“So..is that blush for me…”Lapis looked over to Connie dancing, her smile dipping a bit. “Or for her?”

Steven scoffed at Lapis teasing before glancing back at the dancing couple briefly. “No one is blushing, it’s a trick of the light.”

“It’s a sign of deep feeling, Steven. Don’t act like you weren't looking at them.”


Steven arched an eyebrow as the bluenette chuckled at his behavior.

“I’m sorry Steven, I know it’s mean, but I couldn’t help it. So use to seeing you happy and such, seeing you look jealous is refreshing...proof you aren’t perfect.”

“Pfft, you know me too well to think me like that...Though on the subject of looks..”

“Have I stole your gaze from the birthday girl?”

Steven didn’t say anything as he watched her sly teasing grin morphed to a shy slightly annoyed grimaced. He smirked a bit at his swimmer of a friend.

“What is it? Why ya looking at me like-”

“That outfit looks good on you? Cause it really does, Lappy.”

Lapis eyes widen a bit at the admission before taking a glance down at her attire. A gray and blue camo, thigh length, longline blouse that was sleeveless and slit up from the naval on all sides; She had the front tails tied in a neat bow above her pants line, making her top look like form flattering swallowtail vest-coat. Cobalt blue knotted belt bootcut pants that were a bit loose around her hips. White velvet ankle strap round toe sandals. She accessorized a bit with an ankle bracelet on her left with eight letter charms on it, each one the first initial of their friends names. She looked back up to her friend feeling a bit shy as she did and gave him a very light slap on the pocket of his pink and red flannel shirt.

"Hey now, saying things like that could leave an impression on a sweet girl like me." 

"I'm just calling it as I see it. You clean up well."

Lapis giggle a bit before giving a playful bow. "Why thank you."

Steven gave his friend a small grin before his face returned to neutral as the song changed to something slower, he looked over at Connie and her date dancing closer to each other. While he didn't know why at the time, but he loathed what he saw. Jeff held her by the sides of Connie waist, while she had her hands on his tall shoulders. They swayed below the dark lights and blended with the crowd unnoticed by all but Steven. 

Something inside him shattered like glass, seeing them whisper whatever they didn't what other to know. The smile she was sharing with him was one he recognized all too well...It was one that was usually reserved for him. He saw her laugh at something shared between them before Jeff dipped down and whispered into her ear: a single tear come out of Connie eye and he could see her looking around frantically. 

Steven was about to take a step towards them when JEFF wiped it away. Seeing her relaxed  and embarrassed smile…He couldn't understand this feeling of envy, but he felt that he saw all he needed to see. 

"You doing ok there, Steven?"

He forgot about Lapis being right there and It took him a little more time to register that she was holding his hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine..Just remembered  I have to go home." 

She had a look of concern and disappointment on her face. "Not even gonna say hi to the rest of the crew..or Connie...She misses you, ya know."

Steven gave a sheepish smile before he placed the hood of his forest vest over his head. "Everyone's having a good time. Besides I already came and did what I wanted to do, So have fun for me Laps...tell no one I came, yeah?" 

Steven gave Connie one last look and could have sworn she caught him just for a second, before turning around and heading towards the basement door. Never knowing that the birthday girl eyes caught the familiar green of his vest and froze her in place.

He got to the corner of Connies’ block when he let loose a groan of annoyance. ‘She was right there! A few steps  and what do I do. Not a thing.I just watch her, like I’m her Ex or something like that…’ He released a jerring chuckle at the thought. ‘Ludicrous. We’re close and admittedly, we flirt with each other..but that’s our normalized routine. There’s never been anything more than adulation for each other. Doesn't mean I want to be with her..I do but not in a relationship..why does that feel like a lie?...not that it matters since she seems to be happy with him..I should be happy for that...So why do I want to punch the world in the face right now?'

Steven was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even acknowledge  someone calling him until he was tapped upside his head. He turned in surprise  to see a posting Lapis lazuli with a small pout on her face and knuckles on her hips. 

"Sheesh, wanna come back down to earth,bud." 

"Lapis? What are you doing here, thought you were still at the party."

Lapis shrugged lazily "Party's starting to wind down, you came late. Besides wanted to see if I can catch up with ya, unless you wanna be alone."

Steven groaned mutely before taking a look at Lapis. Bundled up in a slim hoodie jacket and was looking away but still kept him in her peripheral waiting for his answer patiently. It was cute to him and at the same time confounding since she never was a withdrawn person with him. That being said maybe having another pair of ears could be useful.

"Well now, who would turn down a request like that? Allow me to walk you home, Little Lappie."

Her growl brought a small grin to his face. "Oh shut up and let's go." 

The two walked in a silent comfort, Steven still trying to organize his thoughts. unaware of Lapis looking up at him with a bit of admiration..

"Hey Lapis, what do you think of Connie and Jeff?"

He turned to his friend and was quite surprised to see the deadpanned look on her face. 

She sighed. "What you want me to say, man? He's horrible, she deserves better? What?"

"Is he?"

Lapis scoffed at the slight bit of hope in his voice "No..He's not and you should feel bad for hoping he was."

Steven looked down with a bit of shame. "Excuse me for trying to look out for my friend."

Lapis muttered something under her breath before turning to Steven. " Connie's a big girl and a tough one. She's capable of making her own decisions."

"I know that."

"Then why are you so hung up over it?" 

Steven shrugged. "I don't know..Maybe because she didn't tell me about it. I mean she doesn't have to, that's her business-"

Lapis interrupted teen by placing a finger on his lips. "Stop..You heard what you said..HER BUSINESS, not YOURS business. She is free to have business that doesn't involve us or you."

Steven gently moved the finger away and glared." Easy for you to say, you met the guy."

"Really, you could've met Jeff with the rest of us if you came earlier aaaand…..you’d have your own opinion of him. Literally, they were a few steps away."

The boy kissed his teeth before breathing heavy out of his nose. "I noticed, they seemed like they were vibing"

Lapis waved her hand "Maybe..But why does that bother you, shouldn't you be happy for her?"

"I-I am..?"

Lapis pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a frustrated breath. "Ok can we get off this subject."

Steven gave an apologetic smile and raised his hands "Sorry, sorry..I've been rude, talking about one girl while walking another home.."

Lapis nodded as she golden her arms. "I agree. Especially when they're as sought after as I." 

"True enough, not a lot of people get to walk with a beauty at night." 

Even though she knew his comment was in jest, Lapis couldn’t help the inner warmth his words gave her. She chuckled a bit before latching on to Steven's left arm, leaning in so he wouldn't see the smile on her face. "Glad you realized..You still gotta make it up to me, though"

Steven felt a little red and out of place over the gesture, but excused it as a friendly tease. "Ok lapis, how can I make it up to you."

His jovia voice made Lapis heart skip. Though she couldn't really enjoy it as her stomach started to rumble.


"Obviously, and I'm not buying."

"Of course..Fish stew pizza ok?"

"Not really the classiest of date spots, but it'll do.”

Steven arched an eyebrow  “we’re on a date now?”

Lapis grip on him become slightly tense as she looked the other way. “W-Well..a friendly date-”

“And i’m not even in my best, while you’re dressed to kill. How lucky am I, huh?” Steven shot the bluenette a cheshires’ grin, who despite trying to look away soon found herself mimicking the grin. 

“Yeah, yeah. out of my face, charmer.”  Lapis pushed him to her side. The two walked in a comfortable silent pace, engaging in small talk about nothing important, basically tv,Tube-tube,movies, the usual teenage stuff. They arrived at Fish stew within fifteen minutes and took a seat near the window. It was an empty with only their friend Kiki and her grandma Gunka at the register. Music was playing off a small radio, a light rock tune, the smell of fresh pizza encompassing restaurant and the lights were not overly bright. Steven stretched as he relaxed, unaware of Lapis fond, almost dream like smile. 

“So what you in the mood for Laps.”

Lapis blinked in surprise at the sound of his voice awakening her from her thoughts. “What now?”

“Heh I said what do you want to eat?”

Lapis pouted slightly before brushing the back of her hair, her face gaining a bit of heat. “Oh anything fine, No preference.”

“Ok..” With a smile on his face Steve stood up and pointed towards the jamaican girl.” Kiki, fix the custom with a Durian soda aaanndd…” 

“Root beer.”

“And a Root beer, both large!”

Kiki arched an eyebrow with a smile before giving a thumbs up. Steven sat down with a confident smirk. “See that. Pull.”

“Pull, huh? ” Lapised chuckled a bit at his antics.

“You laugh but I have you know. you’re sitting with the biggest dog in the parlor.”Steven rubbed his chin with a sly grin, doing his best imitation of a mob boss.

“Oh my, didn’t know you were such a boss.” Lapis bit her lip to keep from laughing..and because she thought it was kind of attractive.

“Well, gotta keep it on the low. Don’t wanna be caught slippin’.”

Lapis side-eyed him for a moment before letting lose a titter which slowly turned to a hearty laugh. Steven couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride making her laugh.

“So..What’s up Lapis? We haven’t real talk in a few.”

Lapis shrugged “Nothing really, Stevie. Outside of school and council work, not much. Finally saw “Into the Hybrid-verse”.

Steven gave a false cough “Late.”

La[pis rolled her eyes very vividly, causing steven to simper teasingly “Not everyone likes going to the theater Steven..”


Lapis didn’t say anything at first before an excited smile took over her features. “I should’ve brought my ass to the theater. That..that..That was the best Crystal Gem movie! Period.”

Steven gave a light hearted point toward his ‘date’, as he tried to hold in factitious tears. “You haven’t lied yet, lappy. That’s my movie of the year, right there.”

“”Oh, yeah, it had it all. The story was intriguing, funny, sad and inspirational. The animation was crazy fluid, intricate, and stylish like the comic it came from.”

“Yes! The music though.. The music of the whole thing, from the scores during fights and chase scenes to the actual OST. Uggh..Beautifully fitted for the movie.. “

Lapis gave a small chortle at his excitement. “I imagine you downloaded the OST as soon as the movie was over.”

Steven turned cherry red as he looked away “Before actually.”

Lapis howled with laughter after hearing “OH MY STARS, YOU MUSIC FEIND!”

“Have you heard ‘Yo! Sup Danger’, Desert flower, ILLUMINATE! Come on, you know I was hooked.”

It was three minutes into his praise of the soundtrack, scores and arrangements of the film when he noticed Lapis wasn’t really talking, but just watching with a small smile on her face. He chuckled bashfully as he scratched the back of his head.

“Sorry ..You know me when it comes to music.”

Lapis shook her before she leaned back and stretched. “Don’t hold yourself back on my account, besides..”  She laid her head down on the table. “You’re adorable when you get excited.”

Steven couldn’t help the red on his face or even the quick raise of his pulse or even the skip of his heart. Her gaze, tone, and grin was filled with something foreign and familiar to him...Foreign cause it was coming from Lapis…Familiar cause Steven was used to giving and receiving them...

from Connie.

"Well, either my imagination is fooling me and it’s just friendly banter, or this “date” just had an unprecedented development...'


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