Back To The Present: Watchtower


Dick turned away from the ceiling to floor windows that showed out into the seemingly endless space of the universe.

'Wow, Frost really did do a number on me...' Dick thought, frowning as his thoughts turned cold and bitter. He missed her. Too much for a vigilante to miss a criminal mastermind. After over five years of knowing her, Dick couldn't help but to actually miss her and her sentimental ways.

That thought just made him want to laugh. The irony of the situation hitting him. Forcing him to come to the realization that the relationship he had with Black Frost...was a complicated one, at best.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he brought himself back to reality. Oh, Bruce is going to be so mad...

That one thought circled around his mind as he stared at the assembled heroes. True to their word, Superboy, Beast Boy, Miss Martian, and Robin brought the rest of the team, the founding league members, and the league members who have a protégé or some sort of connection to the team.

Nightwing was really glad that they didn't call the whole league, because let's face it, that would have been a little overboard for the situation. Then again, the situation is a bad one. A terrible, terrible one.

Shaking himself to go back to reality (now he can see why Frost didn't want him to get attached to her), Nightwing looked to where the almost barely concealed concern (to a bat or to someone who knows Bruce very well, that is) came from. Staring at the cowl of Batman, Dick realized everyone was seated at the table the league (and team as of late) uses for meetings. He also realized that everyone was staring at him with different levels of concern, some more higher levels than others.

Dick opened his mouth to respond, but the zeta tubes came to life, announcing three guests. The first guest to come out of the light was a black blur that sped out at a speed that could go up against a speedster. It sped towards Nightwing, and even though Dick was prepared for the impact, the mass of fur took him down to the ground. Due to the force of the hit, Dick skidded a few feet back, almost hitting the window he was just looking through.

As he was hit, Dick heard the cries of the heroes in the room, the sound of laughter from some of the heroes and Lucy (he can recognize her laugh a mile away), and he could practically hear Fred's smirk. 'Lucy...' Dick thought annoyed, before a nose started to sniff his face. Dick started to laugh a little. "Alright, Stan, I'm fine. You can get off." The mass of fur named Stan licked his face. Dick made a face. "Okay, I miss you too, buddy." Shaking his head and laughing a little bit more, Dick attempted to push Stan off of him, but the stubborn wolf just flopped onto his side laying across Dick's lap.

Nightwing just sighed, smiled, then starting running his fingers through Stan's black fur. It was then that he noticed the silence in the room.

The Third Robin no matter how many times he thought through what just happened, he just couldn't understand how one wolf could make Nightwing so happy. Tim really couldn't remember the last time he heard Dick laugh, let alone Nightwing laugh. Though, these days, Tim hasn't really seen Dick out of his Nightwing costume.

Being able to hear and see Dick happy, it made Tim's heart ache that Dick hasn't been happy since...actually, now that Tim thought of it, the last time he saw Dick smile was when he was with Black Frost. That was worrisome. If Dick was happy with Black Frost wouldn't that mean that Dick was happy with the criminal life, like Jason is?

Lucy felt like she hasn't smiled this much since she was a little kid. Back when it was just her and her siblings running around playing superheroes. Before everything went bad. Before everything fell apart.

Her smile turned a little sad at the thought of her family. Of how much she had mourned for them. Death really sucked. Dying sucked even more.

Lucy watched as Stan tried to get Dick's attention by trying to bite his wrist playfully. That was a sight, Nightwing sitting on the ground in front of a window that showed space with a 6-foot-tall adult wolf on his lap, laughing as they started to play around with each other.

Looking over at Fred, she could tell he was amused but annoyed, she just shook her head and smiled.

The happy smile that was on her lips left as Dick started to cough. She was such an idiot for forgetting.

Dick really regretted everything the moment he started coughing. As usual Stan went crazy, barking and whimpering at his master's pain.

He was vaguely aware that some of the team and league members starting towards him or the fact that Lucy was running with a bag around her shoulders.

Stan started licking the back of his hand that he was holding over his mouth. Knowing what that meant, Dick wasn't surprised when he pulled his hand away from his mouth to see blood on all over his hand.

Hearing a lot of horror filled gasps, Dick noted with some twisted amusement that they weren't as prepared at seeing his blood as he was. A normal thing to him when he laughs too much.

He was aware that the 'heroes' in the room were hesitating with what was happening. Lucy, on the other hand, was looking through the bag she brought (the package, Dick thought), when she found what she needed she started hesitating.

"Lucy." Dick grasped through his hard and wet coughs. "Don't hesitate." More blood. "Just do it." He stared into her eyes. She nodded and gently moved his head to the side, positioning a syringe to his jugular, she paused. "This is gonna be cold." She warned.

"Wouldn't be the first time..." At his words, she seemed to have gained some confidence as she placed the needle into his neck and emptied the contents, ignoring the heroes' panicked cries and questions.

The response was immediate, Nightwing stopped coughing, his tensed body relaxed, and he was to catch his breath. He leaned his head back against the window, eyes closed and breathing hard.

It wasn't until the zeta tube announced someone named 'Winter Angel' that he opened his eyes. Staring back at him was someone who looked as exhausted and bloodied as he did.

"Well, we both look like crap." She smirked. Dick couldn't stop his relieved smile from spreading on his lips.

Okay, for some unknown reason, I ship Black Frost and Nightwing. It may very well be the weirdest thing, because I don't do romance between characters that much (mostly, I tried with some original stories and with original pairings in my other fanfictions), and I HATE it when the main character falls in love and marries the OC! Here I am, practically shipping them with a child.

*Hums in thought* Though, the child would make an excellent Bat and Robin...

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the update, and tell me what you think about the shipping of Black Frost and Nightwing! Please, I don't care if you don't like them getting together, I want your opinion on the topic!


Published: April 20, 2017.

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