"Okay. That's it. I've had it with that fucked up family of yours, Josh. No offence. But this is getting fucking dangerous. And I know you said you didnt know what they were capable of, but this it crazy. They could've killed us Josh!"
Brendon was yelling. Angry. Hopeless. Probably scared too. Josh knew Brendon was angry with him, but still he never got over the guilt of whatever his family did to them. Every time they thought they've had it all and things settled down, there was something new.
"Josh i'm serious. If that fire had gotten any further into the building, last night we both couldve died." Josh sighed. "I know. I'm sorry."
Brendon sat down next to Josh, sighing also. "At least the police knows now. They'll get arrested."
"No they won't. We have no way to prove anything? They probably even arranged others to do it for them. We can't prove they set our cars on fire, we can't prove any of the notes coming from them."
"I can take a lot, Josh. I can take, as much as I hate it, I can take those decapitated animals on our doorstep, I can take stabbed tires, I can even take the notes, the death threats. But this? This is too much." Brendon rubbed his face as he hung back on the couch, still in complete disbelieve. Both their cars had been set on fire last night. The fire had jumped to the apartment building, but thank god a neighbour coming home from a night shift had seen the fire in time. The cars were gone, but luckily nobody got hurt. After almost 3 years of Josh and Brendon being together, of wich they had lived together for 2, this was the first time they actually had been in danger.
The years passed had up and downs. A big 'up' was their relationship. So far they had made it through it all and they, them together, were stronger than ever. Smaller 'ups' were the fact that Brendon's graphic designs were wanted, and by now he had more work than he could handle. Another one was that Josh had found a job he loved as an eventplanner, mostly music events and festivals. And one 'up' that should be mentioned is they found out they liked to have an addiction to their relationship, once in a while. Just for a night. Nothing more, nothing less. The threesomes, or whatever you call it when someone only watches without participating, were great, but the time after the threesome was why they did it. It was fuel to their addiction for each other, and the high could lasts for months. So thats why, by now, to keep it a bit more 'exclusive' they would only do it twice a year. Brendon's birthday, Josh's birthday.
Downs they had too, the last years. Mostly were due to Josh's family, but not all. Josh struggles for months, nearly a year, finding a good job. He had a bunch of them, never happy, always working for minimum wage. (Until one of Brendon's clients met him and pretty much offered him to try out this job. It was an opportunity of a lifetime. Plan an event, due to last minute illness, and if it worked out, he could stay.) But downs, other than that it was stabbed tires to their cars about 5 times in two years, smashed car windows, dead animals on their doorstep, inside their cars. The only thing they hadn't been into was their home, thank god. There had been tons of threatening letters. Litteral death threats. Even one letter contained a pocket knife, with the message they could use it to kill themselfs 'or else things would get way worse'. The first few times they went to the police, but since they couldn't prove that they came from Josh's parents or family or their friends, there was nothing anyone could do. So they stopped going to the police and mostly laughed it off. It wasn't like they would actually hurt them, it was all empty threats. Right?
Well, wrong. Because last night they took it to a next level and they actually couldve been hurt.
"I'm not staying here any longer, and you're not either," Brendon spoke determinedly as he stood up. "Pack a suitcase, we're staying at my parents' until we found a new place."
Josh's jaw dropped. "You want to move?"
"No. Well, I do. Ive been living here for way too long anyway. We should buy a place somewhere. Our place. Away from here."
"Are you serious?" Josh frowned.
Brendon laughed at Josh's disbelieve. "Yes. Why not? I work from home mostly, you work at all different locations. There's other places to live y'know."
Josh nodded as he looked around the room. "I guess. But I mean... lot's has happened here..."
"Yes. And lots will happen somewhere else too. We can make memories there."
"Won't you miss it?"
"I don't need this place here Josh. I need you, with me, and i'm good. Anywhere." He chuckled as he kissed Josh briefly. "Enough sap for the day. Get a suitcase, were not staying here another night. Tomorrow we'll check for houses."
Boyd raised the bottle of beer he was holding, waiting for the others to do the same. "Boys, its sad to see you go, but we fully understand the decision. And well, you've got a beautiful house, with a great guestroom here in Columbus, so expect Grace and I to visit regularly." They al smiled, Josh nodding softly. "I really hope you find some peace here, boys."
Brendon and Josh had stayed at Brendon's parents' house for about 6 weeks before they got the keys to their new house. In Columbus. It was further from 'home' than they had first looked into, but this house was everything they looked for, and the idea of being at least a 4 hour drive from where they used to live was comforting. "Please do come visit, okay? I'm gonna miss you guys." Josh admitted, hugging both of his in-laws. Ever since day one they had taken him into their family as if one of their own and he was so extremely grateful, he did feel bad for 'stealing' Brendon away from them.
As Boyd and Grace put their bags in the car, Josh tapped Grace's shoulder. She could tell from the look on his face he was hesitant to ask something. "What is it dear?" Josh nervously tapped his foot. "Well, ehm, you know i'm kind of scared to leave my brother. Even though nobody knew we were still talking, i'm afraid to leave him. There. And I mean, he can take good care of himself but..." Grace waited patiently for him to continue. "Would it be okay if I gave Jordan you're adress and phonenumber? Just is case he ever needs to-."
"Ofcourse! I know how much your brother means to you, Josh. You're family now, so is he." She chuckled a bit, lifting the atmosphere. "Only the good ones ofcourse, the rest of them can drop dead." Josh laughed and hugged her. "Thank you so much. For everything you did. And still do. I owe you." He would miss her mom-hugs.
"Alright boys, enjoy your new house. We love you, and we'll talk to you soon." And with that and, ofcourse, a last few hugs Brendon's parents took off and it was just them together. In their new home. A house. An actual house with multiple bedrooms, and a backyard and it was so domestic but so perfect. Once inside, big smiles on their faces, Josh jumped into Brendon's arms, the latter quickly grabbing his thighs to hold him up. "I, Joshua William Dun, love you, Brendon Boyd Urie." He smiled while he kissed his boyfriend. "Now, if you don't have any other plans, I'd like to know how comfy our new bed is. If y'know what I mean", he wiggled his eyesbrows suggestively, laughing when Brendon did too. "Hmmm.. so boring though. I was actually thinking of fucking you over the kitchen counter... or on the dining table? Laundry room would be nice too you know, always wanted to fuck someone over a washing machine." Josh hummed, as if he was thinking about it. "We should make a list", he smirked before whispering into Brendon's ear, placing soft kisses just underneath it. "Take me wherever you please, mister Urie."
"I want to cut my hair."
Brendon immediatly chocked on the last bit of his sandwich. "But babe, I love your curls. They're cute and bouncy. And nice to grab onto." Josh rolled his eyes. "I don't want everything off. But I want something different. My parents never let me do anything. I want like a mowehawk but then pink. Just wild.
Brendon looked at him as if he was crazy. "Are you sure?"
Josh laughed. "I promise you you'll like it. And if you don't I can just shave it off, whatever." Brendon nodded, as he quickly buried his fingers into Josh's curls and pulled his head towards him. He nuzzled his nose into them, mumbling, "goodbye I love you and I will miss you." He chuckled.
"Send me pictures!" Brendon yelled before Josh got out to go to the hair salon. Brendon couldn't join him, he had a meeting with a client planned. So Josh was off on his own, exploring the city's centre until he found a salon that he liked.
Are you ready?
Oh god. Yes. No. No 😭
Yes. 🤓
Oh. My. God. It is so fucking pink. TAKE THE CAP OFF YOU FUCKER!
Damnit, I can never seem to fully remember how gorgeous that smile of yours is. I'm a lucky man.
Alright, alright, thought i'd take it slow. Next picture is how they styled it but it's too neat but whatever.
God, fuck, you're so hot. You look awesome babe 💕
Yayyyy! It feels so nice too. Oh, you wanna see what it looks like after I messed it up and stepped outside and caught a gust of wind?
Sounds like how it will probably be 99% of the time, so yes (:
You look. So. Soft. Ugh, my heart 💓
I cant wait to wake up next to messed up pink curls babe. Are you coming home to show me now? I want to feeeeel it
Yes! I'm gonna get some groceries now but then I will come home to let you touch it ;)
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