=4. Happenstances=

Song Wei Chen left the dormitory after a long time cause Xiao Bo wasn't letting him go.

So, he stayed back and arranged everything from the Younger's clothes in the wardrobe to his books on the shelves in an order.

He wanted to stay with his little brother for some more time but he got a call from the company and he had to leave cause it was an urgent meeting.

He reminded the Younger to call him if something happened and left the room.

He was walking fast while looking at his phone as he was messaging his secretary to take care of everything until he got back.

Suddenly, his shoulder was hit by something hard, and was about to fall to the ground but two firm and strong arms held him by his waist.

Song Wei Chen blinked his eyes as he saw the man who caught him and his phone from falling.

The man was huge and well-built. His biceps were visible from his suit.

His russet brown hair fluttered in the wind as the umber-colored eyes looked at Wei Chen with curiosity whose hands were clutching tightly onto the shirt of the man.

The man's muscles flexed as he made Wei Chen stand straight,

"Sorry," The man said, for pushing him.

"Thank you," Wei Chen said at the same time as he was saved by him from falling.

Both of them smiled, Wei Chen looked away while the man found the other cute.

"Gege, what are you doing over there, come here fast."

A boy who was the same age as Xiao Bo shouted.

"Ah, yes, I am coming." The man looked at Wei Chen, "Perhaps you know where the 'Novice Pavillion' is...?" The man asked.

"Go straight and then left, you can see a green building," Song Wei Chen instructed.

"Thank you, Mr..."

The man looked at him asking for his name.

"Song Wei Chen, and you..."

He asked as the man seemed somewhat familiar cause his looks were damn hot and he was just Wei Chen's type.

"Wei Chen, nice to meet you. I am Li Feng Mian."

The man introduced himself and extended his hand.

Song Wei Chen shook his hand in shock cause who doesn't know the young master Li in the whole country? He was the only heir to the Li family that was so powerful.

>>>But the Li family lives in B City not in S City...then why is the Li Family's young master here?

"I am sorry for not recognizing you, Young Master Li."

Song Wei Chen bowed as he didn't want to make an enemy out of him cause just by a flick of his finger his whole Song family would be wiped out of Shanghai.

"Ow, no need to be so formal. Young master Song, I heard a lot about you," Li Fang Mian smiled.

"Please call me Wei Chen, and it's my honor that you heard about me," Wei Chen smiled back.

"Gege!!! I am gonna tell Grandpa that you were flirting with men in the University instead of helping me."

The boy who earlier shouted, approached them glaring at his brother.

Song Wei Chen was amazed that someone had the guts to speak like that to the Young master Li.

>>>He is calling him Gege, but to my knowledge, the Li family has an eldest daughter, Li Hui Ying, and a second son Li Feng Mian.

>>>Then who is this kid?

"Li Fan shut up. I am not flirting. Meet Mr. Song Wei Chen, their family is influential in Shanghai."

Li Feng Mian introduced each other.

"Hello, I am Qi Li Fan," He bowed.

>>>Qi family...then he must be Li Feng Mian's maternal cousin, one of the twins famous for their talent in music.

"Hello," Song Wei Chen bowed in turn.

"You both, what are you guys doing here? I want to dump this luggage in my room and go enjoy with my friends,"

A girl frowned at them.

>>>She must be Qi Mei Lian, the other twin.

She looked at Wei Chen, then at her brother Feng Mian, and then smirked. She pulled her brother down and whispered,

"This guy seems to be just your type, right Gege?"

Li Feng Mian nodded with a smile,

"That's why help me."

"Of course."

Qi Mei Lian winked at her brother.

"Hello, I am Qi Mei Lian."

She introduced herself to Wei Chen who nodded at her in acknowledgment.

"We are searching for 'Novice Pavillion', would the kind Dage like to show us the place?"

Mei Lian asked, showing off her puppy eyes.

>>>Ah...I need to go to the company but if I don't attend them what if they think I am arrogant and cause trouble?

>>>Ugh, only if their family isn't powerful...

Wei Chen smiled which didn't reach his eyes,

"Yes, let me guide you there."

And he started walking in front of them while Mei Lian wiggled her eyebrows at her brother who winked back at her.

Qi Li Fan looked at the both of them bewildered and followed them.

"So, are you studying at this University too?"

Feng Mian struck the conversation walking beside him.

Wei Chen chuckled, "No, do I look that young? But yeah, I am an Alumni of S University."

"Ah, you don't look old at all, here I thought we must be of the same age," Feng Mian commented.

"I am 23 years old, I finished my master's just last year," Wei Chen replied.

"Ahh, then Dage why are you here?" Mei Lian asked out of curiosity.

Li Fan and Feng Mian also looked at him for the answer.

"I came here to join my little brother," Wei Chen responded.

"Little brother....do you mean Song Xiao Bo?"

Li Fan and Mei Lian both screamed at the same time.

Wei Chen frowned and then nodded.

"Yes, how do you know my brother?"

"Who doesn't know him? He is the whore-"

Li Fan didn't finish as Wei Chen glared at him.

Li Feng Mian found it interesting to see the reaction of the smaller.

"Your younger brother is quite popular in B city too."

Wei Chen understood what the taller meant, recently a month back Yi Ming took Xiao Bo to B city when Wei Chen was on a business trip.

There, the next day it was on the news all over that the Song family's second son kicked the balls of the mayor as he was dissatisfied with his length.

And everyone laughed at the mayor and also talked about Xiao Bo's arrogance and boldness.

But the fact was, Yi Ming took Xiao Bo to entertain those old politicians to gain some power in B city but his plan backfired when Xiao Bo kicked the balls of the Mayor and ran away as he tried to molest him.

After coming home, furious Yi Ming whipped Xiao Bo relentlessly, that those marks were still visible on his back.

Wei Chen helped his little brother in secret again and protected him from his father who was about to kill him.

After that news, many were curious about Song Xiao Bo and investigated him.

The people who were fed up with Xiao Bo's arrogance in S city all told the reporters about how he was a manwhore and the rumors about him spread like wildfire with 99% of lies and everyone believed that.

Song Wei Chen still remembered how broken Xiao Bo looked at that time and refused to go out.

He locked himself in his room for the whole month cause when he went outside everyone was looking at him with disgust in their eyes and whispered behind his back.

"Please mind your words and know the truth before you talk rubbish. I don't know what you guys heard about my brother but he isn't anything like that,"

Wei Chen defended in a harsh tone, he was suppressing his anger cause he didn't want to offend them but he couldn't take a word against his innocent little brother.

Li Feng Mian's eyes darkened but then in a second changed his mood before anyone could notice and laughed,

"Leave it. Who cares about those senseless rumors in the media? Wei Chen, in which field did you do your masters?"

He changed the subject smoothly and signed his cousins to walk quietly.

"Uh... business management."

Wei Chen replied understanding that Feng Mian didn't want to create an awkward atmosphere between them and he was grateful for it.

He smiled at the taller,

>>>Such a gentleman.

But Feng Mian who was offended by Wei Chen's sudden rise in voice against his cousins was just playing cool on the outside and was cooking up a sinister plan in his mind which was unknown to the smaller.

"Oh yes, no wonder you are a pro in the business. I heard from my Jiejie, that you gave her a fierce competition on a tender," Feng Mian looked at him to see his reaction.

Song Wei Chen was astonished,

>>>What? The C.E.O of Li Corporations, Li Hui Ying, the woman whom everyone fears in the business world mentioned me to her brother...?

>>>Wait...is she upset that I got the deal instead of her company? What if she decided to ruin our Song family because I offended her?

Li Feng Mian smiled in satisfaction seeing the smaller's amazed expression turning into a feared one.

"I-I...just tried my best..." Wei Chen didn't know how to respond.

The taller chuckled and placed his hand over Wei Chen's shoulder,

"Don't worry, she liked it that after a long time, she got a tough opponent like you."

Li Feng Mian tried to ease the smaller's expression cause he knew what the other was worried about.

>>>Of course, everyone fears Jiejie but Wei Chen, why am I enjoying you getting scared like this? Interesting, I might as well have fun while I stay in S city.

"It's an honor that she thinks so highly of me," Wei Chen quickly replied and looked at the taller as his eyelashes trembled.

>>>If Father knows about this...he will not stay put. I can't afford to offend the Li family.

"T-This...is the 'Novice Pavillion', boy's side is this way and girl's dorms are to the right side."

Song Wei Chen showed the directions as they stopped in front of an arch that had the 'Novice Pavillion' name on it.

"Ah, we are here, Li Fan and Mei Lian, go and put your luggage in your rooms and come down, we will go out for lunch and then I will drop you guys back here."

Feng Mian instructed and both twins nodded and went off in each direction.

"Then...I will leave too, goodbye, Young Master Li."

Wei Chen bowed and was about to go but a big arm held his hand and stopped him from taking a step further.

Wei Chen looked back, "Is there anything else?"

He looked at the taller while gulping his saliva, he needed to go to the company for the emergency meeting, if not his father would be enraged with him.

Also, he didn't want to offend the Li family cause if he did so, there would be no company to attend the meetings in the first place.

"Give me your number, I will be staying here for a while. I don't know anyone here, would you like to accompany me to see places, Wei Chen?"

Li Feng Mian asked leaning forward and it was an obvious lie.

Their faces were so close to each other, Wei Chen didn't like it but he couldn't break off from the strong grip of the taller.

Even though Feng Mian was four years younger than him, his aura was so different, that it was dominating and pressurizing. His eyes were of a predator looking down at its prey.

Song Wei Chen nodded lightly and only then Feng Mian left his hand with a smirk on his face and extended his hand, signing him to give his phone.

The smaller took out his phone and handed it to the taller who dialed his number calling his own and added his number on the other's phone and then gave it back to the smaller.

"Looking forward to our next meeting, Wei Chen," Feng Mian's lips curled up.

Wei Chen's eyes rippled as he backed off and bowed to him,

"I will be leaving." And the smaller walked away at a fast speed.

As he was getting cold sweats, at first Feng Mian was good, he gave off a gentleman's vibe but who was he kidding?

Song Wei Chen was a person who had great intuition about the people.

He knew Li Feng Mian wasn't someone to mess with, he was kind on the outside but inside he was darker and dangerous and Wei Chen didn't dare to stand up against him cause he didn't have the power to do so.

As he walked out of the University, he was worried that Feng Mian would do something sooner and he should be prepared for it to protect his little brother Xiao Bo.


"Hey, Feng Mian. What are you doing here?"

A tall person similar to the height of Feng Mian who was Raven haired and had dark ebony eyes that could pierce through anything just by a quick gaze asked with a frown evident on his face.

"Hi, MuMu! How are you?"

Feng Mian hugged his best friend, an accomplice in crime, and his business partner.

"You wanna die?"

Wang Mu Chen glared at his friend as he doesn't like the nickname his friend would call him all the time.

"Nope, not so soon. So, are you free today?" Feng Mian queried.


Wang Mu Chen looked at his friend with zero interest.

"Buddy, I am here after years, and see, you're having such a boring expression on your face. Aren't you excited to meet me?"

Feng Mian questioned showing a fake hurt expression.

"Nope. Anyway, you are not here for me. You came all the way from New York to here to get a break from your sister's nagging, didn't you?" Mu Chen presumed.

"Why are you so smart? I hate smart fellas like you," Feng Mian showed his disdain.

"Gege," a sweet voice called from behind and Mu Chen turned to see him.

"Ah, you are here, Yu-Er" Mu Chen smiled and patted the younger's head.

"This..." Feng Mian looked at him with curious eyes.

Wang Mu Chen gazed at his friend, "This is my cousin, Cao Shen Yu, he is the same age as your twin cousins."

"Ah, is that so? Hey, Yu-Er, I am your Gege's friend, Li Feng Mian," He introduced himself.

Cao Shen Yu bowed at him, "Nice to meet you, Gege."

Wang Mu Chen walked towards his friend, leaned in, and whispered in his ear,

"Don't even try to play your tricks with him. I would make you an eunuch if you try to approach my little brother."

Li Feng Mian smirked.

"Don't worry, Yu-Er isn't my type. And I have already got my eyes on a Kitten."

Wang Mu Chen stepped back with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't know you stopped being a human and started chasing after animals. I should pray for that kitten's safety"

Feng Mian rolled his eyes at that.

"Yu-Er, let's go, I will show you your room."

Mu Chen took the luggage from his brother and carried it inside the building not looking back at his friend.

Cao Shen Yu bowed at Feng Mian awkwardly and ran behind his elder brother.

"MuMu, I will be visiting you on the weekend," Li Feng Mian shouted purposefully to irritate his friend.

Wang Mu Chen stopped, and gritted his teeth,


He mumbled and he lifted his free hand, showed his middle finger to his friend without looking back, and walked away.

Li Feng Mian just smirked and waited for his twin cousins to get back and while doing so he called someone,

: ̗̀➛"Hello, I want every detail of Song Wei Chen. His daily life, his hobbies, his strength, and particularly his weakness and any dirt on him."

"Yes, sir," The person replied from the other line.

: ̗̀➛ "Um."

He cut the call and a playful smirk was on his lips.


"Xiao Xiao, let's go to the cafeteria, I am so hungry," Feng Xin Yi whined.

Xiao Bo was still not getting used to how Xin Yi had become so close to him just in minutes.

"Um, I will be back after I wash my face and then we will go to eat,"

Xiao Bo responded and put his bag away that he was arranging with books according to his class schedules and went inside the washroom.

Just then a knock was heard and Feng Xin Yi got up from his bed to open the door,

"Mu Gege," Xin Yi was shocked to see him.

"Xin Yi," Wang Mu Chen patted his head.

"Come inside Gege, why are you here so suddenly? I was about to meet you after I had lunch."

Xin Yi moved away from the door giving the taller some space to get inside the room.

"Ah, I wanted to introduce you both."

Wang Mu Chen moved a little and Xin Yi saw the smaller male behind him.

"Hello," Cao Shen Yu waved his hand and smiled at him cutely.

"This is..." Feng Xin Yi looked at Mu Chen.

"He is Cao Shen Yu, my maternal cousin," Mu Chen introduced him.

"Ah, Uncle Zhang Bao's son. I wanted to meet you so much cause Uncle always used to talk about you, and you are also the same age as me, I was really curious but you never came to C country."

Xin Yi pouted a little and allowed the both of them inside the room.

Wang Mu Chen sat on Xiao Bo's bed while Xin Yi held Shen Yu's hand and made him sit beside him.

Feng Xin Yi knew about all the family members of Wang Mu Chen cause their families were friends for generations.

Xin Yi played at Wang's mansion more than he stayed at his home so he knew all the Wangs even their branch family members.

"He is in your class and the room next to you, he is a little shy and fears new people so I thought it would be a good idea if he stayed with you in this room but the Janitor said that your room was occupied by the other student," Mu Chen said looking over the things of Xiao Bo.

"Ah, yes. Till last week, the Janitor said that my roommate wouldn't be staying in the room so I was a little disappointed but then they said he was coming to stay in the dorms and I am telling you he is super cute just like Shen Yu," Xin Yi explained with a big smile on his face.

Wang Mu Chen smiled at him,

"So where is this cute roommate of yours?" He looked around the room.

"Ah, he is in the washroom. I will introduce him once he comes out, and you will see how cute he is Mu Gege. I bet Shen Yu, I and him will become best friends," Xin Yi proclaimed.

"Good for you both. But just don't spend all your time chit-chatting and do some study, alright?" Wang Mu Chen looked at both of them.

Shen Yu nodded politely while Xin Yi, "Ugh, Mu Gege is always so serious and so strict about studies. We have to enjoy our life in high school."

Mu Chen shook his head,

"Alright, have fun. Then I will be leaving. I have work to do, go get some food in the cafeteria, and then go to the administration cabin and check your class schedule once again, okay?"

Song Xiao Bo who was about to open the door of the washroom was frozen when he heard the familiar voice. He peeked out from the hole and his eyes widened in shock.

Wang Mu Chen was sitting on his bed talking sweetly with Feng Xin Yi. Xiao Bo's eyes became wet as tears flowed down his cheeks.

"Mu Ge-"

He closed his mouth immediately from saying Gege and backed off cause he remembered how Wang Mu Chen cut off his tongue in his past life as he got irritated when he called him 'Mu Gege'.

He hit his back to the wall and dropped to the floor with tears. He shut his mouth tightly with his palms and muffled his sobs.


Mini theatre:

Wang Mu Chen: Villainess...

Ms. Villainess: Before you ask me if you can kill me, my answer is no so stop coming after my life, Mr. Wang.

Wang Mu Chen: ... When will you let me meet my Wifey?

Song Xiao Bo: Who is your Wifey? Go away!

Ms. Villainess: Bobo, but he didn't say the Wifey was you...

Song Xiao Bo: ... That's right, his Wifey might be Xin Yi, *pouts*

Wang Mu Chen: *glares at the Villainess and whispers* I will definitely kill you, Villainess. And I have only one Wifey, and that's BoBo.

Song Xiao Bo: *blushes*

Ms. Villainess: *disappears quietly to save my life*

Ms. Villainess has something to say:

Ahhhhhhh, Xiao Bo is in the washroom and Wang Mu Chen is sitting on BoBo's bed? What's this? Are they gonna meet?

One Vote and comment = One smack for Feng Mian for scaring little Weiwei.

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