Bittersweet 12
"Now that hit the spot, Yeah?"
With a satisfied stretch, Lapis walked out of Fish Stew Pizza, with Steven following behind her.
"Fish stew always do."
"Guess you would know, huh?" She gave him a smirk from over her shoulder.
"Ey," he shrugs, "it's why I got pull here."
"Oh I forgot, you're the 'biggest dog' in the parlor, right?" She turned around fully walking backward with a grin.
"Damn right," he chuckled, shaking his hand as he pressed his thumb and middle finger together. His voice taking on a mock version of Vito Corleone "You just had a solo supper with the capo of crust, the don of the sauce, the pizza kingpin of the tri-state. Show the proper patronage and respect."
"Excuse me, capo." She took a knee and took his hand in hers, "Allow me to kiss the ring in reverence." Playing along giving him an air kiss on his ring finger, getting a satisfied grunt.
"You're a good egg, Lazuli. I will remember to show you favor, when the time comes."
"Gracias Capo."
A second pass before, The two teens broke character and dissolved into snickers. Steven pulled the bluenette up to her feet close to him, giving her a grin; unaware of her heated and shy smile. He attempted to take his hand back only to find Lapis's grip slightly strengthened, keeping it in hers as she stood beside him.
"Hmm, what's this about?" Steven arched his left brow with a curious smirk.
"You said you'll show me favor, I'm cashing in." She said in low as she took hold of his arm.
Steven chuckled, hiding his slight discomfort. "Naw, I won't penalize you for this lappy. Besides it's supposed to be a 'date' right? It's no problem." He put his hands in his pocket as they began to walk, unaware of Lapis's slight frown at the teasing tone of the word date .
"So, I still got a favor then."
"That's the long and short of it." Steven jest not minding the slight leaning upon his arm.
"Then can you be totally honest with me, until you drop me off?"
Steven looked down at the blue haired swimmer in inquisition. "Yeah, sure laps. Not that I haven't been."
"You ducked and dodged a bit." She retorted. "Hey, you know Budwick park is on the way. Let's stop there for a bit."
"Trying to get me alone, scandalous."
"Well. If it does turn to a scandal, it'll be worth it." Lapis looked at him with a slight adoring smile, before turning the western corner and making a left into the park's shadowy entrance.
Despite it being November, there was still some greenery to be held from the pine trees arching over the path of gravel beneath their feet. A bit of flora was still present as well along with some dead park lights. It wasn't long before they got to Lapis's destination.
A starless moonlight pond surrounded by dim circular street lights that sat on poles of emerald colored marble and an azure ceramic fence serving as a barrier. Its four layer ivory tower spilled water into the water body below from each floor. The flashing glows of fireflies gave the area a tone of private serenity, and aura of romanticism.
"Come on, there's a free bench."
Steven allowed himself to be pulled by the freckled girl to a green bench a few feet away. She sat down first in a slouch before stretching a bit with a grunt.
"ugh..Are you gonna join me, or are you gonna let me freeze by myself?" She patted the spot next to her, looking at him with slight anticipation.
"Freeze? It's not that cold of a night." He sat down with a smirk leaning back. "Then again, i'm not wearing..." he looked down and his eyes widened in shock.
"Ah! You noticed." She taunted with a smile at his face, as she wiggled her toes.
"How the hell didn't I realize you changed shoes!?" He yelped as he at the aqua boot flats on her feet instead of the sandals he saw her in earlier
"Cause you don't pay attention when something else is on your mind." She knocked his shoulder lightly, before sitting back. "Willing to bet another favor you don't even realize I'm shorter than I was in my sandals."
Steven looked her up and down before rubbing his eyes in embarrassment. "Oh fuck, you are." He groaned in defeat.
"Hah. Another favor!" Lapis chuckled as she sat back on the bench with a smug look.
"How the hell didn't I notice? You're literally three inches more compact."He rubbed his temple in annoyance.
"Three inches more compact..." she spoke the words testing them and grimaced a bit. "You have a strange way of saying shorter, Universe."
"Oh quiet, I'll have you know, people think my terms are charming." he retorted his nose up in the air.
"Your family don't count." Lapis countered.
"Tsch! I see you taking pop shots."Steven nodded as he clicked his tongue, his right hand on his left wrist as both forearms rested on his lap "Girls think it's cute..
"Girls, huh? I guess I gotta set them straight. Obliviously, they need help." Lapis giggled as she relaxed into her seat. She lowered her eyelids, glancing at Steven from behind them. Feeling her heart skip as his relaxed slouched form. She looked at his calm collected face as he stared forward to the pond, a pleased smirk on his face.
' He really is so cool.' she thought as she observed him rotate his shoulders before glancing towards her with from his right peripheral
"This was a fun night." He admitted as he sat back. " Thanks Laps."
"It's no problem." her voice got a little lower as she continued. " I've been wanting to do this with you for awhile."
"What hangout? He breathed out a snort. " We always hang together."
"First, you haven't been hangin' with any of us out of school for a few weeks," She raised her hand to stop his explanation, "second, we always hangout within a group." She placed her hand down. "Sure, we have small one on ones when the group's around, but we haven't hung solo in a while, buddy."
Steven rubbed his chin in thought. "I think you're right." he scratched his head "Sorry Lappie, Oh man... When was the last time we had a time like this?"
"Think it was a few months ago, when you had that art project in Mr. Sam class."
"Yeah!" Steven pointed at the swimmer with a look of realization on his face. " I remember that. I had to come up with an original piece..." He shook his head, a tired smile on his face "that was a long night."
"So much wasted canvas and watercolor paint. The art room was a mess." She shook her head with a laugh. "Still can't believe you were considering body art to submit."
Steven scoffed. "Would have been an easy A, if I had a willing model."
She laughed at the accusatory tone. "Only professional or at least A+ students get to paint on this." She signaled to herself.
"Hmph,He teased, turning up his nose in a playful pout. " I did get an A+"
"That's true." Lapis tapped her index finger on her cheek while holding her head to the side. "Guess you made criteria make me splash art."
"The others would have agreed to it, criteria free.."
"I'm sure they would have." She poked his cheek in jest. "It would give them time alone with you."
"Is my time really that precious?" He joked
"You're the only boy in a group of girls, so it's a status thing."
"Wow, that doesn't sound harem-like at all." Steven laughed as she rolled her eyes.
"Pbbt! Don't flatter yourself. " She smirked before leaning back on the bench..."But honestly, I could be projecting a bit."
Steven took notice at how sincere and steady her tone was. "Hmm?" He could feel that weight on his heart again. That uncomfortable, time bomb.
"About spending time alone with you." Lapis grace an embarrassed smile. "I do find it...Nice, not to share you for the time being." She turned away "To have your attention squarely on me and not on her." She spoke in a low, slightly bitter voice. It kind of surprised her.
"Ah..Don't mind me." Lapis reassured, his concerned voice throwing her for a loop. She breathed out and folded her hands together on her lap as the two fell into silence.
"We could do this again, right?"
Steven looked at her, quizzically for a moment " Why would you ask that?" He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. " The answer's obviously yes, Laps."
Lapis looked at him with a slightly flushed face. "You're not just saying that. You mean it, right?"
"Well now, I'm a bit insulted."Steven arched a joking brow. "I meant it when I said it was a fun night. Not to mention I have to be honest with you til' you get home. Don's favor and all."
She smiled hopefully at him and his words. "Right...So this can definitely happen again. These solo hangouts."
"Yeah?" Steven snickered as he watched her excitement. "You're definitely jazzed about the idea.. It's not like it was impossible before this."
" was. At least it looked that way to me."
'' Steven thought as she looked at him, her blue eyes determined, her lips in a line as her thumbs twirled around each other. All giving him the feeling of something he would regret.
"What'd you mean, Lappie? I was always open to hangout...Last couple of weeks notwithstanding." He said in a strained voice.
"Sure you were...With Connie."
Steven stiffened on reflex at the accusatory pitch. "Hey now..What do N-
"Remember your favor."
Steven was silenced at her statement.
"Remember, complete honesty." She reminded him.
'Looks like we're getting to the heart of the matter.' Steven thought as he gave her a light-hearted smirk. "So, you're gonna grill me, Lappie. That's why you got me all alone."
"Partially." She gave him a scared grin " Truthfully, I just wanted more of your time and attention to myself...Like I said it's a nice feeling not having to share it." Her voice took on a slightly darker tone. "I bet Connie feels the same way."
"I thought Connie was a banned subject for the night."
"Never said that, not that it mattered." she sighed. "She's been in your head all night. Probably sitting pretty on your brain as we speak, right?"
Steven rubbed his nape and looked away. "Not...All night...I was focus on our hang-"
Steven looked towards Lapis, who glared slightly at him.
"Date..This is a date."
Steven gulped at the finality of her voice." Granted..a platonic one."
"Does it have to be?"
The amount of hope in that one sentence crushed his heart. He felt bile run through him as he looked at one of his dearest friends. 'Oh Lapis..I'm sorry ..'
"it's..selfish of me to ask you that," she looked down at her hands. "but in a way..So was this whole night."
"Please." Lapis interrupted. "Let me get this out." She smiled gently when he nodded. " So remember when I said there was a third reason why I never approached you? Well I thought you were already with Connie then. Or at least you had feelings for her. So I let those feelings go, once we got to high school." She rubbed the back of her head. "I mean, it was just a matter of time til' you two started dating, right? The way you carried on and such. It seemed like it was the best thing to do," she sighed.."or at least I tried to, but It's hard when your crush is one of your best friends and someone you look up to as well, you know."
Steven nodded, his mind going back to his past crush on Stevonnie.
"So. I just chose to watch from afar, wait into the inevitable like everyone else..and then let these feelings go." She chuckled. "Little did I know I would fall even more the longer, I waited. The more I watched you and her."
"Why'd you never say anything before, Lapis?"
"Why..I?..." She released a broken chuckle. "How could I?..When the more I watched and fell for you..I witnessed you falling for her." She chuckled darkly " And why wouldn't you? Hard working, friendly, super smart, beautiful, modest...She's the jackpot, and it looked like it was mutual attraction." Lapis sighed " How was I supposed to compete with that?"
"You're a jackpot yourself, Lapis'' He answered with a smile before sighing, "Besides you turned out to be wrong." He answered a bit bitterly. "She's got a boyfriend."
Lapis glanced at him with a smirk growing on her features. "True enough..It's part of the reason why I asked you out tonight." Lapis' face gained a bit of heat as she looked at him."Seeing how you downtrodden you looked at the party.. Wanted to make you smile, but also I saw it as a chance to show you how much I love you." She paused looking at his blushing face. A bit worried at his answer.
"..Steven..Answer me honestly, have you ever thought of me as a possible partner?"
"I ...Honestly." He breathed in. "Yes. I have." His voice was steeled by truth. " You're smart, creative, humorously snarky, loyal, fun, and crazily attractive. I feel I can easily talk to you about anything. "
"You can Steven!" She held his hands as her face glowed in excitement. " Talk or do anything, at all."
His heart broke completely at the hidden desperation in her tone. "Lapis. I love you. There's no denying that." He looked down, unable to look her in those blue eyes. The feel on her trembling hands were more than enough.
"Why are you saying it like that? Please don't say it like that."
Her broken voice killed him. "I'm sorry Lapp-
"No...No nicknames or pet-names," She sniffed, "Not when you're rejecting me. "
"Sorry Lapis...You're right." He looked up at her. "Lapis.. I love you..but it's not romantic"
"Is it because I'm not as good as her?". The desperation was at the forefront this time, accompanied by tears. "Not as good as Connie?"
"Damn it Lapis, you're better than that." He growled "You got so much to offer, don't lower yourself like that."
"It's true though, isn't it." Lapis countered
"No! Lapis it has nothing to do with Connie.. She's not all that great, anyway Steven offered. "She drools and at times, snore when she sleeps..Which she needs to be put on schedule for that. She cheats at fighting games. She's one of the worst people to have to wake up-"
"Don't patronize me, Steven...Everyone can see how you feel about her." Lapis spit out. "Even now, you're bragging about her.
"She..she's my best friend Lapis..I see her as my best friend"
"Just best friends..." She ball her hands into fist. " You're lying...You promised not to lie until we part."
"I..It's the truth. " He snarled. "She's just my best friend. No matter what. No matter how I feel."
"And how do you feel?"
Steven glared.." Truthfully, betrayed. Like it should've been me with her tonight but I missed my chance.. "
"That's not the feeling one has for just a best friend."
"Doesn't matter at the moment."
"Then why not give me a chance." She moved to sit on his lap facing him. Placing his hands on her waist before her arms around his shoulders.Her blue eyes meeting his browns, her hopeful gaze meeting his hurt and longing one.
"It hurts." She whispered, "To be in love with someone that you deem so amazing and yet you can't have...Especially when you know they care for you so much but in a different way." She kissed his right cheek gently. "I know, I've gone through it, but you don't have to..." She kissed the left just as gently. "Even if it's just a little while. Even if to ease off the heartbreak. Give me the chance to love you, like you love her."
He could've moved her off him easily, lifted her up without fail, but he didn't. He was aching for affection, the thought of Connie at her party, Lapis's revelations and Steven's own bubbling feelings for the former had him in a spell of neediness.
He closed his eyes and parted his lips. He felt her cold palms on his cheeks, and felt her breath on his lips as she got closer..It was heart pounding...He could feel Lapis getting closer and he tightened in preparation.
'Just a bit of ease from this's not like anyone would know.. Not like I'm hurting someone.' He thought..
Before the image of Connie in his jacket, dancing on the street listening to music on the player he got for her through the biscuit and strawberry earbuds. The vision turned around and gave him the smile he been missing for the last weeks
It was a reflex, like being burned by a heated stove..The way he moved from Lapis's lips.
Steven bit his lip in shame before looking at her. The face of dejection and pain on her beautiful features...The tears that began to run freely staining her face..He hated it. Hated that he put her through this. "I love you laps...I love you so much... "
"No,you don't.. " She sobbed and shook her head.. "You love her..not me.." .
He held her close, protectively " I do..I love you both..You're both irreplaceable to me."
"But she has your heart, right? Why....She hurt you.." She trembled as she latched on to his clothes desperate for any of his affection.
"She..She didn't." It was a hard truth for him. Connie having a partner that wasn't him. It was a hard weight. "She didn't hurt me..I did that, my heartbreak was caused by me and not realizing what I want, until it's too late."
"I can be her for you." She muffled into his tear stained clothes."
"Lapis." He gave her a gentle kiss on her head,a familiar one. "I would never want that. I love you as you."
"But you want to be with her. You chose her over me."
It hurt him to hear the urgency in her voice. He held her closer. As a few of his own tears fell. "I"m sorry, Lapis, I can't give you what you want."
" my second favor.." she pleaded into his chest balling her fist into his sweater "Please choose me and not her!". Even for a moment. Even as a lie....Please."
"I love you Lapis, always will...But I don't love you in the same way I love Connie."
She broke down again as her breathing became haggard, her sobs slightly choking as she began shivering in his arms, her head completely down, her tears raining into his lap.
"I hate you. I hate Connie..I hate me.. I hate this. ..I hate us."
Steven could only hold the heartbroken bluenette as she cried. Repeating how much she hated the three of them and this situation, begging for her forgiveness.
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