
A sensation that no human with a sane mind would like to experiment, however...the are some conditions that contradict this affirmation. Some people find pleasure in it, others use it to train themselves against it, but some take it to protect a loved one...Sometimes by choice and sometimes by pure instinct. Izuku "Kujo" Joestar didn't think, but he reacted...

His hands were pierced by Dio's Knife. While all his family was watching...

-IZUKU!!!-Jonathan and George screamed with horror while Izuku screamed in pain...

And this, this put a smile on Dio's face...

Dio withdrew with force the knife from Izuku's hands, making  Izuku's blood fluid into Dio's own hands.

Dio without hesitation put the stone mask on his face and used Izuku's blood to activate it and when the spikes penetrated his brain a burst of unholy laughter came out... 

Speedwagon was the first one to process what was happening and the first one to snap out of it...Like a leader, he shouted one command to the police...

-SHOOT HIM DEAD! -Speedwagon yelled

The police officers shoot Dio without hesitation all of them shooting for the kill with only two of them failing two bullets.

After the commotion of the shootings, George and Jonathan snapped out of their shock. Jonathan took Izuku's Hands and applied pressure on them while their father went to the doctors that were attending him before this.

-Izuku...! I'm sorry! I couldn't react! Because of me your hands....! Your dream....!-

Izuku reminded silent          


-You would have done the same ...that's what family is for, to protect each other ... right?-Izuku said

Izuku tried to smile but the pain in his hands made what should be an understanding smile turn out to be crooked one.

Jonathan dropped a tear from his right cheek and he limited to say.....

-I'm sorry....-Jonathan said.

The oldest of the people inside, George Joestar came with the doctors...and each of them was horrified

George/Doctor 1: Son/Young Kujo...!

Doctor 2: Your hands...!

Izuku's face shuddered with pain but he tried to pass through it...

-Is he gonna be okay?-JoJo said with remorse

Almost everyone in the room went quiet.

-JoJo....-George tried to say something to him but he was interrupted by Speedwagon

-That knife penetrated his hands completely.....I may not be a doctor as the people that are around me but...He is not.....Speedwagon tried to finish but he was interrupted...

-Don't say it.....-JoJo said while holding Izuku's hands...-Please Speedwagon don't.....

Speedwagon understood what he meant and he remained silent while the doctors went into Izuku's aid...

However, a grown-up man started to blame himself for what happened.

-It's all my fault! 20 years ago...argh! If I had dealt with Dio Brando's father 20 years ago

Speedwagon saw this man in confusion so he decided to ask that man what was going on

-What are you talking about? Dio Brando's Father?

The man growled helplessly

-Yes! It was my fault!! It was 20 years ago...Soon after I began working as a police officer! I came to Scotland to call Lord Joestar, We informed Lord Joestar about a ring that was stolen from him, at first he was impressed since he didn't report the robbery of that ring and he wondered how the situation could have happened in the first place, I told him that we identified his ring, the one that his wife gave him...

Izuku and Jonathan flinched when they heard the mention of their mother however they had to concentrate on making it easier for doctors to stabilize Izuku's bleeding hands...

The man continued his narration

-He didn't ask to see the one who stole it, but my pride as a newbie demanded that I showed him who it was...Dio Brando's Father......Dario Brando!!! The man that supposedly saved his life...AND LORD JOESTAR ADOPTED DIO KNOWING WHAT HIS FATHER DID!

The majority of the room went quiet after that.

The man was going to finish his monologue but the patriarch of the Joestar house interrupted him.

-This is yours, Mr Brando. I might have done the same thing if I was born to something for your family......And become a person of good, not evil.......Those were the words that I said to him....but it would seem that it was meaningless to him...

The doctors managed to stabilize Izuku's hands after George's words... He would also need some pain relievers, although some of the butlers and doctors present had already gone for them.

-Kujo...Jojo...I am sorry...This is my fault...

The two brothers looked at him trying to say something however George continued

-I thought that I could change Dio's behaviour with kindness and attention while treating you hard and harsh.....He must have felt it as an unfair treatment...I'm sorry...

A silence filled the room once again....util the brother spoke to their father

-There's nothing to forgive father.....-Jojo said

-Do not think that otherwise father....argh...

And as much I wanted you two to not be mad at Dio but he made his choice when he attacked us...

-No....-Izuku said...

-But I...

-It's was not your fault that Dio was like that...He...


The Joestar trio felt a shiver coming down their backbones when those words came out of Speed wagon's mouth, a primal instinct took over their bodies and force them to look where Dio's body was supposed to be.


(If you are gentle enough to see the compilation until the 21 seconds mark thank you.)

What followed next horrified them more... A full healed Dio appeared in front of them. 

The three Joestars were speechless, their brains were trying to process what was happening however in this bizarre situation the only one who could talk was the trustful Speedwagon.

-W-What's the meaning of this?! How is he still alive?! How could he survive those gunshots?!

One of the officers tried to put some logic in this situation.

-Be careful! He must have some weapon on him!

Izuku's mind was overflowing with thoughts but one word would describe them all.


The police were trying to come out from their shock, Speedwagon tried to help, saying that Dio was coming and they needed to shoot him again. Those words helped Jonathan to come out of his shock.

In a matter of seconds, Jonathan took a revolver from one of the officers and pointed Dio with it.

-Dio, stop! Don't take another step!! -Jonathan threatened him.

However, Dio only smirked and took another step with a crooked smile on his face, Jonathan trembled when he saw the actions of his "brother".

-DIO!!!!!!-Jonathan tried one last attempt at intimidation.

Speedwagon, been the most controlled person in the room tried to smack some sense into Jonathan.

-Don't be reckless, Jojo! Just shoot him! You have to! 

Jonathan trembled even more with those words.

Speedwagon couldn't take it anymore, He took his revolver and shot Dio right in the skull while Speedwagon itself was standing right beside Jonathan.


Dio was still standing with the hole in his head and walking towards them like nothing happen to him. Everyone in the room was horrified, Dio's blood came out from his wound but he kept walking.

Dio was experimenting with a new high at that moment, he felt the bullet penetrating his skull and part of his brain but he didn't felt any major pain...a needle would have caused more pain in comparison...but there was a thing that he felt...He was thirsty...

Dio felt his blood coming out from the wound and running trough his forehead...He smiled

Jonathan and Speedwagon saw how Dio's blood came out as he, Dio, touched his wound and licked the blood that was in his fingers. However, Izuku was still trying to process what was happening in front of him.

-Dio..he is still alive...he was shot in the head, and still...

Speedwagon as if he read Izuku's mind like a scrip said his question out aloud.

-What's going on?! Because I don't have the foggiest idea!

Jonathan was as clueless as everyone in the room

-How is this possible?!

Dio's gaze sharped in an instant and looked right at Jonathan.

-JOJO!-Dio said while jumping to the ceiling-Withness the incredible power I now possess...I owe it to the stone mask! NOT TO MENTION DEKU'S BLOOD! 

Dio looked right at Izuku and smiled, on the other hand, Izuku looked terrified as if he had given birth to a monster...and he quite did...

Dio with an inhuman speed penetrated the skull of one of the near officers with his fingers as if butter as if it were butter and he started drinking him.

The fear in everybody's heart increased in less than a second as they watched how Dio sucked the life out of that officer. 

-He's draining his blood...and drawing energy for it?! -The joestar brothers said 

Dio threw the man with so much force to the other police officers that he killed them in the act...Shocking all people in the room but especially the doctors and Izuku.

Some limbs flew off towards George, Izuku, and Speedwagon, the first ones managed to dodge the limbs Speedwagon, however, got hit on his gut making him fall to the ground but he managed to stabilize himself up.

Once again Jonathan's was speechless, his thoughts run wild in his mind...but his thoughts were not unique though, as the true brothers they were the same thoughts 

-The knife...My hands/Izuku's hands...My blood/His blood...Dio...the stone mask...Jojo's research/my research...the brain...strange abilities...untold power!

Is Dio no longer human?!

Another "Wrryyy" was as a taunt towards Jonathan intimidating him to his core, however, Jonathan looked back, seeing Izuku being held by his father both with fear in their eyes.


Jonathan's gaze sharped in less than a second and looked back at Dio with determination look, in response, Dio, who was still in the roof, blew smoke out of his lungs. Jonathan's resolve burned stronger with Dio's mocking. But our trustful Speedwagon noticed this.

-Don't! He's unstoppable!-Speedwagon said while some of his blood was coming out from his mouth.-I've never seen a monster like that before! I've never seen a beast with that kind of otherworldly power!

Jonathan heard loud and clear the warnings of Speedwagon while he grabbed a near spear from an armour from the mansion.

-I know...-Jojo said.-To be honest, I'm terrified. But Dio...


After those words, Jonathan aimed the spear towards Dio.

-Mr. Joestar, don't! He'll kill you!

Jonathan tighten his grip on the spear

-Speedwagon please, get everyone out, go safe place now.

Speedwagon saw the resolve in Jonathan's eyes when he said that...and something deep in his soul told him to follow the instructions. Yet his body didn't move, this kinda irritated Jonathan.

-Speedwagon! Do it now or everybody is going to die!

That was the spark that he needed.

-Everyone! Retreat now!-Speedwagon yelled to everyone in the room except for Jojo.

Speedwagon took the weapons from the dead police officers back off to the other's, the medics took the dead and dry body of the police officer that was

Izuku tried to reply but some medics and Speedwagon took him out of the house while George and the rest of the medics took the body of the dry dead man while leaving the limbs from the police force.

Jonathan Joestar was facing up a monster but even with this treat in his face, he was coming to a small but effective conclusion.

-The brain...The spikes in the stone mask must have unlocked some kind of hidden potential in the human brain, which means there's might still be a chance to defeat him...

But something that most people would classify as unholy happened the dry corpse of the police officer started moving while he was being transported outside the house. That didn't go unnoticed by anyone.

-The corpse...! It's moving!- a medic said while holding it.

Jonathan and Dio looked at them, Jonathan with shock and Dio with a smile...

The corpse moved erratically scratching hitting the doctors, with such force that the scratches were more cuts from a knife, Speedwagon, Izuku, and George metal health went down, even more, for witnessing that event.

The now living corpse screamed, breaking itself free from the grip of the doctors while the arms that kept him in line were broken by him. The corpse fell to the ground while keeping eye contact with George, Speedwagon and Izuku.

The corpse's dry eyes locked in the crimson liquid that Izuku's hands were dropping...because of this, the corpse began to speak...

-Blood...I want to lap it!

Izuku's felt a shiver coming down his spine.

-Blood...Just let me drink it!

The corpse jumped towards Izuku going for a tremendous bite and he quite did...

But not as he thought...  

An arm protected Izuku from the bite of that corpse taking it instead...

A carrying arm protected Izuku from the bite of the corpse...

An arm...

Followed by his father scream 

A quick shot was made into the head of that corpse, by our trustful Speedwagon, but the dried and rotten teeth stayed on George's arm, the recoil made by the gun and the position he was, made Speedwagon open the door. The three of them felt to the ground. Izuku tried to stand up putting his arms as support but the pain make him slip in his intent.



But two voices called him. One of them was his father...His was calling him...

Izuku somehow summoned strength from his soul, his hands hardened, his breathing sharpened and for a brief moment, he felt better. Although that feeling didn't last long. His eyes, his body went into shock again...Izuku saw his father on his knees... He saw the rotten teeth of the corpse slowly going inside the flesh of his father arm.

-Izuku.... -George said while some of his blood came out like some bizarre kind of water fountain while the teeth's went down more and more into George flesh


George Joestar flinched with pain and Izuku ignoring his, he went to his father help but Speedwagon stopped him.

-No! Speedwagon! Let me go!

-Kujo-san! Don't! His arm is...!- Speedwagon tried to speak something to Izuku

-LET ME GO SPEEDWAGON!-Izuku tried to break himself free but then...

-Son...don't get near me.... please -George said with a mix of pain and fear in his voice

Izuku stopped in his track.

-What? WHY?!

-He is right...Mr. Speedwagon is right...son...I can feel it...I have been cursed.....

George Joestar's right arm went pale and thin. Izuku's face paled as well...

-Those teeth are changing me...

-N-No! You won't turn into something!!

Izuku was going to finish his sentence but George interrupted him.

-Son...-The half of George face followed the path of his right arm.-It is too late for me.......

-No...! You can't die here I need to save you....!

-You already already have..... Tell Jojo...That I...l-love b-both...of you.....

With that as his last words, the man known as George Joestar succumbed to the zombie curse while Izuku's tears were now flowing like a river.

Speedwagon saw the entire scene in front of his eyes, he would lie if he tells someone that he didn't shed some tears while witnessing the scene. But Speedwagon soon remembered what happened minutes earlier and what Lord Joestar corpse would become ...

George's corpse right arm stretched out to attack his own son.

or rather what HAS become.

-Kujo-san!!!-Speedwagon ran towards Izuku but

(You know the drill)

Speedwagon stood still, shocked by the sound of the gun. The grey matter shed on the ground.. and the arm of George Joestar corpse felt to the ground once again, however, instead of a gentle thud like the first time, it was a

Silence filled the air...

Neither of them said a thing until Izuku decided to look at his back, trying to find Speedwagon.

A clap of thunder came down from the sky revealing the numb face that Izuku had, like if he hasn't processed what he had done...but he knew what he has done, he knew very well what he had done. 


Izuku Joestar has killed his own father, George Joestar...


He, the son of George Joestar, have shed the grey matter that once belonged in his father head. 

He, the person who tried to save him from the "disease" that struck him in bed for longer than he can remember has murdered him

In a split of a second Izuku's face was filled with rage and hatred, how could he do this? to his own father?! He was a disgrace, he was about to cry until he couldn't do it any more but then his mind clicked, If Dio hadn't come into their lives, none of this would have happened.

Izuku's eyes were about to see all in deep red colour and his body was about to move on his own, but a voice that he was not familiar with spoke to him.

-Kujo-san! Wait!!

Izuku stopped by a moment his nickname has been spoken by someone, someone who he was not familiarized or it was the rage that couldn't let him recognize it, however, he could hear comprehension in the voice. Izuku turned around saw Speedwagon in his back, despite being at the edge of falling into that rage and rush to "kill" Dio, he listened.

-I...I know how is to lose someone and let alone being the one who puts him out of the misery but listen to me, you are not a murderer, you saved your father from a destiny worse than death.

Izuku rage didn't increase but stood still. He understood that going hotheaded into the situation won't help, so he did what he and his brother knew that calmed them a little.

He took a deep breath and relaxed his body, once done that he took his now new pistol and load it, after that he stood up with silent anger running through his veins. Without looking directly at Speedwagon he talked to him.

-Speedwagon, we may not know each other for more than a day but we both know that Dio must be stopped right here and right now.

Speedwagon knowing the statement to be true nodded in agreement 

-I'm going in, Speedwagon you are the last line of defence. If we fail to kill him you do whatever it needs to be done.-Izuku said with anger and hate alongside with some tears coming down from his eyes.

With a battle cry that sounded more like a painful howl, Izuku charged into the mansion with only one intention. 

End this eight-year-long nightmare once and for all.......







Dio was on an everlasting climax, the stone mask granted him power beyond human comprehension. A power that ironically any human could archive but no one would due to morality and sh*t, but him, Dio, was not afraid to obtain what he wanted.

The power he obtained was intoxicating his mind but what could it happen? He was above of all of humanity and now he confirmed it, no one could touch him, not even JoJo could...

Talking about JoJo...

-JoJo....-Dio said while turning his back against the principal door.- Just a little more... I'd like to have a little more fun with this magnificent power...I still haven't tested the extent of my abilities, after all...

Dio made a grin trying to intimidate his brother only to find himself "alone" in the dark, with a devil's smile, he Dio, said in a threatening voice.

-Hiding, eh? Very well...

Dio using his enhanced senses started tracking Jonathan, it didn't take long until he finds him using his nose. A puddle of "fluid" was getting bigger...

-Remember what I said, JoJo? Plot and scheme all you want, humans always be slaves to their limitations!

The grin on his face got even wicked than before.

-I would stop struggling if I were you...JoJo, COME OUT FROM BEHIND THAT CURTAIN!

At the moment that Dio took the curtain, a loud bang sounded in the room. Izuku had shot another bullet from the revolver trying to price Dio's skull once again, however, due to his hand wounds the only things he managed was to graze the upper skin of the enemy skull.

But before the monster that called himself Dio could say another one-liner the heat of pure fire overcame his senses while Jonathan's righteous eyes gazed over the burning curtain that enveloped Dio and at the same time it put the house on fire.

Both Joestar brothers retreat themself together as instincts dictated over them while trying to put some distance between Dio and them

-This isn't some scheme...This is courage!-Jonathan claimed with passion in his heart.

In a burst of rage and screams, Dio managed to free himself from the curtain, allowing his now burning body show to the last remaining Joestars the secret of his immortality.

-His wounds are healing...even though he is on fire! -Izuku said  with shock

-Could that be the reason for his immortality?  -Jonathan said with awe 

-Then this fire won't be enough to stop him...-Both brothers said at unison and then looking at each other.

However, Izuku saw that one part of the spear his brother used to fight Dio was in his shoulder and not in his hand. But as much as he wanted to do something about it right now wasn't the time to do that.

Dio smiled while noticing that Izuku distracted himself with JoJo's injuries so as any predator would do....he attacked

Jonathan noticing this took Izuku by the collar of his shirt and launch him towards the stairs protecting him from the swing and in the nick of time while taking a sword near him to protect himself from the flaming Dio.

-Izuku go upstairs now!

-But Jo...

-Trust me!

Izuku hated the situation but he trusted his brother more than he trusted himself, so with a hateful glance at Dio, he went upstairs while everything else was burning up. 

-My, My, JoJo...Always protecting the little Deku aren't we? 

Jonathan raised the sword he holds against Dio

-Come! Dio! -Jonathan said with a confident voice.

Dio drunk with his vampire abilities tried to go with a slow but deadly swing again but now aimed at Jonathan's neck but.....





Jonathan predicted the move and used the sword to impale Dio's hand to the ground!

-WRYYYYYYY!! -Dio screamed with pain amusing him and lowering his climax.

Jonathan didn't wait and used the sword to climbed to the next floor, luckily he wasn't alone in this scenario.

-JOJO!- His brother Izuku reached out to him with his left hand.

Jonathan extended his left arm and grabbed his brother's arm in no time. Izuku didn't care about his hands at the moment, he only wanted to save his brother from the immortal monster, and so he did...

Now both brothers taunted Dio into coming upstairs, challenging him and his immortality.

-Come up here, Dio!

-We won't let you and that unearthly power escape into the world! 

Dio made a grin once more and with a swift move he shredded his burning cloths revelling that his skin gained a more carbonized look but still looked strong as ever. He knew he was getting patronized, he knew that he could kill them as fast as that police officer.....He knew...




And yet he, Dio, accepted the challenge.








Hi guys! as you can see, I'm not dead! Yet this whole year make me feel like I was dead and probably many who read this feel like this too, but don't give up! Prove yourself that you can beat anything that the world can throw at you and then throw it back! Because if I haven't given up in doing this then you shouldn't give up in what you like in life! I hope we can start this new year with a little more hope than we had in all this one, Stay safe guys, Deigapan out!


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