Special/ Oneshot: Reasons
Again, I made a mistake. His lips were a poisonous trap in which I had become ensnared. It was hard not to fall desperately after just a kiss, and I had told myself that I wouldn't be like the others. That I wouldn't fall for him, and I didn't, per say. I could stand before the great Merlin himself and tell him that I, Draco Malfoy had not fallen for Blaise Zabini. And I hadn't. It was the image I plastered over his face when we kissed that I had become so enthralled in.
I hadn't once seen him for who he was while dating him, I'd seen him for who I wanted him to be, who I wished he was. It was wrong of me I know, but it wasn't like I'd intentionally done it. I couldn't tell you how or when it started, kinda like magic. We don't know who the first warlock or witch is, and we probably never will. It had become a guilty pleasure of mine, that while he kissed me, I kissed someone else.
Though our lips were attached, physically, they were not attached anywhere else, especially not emotionally or mentally. And though I did not find him unattractive, it just so happened to be that I preferred dark, messy hair, and cobalt blue eyes. But you cannot blame me too much as I am just as much a replacement to him as he is to me. We're intangled in an hopeless love; also know as unrequited.
Perhaps had the guy I wanted not had a girlfriend, I would have made a move, but it wasn't the right thing to do, and I may be a right arse, but I could never do that to the Weaslette. And besides, how could I take something that was never mine to begin with? He had wanted nothing to do with me and turned me away the moment I offered my hand.
And still the pain rattled my bones, and boiled my blood. Well, it hadn't boiled it, but rather, it was so cold that it burned, it made the very blood rushing through my veins clot and more importantly, it bruised not only my pride, ego, and self esteem, but it bruised my already fragile heart.
I had felt personally offended, as if everyone in the room had been offered and given something that I had not. It was foreign, and it was a type of negligence that I had never felt before. I didn't know how to cope, and I'd spent the rest of the day out of it and in an oblivious state of denial. My father had heard about it right away, and immediately had he sent an owl.
I wasn't supposed to be nice to the Golden Boy, I was to treat him how I was raised to treat mudbloods. And although I was quite the actor, it always hurt, because after every insult I threw his way, he threw one back. Mine were never so heartfelt.
But no matter how many rocks we threw each other's way, there was an unknown vow to never shatter one another. Harry had gone too far one time, that I can remember. In Moaning Myrtles bathroom, when he had put the sectumsempra curse on me. And that had hurt a lot, but I had forgiven him long ago despite never telling him verbally. Not that he'd expect me to have a civil conversation, as we are enemies in his eyes and I am to be hated, by the very thing I adore.
His lips pressed wet, hot kisses to my neck, and I vaguely wondered what made him so lust driven in the first place. He was hungry, starved, a sexual beast on the prowl, clawing and tearing out of it's cage to finally prey on something it had long since needed. Blaise must have seen Neville with Luna again, and it must have stirred it inside him.
Blaise and I had never had sex before, and
Blaise had told me in the beginning we wouldn't unless I wanted to. And slowly I was beginning to not care. Harry had someone, and I should have moved on. I should have let go when the rope had only a strand, and here I was holding onto edited memories, all involving day one, were he to have taken my hand.
But a voice in the back of my head howled for me to stop it before it got serious, and it screamed, before I realized it was no voice, but me. I was screaming and crying, begging Blaise to stop, and he did. He pulled away, his lust glazed eyes suddenly more aware and filled with regret. I was shaking, and breathing heavily; I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, was having a panic attack. Father would be so ashamed at the weakness displayed by me his only son and heir.
If he were not in prison, I would have felt more pathetic, but something about the tears that's running down my face screamed freedom, and fear, things I was never supposed or allowed to feel. My breathing was irregular, and was the beating of my heart as it palpitated in my chest.
I had ran down the dungeons, scarring every Slytherin that went by, simply by wearing muggle clothing. They looked at me with disapproving eyes, before they saw the tears streaking down my blotchy red face. I didn't know where I was headed but it almost hurt when Blaise didn't run after me, but then I remembered, that he wasn't my Harry, and I'd never be his Neville. I surprised myself when I found a hidden door that had never been there before. The rumored Room Of Requirement. I entered, and the room was quiet save for my thoughts and hiccups.
I tried calling myself down, but nothing was working. The pain lingered, and the voice that had early told me to stop him was now calling me worthless and good for nothing. The voice reminded me of my father, and I loathed it. The room was grey and it had a giant pillow fashioned like a bed. I flung myself on it, the beating if my heart echoing through my ears in an unharmonious rhythm. It hammered in my chest with the force of a hyppogriff, and it surely would of hurt had I not been so focused on trying to even out my breathing.
Someone tapped my shoulder lightly, and I wanted to turn around and come face to face with Harry. I wanted him to comfort me in ways that Blaise never could, but I was sure that when I turned around Blaise would pull me into a hug, and apologize. I was surprised however, when I turned around and my grey met with blue.
"Malfoy?" His voice was calm, and cautious, as if a lion were approaching an elephant in it's own. I couldn't help it, and I allowed my bottom lip to quiver as I broke down completely. He sat down near me, and gently pulled me into a hug, one that was nothing like Blaise's but it was everything I had expected it to be. It was light and cautious, as if he were afraid he were going to break me, as if I were frail.
I calmed down in his arms, and I slightly shoved myself off of him, trying to regain my composure the rest of the way. He frowned and ran a hand through his hair. "What's wrong, Draco?" I noticed right away that he called my by my given name rather than my surname, and I felt the heat flood to my cheeks.
"I'm PMSing," I mumbled wiping the tears from my normally pale cheeks. I got the chance to hear him laugh, and it was melodic, beautiful, tantalizing. I was in a trance like state before I knew it, and he had to snap his fingers in front of my face before I zoned back into reality.
"I just had a fight with my uh, girlfriend... That's all," I lied through my teeth and he nodded, "I just broke up with mine last month. Bloody crazy she is, good girl though." I perked slightly at the sound of the new information before trying to look down, "What was the reason?" Harry looked at me skeptically, curious at my curiosity. The first time we'd talked since the war, and it was about girl problems.
"I fancy blokes." Harry watched me, weighing my reaction, and looked pleased when I nodded. "Me too." Harry raised a brow, before I added on so I didn't have to answer his question. "It wasn't a girlfriend, but a boyfriend. Blaise..."
I allowed my hopes to get up when I could have sworn I'd saw a brief flash of disappointment cross his face. "It's okay though, we were never dating because we liked each other." I let the last part come out quietly, "He likes the Longbottom boy, and I too like someone else, we just used our unrequited love on each other... Kind of." Harry raised a brow, "So you two were fuck buddies?" I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I shook my head.
"Hardly. The furthest we went was neck and mouth kissing. He fancies the one dating the crazy girl who sees things..." Harry nodded, "Neville fancies him too actually, Luna is interested in Pansy, and the two talk about crushes together. Who are you interested in?" I pressed my mouth into a thin line, and shrugged, "It doesn't matter." But it did.
Harry grinned, and gently poked my left cheek with his index finger. "Is it me?" He pressed on, watching for my response. He must have gotten the one he desired because he quit with a grin. "I think it matters a lot since I happen to like you as well." "Oh." Was all I could think of to say, and I stared bashfully at my clenched fists that rested in my lap.
Harry pulled my chin up with his thumb and pointer finger. He pressed our foreheads together softly, "Can I kiss you?" I closed the distance between us, not answering him, but not shutting him down. The kiss we shared was nothing like how Blaise kissed. It wasn't as wet and hot, it was passionate and slow, with warmth and what I assumed was contentment.
When we pulled apart, Harry smiled and push a strand of my hair away from my eyes, "Does this mean we are dating?" I asked stupidly, and he nodded with a wry and smug smile. "Indeed."
I watched him leave with tears streaming down his face filled with regret, I knew I shouldnt have done that, but I needed to get him with Harry. I didn't want to leave him alone, and when he finds out me and Neville planned this, he's likely to punch me. I stood up and exited, meeting my boyfriend in the hall.
"Did it work?" He asked, staring at me with his large eyes. "Yeah," I smiled, and wrapped my arm around his waist. We headed to the library hoping the plan was working.
Pansy threw her head back and laughed wrackspurts buzzing lightly around her ears. "And they thought you were dating Neville? Of all people?" I smiled at her, admiring her dark hair, "Yes, they did." Pansy smiled and pecked me lightly on the cheek. We laughed slightly, and I pulled her in for a real kiss.
Ginny sat with Cho, Harry long forgotten as the two let their entwined hands sway back and forth. The two giggled and told stories about their siblings and such, occasionally even mentioning how they should have known he was gay from the start.
Ron and Hermione smiled, the idea of having their friends happy, pleased them, and they felt strange being the only happy pair of the trio, which was probably now a Quadro. But they were okay with that, so long as their friends were happy.
Seamus crossed his arms and scowled as Dean laughed and patted his back in soothing circles. "We were the first couple to come out, how come they get more attention." Seamus grumbled, clearly in a bad mood. Dean frowned and pulled his hand away. "Would you have it any other way?" Noticing his boyfriend's sad look, he shook his head, and pulled him into his lap, before pecking his cheek lightly. "No, I think this way is perfect, especially now." Seamus smirked and groped Dean's butt, who in turn gasped and smacked his arm with a playful scowl. When he turned his head to glare, Seamus captured his lips, and the two shared a loving kiss.
A/N: end. JeSuS. I'm dead now.
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