I’m sorry...What did you ask?”

Lapis rested her elbows on the table top with her hands interlaced, her blazing blue eyes steeled and aimed directly at Steven. “Have you ever considered dating one of us?”

Steven couldn’t find anything to say, completely sideswiped by the question. He knew them all for a long time and,the answer was not easy for multiple reasons. Garnet and Pearl was basically raised with him and his sisters; Amethyst, Rose and Nora. His affection for them was deeply familial. Plus Pearl is a lesbian and Garnet is asexual and possibly aromantic, so no. Jasper is his cousin so that was also a no.

There was Peridot,who he never really felt anything more than friendship for but, Steven has  her found to be attractive due to her energetic and nerdy attitude and she was very cute in her own right. He’d be lying if he said he never thought about it once and again with her.

Lapis..Well she was a looker thanks to all her swimming. Sometimes she can be direct, blunt, sarcastic (but hell they all could be, given the right circumstances.), and a bit withdrawn. That being said she can also a very deep minded person, very fun, and quite loyal; It goes without saying that she had a lot of romantic admirers and for a quick moment in time he thought he was one of them. The more he got to know her though, the easier it was able to identify his feeling as a deep friendship.

Finally, there was Connie and really what can be said about his view of her, of ‘them’? They excite and calm each other better than anyone else. They share jokes, glances, and gestures that reserved for them alone. They see through each others lies, know each other idiosyncrasies,and at times are the reason for their darker behavior traits. 

It's always been strange to him, despite not knowing her as long as she knew Jasper, They always seemed to have a certain chemistry and endearment towards each other. It was natural for them to fall into each other...Even when he was gunning for Stevonnie’s affection and Connie was with Jasper, they still held each other as a top priority. They are each other partners in crime, confidants.. She’s his berry to his biscuit.  

Steven stared at Lapis who felt anxious, despite never changing form or position. It was her eyes that gave it away, they were a bit misty. “Why you ask that? What you heard something?”“Beside the common gossip about me and Con-”

Lapis annoyed growl put him on edge..more so than the question in general, he was hoping his little tease would make her smile. 

“Can you not and answer the question, Steven?”

Steven sighed, scratching his head. “I don’t know..I have had glancing thoughts..Nothing solid or to make a move on.”  Despite telling the truth, it felt like a lie to him; more-so, it felt like he was lying to himself. 

Lapis eyes widen at his answer and a sly smile formed on her face. “Really, Who?”

“Lapis, what with this interrogation?” Steven smirked as he continued. “ Trying to get something out of this?” 

Lapis gave him a stone faced glare before snickering a bit. “Maybe if this happened a few years back, like the seventh grade.” .

Steven blinked “Wait what? You saying you had a crush on me?”

Lapis shrugged “Not saying I had a crush on you...but I did consider approaching you. .”  

“Why you never said anything?”

Lapis sighed and turned her gaze to the ceiling. “ Reasons.  For one I thought you still held a flame for Stevonnie, at the time.”

“Granted, but I had already moved on from them by then.”

“Still...Second I don’t know if you noticed, but you were a hot topic in school. A lot of people admire and crush on you..you don’t know how much I have heard girls and some guys whisper about you.”

Steven chuckled a bit. “You didn’t want to get lumped in with those types. I get you.”

“Exactly, exactly” Lapis gave him an impish grin before continuing. “Beside I know you and you ain’t that great..”

Steven shook head, chuckling “That’s why you had a crush on me huh, Lappy?”

“Oh, deflate that ego of yours, Universe.”

Steven  held his hand up in mock surrender. “Ok.. Ok.. So Stevonnie, public status,what else?”

Lapis chuckle taking a sip of her root beer. She placed the cup before giving Steven an accusing look, she shook her head with a smirk leaning back. “Nah. you don’t need to know, at least not for free.

Steven nodded his head left to right in consideration, not noticing the minuscule lick of Lapis lips as she watched amusingly. “What you wanna know?”

“You know; what I want to know. Those dreams.’

“Never said dreams, said thoughts, passing thoughts at that”

Lapis sat up with her arms crossed and leaned across the table, pressing her breasts against her arms slightly, getting closer to Steven “.Between us, how much of those thoughts catered to me.”


Steven, rose quartz pink,  raised his left index and tried to speak but nothing came out. He just kept looking at Lapis who was now looking back at him with a slightly  seductive glint in her blue eyes.  

“I just wanna know how much times you thought about me. Not like I’m gonna get mad.” 

‘No, you might think something equally as bad though!’ Steven mentally screamed as he remained silent. “I don’t know Laps, things might change if we continue.” 

He hoped his joking demeanor would dissuade her from prying especially with how deeply she been looking at him ..                                   

“Pssh, really? I just told you that I crushed on you and it not like were all of a sudden an item.or is it you never thought about me that way;  afraid to hurt my pride, Steven..”

“OH! So you did crush on me!”

“This isn’t about past Lapis,  this about you.”

Steven shook his head cockily as he took a sip of his drink, and leaned back. “ Sure, so we just gonna gloss over the fact that you had a crush on me back when.”

“Oh whatever, Universe....Beside not like I never caught you checking me out around the pool. ”

Steven took a gulp of his durian soda . “Pleading the fifth.”

Lapis smiled victoriously before pinching his cheeks “ I’m a sexy thing, you can admit it.”

“Yeah-yeah, objectively.”

Lapis let go with a smug smirk before sitting down.“Oh i’m sure you’re being objective. Which is why the three of us caught you gaze wandering, a multiple of times.. You ain't that subtle. You have your own little garden of beauties and you know it.” 

.Steven groaned as he pointed a finger at the bluenette  ”It’s not like y’all haven’t done the same to me!”

Lapis arched an eyebrow and shrug. “I still do when you dress up. Can’t say for the Peridot and well..you'd know better than i would about the third one.”

He ignored the bite ate the end of her statement with a cocky grin. "Scandalous, Laps. didn’t know I had your eye.” Steven took a bite of the last slice of pizza.

Lapis allowed a bashful smile to envelope on her face. “Well, it’s not like you’re the only person and it’s not a lust filled gaze or anything...It’s totally innocent and observatory.”

Steven smiled gently at his ‘date’ placing the pizza down on his plate. “Aww, that kind of sweet Lapis. Like a nice little water guardian.”

 Lapis took the half eaten slice and bit into it crust first .“You got a nice ass though.”.

Steven aghast face imitated a tomato as he try to find the words to respond to Lapis nonchalant admission. “Don’t talk with your mouth full, give me my pizza and what the fuck!?”

Lapis shrugged as she took a larger bite through the remaining pizza before putting back on Stevens plate, who quickly ate the rest. She gave  him a jester's smirk after swallowing the slice. “Ey, that’s the consensus of a number of girls..and some boys.” 

Steven shook his head, while laughing gently and expressively raised his arms in surrender. “ My family wears weight well...Still didn’t expect that from you.”

“Which is why I said it…” Lapis paused and arched her eyebrows before pointing at her friend. “Who else told you this, cause that was way more calmer than I expected.”

“I’m not deaf and our student body haven’t exactly master stealth and subtly.”

“True enough.” Lapis sat up and stretched the arch of her back with a grunt and sighed when she relaxed, throwing herself on top of the table face down. “Meow” 

“Pfft! I approve the prostration Lazuli.”

 "Ha! Not even in your wildest..” The bluenette turned to face him a bit of an amorous light in her blues. “Or maybe I'm wrong about that, huh?”

Steven didn’t say anything but he did give her a playful smile. Feeling a bit relaxed as he turned to the window feeling a bit jolly and a bit tired. His eyes widen as he saw Connie walking pass across the street with Stevonnie and Jeff. He couldn't help the bloom of his cheeks, when he saw her in an old jacket of his he left at her place a few weeks ago.

 While Stevonnie and Jeff was in conversation, Connie was a few steps behind them listening to music from the portable music player he got her. A gentle smile graced his lips as he saw the Strawberry and biscuit buds in her ears, and the red smile on her face as she held the the player close to her chest; hugging it. He chuckled a bit as Stevonnie gave their sister a teasing smile and despite not knowing what would said..It made the president speed up her pace to catch up with Jeff..Though she never did put the player away. 

He couldn't help the felling of adoration within looking at Connie actions. The pride in his heart knowing it was his actions that caused her to act so bashful, blissful and a bit air headed.

‘Have you ever considered seriously dating one of us?’ 

His eyes widen at the thought or Stevonnie's side glance towards him before following the two. He didn’t know.

“Ready to go?”

Steven turned to the swimmer quickly red faced as he looked into her prying eyes the color of her namesake.

’Have you ever considered seriously dating one of us?’

Lapis question hit him harder than he expected and god damn it..

He now has a definite answer.


He just hopes that the ‘signs’ he caught on were him misreading...or that Lapis won’t hate him after tonight.

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