0.23 love me all the same

Ep 2 ・❥・shape shifted

* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•°. *

Feeling so anxious that the worry and anxiety swirled in your stomach like a hurricane was a feeling Harper hadn't felt in a long time. One thing was for sure, she didn't miss it. She could still feel the weight of the hunter's hands around her throat, still see the smirk on his bloodied lips, still hear the way he had laughed. She could still feel her skin crawl.

Derek had left no room for argument when he decided to take her home, which was strange in itself. No one had known where she and Selene lived. So how the hell did Derek? She hadn't asked, hadn't had the energy to, in fact she hadn't even thought much about it till now.

Harper was now sat on the couch, staring ahead of her whilst Derek and Selene talked in hushed tones. She knew she should have been listening, but her thoughts were too loud, everything was too much. Her fingers curled into her palms, nails pressing into skin as she tried grounding herself. It wasn't working.

Her vision blurred, tears stinging her eyes.



Selene's voice was gentle, but Harper barely even registered it. She felt her sit beside her, take her trembling hand in hers, rubbing small, soothing circles against her skin. It should have helped. It didn't. "We're going to figure this out," Selene assured her softly. "It's going to be okay."

Her head whipped toward Selene, her fingers pulling away from her grasp like she'd been burned. "Okay?" Harper spat the words back. "None of this is okay."

Derek exhaled sharply, crossing his arms over his chest. "We're not saying what happened to you was okay, but standing here, losing it and going crazy, isn't going to change anything."

Since when was there a we that included Derek? Harper shot up from the couch glaring at him. He stared back at her with those expressionless eyes, he looked bored. He glared at Harper like he was looking at a child throwing a stupid tantrum.

Even if she was overreacting, couldn't Harper just fall apart for once? Couldn't she feel like everyone else got to? Could she just stop pretending for once that everything was perfectly fine? She was finally letting the cracks show and Derek had the nerve to stand there and act like she was being difficult. She had the right to be. Didn't she?

"Fuck you," Harper snapped.

Derek's jaw twitched. "Real mature, Harper."

"I don't care about anything you have to say to me." Harper began, clenching her fist to stop anyone from noticing the way her hands trembled. "You're telling me "losing it" isn't going to help anything but what would you know? You stalk people like a weirdo, staying far enough away that you can keep your hands clean but close enough that you control everyone and everything. You have no room to talk."

The words were tumbling from Harper without her control. She didn't know why she was so angry at Derek or why what Selene had said triggered her so much, but it did. The anger was all consuming, conquering every fibre of her being and pulsing through her blood. The thrum of power coursing through her felt scarily familiar.

Derek took a step forward, finally seeing her for the first time that night since he had entered Stiles's Jeep. Even then it was only because he was ready to scold her. "You think just because I don't carelessly throw myself into things like you that makes me...What? Weak?" He spoke calmly but his sharp tone cut through Harper. "You're not the only one who's had to survive, but unlike you, I don't make it everyone else's problem."

She could barely register the words Derek was hurling at her, barely hear the coldness in his tone over the rush of memories slamming into her. The weight of the hunter's hands on her throat was back, along with the hands of the hunters who had found her before him. For a moment she couldn't breathe.

"This is why Selene didn't want to tell you I was going to turn Issac," Derek shook his head, "because of this, because you're always...your always you"

Selene knew?

Harper's breath caught, her pulse pounding in her ears. She shot a look at Selene, praying to whoever was listening that she would deny it, that she wouldn't be apart of Derek taking advantage of a scared, insecure teenager. But Selene wasn't meeting her eyes. She was staring at the floor, hands clasped tightly in her lap, looking more like a shell of the Selene Harper had always known.

"What?" Harper managed to choke out, her voice trembling with disbelief. "What do you mean? Selene, you knew?"

Selene's eyes flickered toward Derek, then quickly dropped again. The weight of the silence that followed crushed Harper. it was an answer that spoke more that words would have.  It felt like the walls were closing in on her, every breath she took growing heavier, harder to grasp. She couldn't understand why Selene wouldn't tell her, why she would go along with it

The older girl opened her mouth to speak, but quickly shut it again. She sucked in a quick, shaky breathe before trying again. "Harper, please-" Selene reached out, grabbing hold of the Everheart girls hand.

Harper's eyes slammed shut. Suddenly, it wasn't Selene's fingers curled around her wrist it was heavy metal cuffs. It all happened so quick. Harper felt herself slip away and fall into a memory that sank its claws in her brain, dragging her back to the darkest things she had tried with all her might to bury in the deepest parts of her mind.

The stale scent of damp concrete filled her nose. The sharp sting of a fresh wounds throbbing all over her body. Her wrists ached against the unforgiving metal cuffs that hurt no matter how little she struggled.

"Come on, songbird." The voice was like whisky, smooth but burned all the same. "I can't believe I've got you, your kind, do you know all I can do with you. The great siren, Everheart." He mocked.

The hunters hand gripped her chin, tilting her face up as he chuckled. The dim light barely illuminated his features, but she didn't need to see him to remember every sick detail. The way his lips curled into that monstrous smirk. Not all monsters snarled and bared their teeth, most did their evil with a smile.

The echo of his touch sent a fresh wave of panic crashing over her, and suddenly, she was spiraling. Her breaths were short, sharp gasps, her chest constricting like she was still trapped in that room. The cuffs bit into her wrists, and no matter how much she pulled, how much she struggled, she couldn't break free.

"Maybe I should keep you all to myself," The hunter mused, thumb brushing against the still tender deep bruise forming on her cheek. The one he had put there. Harper couldn't tell the old pain from the new, there was just too much of it. "The things I could do, how many of your kind of monstrosities I could capture. Werewolves would just be the start."

Harper could taste the metallic tang of blood in her mouth, there was no doubt her lip was busted, her face probably was too. She lifted her head, eyes meeting his.

"Go to hell." She spat but the man only shrugged.

"I'll see you there, songbird."

A sharp pain rattled through her, shooting down every nerve in her body. That was the breaking point. Harper's body trembled violently as the scream ripped through her, raw and desperate, filling the dark room with a sound that only mirrored the agony inside her. The pain didn't stop, didn't fade, didn't lessen. It only intensified, burning inside her like a wildfire, scorching her from the inside out, until her mind felt as if crackling under the weight of it.

And then—


Harper's vision was blurry, her heart racing faster than it had ever before, pounding against her ribcage as though it would burst free. The room around her spun. Her breaths quick and shallow. She could feel Selene grabbing her shoulders and it only made her feel more trapped

Derek's face was etched with terror, though he concealed it better than Selene did. Harper felt like she was burning. The power thrumming in her blood only intensified. She yanked away from Selene's grasp, chest heaving The Everheart girl turned her head, catching a glimpse of her eyes in the grimy mirror in the hallway. They were glowing a dim purple.

Harper's head was spinning, her thoughts twisted, tangled in a mess of terror and rage. The power was swelling inside her, threatening to break free. She could feel the electricity in the air, like the tension before a storm.

She had to get out. Had to get away from this room, from the suffocating weight of memories and expectations, from the burning touch of Selene's hands on her shoulders. Before either of them could react, Harper bolted, stumbling towards the door. Her legs barely held her up, but she pushed through, the sharp echo of her footsteps echoing in her ears along with her drumming heartbeat.

"Harper, wait!" Derek's called after her, his tone made it clear it was a command, but she couldn't care less. She didn't want to hear it. Didn't want to hear anything at all.

Her chest ached, the powers swelling in her chest still threatened to consume her, but she just ran. She was running down empty streets, only illuminated by flickering street lamps. She didn't care about how dangerous it was. She didn't care about anything at all. The flashing image of Selene's eyes full of guilt and Derek's cold judgment only propelled her forward.

The night air was like a slap, sharp and cold against Harper's burning skin. her breath coming in desperate gasps as she sprinted. Her heart pounded harder, the feeling of being trapped, of being owned by something bigger than herself, weighing her down. Tears began to slip down her cheeks, hot and silent. The power inside her was like a monster, clawing it's way up to the surface. Harper was a prisoner in her own skin.

The full moon hung above her head like a giant pearl. The few stars that had glittered in the navy sky silently watching her as she ran, and ran, and ran. Her lungs burned, legs ached, thoughts running just as fast as her legs were. How could Selene have known Derek was going to turn Issac and not do a single thing? Not have told her.

That night when Issac had cowered in front of Derek, Harper hadn't just related to his pain, she felt it. She felt his pain as if they were her own. It had been a long time since the Everheart girl that was able to tap into someone's feelings without consciously trying too. Maybe what Derek said that morning had rubbed off on Harper.

She hadn't felt it as strongly as she once had, but maybe if she focused she could. Harper could be able to understand Issac. Wouldn't that just make her despise Derek more? There wasn't a reason on earth that would convince Harper that what Derek had done was justifiable. Harper had seen thousands like Issac, scared and alone thinking the bite would make them all that they wanted to be not knowing all that came with it.

It wasn't fair of Derek to give Issac that choice.

Harper's body screamed at her to stop, but of course, she didn't listen. As she turned the corner, she felt cool raindrops drop against burning skin. As she turned the corner, she felt cool raindrops drop against burning skin. The tears stung her eyes, blurring her vision and the relentless rain didn't do her any favours either. Harper's footsteps splashed through the rain, each step more desperate than the last.

She was barely aware of her surroundings anymore, her body running on sheer instinct, fueled by everything she didn't want to think or feel.

And then, there was the sound of footsteps trailed behind her. Her heart skipped a beat. Harper  couldn't think straight, couldn't even process what was happening. All she knew was that she was no longer alone. The weight of someone's hand placed on her shoulder caused Harper to spin around, fist raised. Until that is, she saw who was looking back at her.

Stiles Stilinski.

He blinked at her, his eyes taking her in with one clean sweep. Her shaky hands, tear stained cheeks mixed with the rain, her heaving chest. He didn't say anything, but he didn't need to, his eyes said it all. They swelled with confusion and concern, maybe even fear. Harper wasn't sure if it was fear of her or for her, and she wasn't sure which she preferred.

Trying to slow her tears, Harper sucked in a shaky breath and dropped her fist. Stiles didn't move. He just stood there, his eyes locked onto hers like he was waiting for her to speak first, waiting for him to explain, to let him in. But Harper had spent her entire life keeping people out, and tonight wasn't going to be the night she suddenly forgot how to do that.

She swallowed hard, trying to find words, but all she could focus on was the way her power still hummed beneath her skin, pulsing and thruming within her like a second heartbeat. She clenched her fists, willing herself to shove it back down, to bury it deep where it couldn't hurt anyone.

Where it couldn't hurt him.

The rain kept falling, cold and relentless, soaking through both of them. Stiles' hoodie clung to his frame, darkened with water, but he didn't seem to care.

"Harper," Stiles said, the word tumbling from his lips quietly like if he said the wrong thing Harper would turn heel and run away. "What happened?"

She let out a sharp breath, almost a laugh but too bitter to be one. A better question would've been, what hasn't happened?

"I'm fine," Harper snapped, the words coming out too sharp, too quick. She immediately regretted it, feeling even worse when she saw the flicker of hurt flash across Stiles's face. Maybe it was for the best. Being close to her meant nothing but pain and trouble. "Just go home, Stiles."

Stiles didn't move. He didn't so much as blink. Harper hated the concern she found in his eyes. Her chest tightened when he didn't say anything. The rain beat down harsher and harder but even that didn't move him. It was like he was waiting for something, but Harper had nothing to give. Not to him, not to anyone. She couldn't think straight, but out of everything she was feeling, the anger was the most steady. It was always there, burning hot and sharp.

"I said, go home!" Harper repeated, her voice cracking under the strain of the words. She couldn't breathe. Couldn't think. All she could focus on was the ache, the power, the unbearable pressure of being herself, of being Harper Everheart and the gut wrenching guilt that came with knowing people had to put up with her, knowing that most failed.

Harper wouldn't let Stiles bear the pain of realising she wasn't who he thought she was. Whoever that even was.

"I'm not leaving you Harper," Stiles shook his head, taking a step forward. "I'm not leaving you and I don't care if that means staying out here all night. You're not fine. You're shaking, you look like you about to pass out, and you're running in the rain for God's sake. No one thats okay runs in the rain."

Harper's eyes flickered up to his as she took a step back. "I don't want you here! What don't you get? How else can I say it for you to understand? You being here is making me feel worse."

She didn't mean a single word of what she was saying. She wanted him more than anything. Harper always wanted Stiles by her side, she always wanted to hear his stupid sarcastic remarks, see his smile. He always made her feel better in ways no one else had. A tear slid down her cheek but she wiped it away harshly, hoping Stiles didn't see.

Don't doubt Harper Everheart to go and mess everything up.

"You told me when things get too much, you fight." Stiles swallowed, taking another step forward, this one more cautious than the last. "If that's what's going to help you, go ahead. Scream at me. Yell at me. Tell me lies. But I'm not going anywhere."

"Why?" Harper asked, her voice cracking. "Why do you care? You don't even know me, Stiles. You don't know who I am. What I've done. I'm not who you think I am."

"I don't care what you think I think you are," Stiles replied, he was almost shouting over the rain, his clothes completely soaked, raindrops sliding down his face. "I don't care. I only care about who you are now. And you're...Harper, you don't get it, I–"

"Please Stiles just go." Harper shook her head "I don't want to hurt you." Her voice cracked under the weight of what she was saying. She was terrified of herself and what she could do to Stiles. How she could hurt him. Her powers were more out of control than they had been in a while.

She didn't even bother with the tears that were falling down the length of her cheeks. They were almost impossible to tell apart from the rain anyway. But Harper knew they were there, just as well as Stiles did.

Stiles's gaze softened. He took another step, this time without thinking twice about it. There was no hesitation, no reluctance, he was so sure with his every move it almost terrified Harper. Before she could move away, his arms wrapped around her, holding her close against him.

It shocked Harper at first. She froze in his arms, her body stiff as if she couldn't process what was happening. She didn't want to feel anything, but the moment his arms were around her, her breath caught in her throat and she felt everything at once. All that mattered in that moment was the overwhelming warmth of his arms around her and the way it made her heart erupt and relax all at once.

Everything inside of her screamed to pull away. To push him away. But something in her broke. She didn't know what it was, whether it was the exhaustion, the anger or
the fear, she had fought so hard to keep hidden, but her body gave in.

Her chest heaved, her breath coming in ragged shallow gasps, and before she could stop herself, her arms found their way around him too. She clung to him, like a child did to their favourite toy, her fingers digging into the soaked fabric of his hoodie as if she couldn't bring him close enough. She let herself crumble against him, full sobs breaking through her. Her legs felt weak, every breath feeling like a chore.

Stiles shut his eyes, one hand cradling Harpers head, fingers tangled in her drenched, wet hair and the other around the small of her back. He hated hearing her cry, seeing her cry, knowing she was going through so much and feeling so utterly helpless and useless. Stiles would do anything Harper told him to do if it only it made her feel better.

"I'm a monster Stiles."

* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•°. *

Stiles fumbled with his keys, cursing under his breath when they slipped from his fingers and clattered onto the porch. The rain hadn't let up since he had found Harper, and she, still shivering in her soaked clothes, shifted impatiently beside him. She felt exhausted from all her running and from trying her hardest to keep her power inside her.

"Okay, okay, give me a second," Stiles muttered, swooping the keys from the ground and finally getting the door open.

He pushed it wide and stepped aside, motioning for Harper to go in first. She stepped inside, the warmth of the house immediately enveloping her like a comforting blanket. She let out a quiet sigh, the tension in her shoulders easing slightly as she moved away from the door.

Stiles followed her in, shutting the door shut behind him, his damp clothes dripping onto the floor as he kicked off his muddy, beat sneakers. Shrugging of his flannel, tossing it to the ground before he turned to fave Harper, who stood shaking, hair and clothes dripping.

"I'll get you a towel," Stiles nodded, already darting up the stairs, tripping up a few of them. When he reached the top, he glanced over his shoulder. "Give me a second!" He shouted, disappearing into a room.

Harper stood, arms wrapped around herself as her eyes swept around the Stilinski house. It was tidy and organised with various pictures frames stood on shelves and counters. Most were of Stiles from when he was still a kid, one of the images specifically stood out to her. Stiles was cheesing at the camera flashing his gappy grin that was so wide you could barely see his eyes. He had Nutella jar in his hands, though most of it was spread across his cheeks.

There was a woman next to him. She was beautiful. She had Stiles on her lap, though she wasn't looking at the camera, she was just smiling softly at Stiles. Harper didn't recognise her but could feel the warmth of her smile warming her from the inside out. The woman had dark brown hair, the sun filtering through it making the strands look much lighter. Harper found herself smiling at the picture, without even realising.

Thuds and bangs sounded, catching Harper off guard. Her gaze snapped up to see Stiles at the top of the staircase, holding a bundle of towels and blankets piled so high, he could barely see. She stifled a laugh, as he climbed down each step, somehow making it back to her in one piece.

"I brought you a towel and some clothes," He explained as Haprer plucked the items out of his hands. He had brought her some sweats, one of t shirts and hoodies that said 'Beacon Hills Lacrosse' on the front. "Didn't think you would want to stay in wet clothes."

Harper looked up at him, with a smile Stiles had never seen, but now that he had, he didn't want to see anything else for the rest of his days. If he could, he'd make sure Harper's smile was the only thing he'd see for the rest of his life.

Quickly, Stiles shook himself out of it. "You can change, over there, and you can leave the towel there too." He pointed to a room to the left as Harper nodded, moving so she could go change.

Harper closed the door behind her and quickly stripped off her wet clothes, feeling the coldness of the fabric cling to her skin as she shivered. It wasn't from the cold, because in all honesty she felt burning hot. Harper knew that was because of her power and how she had to try, now more than ever, to keep control over it.

She pulled on the oversized Beacon Hills Lacrosse hoodie, the fabric soft and comforting. She slipped her dagger from her old pocket, placing it in the pocket of the hoodie. Glancing in the mirror, Harper ran a hand through her damp hair before grabbing the towel Stiles had given her and drying off what she could.

Once she was done, she folded the towel, placing it on top of one of the hampers before pushing the door open and walking back to the living room. Stiles was leaning against the couch, his elbows resting on his knees, his eyes focused on the floor.

He looked up when he heard the door open, and his gaze immediately found Harper and softened in an instant. The oversized hoodie swallowed her, the fabric draping over her like a comforting cocoon. The sweat pants hung off her hips, whilst her damp hair framed her face softly.

Perfectly, Stiles thought.

Harper shuffled under his gaze, fighting the smile that won anyway. "Is it that bad?" She questioned as she walked closer to him.

Stiles immediately shook his head, moving down on the couch so there was enough space for Harper. "No, no sorry." He spluttered out as she collapsed into the space beside him. "You just look different, that's all."

Harper gave him a small nod as she went in her pockets, placing her dagger on the table in front of them. She found amusement in the look Stiles was giving her. He should've been used for it by now, and besides it's not like she was going to be here. In Stiles clothes, in house on his couch, she thought she was going to be out alone at night, it would be stupid not to have it.

"So are you going to tell me what you were running from?" Stiles questioned, shifting slightly so him and Harper were facing each other, eye to eye.

The Everheart girl bristled, shoulders tensing. "I wasn't running from anything."

Stiles threw her a skeptical look, nodding. "Yeah because everyone decides it's a good idea to run around when it's pouring rain. And they don't just run for a little bit, they run till it looks like they're about to pass out. My mistake."

Harper's eyes darted away, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face. She could feel the weight of the question hanging between them, but she knew if she kept up her walls, it wouldn't do her any good. She knew that Stiles wouldn't force her to tell him anything she didn't want to, but she had to. For herself. He had to know what terrible monster he was letting into his house, he had to know the real Harper.

Taking a deep breath, Harper let her gaze drift to the window, the rain tapping against the glass like the world outside was trying to speak to her. It never did and it never had.

"Before Beacon Hills, before everything, I was in a pack." Harper forced herself to meet Stiles's eyes as she fidgeted with stacks of rings on her fingers that were as silver as the full moon. "It's not like Scott's pack, ours was more like an army, and if you think Derek is scary or evil you should have seen my alpha." A bitter laugh slipped from her as the memories slammed into her full force.

"Your alpha?" Stiles asked, his voice low but full of caution and curiosity, urging her to continue.

Harper pulled in a shaky breath as she felt her heartbeat sky rocket. "He was a monster, not in the way you're probably imagining. Not like a big bad wolf, all teeth and claws. He was worse. He didn't need to transform to tear you apart." She swallowed hard before she continued. "I was raised by him, by his side, and he raised me to be just like him. I was his prized possession, his secret weapon. I killed who he wanted me to, hurt who he asked me too, trained with him. Blood and death was all I knew."

Stiles sat up straighter, demeanour changing entirely. The air around them shifted, thickening with the weight of Harper's confession. He didn't say anything, didn't rush to fill the silence. Instead, he just listened, his eyes fixed on her.

Harper continued, her voice quieter now, strained. "He told me I was nothing without the pack, that I was just a tool. A weapon to be used when he saw fit. And I believed it for a long time. I was the perfect soldier, never questioning orders, never doubting his words. It was easier that way, you know? To just obey and not think about what was happening around me. I mean for a long time I didn't know what I was doing was wrong. Keres, my alpha, never taught me anything different so I didn't know."

Her hands trembled slightly as she clenched them in her lap. "But then, when I started to realize what I was really doing...when I saw the people I killed for him, what they had been before they became targets, I couldn't ignore it anymore. I was being consumed by it, by him, by the darkness. It was like... like I was drowning and didn't even know how to swim to the surface."

She stopped then, her eyes flicking briefly to Stiles before quickly looking away, her eyes brimmed with tears. Harper was afraid to meet his gaze for too long, scared of what she would find.

Stiles on the other hand watched her, his chest aching. He didn't know what to say to ease her pain, but he knew he had to say something. "So, what happened?" His voice was softer now, like he was afraid to push her too hard, but equally afraid of letting her slip away into silence.

"Selene was always there, keeping me together. She promised me she would let me live a life I deserved. Away from him. So we ran," Harper whispered, her voice barely audible over the rain that continued to beat against the window like a thousand little drums. "Keres doesn't forget though, he wouldn't just let us go, ms go. We're still technically on the run. We have been on the run ever since. I'm still on the run from all the memories, they never leave you alone."

Stiles blinked at her as he just watched her. He had always known Harper to be tough, someone who could handle herself in any situation, someone who wore her scars like badges of honor. But this, this was something else entirely. She had been molded by pain, by loss, by betrayal. How could she have gone through so much and still be one of the strongest people he has ever known?

He wanted to scream, shake her shoulders and wake her up, show her the way he saw her. He wanted to sit there and list every single thing he loved about her, all the things that made her the only perfect person to walk this earth. It took everything within Stiles to not grab Harper's hands but one thing was for sure, Stiles wasn't that strong.

Without thinking, without really wanting to, his hand reached out toward hers. The moment Stile's fingers brushed against her soft, smooth skin, a small almost electric shiver ran through him. Harper's breath hitched, shocked at first before she let her hand settle in his. Her cheeks flushing a bright pink as it did, yet the most serene peace flooded her heart.

The touch was quiet, almost reverent. His thumb brushed against her knuckles soothingly and for a moment, neither of them spoke. There was no need for words anymore, it was beyond them. Stiles didn't need to scream or shake her to show her how he felt. This simple gesture, this connection, spoke louder than anything he could have said. Held more weight.

Harper felt her body ease as she placed her head on his shoulder. The tension that had been coiled so tightly within her, every muscle, every fear, every moment of guilt, began to break away. Chip by chip. She hadn't realized how much she'd been holding in until now, how exhausting it was to constantly be on guard, to never allow herself to just...be.

Stiles, too, was silent, Harper's presence overwhelming him in the best way. He could feel the weight of Harper's trust as she leaned into him. The Stilinski looked down at the girl and promised himself that he would never be one of the people to add to her pile of pain. For once, Stiles didn't feel the need to say something witty, something to lighten the mood. In fact, he was almost afraid to speak at all, scared that saying something wrong would shatter the fragile moment they had. One he never wanted to end.

Her soft exhale against his neck made him shift slightly, sending chills through him as he instinctively pulled her closer. It was gentle, subtle, but the action was something that made the both of them relax. Stiles wasn't going to let Harper go, not now and not ever. None would even be able to pry her from his arms cold dead arms, he was sure of it.

This was all he ever dreamed of.

"I'm not going anywhere, Harper," Stiles said softly after a long pause. It was a promise more than anything.

Harper's fingers twitched against his hand, as if she was about to pull away, but instead, she tightened her grip, feeling the comfort in his words. She didn't need to say anything back, she couldn't even if she wanted to.

The rawness of everything she had just shared left her feeling a little empty, a little exposed. But Stiles' hand, his warmth, was something she could hold onto.He knew all the horrible things she had done, the horrible person she was and cared for her all the same. He still looked at her the same.

* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•°. *


Quite annoying that I cant even edit this bc of the keyboard glitch so, sorry about that.

I hope you guys liked this bc omg I love them and please dont be ghost readers you don't understand how much your comments and voting interaction motivates me to keep writing!

Love you all !!!! (almost as much as Stiles loves Harper)

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