Episode Five
I wanted to publish this part earlier but then Ranmaru's event came and I got SUPER busy with it :P
And, I manged to tier in his event!
A number of blurred visions filled your unconscious mind. There was a male and...was the other person you?
The silk sheets under you felt comfortable. In spite of its comfort, your body hurts. Mostly, your head. The sound of the drizzle falling against the window was soothing. Wait, window? There wasn't any window in your room!
"Mmm...." Slowly, you creaked your eyes open. Your line of sight met with a vaguely familiar ceiling. It wasn't the one you were used to waking up to.
This was the ceiling of your previous room, the room in which you resided before you were moved to the punishment room.
Your hazy sight became clear when it dawned upon you. You were laying on your bed, the blanket neatly over you. It left you puzzled. How did you end up there? Did you fall asleep in that room? You couldn't remember anything.
You pushed your body to sit up on the bed. Your body felt strangely heavy. Or was it your lack of strength? Either way, you felt weak, as if all of your strength had been sucked away.
". . . . .What am I doing here?" You asked yourself. Looking around the room, you found no one else.
Your hand flew to your head as pain ran through you. The blurry images that you had seen before waking up soon cleared up. The fog lifted up from your mind and it appeared to answer your question.
Eyes sizing up, your hand went to your mouth. The last thing you remembered was......
You mumbled to yourself, shocked, "that's right, I......"
. . . . . . .
"....Eh? Eiji-san?" You were taken aback with whom you had found outside of your door. "What brings you here?"
The brunette in front of you hesitated. "Um...actually, Shion has something to ask you."
Now that he had mentioned it, you noticed a ball of fluffy white hair behind Eiji. He must've been hiding behind him. But it was unusual for these two to visit you.
"Lady. . . ." The albino poked his head from behind Eiji. "Nagi asked you out on an outing to the garden earlier today, did he not?"
"Yes, he did." Although, the time spent with your friend was cut short because of the sudden rain.
"Then," his periwinkle eyes were hopefully looking at you, "did you catch sight of a blue bird?"
"A blue bird?" Closing your eyes, you racked through your brain. ". . . No."
As soon as you answered him in the negative, the boy's shoulders drooped. The downcast eyes twisted your heart, making you feel guilt as if you shoulďve seen the bird.
"So, lady hasn't seen it either....." Shion sadly murmured and
Eiji offered his friend a sympathetic look. "What do you wish to do now, Shion?"
"Um....is there a problem?" You cut between them because of curiosity.
"Yes..." Eiji nodded.
Shion added, "I was looking for a bird. The blue bird that the previous master cherished. . . . . has escaped from its cage. It is still a young bird.... I'm worried."
"That's terrible!" From the sad expression on Shion's face, you could tell that he loved the bird as well.
Eiji nudged the male behind him. "If my lady hasn't seen the bird then we should get going, Shion."
"Wait!" You stopped them in a hurry. "May I help you in the search?"
"Are you sure, lady?" Shion's eyes widened, not having expected you to offer this.
"Yes, I wish to help you any way I can," you smiled.
"My lady. . . . . thank you. Your emotions have been conveyed to me."
"U-Umm..." Eiji intervened, making both of you give your attention to him. "Is that... really alright, my lady? It was raining outside and the others are already looking for the bird inside the mansion...."
You nodded. "Then I could look for it outside.......or am I not allowed to do that?" In the spur, you had forgotten that you were still a captive.
Shion, feeling anxious for his lost bird, looked at Eiji with pitiful eyes, "should I have turned down her offer?"
Being the soft hearted boy Eiji was, he could not bring himself to tell Shion that he shouldn't have accepted. Eiji's loyalty for his brother ran deep but so did his friendship with Shion. He heaved a troubled sigh.
"....I shall go and ask nii-san for his permission."
Just as Eiji promised you two, he had gotten his brother's permission to allow you to help Shion in his quest. So now, you were looking outside with Shion since the ones who were not busy were looking inside the mansion.
While you were searching your mind trailed off to thoughts of Eiji and Shion. It had been almost three months since everything changed. You had befriended Nagi, Yamato, Van and Kira since then. As for the rest three.... Shion never seemed to approach you and Eiji wouldn't go against his brother's order. Most of all, Eiichi remained the most standoffish. It was as if he hated you and that's why you wanted to erase your feelings for him. However, it's easier said than done. Anyhow, you wondered if you could ever manage to befriend the three as you had succeeded with the other four.
Back to your search, you had looked around the perimeter of the mansion but found nothing. Not wanting to give up, the two of you decided to look around the border area between the forest and the garden.
"....We have come pretty deep," you stated while looking around. Now that the daytime was shorter than the night, it wouldn't be long before the sun started to go down. Perhaps, you two should head back before it's late.
"I want to find it. It must be trembling with loneliness...." the male muttered to himself.
"Shion-kun..." You gently took his hands. "We will definitely find it. The little bird must be aware of how much you cherish it. There's no way it could leave you." You couldn't help saying that.
"Lady...." At your words, he smiled brightly. "Thank you for your thoughtfulness. As expected, my lady is kind."
"N-No, I am not..... Rather, it is you who is kind, Shion-kun." You continued, "animals and birds can sense what resides in a person's heart. The fact that all the animals that grandfather brought adores you is enough to prove that you have a pure heart."
His cheeks became rosy as he looked at you in surprise. He moved his face closer to yours. "My lady, I-"
The faint chirping of a bird alerted you two.
"My lady, did you happen to hear that?" Shion curiously asked. "I am very familiar with all the animals here. It is, no doubt, the cry of the blue bird!" He claimed.
"If I am sure...." you turned to the slope in front of you two, "it came from there."
"The bird must be on top of the slope."
You hurried on your feet. You would soon find Shion's beloved bird. Then he wouldn't be sad anymore!
"Shall we go find it together?" The wind made your hair and dress flutter. Smiling brightly, you reached out your hand to the albino.
The warm sunshine that peeked through the clouds and deep forest fell upon you. In his eyes, you appeared as an angel who had stretched out her helping hand to him out of sheer benevolence.
His emotions overwhelmed him as he accepted your outstretched hand. "Yes!"
. . . . . . .
"Are you alright, Shion-kun?" You asked him once you reached the top of the slope. The harsh rain from before had made the path sleeky. Shion, who had poor physical abilities, had a difficult time going up. But, with your strength, he could carry on.
"Yes...." He sat down under the nearest tree while taking a moment to catch his breath.
"I'm sorry.... I should've come here alone instead of the both of us." You bit your lower lip as you looked down. You wouldn't have tired him out in that case.
"No!" The boy was quick to protest. "I... It made me elated when you reached out your hand to me...!"
Hearing him say that made you warm inside. Beaming at him, you thanked him.
"Now then," you raised your head above the bush in front. The small blue bird stood on a pebble some feet away. You turned to Shion.
"Let me catch the bird while you rest, okay?" He accepted gratefully.
Without making any noise, you slowly advanced the bird which was near a cliff. Once you were close enough, you took the bird in your hands carefully.
"There....it's alright, I won't hurt you," you assured the bird as you nuzzled your cheek to the bird lightly. "You must have been cold out here."
Hearing footsteps behind you, you found Shion approaching you. With anticipating eyes and overjoyed smile, he reached out his hands.
"I've finally found you...!"
You moved your hands to hand over the bird to him. The bird let out a happy chirp once it was in his hands. You flashed a lovely smile.
"See, Shion-kun? It loves you very much to leave you, after a-"
It all happened in a flash. The ground between you and Shion crumbled. You fell.
You, who were near the edge of the cliff, didn't have any ground beneath you. With shocked eyes, you saw Shion's petrified image getting smaller and smaller. The gust of wind felt cold and harsh before everything went numb.
You could hardly see Shion at the top of the cliff because of your blurry and unstable vision. You couldn't summon the strength to move an inch. It hurt. Everything hurts.
Were you going to die like that...? But you hadn't made up with the brothers. Eiichi.... How would he react if you died there? Would he be sad? Or..... would he feel..... unburdened?
There was no strength left to keep your eyes open. Before your eyelids closed, you thought you heard someone's scream. It was Shion's.
With that your consciousness faded as your blood dyed your green dress into a hue of red.
. . .
. . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"That's right, I....fell down."
Your right hand made its way to your head to find it bandaged. "...I remember hitting my head badly..." You mumbled. Not only your head, there were bandages across your body.
You looked around once again. Was that the reason why you were present in your previous room? So, you didn't die? You recalled Shion's scream from earlier. That must've alerted the others and saved you after you had lost consciousness.
"!!!" You got out of bed. It was difficult to walk. Despite being hurt, you tried to advance towards the door. There was something that was more important than knowing what happened afterwards.
The door abruptly opened, halting you in your wobbly steps. Inside came the one person you hadn't expected to see.
Eiichi's eyes widened. "Y-You.... Why are you up from bed?"
Walking towards you, he steadied your wobbly self by holding your arms. "Eii- kyaa!!"
Your feet were no longer touching the floor and so it was no longer hurting you. Eiichi had picked you up like a bride.
You blushed. "E-Eiichi-san!?"
"You should be resting at the moment," he retorted.
"I-I will. Before that, p-please put me down." It was not good. Your heart was starting to thump loudly.
"No, your legs are hurt as well."
Saying that, he carried you to your bed and cautiously put you down. You quietly muttered thanks.
"Why were you up anyway? Did you need something?"
As soon as you remembered the answer to his question, you grabbed Eiichi's black sleeve with your weak hands.
"E-Eiichi-san, is Shion-kun alright?! He was really near me and-"
"Shh..." He silenced the anxious you by grasping your hands in his. He sat down next to you."Shion is fine. Nothing happened to him."
"Thank goodness...!" Hearing that, you sighed in relief. "As long as he's unhurt, it's good."
"No." Eiichi's stern voice made you blink. Within a moment, you were engulfed into a tender yet firm hug.
You gasped. His scent enveloped you. You were too flustered to know what to do but then you felt something. Was he... trembling?
".....You were hurt badly.... Your head was bleeding profusely.... If we didn't treat you in time then...."
You hadn't expected him to care this much for you. The way he trembled in your arms, how his voice shook as he spoke, it proved that his concern was genuine. To think that he would care for you, it made your mind fly to the seventh heaven.
Slowly, you wrapped your arms around him. You weren't in full health now. So, it was okay to be a bit selfish, right? You could indulge yourself in his warmth for just a little, right?
"Thank you for saving me. . . ."
He broke the hug to look at you. That was when you noticed his appearance properly. His hair was somewhat unruly and his eyes were quivering.
"More than a day has passed since you were unconscious..... I...I didn't know what to do..."
"Eiichi-san...." Now that you realised, it was evening and the outside was dark. Had he been waiting for you to wake up?
"How are you feeling now?" He asked you.
You managed to offer him a small smile of assurance. "I am fine. Although, I do feel slightly fatigued."
"That is to be expected. You haven't recovered completely."
Eiichi's warmth was making you drowsy and feel safe. The weakness made it difficult for you to fight the sleepiness. The sudden change in his demeanour was indeed confusing to you. Whatever the reason for his caring attitude be, you didn't want to let go of this genuine affection. Closing your eyes, you leaned against him.
"May I....take a little rest for now, Eiichi-san?"
"Of course."
"Eii...chi-san..."You drifted off to sleep in his strong arms.
"Goodnight, my lady...."
. . . . . . .
"My lady!" The first thing that you heard once you opened your eyes was Shion's concerned exclamation.
"....Shion-kun?" You rubbed your eyes to eliminate the sleepiness residing within them. Now you could get a clearer view of the albino sitting beside your bed.
"Ah, she's awake!" You recognized Nagi's voice. Shifting your gaze, you found the youngest boy standing in front of your bed. It was already morning.
"I'll tell the others that you've woken up."
"My beloved lady," Shion called you as soon as Nagi left the room, "I'm sorry."
"Huh? Why?"
"If I had not asked you to help me then you wouldn't have been injured so badly."
"Shion-kun," you sat up, "I was the one who offered to lend you a hand. You aren't at fault."
Reaching out a hand, you patted the miserable looking boy. "So, please don't look so sad."
"My lady...!"
"Oh..." Wrapping his arms around your waist, Shion engulfed you into a hug. His head rested on your shoulders.
"It pained my heart to see my beloved get hurt in front of me.... I love you very much, my lady...."
"Shion-kun...?" Your eyes widened.
Meanwhile, he pulled away. "I want you to accept my heartfelt emotions."
So then.....it was a confession? From Shion?
"Even if my lady doesn't return those feelings, I.... I desire to grow stronger to become competent enough to keep my lady from getting hurt...!"
".....Shion-kun, thank you for feeling this way about me..." You returned the hug silently in hope that he would perceive your appreciation towards his emotions.
"Lady...." You felt something soft being pressed against your right cheek.
"I realised your importance after I almost lost you....I truly do cherish you, my lady."
Your eyes softened at the boy as you stroked his back. You two stayed in that position until Nagi returned with Kira, Eiji, Van and Yamato in tow.
Now that they had left you alone to take it easy, your thoughts wandered to the events of the previous night. It all felt like a dream. To be able to fall asleep in his arms like that..... But you were sure it wasn't a dream. The care that you had received from him was real.
According to the others, Eiichi had stayed up till you regained consciousness. He had also informed them that you had woken up last night. So, even if he hadn't come to visit you with the others that day, you knew he cared about you.
With your heart pounding for Eiichi, you re- understood that you were still deeply in love with him.
To be continued...
Fun fact:
I originally created the MC's image based on Fruits Basket's protagonist Honda Tohru because she's the best and I love her. It was in April and the final season had only started airing. Out of all the episodes, the ideas for Shion's episode (to make the MC fall off the cliff) came to me the fastest (before I even published the book actually). And, weeks later, Tohru also fell down the cliff in the final season. Talk about coincidence!
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