Bittersweet meetngs 13

*present day*

"Wooo~hooo hooo." Connie breathed out as she looked up at the ceiling.

"Yeah." Steven agreed looking in the same direction. "We were there for at least an hour, before she left me there."

"You didn't go after her?"

Steven shook his head in shame. "I was going to, but she squared up the moment I reached for her." He chuckled, dejectedly. "Not that I blame her," He sighed.

Connie didn't say anything, her mind swimming in what she was told. Steven's story was heavy for multiple reasons.

For one thing, the whole date and drama with Lapis. His version. was much rather than the one Lapis told when they reconciled.

Second, Steven didn't omit a thing. He was so into his story, she was sure he didn't realize he gave up all his cards...or maybe he didn't care. 'He did seem to be the moment...the longer he went.' She rationalized. She was glad he was looking up, he couldn't see the maroon on her cheeks. 'So..Steven is in love with me,' she wanted to bounce and cheer, but...'and all it took was to hurt a close friend of ours to acknowledge that...Not that I can talk.' Shame washed over her as she rubbed her temples. "Jasper's right."


"I'm stupid." She huffed. "So stupid and my stupidity led to unnecessary drama." She pursed her lips. All because...Argh! I don't even know!" She gripped her head in annoyance. "Really..The situation was so stupid and could have been avoided by simply talking to you."

"Well maybe but you aren't the only one who could've reached out..." He looked at her from under his lids keeping his head towards the ceiling. " If I wasn't so jealous and in denial, this could also be avoided."

"And the only reason why you felt that way is because I avoided you to keep up appearances for a fake relationship..." She groaned as she turned towards the couch, laying on her side.

"You were trying to help another student," Steven offered, "being your selfless self. You can't be faulted for that."

She laughed bitterly. "We did have a true date, before we agreed to our partnership...and I don't even have a reason to agree other than he surprised me."

"You..did say that didn't you...That you two actually had a real date?" Caution was deep in his voice before sighing. " So...How did your first date ever go?"

Connie breathed through flared nostrils at the faux cheer in his voice. "Nothing worth talking about... Wasn't bad nor good.. "

"Hmm... You sure?"

"I didn't mention it, did I?"

Steven took note of the rising aggression in her voice."Not a good defense, given the current conversation."

"What do you want me to say, Steven?" She started. "That I was basically neutral throughout the night? That at no point did I think we would have a second date?"

"If that's the truth. Then yes."

Connie remained silent, the wind and snow against the window being the only noise in the room.

"I enjoyed myself." She admitted, before turning to face Steven to see his reaction.

"Really?" His voice was even though he refused to look at her.

"Yeah" She spoke cautiously. "It wasn't anything big or extravagant. Just a nice dinner and a walk around town."

Steven sensed the subtle lightness in her voice. "Sounds like you had fun."

"It.. " She paused, before breathing out. "Jeff's a good guy and I do enjoy hanging out with him. I did have fun with him on our date." She confessed. "It's part of the reason why I agreed to the fake relationship."

"Sounds like you was charmed by hi-"


The yell caught Steven by surprise enough for him to turn his head directly towards her, who was glaring hotly at him.

"Sorry.." She shook her head. "It just.

"Yeah, the last six weeks-"

"They've been an eye opener."

The silence set in again, heavy and awkward, full of tension.

"What didn't you tell me from your story?"

Connie looked at him and sighed, rubbing her nape. "I did promise I would tell you right."

"You did." Steven said with a smirk as he folded his hands across his chest, sitting back in the recliner chair.

"Don't look so smug." She pointed at him, her face heating up a bit more..

"I'm not smug, I'm excited.."

"Pfft, I don't know why? Definitely when you probably already know what it is..or at least have a good idea."

His smirk grew to a smile. "Regardless, a deal is a deal."

"Hmm..Fine..." She held her head down " Just don't interrupt...Wait until the end."

Steven nodded his head slightly to the left agreeing slightly. He watched her take a deep breath before facing him, determined bashfulness in her eyes.

"Well, Jasper helped me..Come to a few realizations about myself. One of them being...I'm selfish."

Steven arched his right brow. "What?"

"Listen." She ordered. "She's right...I was being selfish, unwittingly selfish, but selfish." She sighed "She pointed out that I have the habit of putting other people's need before my own, alot. I know that sound selfless-"


She smirked at the interjection. " But it's not. Not when your intention is more for your benefit instead of others." She leaned back. "I..i knew that lapis had a flame for you for a bit...She would give you glances when she thought no one noticed, but Jasper and I peeked her doing it more than once, but didn't say anything.We felt it wasn't anyone else place, when and or how she decided to make a move....Despite believing that, I tried to use the fake relationship to give her an opening to make a move on you." She sighed.

"Oh wow." Steven whistled.

"Yeah, not done though." She warned. "So yeah, I basically tried to remove myself from the equation, so she could feel better taking her shot. Due to the fact that, just like others, she believed that we would be together at the end. That we were more than friends and just kept it to ourselves."

"Ahh.The try and true claim about us." Steven exhaled for a moment "I don't see how this makes you selfish, berry." He confessed. " You were trying to help her get the courage to make a move on her crush.Not really a selfish move."

"It's selfish because I didn't do it all for her chance at romance." She sighed, "but because if you did get with Lapis... Then I could let go of my feelings for you."

Steven's eyes widen at the words, hurt clear in them. "Connie?"

Connie turned to her best friend directly at the pained voice. "Steven...I'm not here to break off anything with you..." her lips and voice trembled as she continued. "In fact It's the exact opposite, but I want you to know this...You need to know...Ok?" She took a deep breath before wiping her watering eye.

Steven remained silent as he nodded, something she was grateful for.

"Steven.You're more than just my best friend. You're the one who lives in my heart and occupies my thoughts throughout my day and night."


"But because of that you can also hurt me the deepest....You were my first heartbreak."She chuckled as the feeling of embarrassment rose in her chest. "Not that i'm trying to guilt you...I mean you can't help what you feel."

Seven moved from the recliner and sat next to her on the couch, grabbing one of her hands massaging the back of them.. "Tell me."

She looked at him before looking back at her knees. "It's stupid..but the first time was Stevonnie..on their 15th birthsay."

Steven was stunned. He remembered that. It was the evening of Stevonnie's graduation celebration from middle school and fifteenth birthday. He just tried to confess his feelings for Stevonnie but couldn't get the new fifteen year old alone for a moment to do so.

"You were so defeated that day." Connie muttered " Sitting alone in the corner, gift in hand, dressed up. With some tears falling from your eye."

Steven squeezed her hand "You came by with your white Blouse and navy skirt and sat next to me. Asking me what's wrong, even wiped my eyes" He chuckled as he reminisced. "I remember how mad you got at me, when I told you why I was upset. You were completely fuming."

"I like it when you are happy, Biscuit and we were still naive kids." a bit of amusement was held in Connie's voice, before it died down to an even tone."One of my best friends was heartbroken cause he couldn't get a moment of time. So I did what I could do."

"I guess you did. And you got me my moment to confess only for it to end in rejection."

"I Didn't talk to Steveonnie for a week." Connie admitted. "My mind was full of reasons why you would be a great boyfriend. Never knew it was the beginning of a crush and the first time I would have my heartbroken...When you called me two nights after your confession, feeling a bit better." She looked up at him.. "I don't really remember the conversation, just that It was the first time you called me Strawberry..your Jambud. It made me feel special to you."

Steven squeezed her hand, "You still are".

She squeezed back. " I know..Still it hurt to know you didn't consider me a romantic option ..How determined you were for Stevonnie....I mean we were both brats, but.." She smiled sadly. "I was right there Steven. I've always been right there. I wanted you to look at me like you did Stevonnie... Like you did Lapis, when we all first met."

"I didn't know." Steven apologized." I didn't think it was possible for you to feel that way about me." he admitted. You dated Jasper for a month, so I thought she was your type... And the fact that you never said anything all this time.."He gave her a small glare. "How was I supposed to know you liked me? Especially, when you help try to win Stevonnie over."

"Well I'm not going to step on your heart for my own" Connie glared back " I wanted to help you get your dream person. Even if it wasn't me..though I did kind of hurt wishing I was in Stevonnie's place.That you'd turn my way...That's just my selfish selflessness.. "

"That's all past tense." Steven pointed out. "What about now? What do all that have to do with the now?"

"Just wanted to warn you of my bad habit." She leaned on his shoulder holding his arm tight. "I love you, truly and deeply. Not only as my best friend, but something more.I want to be something more. Being apart for six-weeks, avoiding each other.. It made me realize. That I want to be with you. Rather it's as you girlfriend, your partner..Whatever you want to call me." She kissed the back of his hand " It's selfish for me to ask after everything was a result of my action, I know...but please give me a chance?"

Steven looked down at the girl's black eyes. They were pleading moist, apologetic and expecting. He loved her just as much as she loved him.She was his heart. He felt lost without her. He knew his answer..He took a deep breath.


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