VII- Rebirth (Part 2!)
It was demanded and here it is! Part 2 of Rebirth! Hope you enjoy it :)
With his thoughts racing a mile a minute he failed to notice Wally had stopped, and rand face first into Wally's broad back with an almost unmanly "Oof!" Almost throwing Dick off balance, but he caught himself.
Before Dick could mumble an apology or even mouth a syllable, arms wrapped around him and pulled him into a hug.
"I've missed you so much."
Dick didn't move, not even a muscle. His heart pounded in his chest hard enough he could feel it in his ears. Those ears that are currently turning red. His brain rushed to scramble together what Wally had just said. When Dick finally found his words Wally had pulled back to look at him with concern.
"Dick? Oh shit do you not recognize me? Oh shit did I just hug someone who has no clue who I am?" Wally stepped back to face palm, repeatedly murmuring "stupid stupid stupid." Under his breath.
"Wally! How- who- why are you here?" Dick had so many questions he wanted answered he didn't know where to start. Relief visibly flooded Wally's features. "So you are Dick!" He said. "And you're really Wally." Dick added.
Just as Dick opened his mouth to ask more questions, someone rounded the corner, the Chief's secretary, carrying many papers. She stopped when she saw the two men an arm's length apart. "Oh, erm, am I interrupting something...?" She asked hesitantly. The two stepped back. "Uh, no nothing at all Hannah. Thank you for the hard work." Wally said cooly and grabbed Dick's hand pulling him past the awe stricken and confused blond haired woman. As Dick was being dragged away he didn't fail to notice the recognition in the woman's eyes and the blush that suddenly took over her. It didn't take much thought to figure out what she was thinking.
"I know we both have a lot of questions but why don't we meet up later? You know the town right?" Wally said still dragging Dick along.
"Uh, sort of? I just moved into my apartment. It's not far from here. Uh could you let go of my hand Wally?" Dick said blushing when he saw their hands intertwined.
Wally stopped and looked down at their hands, blushing he released immediately. "A-Anyway. There's a diner not far from Main Street, down one of the quieter parts of town. It's called Andy's Cook House. Can we meet there?" Wally said, turning on his heel to continue walking.
Dick followed, "Sure, but Wally why wait?" Dick said pleadingly. Wally chuckled in response. "We can't speak here with all the ears around. They'd call us crazy, and ship us off to a mental hospital." Wally pointed out and Dick supposed he was right. With a heaved sigh, he nodded.
They walked in silence after that, but it wasn't for long because they stopped in front of a set of doors, iced windows showing blurring shadows bustling about. "This is the General division. Your division. They should set you up once inside." Wally said pointing at the doors. Dick glanced at them and nodded.
"Thanks Wally.", "No problem, Dickie Bird."
~~~~~ (Time skip) ~~~~~
Dick sighed walking down the street. He was both emotionally, and physically tired. After Wally had dropped him off he didn't hear from the red head again all day. Not that Dick expected to. The chief earlier said Wally worked in forensics, which made Dick chuckle seeing as that's what his Uncle Barry did.
After his orientation he mostly found himself doing small errands for senior officers and meeting his new partner. His partner Amy Rohrbach, was a robust strong willed woman, and not to be taken lightly. Dick was glad he didn't have a push over as a partner and she seemed trust worthy enough. Amy offered to take him for drinks after work to celebrate their new partnership, but Dick politely declined saying he had plans. She didn't push it.
So here he was finding himself in front of Andy's Cook House Diner holding a slip of paper with hand written instructions Amy had been so kind as to give him. He glanced down at the slip once more and nodded, happy he had found the right place.
He pushed the clear-glass door open and a little bell attacked at the top gave out a little ring in the mostly empty diner. "Welcome! Just have a seat anywhere hun!" A busty, dark haired waitress, with caked on make up called out. Dick nodded and smiled a polite thanks and took a seat near the back of the diner. He shuffled off his officer jacket and placed it next to him in the booth. He sighed rubbing his hands over his face. Elbows resting on the table.
First he looked out the window to his left, noticing how far rain drops had started to fall and he was grateful he had made it inside on time. He watched as people scurried about with umbrellas or the unlucky few that didn't have one and attempted to cover themselves with newspapers, magazines, or brief cases.
The rain was calming, it reminded him of Gotham. That thought made his heart ache. He missed his family, sure he loved his new one, but they could never replace what he had lost. Those relationship being ripped away from him, all because he was stupid enough to et himself killed. Though he was grateful for the second chance he was given.
"Hun?" A voice startled Dick out of his thoughts and he looked up at the busty waitress attempting hide her age and flaws with many caked layers of make up. It was even worse now that she was up close. A blush came across her cheeks, though Dick wasn't sure if that was the makeup or not. "Oh sorry, coffee for now please. Black." He said quickly. "Okay, hun. Anyone companying you this evening or are you all by your lonesome?" She asked scribbling down Dick's order on her order pad.
Her New York accent was think, and the extra effort she put into her higher pitched voice made Dick want to cringe, but years of Bruce drilling manners into him made him smile politely and give the woman and answer. "Umm no ma'am. Waiting on a friend." He responded.
"Aww too bad, I would've loved to keep you company hun." She winked and walked away leaving Dick by himself. Dick resisted the urge to roll his eyes and instead looked around the diner, its light now lighting up the street outside with a soft glow. A small family sat near the front, and a couple business men spaced themselves at the counter.
The cook, a burly greasy man with thick locks of brown hair on his face stood cooking at the stove just behind said counter. Though he wore a hat, no hair peaked out under it so Dick had to assume he was bald. Just above the counter was an older TV, with the news playing at a lower volume, to not disturb the occupants. The smell of fried food fluttered about in the air.
Dick had to admit, this place was classy. It practically came straight out of a 1950's sitcom show.
Chuckling at the thought, Dick lifted his head when the small bell on the door rang out, and the Waitress And chef called out a welcome to the newest occupant. Wally ran a hand through his hair and placed his soaked jacket to hang on his arm. "Whew it's really coming down out there. Hey Pearl, Andy." Wally said waving at the waitress and Cook. "Hey Wally." The cook's deep baritone voice welcomed Wally.
Wally walked straight over to Dick and slid into the booth to sit across from him. "Yo." He waves setting his stuff down next to him. Wally smiled, "Hey Wally." It was still nice to actually be talking to someone who understood him in ways no one besides them could understand. Wally grinned back.
"Here you are hun, and Wally I'm assuming you want the regular?" The waitress said placing Dick's coffee down. "Yes please Pearl." Wally responded and the waitress walked away again. Dick raised an eyebrow at him. "So I'm assuming you come here often?" Dick asked. "My apartment isn't far from here and the burgers in this place are amazingly good. Actually, scary good." Wally laughed, the sound making Dick's heart flutter.
Pearl came back, placing down a sugary coffee shaking her head. "I still can't believe how much sugar and calories you ingest and you never gain any weight. Must be nice." Pearl said startling Dick. "Haha just blessed I guess." Wally responded, "I'll give you boys a few minutes." Pearl walked away satisfied enough.
Wally looked back and Dick, who was practically boring holes into Wally. He sighed, "I guess we better start then. What's your first question?" Wally asked. Dick thought for a moment. "How?" He decided, a simple word that could answer many questions. "I don't know, honestly. All I remember is waking up and suddenly I was a baby again. What's worse is I remember my-our-past life. Only thing I can't remember is how I died." Wally corrected himself, and then took a large gulp of his coffee. "What about you?" He looked at Dick.
"I-I was in Blúdhaven. I was fighting someone I think? It's all blurry. All I remember is a gunshot, but I can't remember who held the gun." Dick said, his hands clenching around the hot mug. The were quiet for a moment with the morbid thought. So Dick tried to lighten the mood, "Bruce probably beati up the guy who did it already." Dick added a hallow chuckle. "If he didn't cross the line that is." Wally pointed out but Dick was quick to defend his mentor. "He didn't with Jason, and he won't for me. It's better that way anyway, I wouldn't-don't- want Bruce to kill. It would tear our family apart." Dick said staring st his reflection in his coffee.
"Do you know how I died?" Wally asked suddenly and Dick flinched. "I think it was during the final battle between the team and the Light. Your Uncle, Bart and you were trying to counter the last bomb in the arctic when you vanished." Dick said quietly, then his eyes went wide. He leaned over and whispered, "Do you still have powers?" He asked.
Wally was quiet for a second taking in the info of his death, but then he shook his head. "As slow as a normal person, if not more so, to be honest." Wally said sadly. Then he laughed shallowly. "It's one of the things I miss most."
"I guess you couldn't ignore the call to help people either huh? Forensic science hmm?" Dick said, once again trying to lighten the tension. Wally's smile returned. "Yeah, I figured I couldn't do much without my Uh-gift- but I could help people in a different way." Wally said proudly.
"It's weird though. This world is so different then ours, there's no Central city, or Gotham, or Happy harbor, or Metropolis- and, no heroes." He whispered the last part and Dick nodded solemnly. "Yeah, I know." At that moment Pearl came back over, a pen and order pad in hand. "Ready boys?" She asked.
Dick looked down at the menu realizing he hadn't looked at all. "Two classics, curly, and 2 milkshakes, one vanilla and the other chocolate." Wally ordered without hesitance. "Ok, will that be all?" She said while writing it down. "Yup that should do it," Wally grabbed Dick's menu along with his own and handed them to Pearl.
Dick blinked. "Umm okay?" Wally chuckled lightly. "Trust me you'll like it." He said, a confident half-grin making Dick eye him suspiciously. However Dick let it go anyway. "So how old are you?" He asked anyway. "24. You?" He asked picking up his coffee for another sip.
Dick groaned, "21, bro how are you older than me again?" He whined. Wally laughed. "Maybe cause I died first?" Wally said it with cheeriness, despite the morbid concept. They both have had 20 years in this life to accept that they had died. They had moved on and started to build lives in this world. It was quiet once again. The small family of three that had sat at the front of the dinner had already paid and left. Though more people were starting to enter now that it was around 6:00pm.
"Do you think it could be some trick? You know like magic keeping us under to make us think we're dead and reincarnated?" Wally whispered just loud enough to hear above the noise. Dick thought for a moment. "It's been 24 years Wally. I don't think so. Even if it were I doubt we would be here together. Not even dumb villains would put two trouble makers together." Dick said smiling.
"Yeah I suppose." Wally finished just and Pearl came back with two classic cheeseburgers accompanied by milkshakes and curly fries. "Will that be all for ya boys?" Pearl asked and Wally shot her a quick thanks and began to eat. Dick, also replied with a thanks but ate more slowly with the table manners Wally seemed to lack.
"Hey Dick?" Wally swallowed a bite of food. "Hmm?" Dick looked up from his food, mid-way dipping a curly fry in ketchup.
"I'm really glad you're here."
Haha the adventures of Wally and Dick ama'right?
So they didn't exactly "hook up" but perhaps in a third part? :3 that or I could make this into a book :3? What do you guys think?
Word count: 2317
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