kira suddenly interpreted.

"...I'm sorry but I still can't grasp the concept of 'original duty'." You fidgeted your thumbs over your lap. "...I thought you used to serve my grandfather."

Kira nodded and Van proceeded, "Yes, we did after he became our master.... Do you remember when we said that he made a bargain with us?"

You nodded slowly. He was talking about the offering. "When he,well.... offered you as the sacrifice, he made another deal with us. That's to serve him during his rule and help you until.... the sacrifice ritual is complete....."

"Oh.....so, you will stay here till the contract is over?" You received a bitter smile from the brunette and blank look from the raven.

"I see.... I'm glad...I won't have to be alone when I die." Closing your eyes, you flashed them a tiny smile.

"Lady...." There was nothing they could say at that moment.

You watched a snowflake descending on your lap. You had understood more or less of everything that they had explained. "If I may..." You whispered before looking at the two men in front of you.

"It may be discourteous and impertinent of me to ask such a question however...." You drew a breath. "Van-san, Kira-san as well as the rest of you ...... are not normal human beings, are you?"

You looked down as soon as you interrogated them. "You said you were the ones to have made the bargain with grandfather. Although, that should not be possible...."

You looked up, your honest eyes fixed on them, "unless time has stopped for you."

You were met with silence. It all sounded ridiculous but you've had your fair of surprises and revelations. Something as absurd as this..... could actually be reality.

Van was the one to break the silence with a weary sigh. With oddly forlorn eyes, Van mumbled, "One day....you might get to know the truth, my lady."

It wasn't just Van. Kira had the same look in his eyes. You wanted to ask why they looked so sad but the eldest suddenly kneeled in front of you.

"Van-" He leaned forward and kissed your left cheek. "....san....?"

"If only our situation wasn't this difficult, I would've made you mine already, m'lady," Van confessed.


Quickly, Van pulled away from you and stood up. "Just kidding~" With a playful wink, he dismissed it.

Before you could have time to react or say anything,

"Woah, don't glare at me like that, Kira-chan." Van sweatdropped nervously. "I didn't do anything bad."

For a moment you had forgotten that Kira was present too. That meant he witnessed everything! Your hand flew to your mouth at that realization. Your eyes darted to your vasel. There was no sight of him glaring or anything. He was wearing his normal poker face. Though, the two males knew each other way before you came to know them so it wouldn't be unlikely for Van to notice Kira's emotions.

But the main question is, why would Kira even glare?

"Van...." Kira's striking yellow eyes stared pointedly at his comrade. "Instead of slacking off... you should return and...help Eiji in case.... he needs assistance."

"Hey! I'm not slacking off. Don't be mean to me, Kira-chan," whined Van.

Kira, ignoring Van, took hold of your hand and helped you get up. "I shall....escort her...back to her room. She should....go inside....before she catches.... a cold."

"Eeh? Kira-chan, that's not fair. I should also......never mind, I'll go back and check on the kids."

Gripping your hand firmly yet gently, you were led back inside by your valet. Before disappearing inside, you threw Van a smile as thanks for the outing. He returned it back with a grin of his own.

Kira was the same as usual. His attitude towards you hadn't changed much after the whole ordeal. He was still a man of few words. He hadn't been particularly cold to you either. Though, he seemed to be rather unapproachable.

The sound of your footsteps echoed in the silent hall. None of you said a word.







The silence prolonged. Not long after, the two of you reached your destination. You shifted your attention to the hand holding yours. It felt warm against your small cold hands.

"Your hand....it is very gentle and warm," you blurted out.

It was when Kira abruptly froze that you realised what you just said. Flustered, you shook your head. You couldn't believe you let your thoughts out aloud. And it was Kira, the perfect gentleman, to whom you told such a thing. You swore you didn't mean anything suggestive!

"I-I'm sorry! That was a strange thing to say. P-Please forget about it."

Your line of sight moved northwards and found the male turning to look at you.


"....." With all your heart, you hoped that he wouldn't make a big deal out of it. Hastily, you made your way to go to your room. "W-Well then, thank y- oh!"

Before you could push the handles, Kira put his hands over yours.

"Aren't you....afraid of me?"

"Huh?" Not expecting such a question, you turned around only to find him standing unexpectedly close to you.

"Afraid...of you?" You repeated after him. "No, I'm not."

"Then...." He took a step back and placed his right hand over his sword, resting by his hip. "are you not.... frightened that.... I might....stab you...here?"

With his unperturbed yellow orbs, he watched yours widen. "Kira-san, I...."

From what you recalled, you still had a few months before offering your soul to the night garden. No one had tried to harm you in the meantime. It must be because it wasn't the right time yet to sacrifice you. Kira was exceptionally loyal to Eiichi, him being the latter's right hand. That is why you could believe that he would never do anything to betray his leader's trust.

You took a deep breath and released it silently. "....If I were to be honest... I don't think you would ever choose to hurt me before the sacrifice ritual. So, my answer is no."

"I see...." He put his hand down without pulling out his sword. "You are...right."

"But. . . . I may have to. . .hurt you. . . in the future. . out. . . of my obligation."

You were startled when he took hold of your right hand in his. He never broke eye contact, as if conveying his sincerity and earnestness through it.

"However. . . I want to convey. . .that. . . I do not wish . . . to hurt you. In spite of our circumstances. . . I have developed. . . . feelings. . . for you."


If you had heard it right, then Kira confessed to you. And, it hasn't even been an hour since Van had confessed. You stood there out of shock while the male got down on a knee in front of you.

Lightly holding your hand, Kira pressed his lips against your knuckles.

"!!! K-Kira-san..!?" You squeaked. 

"I may not.... stand a chance against..... Eiichi. But, that won't.... stop.... my passion."

Without further ado, he stood up. Flashing one of his rare smiles that you were very fond of, he told you, "That is all. . . I wanted you to. . .know. Excuse me."

You remember entering your room in a daze and flopping on the bed. Now, laying in the bed, you recall what had happened. Van and Kira, both of them had revealed their feelings for you. Together, in a single day. In the very same hour. In addition to that, they also kissed you!

"Oh dear...." You covered your face with your hands out of shyness. Your mind was spinning now. At first it was Nagi and Yamato. Now, Van and Kira too? And they also knew about how you felt for Eiichi! At this rate, you won't be surprised if you learn that everyone knew of it.

Shutting your eyes close, you buried your face into the pillow. Some rest was what you needed at the moment. Quietly, you fell into a slumber in wonder of your unknown future.

To be continued...

In case it wasn't clear,  I've decided to portray Van as someone straightforward about his feelings (because that's how he seems to me) and portrayed Kira's loyalty to Eiichi and his sense of responsibility (he looks like a knight in Black Garden so yeah). Since there's a bad end where Keith and Virgil kills you together, I got the idea to give them moments together. And, I knew I just HAD TO ADD Kira's "...."

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