*November 7th..Night of Connie's birthday.*


Steven slightly turned the knob of the burgandy door at the back of the house; stepping into the kitchen of the Maheswaran household as he did many times. In his hand a small cobalt blue box with a gold ribbon, a gift for his closest friend on her birthday.

The kitchen itself was empty for the moment, but in the living room he saw some people not much. Most were already engaging in conversation near a wall or on the couch playing the gaming system. Though Steven could hear the music blaring from underneath them; the basement. He looked  to the southern wall, saw the table where the gifts were being held and decided against adding his. He look towards the stairs and smirked as a plan formed in his mind.

He took to the stairs greeting people as he did and climbed up to the second floor. He walked to the second door on the left and entered unnoticed. A third of the room glowed in a natural light from outside; including Connie's bed and desk. He's been in this room many times before, but this time he felt different. There was a swell in his chest.  

“it's been a few weeks since I've been in here. Still as orderly as ever.. and still smell of jasmine.” Steven let off a chuckle before taking notice of a slightly old picture of the two on her desk. the picture was taken during one of their group excursions, a karaoke bar. Steven and Connie was performing, mic in one hand and the other connecting them.  He couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked in that pic, despite it being mid ‘belt out’ of ‘Partners in Crime’

‘But she always do...ok enough fawning over her. I'm here for a reason.’ He scolding thought before turning to the bed he gently laid the present on the blue pillow on the bed with a card next to it. Happy with his work, the teen  left the room discreetly. as he was walking away from the room he felt two strong, feminine arms wrapping themselves around his shoulders and a very womanly form pressed behind him. He froze, feeling the person breath in his ear.

“Oh my. you've grown haven't you, Lil Stevie?”

His eyes widen at the sultry, accusatory voice before turning around and looking down at a 20 year old beauty, who was smirking at him. They had lighter mocha skin than Connie, slightly smaller nose as well. They shared the same hair color and length, though there was a streak of pink in it. They also shared the same black pools for eyes as Connie.  He hugged the ;person and gave them a twirl.

“Stevonnie! Oh my gosh, when did you get in? How’s college? ”

The surprised person laughed a bit at his antics before tapping his shoulders. “ A week ago and it’s good, it's good. Hey, can you put me down big guy, you'll mess up the outfit.”

“Oops, Sorry.” He placed them down and stepped back at his older friend and alumni. “You’re looking great. You must be beating people away with a stick on campus.”

“Well yeah, that because I don't have my little protector...Though you’re not so little anymore.”

He watched them straighten out their skirt of their burgundy hoodie dress before shooting him a look. Stevonnie walked around Steven looking him over as they did, causing Steven to feel self-conscious as they poked and gripped his arms approvingly.

“What?” Steven watched them as Stevonnie stopped and whistled, hand on their cheek.

“Where all this man come from, you didn’t have all this when I saw you last”

“That was nearly a year ago, I did, and you still saw me as you ‘kid-brother’.”

“Then maybe i’m blind. Sheesh, you all growing up and becoming attractive young adults.”

“Your only what, two to three years older than us.”

“Where's the twelve-year-old who gave me and Connie chocolate every time he visited?”

“Oh god, you still remember those days?”Steven scoffed with an embarrassing smirk at Stevonnie's jest.

“How I'm supposed to forget my first confession; you were such a dapper little tween with your tuxedo and pompadour."

“Stop. Please stop mentioning my old crush.” Steven flushed red as stevonnie giggle at his protest as they ruffled his head fondly.

“You've really had grown since I've been gone, kind of sad really.  If I knew my cute admirer would have such an upgrade, I would've accepted your proposal."

"Well too late, you sibling-zoned me. So you get to admire me from afar." Stevonnie rolled their eyes at his playful boast.

"Sure,sure probably for the best; last thing I want is to wake up to a rabid Connie...Speaking of, what are you doing up here?"

Steven looked at them sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. "Just came from the bathroom."

Stevonnie arched an eyebrow and gave an accusatory smile as they folded their arms under their breast. "There's one downstairs where the party at and I just came out of the one up here, try again sweetie."

"Uhhh..Psssh..got lost."

"Really in your ‘home away from home’ Steven...Now tell me, Why did I see you come out of my little sister's room?"

Their authoritative voice froze the boy into submission. it sounded just like their mother and sister, same effectiveness too.

"I was just dropping of my gift, didn't want it to get lost in the chaos that is the gift table. That’s all.”

Stevonnie gave him a quick side eye glance before adopting a mischievous grin. “Sooo….What you got herrr?”

Steven shook his head and pulled his index and thumb across his lips. “Lips are sealed, Vonnie.”

“Oooo, it must be something good if you can’t share it with me. Which makes me \want to know even more.”

“I bet, but I ain’t saying anything...It’s a personal gift from me to her. That’s all”

Stevonnie lifted their arms in surrender at the serious tone of Steven.” No problem, far be it for me to pry in your two relationship...can I ask one thing though.”

Steven nodded towards his friend, who looked at him with a bit of sympathy.

"Is everything ok with you and her?"

Steven gave a faux smirk before shrugging his shoulders. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"You’re dropping off your gift.”

Stevonnie watched as a Steven nostrils flared ever so slightly and his persona was a bit more somber.

“Nothing is wrong. Me and Connie are alright.”

Stevonnie squinted their eyes in a small glare, hands on their hips. “Uh-huh...So are you going to stay then?”

“For a bit.”

“Glad to hear it and since that is settled, how about we go downstairs to the party, huh?“

“Wait a minute, Vonnie” Steven started to protest as stevonnie latched their arm around his.

“Nope, you’re my date for the moment and as such I want a dance. Maybe it’ll help you with that disposition of yours, yeah?”

Steven knew he couldn’t argue with as they dragged him down the stairs and smiled a slightly mischievous smile at him. Steven bit back a groan as Stevonnie sighed with mock melancholy.

“You know how to make a person feel wanted, Steven. Here I am dressed in one of my best, hanging on your arms, begging for your company and you don’t even appreciate it.”

“Stevonnie, come on..Just not in the mood for a party..that’s all.”

Stevonnie groaned as she led him to the kitchen away from everyone and pointed to a chair near it’s island. Steven sat, looking a mixture of bored and annoyed as Stevonnie sat across from him. Stevonnie glared deeply into his eyes before speaking.

“Does this have to do with the guy hanging around Connie lately?”

Steven tensed for a quick moment, tightening his fist  before answering. “I...don’t know what you mean?

“The guy who introduced himself as Connie ‘boyfriend’.”

Steven eyes widened at that before standing up, lip in a tight frown.“Really, is that so?”

Stevonnie guided him back to his seat, holding his fist in a calming way. “Geez, relax lil’ Stevie, It’s ok.”

Steven breathed deeply but his demeanor didn’t change. “I’m fine..She can date whoever she wants. No skin off my back.”

Stevonnie giggled at his claim before answering. “Uh huh..Is that why you look like you’re ready to cause WW3 though 5.”

Steven blushed embarrassingly and bit the inside of his cheek. Stevonnie shook their head at the surprising stubbornness of the otherwise easy going lad. “It’s ok to be jealous, Steven.”

Steven scoffed with a mirthless laugh. “I’m not jealous...just feel some sort a way. mean..I wasn’t even aware that she did or would want decide to date anyone. Then she got with some no name while I was out sick and it was one of our close friends  that set up the meeting and i’m the last one to find out.

Stevonnie nodded in agreement but before she could open her mouth, the door leading to the back yard open revealing  Priyanka and Doug Maheswaran holding two string handled bags and a decorative cake respectively. The two on the island rushed to assist the couple, Steven helping Doug with the cake placement on the island, and Stevonnie taking the surprising heavy bags from their mother upstairs. Priyanka shaked and flexed her fingers and hands in relief before taking Stevonnies’ seat as Doug went and got his wife something hot to drink before giving the boy a small, motherly smile.

“Thank you for the assistance Steven.”

Steven waved the gratitude off .“Anytime Dr.Priya, you seem a bit tired though.”

”Priyanka nodded in agreement “Been up since early this morning getting all this together.”

Steven watched as she took the cup of dijong tea from her husband, giving him a tender kiss and a bright smile..It reminded him of Connie’s.

“how are you doing this evening Steven?”

Steven shook his head and blushed in embarrassment after being caught daydreaming. “I’m sorry, what did you say.”

Priyanka and Doug shared a quick glance before Priyanka spoke. “ How are you this evening, everything ok, Sweetie?”

Steven nodded his head and smiled at appreciatively at Priyanka. “Sorry yeah I’m ok..Just in my thoughts a bit.”

Doug smirked as he sat next to Priyanka and casually massaging her left hand.

“Well, we’re glad you found time to celebrate with us,Steven. For a minute, we thought you wasn’t going to show.”

Steven gave a slightly strained chuckle. “Yeah, I really can’t stay long though..Just long enough to drop off my present.”

“Oh and where exactly is the present,young man?”

Just a Steven was about to answer, a voice beat him to it.

“He sneaked into Connie’s room and left it on her pillow..he was very delicate as well.”

While Steven turned to see Stevonnie walk in, smirking at the now red faced teen; the Maheswaren shared a secret smirk between each other. Priyanka cleared her throat gaining the attention of the two..

“Steven that’s quite charming, though it begs the question...What did you get her?”

“Nothing, just a PMP she had her eye on for awhile and some other things.”

“Other things, hmm?”

“What other things, Son?”

Steven groaned at Doug and Stevonnie teasing; causing Priyanka to snicker before assisting the teen.

"Ok you two, leave the poor boy alone."

With a chuckle and scoff the daddy-child duo eased off Steven, who gave an appreciative nod towards the house matriarch.  

"Gifts aside, I hope your sporadic appearances will become more frequent like it before. It's been a little off without your visits."

"You know, my parents said the same thing about Connie..."

Doug nodded with a smirk. “It has been a while since you stopped by..thought you abandon us, son.”

Steven gave a mocked scoff. “Nothing of the sort, Mensiour Doug..Just been busy, school, clubs and stuff.”

"He doesn't like Connie's new guy very much."

Steven eyes widen at the older person exasperatedly as Stevonnie took a seat at the other end of the island. "Really Stevonnie."

"Am I wrong?"

"Can't dislike someone I have never met…Can I ask, what is your opinion of him,Good guy?"

Stevonnie sighed. " He's a nice kid, but the 'relationship' seems kind of jokey."

Priyanka looked at her eldest with a slight disdain "Rude".

Stevonnie shrugged "But true. What you think Dad?"

Doug hummed with his eyes close before  giving an answer. "Seems like a good guy, but I am in agreement about their relationship seeming kind of  rehearsed."

Priyanka shook her head at her child and husband before turning to Steven, who was looking expectantly. "He's a nice guy, Steven."

Steven sighed. "That's good and Connie is happy."

"She seems to be,There's no big change in her demeanor. "

"Seems to be?"  

The Maheswarans heard the irritation in his question.

"There seems to be a strictly platonic tone when she talked about jim. " Stevonnie chimed in causing Priyanka to begrudgingly nod in agreement.

"His name's Jeff, 'vonnie."

"For real?" Stevonnie flushed in embarrassment as both her parents and Steven nodded. "Don't that be all."

Steven shook his head at Stevonnie a small smile on his face when he felt Priyanka squeezed the teen shoulder gently before speaking. "Steven, she never told you about him?".

Steven shook his head again as Priyanka took a sip of her tea before continuing. "Don't let it get to you, Steven."

Steven shrugged "I'm not...Just felt like she ghosted me. Wouldn't she want her Biscuit  to meet her boyfriend?"

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