Chapter 1
"Looks like it’ll be a big storm. Don’t think the others are coming today..“ The seventeen-year-old stated as he looked at the start of snowfall.
Part of him wanted to leave as well, but his pride as club leader president wouldn’t allow him, you never know who might need some assistance or help in this school, which is why he created the ‘Crystal gems’.
From student counseling to school events to setting parlays between students, the Crystal gems goal is to make every Diamond high student as smooth as possible. Which is why they, for the most part, butt heads with student council every so often.
The SC feels that the CG overstep their boundaries at times. Though they cannot deny the good they have done. Even if their methods come off as questionable. It’s less animosity and more of a rivalry between the two on whose better for the school. Still they get some funding from the treasury cause they are an official club, that get results.
“Universe..Shouldn’t you be heading out?” a gruff voice called out to him. He turned to see three girls standing in the hall, looking in.He gave them a small smile before taking a seat on the club rooms sofa.
“Awe…You’re worry about me Jasp, That’s sweet of you cuz.”
The girl in question scoffed lightly as she hid her small smile under her orange scarf. Tall and muscular but also very feminine, with wild white hair, gold contacts and faded brown skin with white stripes of vitiligo; which only made her more exotic.Her name’s Jasper, vice president of the student council and his younger cousin.
Behind her stood two others. A slender woman of average height and a swimmers build. Her ocean colored hair and dark sand colored skin, with striking eyes as blue as her namesake Lapis lazuli. She was the secretary of the student council and scuba team Captain.
The last part of this trio was small and shapely, just braking five feet, five-three with her gravity defying, greenish-blonde hair, a natural light tan, her infamous goggles over some of the brightest green eyes you’d ever seen. The student council treasurer and fire cracker, Peridot.
all three were dress in the standard academy uniform( White blazer, yellow blouse, pink tie and blue skirt) under their wool, leather and down coats, respectively.
“Joking aside, she’s right Steven..We’re supposed to be getting a few feet through the night. It’s best if you head home now, before it gets worst…We’d wait for you, if you want.” The bluenette suggested with a small smile.
“Tempting, but I still have some work to finish, beside you never know who might need some advice.” Lapis’s smiled faltered a bit at his refusal.
“Told you, he’d say no. Him and Boss are both the same.” Peridot sighed exasperatedly
“So, the President still here as well? That works in my favor, there something i wanted to discuss with her.”
The three girls looked as Steven to rub his chin and a small smirk appeared on his lips. While Peridot grinned, almost cackled; Jasper sent Lapis a apologetically knowing glance, who in responded in a slight wave. Jasper cleared her throat before walking up to Steven,her left hand open and free, her right held the keys to her car.
“Your keys, give’em here Steven.”
Steven would have argued a bit, but the fact that she used her ‘family’ tone and gave him the look she always did when she was worried about other, left him no resistance. He dug into the back of his slacks and produced a key to his motorcycle with a small pink lion plush on one of the chains. The two exchanged keys, before Jasper headed to the locker in the far left and grabbed three helmets and some goggles from it. She passed the green one to Peridot, a blue to Lapis and kept a large orange one and the goggles for herself.
“Don’t stay too late Steven…”
“And you don’t go too fast on lion…” He turned towards the other two “Make sure she don’t break 25, just because it’s not that bad yet and I had the tires redone for the season, dosen’t mean your perfectly safe.”
Lapis and Peridot gave their word, despite Jasper protest of being a responsible driver. A protest that ended shortly after Steven admitted to trusting her with his ride, making her feel a bit smug.
“Alright guys, we should head home before we all have to load up in Jasper tuna can of a car.”
Jasper growled at Peridot’s comment before giving her cousin a quick one armed hug, Not to be left out; Peridot gave the young man a quick friendly hug causing the tallest girl to roll her eyes and Steven to chuckle. He blushed when he heard Peri whispered something into his stomach and the sly look on her face didn’t help. He shook his head as she broke the hug and basically skipped out of the room once again joking about Jasper car when she was a good ways away, causing Jasper to chase after her. Lapis and Steven looked as the two took off, when they heard Peri yelled.
“I better go before she kills Peri.”
“Yeah,that’s a good idea. Get home safe, Lappie.” Red face and head down, Lapis delivered a weak trembling punch to the boys stomach.
“You rejected me already, so save that charm for her…I’m rooting for you”
With a small kiss upon his cheek and a wipe of a tear, Lapis ran to catch up with Jasper and Peri. Steven shook his head with a sigh as he turned around and laid on the couch. He watched as the snow lightly fell, with a peaceful look, dozing off as he did.
It was a melodic sound. A familiar one as well, he’d recognize it anywhere on earth. A simple feminine humming from his left. He turned towards it and saw a indian-american woman of his age sitting on the loveseat. Pad and pen in hand and headphones over her head; humming to a song on her mp4.
That natural walnut skin, shiny black eyes; long curly brown hair that flowed like a waterfall that cute slightly pointed nose and those small yet full lips. She was a bit taller than lapis, curvier than Peridot; and strong…not Jasper strong, but a fencer and athletic build. She sat, one leg over the other, in an alternative school outfit (pink blazer, yellow skirt,blue shirt, and pink tie). The Student President of Diamond Academy, tennis and fencer all star; Connie Maheswaran.
“That uniform fits you very well.”
“Why, thank you” Steven shocked and red face allowed Connie arched an eyebrow and smirk at CG leader. Steven sat up with a stretch and a crack of the neck.
“Only fifteen to five.”
“So..30 minutes, see you made yourself comfortable; Ms.President.”
“Was waiting for my best friend to wake.” Connie pulled her head phones down to her shoulder as she watch him get up and walk behind her and gave her a small hug, which she returned by squeezing his left bicep.
“ Green, please.”
Giving her a smile the seventeen year old released his hold, a bit reluctantly, before going to the mini fridge getting two bottle of spring water, four tea bags from a nearby locker; and turning on the electric tea kettle that Pearl, one of the club members; brought for the room.
“So really what brings you to the room? And how long have you been here?”
“No reason. Just making rounds saw you here in this nice warm room, decided to come in for a bit. I’ve only been here for about 10 minutes. Is that ok?”
“All are welcomed, but you get special privileges; like this tea.” Steven pointed to the kettle with a smirk. Connie place three fingers on her blouse and gasp in exaggerated fashion.
“Talk about the V.I.P treatment.” She sent him a half smirk. “You wouldn’t be trying to get something from me, Right Mr, Universe.”
he let use a low chuckle as he handed her a mug, and sat back on the couch. “Now whatever gave you that idea?”
“That chuckle for one, and the fact that you left a list of funds proposals on the table.”
“I swear they are all needed.” The pace of that statement caused the president to arched an eyebrow and pursed her lips.
“Uh-huh and what pray tell, does these items have to do with your club activities?”
“As you know, our club was main goal to ensure that our fellow students have a pleasant school life…Which we have done very well.”
“Methods aside..Sure.”
“Negotiations doesn’t always work with words alone..sometimes games need to be played, parlays need to be made-”
“Classrooms need to be close off, dances need to be unofficially hosted; disguises need to be worn.”
“We always brought the costumes back in pristine condition” Connie stone face made him sigh. “ok, working condition.”
“and the fighting?”
“Oh, like you never used your skills outside of an match.”
Connie shrugged, a small toothy grin on her face. “The S.C does double as a disciplinary committee.. You guys don’t.”
“Fair enough, but you can’t argue that we have gotten results-”
“Steven,I’m not going to deny your proposal for these items… Though, I don’t know why you don’t talk to the headmaster are related after all.”
“No way. Last Thing I need is people thinking I am privileged.
“….Just choose some soon, ok?”
the spontaneity of the statement and tiredness of her voice aroused suspicion in him. He scooted over and patted the cushion next to him. She took the lifeline quickly as she sat beside him, leaned on his shoulder and grasped his hand, he did nothing but intertwined his fingers with hers.
“You doing ok, President?”
“Just tired of talking shop, is all. Been planning the winter formal and been dealing with disputes between clubs.”
“You could send some of those disputes over here.”
“and have Jasper be on my thanks, I choose peace… but the dance we could use a little —.” Connie growled mid sentence, facepalming as she did.“No.. No more talk of S.C. work.”
Steven looked on with a smirk at her antics. “Sorry..So how has things been with you, personally? Still dating that Jeff guy?”
“Wow…weeks since we really spoke and that the first thing you ask, wait… how did you know I was dating…ANYONE?”
“He did come to us for advice…Though I was sick for that week. Garnet took control of that one…”
Steven looked at her and rubbed the back of his head. “ On my day back, I caught you two giggling and such afterschool..You wasn’t were we usually meet up for our ride home. I saw you two and was quick to figure what was going on.”
“Oh… Steven, I’m so sorry I-”
“Hey, No problem you don’t have to tell me everything..I mean he’s your boyfriend… you have, nothing to be apologetic about. Heard he’s a good guy…” Steven glared and his voice, chilling “He IS a good guy..right?”
“I guess? We were only dating for about a month before I broke it off.”
“Ooo..May I ask why?”
Connie shrugged with a sigh. “Wasn’t actually attracted to him, but I figure I’d give the guy a chance. He has good ambition, wanting to go into film and such a nice guy but…just no real spark between us.”
Steven nodded. “It’s like that sometimes”
“True…I’m mad at you though.” Connie playful pokes called the bigger teen to laugh. “Six weeks and no hang out, no rides on lion; no games night” What started off as jovial and teasing, ended serious and cool. Connie frown was pronounced and her eyes sharp. “and why? cause some guy that didn’t even last a whole month…”
Steven glared back just as hard. “You didn’t exactly try to talk to me too much either.”
Connie growled slightly at this before sighing..this was not what she wanted. “You’re right..I wanted to talked to you, but something happened…other than jeff”
“Oh..and what was that?”
You rejecting Lapis"
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