Prologue: A new star is born
The world is in constant changing once we lived on caves and now, we have building that almost can touch the sky. How we did this? Easy....evolving and it happen again the humans evolved and this time the change it was huge the humans managed to develop powers, now everything was possible even be a "hero" but all wasn't joy and colors there were people that couldn't develop a power just like our protagonist, his name? Izuku Midoriya a child that was no more than 5 years old, him and his mother went to the doctor to know the quirk that he would have but he heard something that killed his dream, "Sorry kid but you should give up, you don't have a quirk you can't be a hero" with those words his dream of being a hero just like his idol the number one hero All might...died
His mom and him returned to their home his mother wanted to cheer him up but she didn't know how, she could only watch how his child was depressed she blamed herself why she couldn't pass him her quirk, and without knowing she started to cry...
Izuku was now in his room in his bed crying how to be a hero without power, without a quirk? He was just depressed he laid down on his bed and he went to sleep with only one thought in his mind.
- "I wish I had a power; I don't care about money or fame I just want to help people"-The little one said in his mind
"So be it"
A deep voice said while a snap could be heard Izuku was going to say something when he wakes up in a bed that wasn't him or at least couldn't be his, it was too expensive he was going to investigate what happened when the door was knocked and a voice said.
???: Brother, wake up! The breakfast is ready!
-Of course, just give me a minute! -He said with a confused voice
???-Ok then I will wait down stares!
He was panicking he was in a room that wasn't his own and then another person was calling him brother, His voice change as well is body! He is taller and more had more muscles, it looks like he is around the 10 years old! what is happened to him?
-Calm down young man-the voice that talked to him before talked again
-W-What?! Where are you? Who are you? -he said with fear on his voice
-You can call me Deiga, I'm an entity that saw your wish and I'm here to grant it to you. Plus, I'm the one how is narrating your story -I said with calm in my voice while looking at every one of you.... :)
-I don't understand that last part......but you said that you are here to grant me a wish! Are you going to give me a quirk!?
-No, I can't give you a quirk. But what I can do is show you an ancient power that was forgotten because the last one who had it forgot to pass it to the next generation, and well a universal reset happened
-Universal reset? -Izuku said with confusion
-I will talk about that later. Right now, let me help you with something-he said while light appeared in front of Izuku while he got some memories about the new dimension that he was.
-I...I... -Izuku stuttered
-You, what? -I said with a smile.
-I know everything about this place now! It was my brother that was knocking Jonathan Joestar! But....what happened to my world? and my mother...
-You are sleep in your world right now don't worry you will not age there and your mother well your REAL mother is okay too, I just took your essence and I made a new body to you in this world you are officially a Joestar that mark on your neck confirms it.
-SO COOL!-Izuku said
And if you complete your adventure here the body that you have now will take the place of the old one.
-So... you are saying that if I get the power of this place and well complete my adventure, my body that would be used to the power will take the place of the one that is not?
-Basically, but you will not have an adult body that would be weird, you would have to develop twice and you will conserve your star mark in your neck but that's not relevant right now. If you accept this challenge you won't be able to remember me or anything about your world until you adventure here ends, okay? -he said
-I understand.... in order to save people in my world I suppose that I will need to save people in here and well obtain power here!
-You are correct but I will warn you, I can't help you in almost anything because it would be boring to all who is watching you. This place is as real as your world if you die here you will die in your native world do you still want to get that power?
-Yes! I want it I want to be a hero to all the people! one to all! ONE FOR ALL!
-uh? What's funny?
-Oh, don't worry is just that you made me remember something well then until we meet again! Goodbye Izuku Joestar Midoriya, our Bizzare hero.
I left and with me the memories of his normal life, Izuku was in his bed his face was in a blank expression until he reacted.
-Dammit I can't let my brother waiting that wouldn't be gentleman like!
After that Izuku went out of his room and went to the living room when he arrives, he saw his brother he had blue hair, his eyes were blue as well, he looks happy to see Izuku it was Jonathan Joestar
-Brother! Did you sleep well? -Jonathan said
-Yes, I did! Must we must hurry the breakfast will be cold if we don't eat it now! -Izuku said
-You are right! -Jonathan said while taking izuku to the dinner room
They had a good breakfast and while they were eating a tall man was walking into the room, his cloths were of the nobility his eyes had the color of the plants and in his face, it was a happy smile...the man was George Joestar
-My dear sons, is the breakfast good?
-Yes father! -they said in unison
-Very good then I'm happy that you like it!
-Dad I know you have some work to do so...could you let us go outside? -Jonathan said
-Of course! Just be careful and take care of each other
-Okay dad! Let's go Izuku!
And with that said they went out of the house and they started to play for them it didn't matter the hours they just like to be with each other, the relation of the two Joestars only started to grown with the time.
What they didn't know is that nothing could remain the same for too long.....
A house could be seen on the dark a little light was emanating from a was a candle that was in the hand of a blonde boy, the blond boy left the candle in a wood table and started to dress he was putting a coat, a scarf and some glove's the boy had a face that could tell anyone that he was uncomfortable but at the same time some tears could been seen falling from his eye. But then a blond old man with a beer on his hand was approaching to the boy with an angry face he started to yelled at him.
???: BOY!
???: *sigh* What do you want old man...?
???: I was literally going to do that...
???: Yes....father.
After saying that the blond boy went out of the house and started to walk without direction.
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