20: Sea Bound
I... am... I'm so sorry about that hideous wait! It's Mid-Terms week, and I've been buried underneath work as all my professors cram before spring break. I've got tests all week and I'm super busy, but I was able to work on this little by little between everything going on, on top of a hectic living situation I'm not prepared to talk about lol. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Also...
We had passed a few towns on our way, and the closer we got, the more the air smelled of salt and sand.
The towns we passed through were full of fish traders and common folk. They had many stores, and travelers were coming in and out to buy, sell, and do whatever else they needed to. We were stared at but not a lot, as shinobi often stop at these smaller villages. Naruto had taken an interest in a few small shops and even bought himself some candy, something I couldn't help but enjoy watching after waking to him squirming restlessly.
He didn't sleep well. He had bags under his eyes, but he didn't let it affect him much since he didn't remember the dream he had or what it had been about. I didn't enjoy knowing he had another bad dream. Even my attempts to comfort him didn't work to ease his mind, and I had to endure his eventual whimpering all up to the point he woke gasping, sweaty.
My rest was dreamless, and the lack of sleep left me feeling hungrier, but I paid it no mind in favor of enjoying his energy in those tender moments of joy. He was just a kid at heart, wanting to enjoy his surroundings without the issue of what was bogging him down. I was smiling the whole time he was smiling, his joy bringing me joy in return.
A beam of hope in this dark, unforgiving world of ours.
We were currently walking side by side, heading towards a break in the woods. The trees became far spread, up til the wooded area broke into beautiful cliffs, rising high and ocean behind them. Spraying waves of saltwater into the air creates a lovely breeze that costs over us. I wish I was able to enjoy it fully, but I was just grateful to be here with them during the daytime. The sun shone high above us, mid-day.
"Wow, it's nice!" Naruto grinned widely.
Sasuke shrugged beside me, looking around in silent agreement, while outwardly trying to remain calm. I could tell he was enjoying the breeze, too. He was smiling when no one was looking, I could glance at him through the tinted holes where my eyes saw out.
We were following a semi-busy road, winding around trees, small homes, businesses, and cliffs. It was a sea rock called limestone, if I remember correctly. Naruto would often stare at the ground, and Guy would as well, both admiring the different landscape with wonder in their eyes. It brought a smile to my face to see him so happy.
"We are going to a nearby shipping village. It's got the largest dock in the area where we often get imported goods from." Yamato explained as we traveled. "There we will find our assigned ship provided to us by the Rikage and board it. From there we will be spending a few days at sea."
Guy grimaced at the topic, apparently being seasick and never telling us until about an hour ago. Yamato patted his back, giving him a small amount of pity before continuing forward.
"I don't think I've been on a ship before." Naruto grinned in excitement. "This should be fun."
"It gets boring." I piped up. "Just a rocking boat on the water."
"Well, duh, but still! I want to see fish swim by and other marine animals. I can't wait for it! The vast ocean..." Naruto smirked widely. "Ninjas get to see everything in this world, every spec of land and all. It's so awesome!" He giddily laughed.
"..." Sasuke glared at him with annoyance written on his face.
"Hn, well, I hope you find it entertaining. Someone has to." I shook my head helplessly as he grinned in response.
"Just don't start acting like you're five," Sasuke grumbled.
Naruto puffed his cheeks out and flipped him off, walking backward and sticking his tongue out. I chuckled as I could almost smell Sasuke's anger. Naruto laughed at Sasuke's misery and jogged along, watching animals he'd never seen scurry away from him.
"How are you with that thing?" Sasuke asked me, cringing. "You both are nearly opposites."
"I enjoy his energetic personality a lot." I smiled to myself, watching after him with adoration. "He's kind at heart, pure and optimistic. A complete knucklehead, but a sweet knucklehead." I explained.
"Huh..." Sasuke watched after him. "He's okay, but he's overbearing."
"You'd be surprised how calm he is when it's just the two of us. He's at his most genuine when it's us alone in a room, away from the world. It's like a different side of him while still staying him if that makes sense." I tried explaining.
"I think so... watch him, though. He has a different look to his eyes." Sasuke pointed out, making my eyes narrow grimly. "I'm not used to seeing so much violence in them.. they used to be different. I can't put my finger on it, but he carries a lot of rage with him. It takes one to know one... he had a spot of darkness on his heart." Sasuke mumbled, his eyes glazing over with worry as he looked genuinely upset over this discovery of his.
Sasuke seems to care more about Naruto than he outwardly shows. It's good to know that Naruto has a genuine friend... rival even if that's what I'm gathering from the two. They're very competitive with one another.
"Yeah... I've seen it, too. It only showed now and then when he got tired... but the moment Danzo started messing with him, it was always there. After the curse was placed on him.. or seal or whatever it is... it's on full display. " I agreed with him. "It's got me concerned."
"It doesn't suit him," Sasuke stated, frowning at Naruto as the blonde spoke with Guy, getting each other pumped for the boat ride.
"No, no, it doesn't," I agreed grimly. "I'll try everything to get that out of his heart."
"Yeah," Sasuke agreed. "He doesn't deserve it. He's done nothing wrong. It's kind of fucked up if you think about it. He's painfully nice and optimistic, yet the world is seemingly trying everything to pull him through the mud and drown him in it. He's an annoying idiot but he doesn't do anything to hurt anybody."
"He's too selfless for this world we live in," I nodded and moved ahead, letting my brother follow me. "How are you fairing?"
"Me? Eh, I could be worse and my face is healing so I can't complain. It's better than being stuck with Madara while he tries to destroy the world I guess," Sasuke shrugged lazily, however, his eyes watched me closely, making me sigh in acceptance.
He still doesn't forgive me for what I had done. To be fair It didn't matter if he hated my guts, I'd stick beside him and love him unconditionally. I'll worry, I'll complain, and I'll fight for him because he's my little brother. I'd do anything and everything for him, even if it means him hating me forever.
"How about you? Have you eaten yet?" Sasuke asked, curiously watching me. "I didn't enjoy seeing you insane with hunger when you just popped up from the dead."
"I'm good so far. I know where my limits are and I can assure you it won't be like before." I assured him, "I can go several days, a week or more, even, without feeding."
"Mhm." He nodded skeptically.
I rolled my eyes at his attitude and continued watching Naruto, shackles raising when a few villagers passed by us. As much as I enjoyed him having fun, I didn't enjoy him around the company of strangers. I'd probably have a fit once we get to that moving island, but for now, I'd like to keep an open mind.
"HELP! HELP HE TOOK MY MONEY SOMEONE AFTER HIM!" A scream erupted loudly close by, making me flinch and slap a gloved hand over my ear in pain.
A hooded figure darted away from the bystander. I whipped around to follow them with my eyes, but I only moved when a shock of blonde darted after the figure. I took off immediately, going to tell him not to engage, but before I could even utter a peep, he shot his arms in front of him and created a barrage of about twenty or so clones and had them rain onto the figure.
I paused my movement and watched as he ganged up on the man and beat the living hell out of him. I raised my eyebrows and slowly relaxed, my defensiveness vanishing under relief as the man cried surrender, holding the purse up for Naruto to snatch up. His clones continued beating him black and blue and began lecturing him while his real self delivered the purse back to the woman.
"Thank you, boy! Thank you!" The woman cried as she took her belongings from Naruto, who grinned at her.
"It's no problem!" He held a thumbs up. "Happy to help! Are you okay? He didn't hurt you did he?" Naruto curiously asked and began to look her up and down.
"N-No I'm okay, dear." She assured.
"Alright. I'm glad." Naruto chimed and patted her shoulder, looking back as his clones all huffed and vanished in anger and satisfaction. "Learn your lesson?" Naruto bitterly asked.
I watched him nod frantically and scurry away like a frightened rat. I looked over to Sasuke to find him arms crossed and smirking at the man running. I looked to Guy, giving Naruto a thumbs up in approval and Yamato watched with a bored expression, not surprised or reacting to the situation as if he expected it to happen eventually.
Naruto caught back up with us after handling the situation, shrugging helplessly at Yamato with a smile. Yamato shook his head and continued forward silently. Naruto grinned at me and I only nudged him before walking to his side, smiling to myself.
He's so kind.
I don't know why I was worried over something as trivial as a wallet thief. I need to remind myself that Naruto is more capable than half of the leaf's Jonin. I don't know why I was about to treat him differently like he wasn't capable. I rubbed the back of my neck as I walked with him, staring at my feet as I tried to calm my mind of those thoughts. It was disgraceful to think of Naruto in a weak light, maybe it was due to his current ailments, but It wasn't an excuse.
He was a capable person, who single-handedly took down Pain, he wasn't a weakling at all, he was insanely powerful.
We moved through the cliffs' passageways until we reached the docs, ocean spray from crashing waves sprinkling through the air as we walked forward. The moment the ocean became visible, Guy and Naruto both ogled at the sight whole Yamato, Sasuke and I watched them with amusement. Might Guy was shaking from nervousness about the idea of being at sea but Naruto was excited about it, his joy radiating around his body in a blanket.
The sky was partly clouded, allowing the mid-day sun to warm the area, making the cold ocean mist enjoyable for everyone else. I couldn't feel it, but I'd had to guess that it felt nice. I absently touched my mask, wondering how the sun felt on my skin... trying and failing to remember the sensation. I curiously looked at my gloved hand, where my long sleeves disappeared under, wondering how it'd feel if I removed the cloth protecting me.
I made sure to fall behind the rest of the group before looking at my wrist. I moved the glove up slowly, inching it down my hand until a small sliver of skin peaked through. I immediately flinched and covered it as a searing hot pain flashed through my limb, my skin sizzling instantly in the two seconds that it was exposed. I growled and rubbed the now-covered area, frustration taking hold of me.
Being a vampire was a real pain in the ass. I know there isn't anything I can do to change what I am, but it's still annoying to deal with.
"That one over there is ours," Yamato announced, making me look up at the ship he was pointing at.
It was a larger ship but no bigger than a large merchant vessel. It didn't raise too many eyebrows and it didn't seem armed with any Canon business. It wasn't something extravagant either, but it wasn't small. Guy looked at it with a firm nod, smirking.
"A fine ship! Built with the passion of youthful spirits like me no doubt!" He cackled, the sun reflecting off of his unnaturally white teeth. "With the mighty POWER OF YOUTH!" He cried out proudly, his yelling making my ears twitch back.
"Okay okay, don't have an orgasm over a ship, Might Guy," I grunted out and moved past him, Sasuke having already climbed the rope to get on board. "Use that proud youthful spirit to stop yelling so loud, I have sensitive hearing."
"He's just excited, Itachi." Naruto snickered beside me, looking oddly inspired by Might's enthusiasm. "I agree with him though, it's a nice boat!" He gave an approving thumbs up.
"Naruto, promise me something?" I asked him watching his eyes light up.
"Sure!" Naruto chirped.
"Keep young men away from Might, his overbearing enthusiasm can be taken the wrong way by travelers," I whispered and pointed to a group of young fishermen, whispering and staring Might down like he was vermin. "I know he's been like this since he was young, but, still, ehehe." I shrugged.
Naruto followed my gaze and cringed as if he didn't realize this point of view existed until now. He then blinked his eyes with realization.
"You've known him before?" Naruto asked me, making me quirk the corner of my mouth to the side.
"I wasn't born an outcast, Naruto. I'm one of the youngest graduates from the academy." I hummed and poked his forehead with my pointer and middle fingers. "I met Might on a mission. He's always been weird, heh." I hummed, smiling at him despite knowing he couldn't see it.
"S-Sorry." Naruto's face flushed with embarrassment. "I just don't know a whole lot about your past outside of the obvious.",
"Hn, well, we are going to be stuck on a boat together for a few days, we have plenty of time to talk about things," I suggested.
"That we do," Naruto chimed and climbed up the rope and into the vessel, me following close behind with Yamato climbing in last.
"So!" Yamato huffed, clapping his hands together." This here is the barracks of the ship " he stated to everyone, pointing to the giant door built into the floor, where a bunch of small holes was carved out of the wood. "It's been repurposed as a storage cellar, this is where our rations and fresh water is, note the barrels."
"Cool!" Naruto grinned widely, dropping to his knees to peek into the storage area.
"This is the main deck. Up there, past the stairs is the rutter on the quarter deck. That wheel close to the front end is the capstan, the wheel that lowers and raises the ship's anchor. Below the quarter deck is my room, the door on the right. The door on the left leads downstairs to the cabins. That is where you guys will be sleeping. There are four rooms downstairs each is the same size, so pick whichever room you want on your own time. Any questions?" Yamato asked, raising his eyebrows.
I shook my head and looked over to Sasuke, who was leaning on the mast lazily, tiredly looking out at the oceanic view. I didn't pay Guy any mind as he went inside to find himself a room, and I stood myself against the rail, leaning on it as I was mentally prepared for the trip.
Maybe with the sound of loud waves against the ship, I could eat. My eyes traveled to Naruto, who spoke with Yamato about whatever he wanted, not eavesdropping in on their conversation. My eyes lingered on his neck, the side I'd scarred up with my teeth.
I could hear it over the sounds of this town. Over the hustled feet of fishermen and traders, over the cheers of drunken sailors and children playing about the roads. I could hear it singing to me in sway with the sound of crashing waves against shore and cliff. I beautiful rhythm that sang in the same beat as his pulse.
Whispering my name...
Calling me...
Making my teeth shudder with need.
I inhaled slowly, able to pick up his scent still, even with the overbearing saltiness in the air. It was so delicious and sweet. I wanted to drink it forever, drink him forever... drink him forever-
I sighed and clutched my throat gently, rubbing it as if it would ease the dryness. Stress was making me hungrier than I was, stressing me out further. A vicious and pointless cycle.
It smells so sweet, maybe just a small taste.
Shut up.
He doesn't mind feeding us, we both find it intimate and enticing. There isn't a need for this guarded thought process. We shouldn't hold back around him. He's promised to feed us.
I don't want to, he's enjoying himself.
He loves it when we bite him. It makes him feel better, it makes him get carried away in his pleasure and forget about his sadness. It removes that depressing aura he carries.
There is such a thing as too much blood.
I don't care.
I don't care.
I found myself moving forward before I even realized it or snapped out of my thoughts. I inched toward him, stalking up behind and gently grabbing his shoulder, my eyes glued to his scars hungrily, shakily inhaling this addicting aroma. Yamato spoke something to me, but the voice was drowned out by the ringing in my ears. I only hyperfocused on his neck, staring down without moving until my view was replaced with a set of worried blue eyes, as blue as the ocean around us.
"Are you alright? You have that stare again... are you stressed?" Naruto asked, his voice echoing through my bones. "Yes, he's done this before, it's alright he won't hurt me," Naruto spoke to Yamato behind him, making me angry.
I found myself grabbing his chin and forcing him to look back at me, possessiveness trying to keep him fixated on only me. If the stupid sun wasn't out I'd have bitten him by now. Damn thing... it gets on my nerves.
"Itachi?" Naruto asked again, cupping the side of my mask as I leaned forward, his face now joining the shaded area beneath my straw hat, close to mine.
"Beautiful," I mumbled aloud, staring into those shimmering eyes of his, them humming... singing... calling.
"Huh?" Naruto blinked rapidly, face dusting with faint pink, however, his eyes remained concerned, worried over my well-being.
"Hey, don't hold him like that." A hand grabbed my wrist tightly, making me look over to find Yamato glaring at me.
"..." I glared at him angrily, my mind reeling in a maddening way making me nearly-
"Easy, both of you. He can't help it." Naruto shoved himself between us as I was about to punch him, biting my teeth together as he glared at the both of us. "You, come. You, stay." Naruto hissed.
Ordering Yamato to stay where he was while he grabbed and yanked me along with no protest for me as followed him in a dazed. I walked inside with him, noticing there wasn't a single window below the deck. I shivered as he pulled us toward the end of the hall. The first door was Guy's and I could hear him inside settling down, falling fast asleep.
I flung my hat behind me, letting it hang around my neck from the strap, falling against my back. My eyes widened as I glared at his neck, mouth opening as I ripped the mask off my face. The moment his grip loosened in the slightest, I ripped my hand quickly away, up to his shoulders, and in a flash I had him against the wall, hearing him grunt with surprise as I was already pressing my lips against his neck.
Breathing deeply, inhaling his smell, the smell of his blood screaming my name for me to consume.
"Itachi if you were this hungry you should have told me," Naruto whispered breathily, panting as I kissed his neck over and over, relishing in the feeling.
"It just swelled up. I didn't know I was this hungry..." I whispered to him, shuddering as I slid my hands beneath his shirt, feeling across his skin.
"Are you stressed?" Naruto asked again, his hands gently grabbing my shoulders. "You have that look in your eye again, the one from the alleyway back home."
His actions made me pause, feeling a wave of control finally seep its way through me, allowing my nerves to relax a little to the point I wasn't wanting to rip his neck open. Finally, I was getting ahold of myself.
"Yes... very stressed. I wanted to stress eating again, I'm sorry if I hurt you." I spoke quietly, easing up as guilt swamped through me, making me frown. "I didn't mean to slam you so hard."
"It's okay," Naruto patted my shoulder, pushing me forward to look me in the eyes again. "Was it because I was talking with Yamato? Or because of us being on the ocean? Earlier with the thug?"
I shrugged a shoulder to the side. "It's a mixture of everything I suppose." I nodded, looking at my covered wrist, which had healed by now. "I'm angry because I can't enjoy the daylight. I'm angry because Sasuke has doubts about everyone still. I'm angry because Danzo still plagues our lives... I'm angry at Madara for starting this war. I'm just... angry in general. I just want peace." I closed my eyes, frowning, feeling my nerve raise again, my hands gripping his sides tighter. "I'm scared for everyone... including you. Just... stuff." I sighed heavily, looking at him again to see him nodding thoughtfully to my words.
He cupped my face, gently rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs in a display of affection. He stood straighter and kissed my nose lightly, looking straight into my eyes.
"Thanks for sharing. I just wanted to know." Naruto hummed, patting my face before tilting his head. "I don't mind if you eat more than you need to." He grumbled out, his eyes to the side and his face reddening a little.
I smirked knowingly at him and leaned in, kissing his scars.
"Well, of course, you don't. I know you love the feeling of me biting into you. You love the waves of pleasure I make you feel~" I purred against his skin.
Naruto shivered, his hands shakily gripping my back, his vibes coming off as very aroused. I hummed and placed kiss after teasing kiss, going as far as licking the bite marks, sucking on them without actually biting down. He audibly voices his delight with gentle moans, making me moan in turn. I loved his sounds, his taste, his everything, and I couldn't help myself with my sounds as well.
I was admittedly hungry, and my stress made me feel double the amount of hunger I should be feeling. I don't want to make a habit out of stress eating, but his smell, his blood...
Fuck, I couldn't get enough of it.
"Mmm~" Naruto hummed as I dragged my fangs across his skin, lining them up to the scars.
It wouldn't hurt to indulge a little bit.
I sank my fangs in harder than I meant to, relishing in Naruto's sharp intake of breath. I sank to my gums and closed my mouth on his skin, blood gushing into my mouth in a beat with his pulse. His grip around me tightened as I drank quicker than I usually did, letting myself give in to glutton.
"There you go." Naruto shakily whispered as I sent pulse after pulse of pleasure through him.
The ship jolted, and the water beneath us hit the boat, signaling we were moving now. I had to hold a hand against the wall, the other gently cupping his chin and holding it to the side. His hands rubbed my back, soothing me as my nerves slowly vanished the fuller my belly got.
"You're more relaxed..." Naruto commented.
I hummed against his skin, moaning quietly as I drank, loving the taste, the electricity jolting through my body, and the energy it gave me. His smell inside my body. I felt hypnotized by his emotions and taste and lost track of time. His body grew shaker the longer I went, and eventually, I had to catch his weight as his knees gave.
I stopped after that.
I pulled back, meeting his tired gaze, weak eyes looking up at me with nothing but love. He smiled and cupped my face.
"You look better..." He quietly stated, his breathing more labored, making me tense a little.
"Thank you. You look much worse. How long did i-?" I began, but he cut me off.
"Longer than usual, I wasn't counting the minutes. You're okay, you know when to stop. Now... uh, I need to lay down." Naruto grinned up at me.
"Right." I nodded, moving to wrap one of his arms around my shoulders. "Can you walk?"
"Mhm," Naruto nodded, leaning most of his weight on me, knowing I could handle it.
I walked him slowly to the door we were closest to and opened it quietly, slipping inside. The room was as spacious as it could be. Definitely meant for one person to sleep in, but we could make it work. I moved passed the space and to the bed and laid him down. He flopped without any hesitation and made no effort to undress.
"Do you want me to undress you?" I asked him, brushing his bangs out of his eyes.
Naruto hummed in response, and I carefully undid his clothing until he was in his boxers. I looked back to his neck, noticing the wound had already healed. I also noticed that his scar was bigger by a small bit, making me feel equal parts upset and satisfied. With this on my mind, I made to join him, stripping into boxers and climbing under the sheets.
I didn't go to spoon or hug him immediately, since he was colder and I was an ice box. I wanted him to warm up as soon as possible and with my cold skin, it would be hard. Despite my wanting to stay away, Naruto cuddled into my chest, tired yawning, and getting himself comfortable.
"Are you positive?" I asked him.
"Yes, I'd sleep better." Naruto tiredly mumbled, making me sigh with defeat.
I couldn't argue with that soft reply, nor the look he gave me just then. Bright blues staring up at me with fondness. There was a sense of pride in his eyes, glazed over with tiredness of course. He seemed happy too, like letting me eat cheered him up more than it did me. I leaned forward and kissed his forehead, making him close his eyes with a soft smile of approval.
"I want to do some fishing tomorrow. I'm pretty good at it." Naruto tiredly mumbled.
"Alright, we can do some fishing." I purred. "Sea fish are tougher than the ones you find in the rivers."
"And larger." Naruto nodded with faint excitement. "Apparently, they taste better too. I want to try some."
"Tomorrow. Or tonight, depending on when we wake up." I explained.
"Probably tonight. It's the middle of the day." Naruto whispered quieter than before.
"Sleep, Naruto, get your strength back." I chuckled.
"Mmm," Naruto grumbled in protest but was out like a light soon after.
I shook my head in amusement at this and gave him a loving kiss on the head before settling down. I was tired, especially since the sun was out, but I didn't feel like sleeping. The blood gave me a rush of energy, and I was too preoccupied with Naruto's cute sleeping expression to fall asleep. I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to watch him sleep. Was it creepy? Well, sort of, but I didn't care.
The day dragged on, and everyone except for Yamato and I slept off our tiredness. Yamato was on deck steering the ship, enjoying the silence that was filled by his whistling now and again. I could hear Might's obnoxious snoring, Sasuke's soft sleeping, and Naruto's soft snoring. Underneath their sounds of sleep, I could hear the ocean beating against the ship, pushing it along its currents. I was able to hear the seagulls above us squawking in protest at our presence. I could hear the heartbeat of everyone as well when I focused hard enough.
And I could hear the Nine-Tailed Beast, in between the beating waves and occasional snore. Between Naruto's pulse, I could hear it breathing, waiting, writhing in silent anger.
The source of his life's misery, and the source of our knowing each other. It was the reason we encountered one another in the first place, a terrible time... I'm glad I didn't capture him successfully.
I'm glad Jiraiya was there... I wasn't going to fight a Jonin, let alone Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sanin. Could I have killed him? Yes, absolutely, but he was a long-time loyal shinobi for the Leaf, he was an honorable man, I couldn't lay a hand on him. It's a shame we couldn't reintroduce ourselves as comrades.
I lay there, running his fingers gently through his hair, humming softly as he began to shake, frowning in dismay as he clung to my chest tighter, grabbing at my skin tightly with a death grip that hurt more than I thought it would. I gave a soft sigh and knew better than to wake him. The last time I did, he nearly snapped my neck, of course, we did have sex shortly after, but still, it was an unpleasant experience for him to go through. The look of pure guilt and disgust he had toward himself at the moment he became lucid nearly broke me.
I stayed still, rubbing his back in small circles, running my fi gers through his hair as he whimpered and sweat, comforting him as he dreamt a dream he'd hopefully forget.
I kissed his forehead and sighed softly against his smell.
"I'll be here when you wake... love."
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