Episode Eight

There will be some detail in last bit but not as much as the previous chapter.

Farewell..... To think you had to say farewell to this place. As you walked, you engraved every sight into your heart. You wouldn't be able to see these familiar sights anymore. You would have to leave your home.

You stopped walking once you reached the top of the clock tower. From there, you could see the whole territory. A bitter smile appeared on your face when you thought that it was the last time you could see this view. Your last daylight because......you had less than a day to live.

Closing your eyes, you tried to ignore the painful wrenching of your heart. Deciding not to indulge yourself in more memories, you turned around. The bell in the clock tower caught your eye.

Now that you thought about it, you had never heard the bell ring. It was old so maybe that was why it wasn't used anymore. Walking closer to the bell, you lightly touched the string hanging from the bell.

"There you are." The new voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Oh, Eiichi! Is something the matter?"

After walking towards you, your lover wrapped his arms around your stomach from behind. "I have been looking for you."

"I'm sorry. You know I was taking a look at everything for the final time," you snuggled into his embrace. You heard him sigh.

"....Stop saying 'final time'." You smiled sadly and decided not to say anything further. Even if you didn't admit it, it pained you to say 'for the last time'. And this man was aware of it.

Intending to change the topic, he asked you, "Why were you looking at the bell intently?"

"I realised that I have never heard you ring this bell."

"The bell is run down and besides, there wasn't any necessity to use it." He peered at your face. "Do you wish to ring it?"

"Can I?"


"Then," you faced him with a vibrant smile, "shall we ring it together, Eiichi?"

The brunette couldn't but smile back. "If that's what you want."

The two of you proceeded to hold the string. Giggling, you stated, "wouldn't it be wonderful if ringing this bell together blesses us? For example, granting us eternal love?"

He decided to go along with your fantasies. "Alright, then. For the sake of our love lasting forever...." The both of you pulled the string. 


"Right, I almost forgot why I came here." Eiichi took your hand. "The guys are waiting for us. There's something we must discuss."

.  . .  . . .  .


For all the time the seven males had known you, this was the first time they had ever heard you shriek. None of them couldn't hold back their surprise.

"La-" When one of them tried calling you, you interrupted.

"Absolutely not! This is completely absurd! I will not allow it!" The tears you fought back began blurring your vision.

"....But lady, this is the best option we have," the brave one to cut you off was Nagi.

"Best option?" You repeated. "Are you trying to say that having you seven die instead is the best option?"

"This way you won't have to die," Yamato added.

"So, are you saying you will die in my stead? That's even worse!" You screamed again, this time tears threatening to fall any second.

But you still continued, "I won't let you die! I've already lost my family once and now you expect me to lose you all too?"

Your heart thumped in agony as your shoulders shook. Your voice turned to a pained whisper. "How do you expect me to live without you...? I-I can't...."

Silence filled the room until Eiichi decided to speak in. "..... That is how we feel as well."

Through your blurred gaze, you met his eyes. "Do you think it will be any easier for us to live without you? Have you ever considered how we would feel as we watched you give up your life?"

"I...." He was correct. You had never stopped to consider how they felt. At first you thought they wouldn't mourn for you. But as everyone unfolded their hearts to you, you understood how wrong you were. However, your hands were tied.

You started mumbling the words you had repeated for more than a thousand times in your head. ".....But I need to. If I don't then-"

"All this time you keep saying that you have to be the one to sacrifice herself. But that's not what you want, is it? What do you want to do?"

You flinched. His words hit where it hurt. The thought you desperately avoided thinking was now brought out to light. It was necessary to avoid that thought. Or else, once you thought of it, you wouldn't have been able to stay strong and firm. But now that he had said it out loud....

"....I have to...."

"Do you want to?" Eiichi's authoritative voice, calm but unwavering, attacked you.

The first tear slipped down your cheek as you clenched your fists tightly. Your voice was so light that it was easy to pretend that they didn't hear it. Nevertheless, they heard it.

"....I don't want to die."

At last, you said those words you had suppressed in your heart for so long.

"I don't want to be alone again....." Now that the tears had started, there was no stopping them. Staring down at your clenched fists resting in your lap, you poured out your feelings.

"All my life, I have been alone..... There was no one to show me any form of affection after my mother and father passed away....."

They didn't pass any words of comfort for they knew that you should release your pent up feelings. Instead of words, the males walked to where you were sitting and stayed near you, sharing their warmth. After all, actions spoke greater than words.

"And now....I finally have someone to call family. I finally found a place to call my home! So, why...?"

You sobbed into your palms. "Why do I have to be separated from them again!? The only wish I harboured all through my life....why can't it come true!?"

You didn't know for how long you had cried. But you did know that none of them left your side for a single second. Once you calmed down, did they give you space .

After wiping your face with the handkerchief, you let out an embarrassed laugh. "I'm sorry for showing such a disgraceful side.....and thank you."

"It's fine. That's what families are for," Van smiled at you.

Once again, silence engulfed the room. What was there to say now? You didn't want to die. You also didn't want them to die. And, you didn't want innocent people to die because of you. Death....

"......Why must one have to die?" You spoke your thoughts out aloud. "Can't we escape this vicious death cycle...?"

"That's....." Kira opened his mouth after hearing your interrogations. "That is one's fate for performing the forbidden practices in this mysterious garden."

"....Can't we stop this ritual then?" Eiji asked, meekly. "This practice should go extinct for the sake of people's lives..."

Shion spoke for the first time. "Humans have evolved. They are no longer confined to fate. They wish to tread upon their own path, not their predetermined path."

"Right, they're no longer weak creatures from centuries ago. It's almost as if...." Yamato looked at each of your eyes before carefully saying, "...they don't need us protecting them anymore."

"!!.... Yamato-san, what are you trying to say?"

The said green head looked at his hands. "If we somehow destroy this garden, then we don't have to protect them anymore. Then, we'll also be able to be free from this curse."

"I already said that I will not allow it." You furrowed your brows. "In that case, I will also sacrifice myself. If we can be together after our deaths then I will not hesitate!"


 "Is there no way for us to be together?!" Nagi exclaimed, frustrated and tired. "I don't want to say goodbye!"

Nagi voiced out everyone's wishes. As all of you remained quiet, a certain brunette's glasses shone from the light reflected upon it, showing he was in deep thought.


"......There is a way."

All of you looked up at Eiichi's declaration. The solemn look on his face confirmed to you that he was not joking regarding what he previously said.

"What...?" You questioned.

"I think there's a way....," he paused for a second, "for us to be together."

.  . .  . . .  .

"Are you afraid?" Eiichi asked you.

"I..." You decided to be honest with him. "I am."

Lifting your head up from his shoulders, you met his eyes. "I'm scared. What if your proposition doesn't work? It certainly is possible but I still...."

Noticing your forlorn expression, Eiichi picked you up and placed you on his lap. You didn't protest and let yourself be held. In addition, you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"It's okay to feel scared." As he whispered this in your ear, he tightened his arms around you. ".....This is the only choice we have. We can do nothing but hope for it to work."

"Hmm..." You closed your eyes and rested your head against his chest. Meanwhile, your fingers threaded and laced with his soft ash brown hair.

"Eiichi....I don't want to be separated from you," you muttered weakly. "I want to stay with you....forever."

From above you, you heard him call you. He tilted your face to make you look at him. "Let's get married."

".......Huh?" You blinked, unable to believe what he said. Did he just propose to you?!

"You don't want to?"

"N-No, it's not that. I-I..." His honest stare made your cheeks flare. ".....I want to."

Your quiet reply made a smile appear on his face. "Then let's proceed right now."

"R-Right now? How do you intend to...?"

After helping you get on your own feet, he stood up beside you and held your hand. "We can become married as long as we exchange vows, right? There's no need for anybody's witness as long as we, ourselves, are present here."

Marriage is a spiritual contract between two souls. There wasn't any need for other procedures as long as you committed yourselves to each other.

"You're right." You covered his hand with yours. Eiichi guided you to the center of your room. There you two stood face to face.

Your eyes met as you intertwined your hands together. You saw yourself being reflected in his clear pools of lavender. The moonlight seeped through the window. With just the two of you present, you forgot all thoughts of the outside world. Eiichi was the first one to say the vows, his rich voice enrapturing you.

"I, Otori Eiichi, take thee to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish...." he paused for a second, his eyes glistening with love, "... even after death attempts to do us part, I thereby pledge thee my faith, loyalty and love."

Once Eiichi had declared this, he brought your left hand to his lips and pressed a kiss on your ring finger, his eyes never wavering from yours.

"Eiichi..." Your heart swelled in love for the man. Even after death attempted to tear you apart..... This was the most suitable choice of words for you two for even death will not be able to tear you apart! Strengthened by those words, you carried on with your wedding vows. After saying your vows, you did the same and kissed Eiichi's ring finger.

Whispering your name, the brunette pulled you closer by the waist. You rested your hands on his chest. The distance between your lips gradually reduced. At first, it just barely touched. You relished the soft touches of each other's lips. Your hands glided up to cup his face.

Finally, your lips locked together and you sealed your vows. You poured your every emotion into that kiss. The kiss was strangely sad. You were running out of breath but didn't pull away. What if you two lost each other once you pulled away? He placed a hand behind your head. So, he didn't want to break the kiss as well.

You didn't want to either. Your lungs cried, desperate for air. You still didn't let go. In the end, Eiichi separated you two.


Your heart was racing at an alarming rate. Beads of sweat accumulated on your forehead. Your heavy breaths were unsteady. Eiichi's situation wasn't any different either. The sound of your heavy pants echoed in the silent room.

When your breaths returned to normal, you stepped closer to him and pressed your bodies together in a tight hug. Eiichi accepted your embrace until he took you in his arms.

Gently, he laid you down on the bed and got on top of you. Your hands took his glasses off and placed them on top of the wooden nightstand.

"......" This was your first night as a married couple......and the last one as well. A tear slipped past your eyes. Within moments, your eyes became wet. 

"I-I..." You covered your face with your hands. You thought you could take it but no. You were afraid. Of the future. You were afraid of the separation. This was the last time you could hold each other like this. The last time you could feel his warmth. The last time you could pull him in an embrace. Your time together.....had come to an end.

Your heart felt like it was being torn apart. The indescribable pain suffocated you, bringing more tears to your eyes. Biting your lips, you avoided making any pained noises. The more you thought of your unavoidable farewell, the more tears slipped from your eyes. More than anything, you didn't want to lose Eiichi.

Big hands removed the hands covering your crying face. With his slender fingers, he wiped the corner of your eyes. He didn't tell you to stop crying. Rather, it was a way of saying that he'd wipe all your tears for you. So, you were allowed to cry as much as you wanted.

Bringing your right hand to his lips, he planted a soft kiss on the back of it. Eiichi then placed his lips on the crown of your head before gliding down to your forehead. Your eyes closed, you felt his mellow touch. He also kissed your two cheeks and tip of the nose.

Finally, you felt his lips cover yours in a velvety kiss. You opened your mouth for him, surrendering your everything to him. His tongue brushed against yours before intertwining. 

Something wet fell on your cheeks. First, it was just two drops before more drops landed on your face. Tears. You didn't need to open your eyes to realize that Eiichi was crying. He felt the same way as you. He was afraid of losing you too. Your pain was one and the same.

Feebly, your fingers entangled into his brown curls. Silently crying, you two shared your pains and emotions through the kiss. 

Eiichi's continuous kisses grew more and more sloppy. The smooching noises of your kisses reverberated around the room. Before long, his lips moved to your neck. Each and every of his nipping on your skin held tints of sadness.

"Eiichi...." a whimper of his name escaped your lips. The said male shifted from above you to beside you. You felt him tremble.

Without saying anything, you rested his face into your chest. For how long would he try to stay strong? It was evident that he was suffering just as much as you. You were now his wife, his partner. It was your turn to give him comfort.

At first, Eiichi was startled by your action but once he realized your intent, he relaxed further into your arms, listening to your heartbeat. Hushed sobs could be heard from the man, causing grief to wash over you.

What you needed was the solace that you two were together. Holding each other close to yourselves for whatever hours you had left. It hadn't ended yet. It couldn't end yet. Not like this. Your destiny.....was so cruel.

Both of you wept in each other's arms for the rest of your remaining time.

To be continued...

I hope I made you feel sad, even if just a little bit. In case you weren't aware, the place where HEAVENS shooted Black Garden really exists. It is known as Lockheart Castle. There's a saying that if you pull the bell in the clock tower with your lover, you will be granted eternal love. So, I thought of using it as a reference,haha....

Anyways, one more chapter to go!

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