Nightwing's Answer...Finally! Stupid Cliffhangers...

Wow...would you look at that...*Stares at screen in disbelief* update...that's a surprise...*Clears throat* Well, I'm just going to leave this here for you to killing the author, please...

Anyway, I would like to thank sophielunn98 for commenting and showing me how bad of a cliffhanger I had left...Thank you for motivating me! XD Even though everything went horrible since then and I haven't updated!

Dick wasn't having the best day. After Frost left, he had felt like he was missing something. For a while, he walked around not really there. Nightwing could just picture the halls of the nest, as he walked he could make out the sounds, smells, and the feelings that come from walking around the nest. He was missing that place more than anything...false, he missed the training, late night conversations, and the fact that he could be himself without worry or fear.

Since his dream the night before, Dick's tried to keep control. If he lost it...he didn't want to think about it. The first thing he was taught was to keep his emotions at bay, and that training didn't come from Batman...

Nightwing really thought he had a handle on it, until they came. Lucy just had to point it out...Dick shook his head, clearing his thoughts. What was he doing again? Right! They (Superboy, Beast Boy, Miss Martian, and Robin) were watching and waiting for a response from Dick.

Nightwing internally sighed, he really didn't want them to get hurt. Frost shouldn't have gone, and at least he knows that Lucy and Fred had been through situations like this, the others...maybe Robin, but-

Dick sighed out loud, looking around at the (mostly) hopeful faces, he knew what he had to do. "Fine." Lucy and Fred looked shock, mostly.

Lucy was surprised to hear Dick say those words. She wouldn't have thought he would allow them to help, especially with...them. She shuddered at the thought of what happened the first time.

Now that she thought about it, Lucy figured that Dick knew deep down that it would never end unless he had the help of the team and/or Justice League. She smiled brightly. She was happy Nightwing is actually letting them in.

One quick glance at Fred, and Lucy's heart broke, this isn't going to be easy. "Nightwing." Lucy gained everyone's attention, she didn't even realize spoke until she actually did.

"Yes, Lucy?" He questioned, probably confused on why I haven't continued.

Lucy shook herself out of her thoughts and back to reality. "Is it just going to be just the four of them, or...the whole team? And what about the Justice League?" She voiced her thoughts, making sure Dick actually put some thought into his answer of letting them come along.

Dick was tempted to go back and change his answer. Now that Lucy brought it up...was he really thinking about this clearly? Did he really want the whole team to know of...them? Or even the Justice League? What would Bruce say about it? Alfred? Tim and Barbara? No, he couldn't think like that. If Frost was here, she would scoff at him for thinking too much, or for the fact that he needed to do this. Dick needed to let the team and Justice League in.

He needs his fight with him...

Dick knew what he needed to do.

"Nightwing?" He looked up and could see the concern on M'gann's face. He smiled at her to show you that he was fine, which she smiled and relaxed at.

Looking around, Nightwing knew that it was going to end in one of two ways. He may forever regret this, but it is time. He needed to bring down his walls a little.

Turning to the unexpected visitors, he spoke. "Bring everything that we would need here. Bring the files that contain the information on what happen during the first time and Frost's last mission notes."

Lucy tilted her head sideways, looking deep in thought. "What...what about the...package?" She smiled as she spoke the last word. Thinking about it...

"It would be easier to help Frost..." Lucy smiled widely, nodded and dragged Fred away.

After watching the two leave, mostly Lucy skipping away with Fred in tow who glared at everything, Dick smiled briefly and turned back to the others in the room. "Call the rest of the team and the League. Tell them that we need all hands for this mission."

"What mission? To get Black Frost back?" Garfield asked.

"No. If I'm going to accept your help, we will need everyone else too." Nightwing started, then slowly spoke his next words. "The more help, the better this will be."

"What is 'this'?" Robin asked. Everyone was patiently waiting for an answer. Nightwing looked away, thinking.

"I will explain when everyone is here." With those parting words, he left, not even looking back.

FINISHED!! Sorry for not updating! Things got crazy and I sort of lost interest, then I started writing this chapter. I didn't finish because I got distracted and I always stopped writing completely due to a comment.

But I am back now!!!

Have to go though, I will update as soon as I can.


Published: December 22, 2016.

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