The Third Meeting

Nightwing sighed, rubbing his eyes. He stretched, took off his mask, and collapsed on the couch in his apartment.

He closed his eyes, trying to relax after a hard day with the team. First, the younger members of the team had gotten into a argument that divided the team into three sides.

Second, while going through a training simulation, quite a few of the members got hurt caused by the earlier argument.

Third, after tending to injuries, Nightwing had to get them to settle down and to debrief them on what they did wrong.

Fourth, another argument broke out that caused a physical fight right before Nightwing left the cave.

He was coming to the point where he wasn't sure if some of these new members could even work with a team. He needed to find a way where they would learn to get along. The only problem was that everyone was running out of suggestions. Every time Nightwing tried something new to get the team to work together, someone says or does something and an argument or fight would break out.

Dick didn't know what else to do, but for now, he was going to rest his eyes before going on patrol around Bludhaven. Only closing his eyes and resting for a few more minutes...


Dick shot up, looking around to see what caused the banging sound. Through the darkness of the room, he saw the front door was stilled closed and locked, there was no drift so a window wasn't open from the bedroom.

Dick stood up and moved silently around the couch, glancing at the open kitchen, not seeing anything moved or anyone he moved to the bedroom. He stopped at the door that was ajar, straining to hear for anything or anyone. Nothing, it was silent.

Pushing the door open, Dick reach into his belt and brought out a-where was his utility belt? Looking down, Dick for the first time noticed he wasn't wearing his Nightwing uniform anymore. He blinked. He was wearing it when he was on the couch.

What time was it anyway? He got back here after midnight, what time was it now?

Throwing all caution into the wind, he stepped into his bedroom fully, staring at the clock that read: 6:13 AM. He fell asleep, and soon he would have to get going if he wants to get to the manor before breakfast (Alfred's orders).

Dick closed his eyes, taking a deep to calm his nerves. Something wasn't adding up here.

"You are correct."

Dick spun around to see a figure leaning back against his kitchen counter, drinking what looked

He wasn't sure what to do in this situation, he was beyond confused. Especially at the familiar air surrounding the figure.

The figure reached out to her right side and flicked the light switch on, blinding Dick in the process.

"Good morning. I was wondering when you were going to wake up." She-the figure that somehow was there and wasn't surprised to see Dick-commented off hand, looking unaffected by any of this.

Dick narrowed his eyes. "Who are you?" He asked, but for some reason, felt like he has heard that voice before.

She raised an eyebrow. "Come now, Richard, you know me. We have met, though not on the best terms..." She trailed off, clearly thinking. She cleared her throat, and looked over his stiff and defensive stance. "You haven't figured it out, have you?" She asked with a slight smile.

Dick decided not to reply, to just let her speak and to talk about why she was here. Criminals liked doing that for some reason. Probably to hear themselves talk, bask in the glory, or just to drive heroes crazy, the reason is always unclear at first.

She laughed slightly, took a drink from the bottle in her hand. "I am actually hurt that you haven't figured it out." She touched her chest in mock hurt, set down her bottle, and stepped around the small kitchen island, walking closer to Dick.

He tensed, not liking where this was going. Before it even registered in his, she was right in front of him. "You and Batman have been chasing me for a few years now." She leaned up to his ear and whispered. "Remember now, or are you still thinking like everyone else. Against popular belief, Black Frost is actually a female."

She pulled away and walked a few steps back, narrowing her eyes to study Dick.

Dick, on the other hand, couldn't believe that Black Frost was not only a female-why did we even assume she was a he?-but, in fact, was actually real. The first thought Dick had was; Bruce was going to freak.

Black Frost laughed. "I am not only the one you have been chasing since I became big in Gotham, but I am the one who saved her all those months ago." Dick's breath hitched. She wanted something, to repay my debt, and if I don't, she will kill me before I can do anything about it.

Black Frost walked back around the island to grab her drink, while Dick was thinking over a way to stop her or, at least, leave before she kills him.

She sighed, and rubbed her eyes, much like what Dick had done before he accidently fell asleep. Maybe Connor was right about Dick's long nights, he really did need more sleep.

Dick took a hesitant step forward towards the kitchen island. "What do you want?" He asked softly.

She looked up at him, a tired glint in her eyes. "I need your help. The only problem is your not ready. You can't remember."

He frowned. "Can't remember what?" He had a feeling on where this was going. A very bad feeling.

Black Frost sighed, stared down at her drink that was back in her hand, and downed the rest in one go. She continued to stare at the bottle. "You know, in my family, instead of drinking alcohol to ease our troubles, we drink Root Beer. Why? I am unsure." She mused for a few moments, Dick stayed silent.

Black Frost looked back up to him. "What? I practically get drunk on Root Beer, is a family thing, I guess." She looked thoughtful. She laughed a little. "You are probably thinking that I am drunk, but I...I don't know how to say this-well, I do, but-" Black Frost let out a deep breath, and looked serious. A sort of deathly seriousness, like one wrong move and your life is gone, Dick can see why many fear her. "I am going to be insensitive, I usually do not deliver news like this, but I have to do with what I have. You think you killed someone back when you were Robin, and it caused you to create Nightwing. Am I right?"

Dick for a moment felt like he forgot to breathe, and questions started appearing rapidly in his head; How did she know that? Why was that being brought up? Did she know that criminal? Is she going to kill him for that? Was she going to go after Bruce next for covering it up? How did she even find out? When-

"Whoa." Dick heard Black Frost say above him-What? How did she-

"You okay, Richard?" He wasn't so sure about that. He could barely see her face. Everything seemed fuzzy. What was going on?

"Hey, don't close your eyes." Why not?

"Because I said so." Did I-

"No. You need to stay awake." But-

Dick heard her sigh. "They want you, they did something. Of course, they did, but-" They...?

"Dick, I should have known you weren't ready. You have mental trauma, why did I think you were fine now?" Mental trauma?

"Yes, you went through too many traumatic events, it seems you are having a panic attack-my voice is helping you focus that is why it doesn't seem obvious. I can't repair the damage done to you right now, not yet anyway. I am going to snap my fingers and you will wake up in the Batcave. I am truly sorry about all of this...I thought I could help you...I never meant for all this to happen, but I need you to find them. I have to use you as bait. The next time we meet, you will not remember this, any of it. Not until you are ready. Stay safe, Dick."

A snap was heard, and the Zeta Tube in the Batcave announced Nightwing's entrance. A broken and bloody Nightwing.

That did not turn out how I expected it to, well then.

Sorry for not updating in almost two months, I have been busy watching children. Practically every. single. day. *Sighs*I should be updating more, though.

Next update will be on the present.


Published: March 18, 2017.

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