III 1/2 - (Smut)
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In this Wally hasn't died, him and Artemis were never a thing, Dick left the team to watch over Blüdhaven and hasn't been back since, and Wally is still in the team as Vice leader when Kaldur isn't around.
Nightwing Stared over his city with precautionary. You could ask anyone about Blüdhaven, and they would all give the same response.
Much like Gotham, Blüdhaven was a crime infested city that no one would dare be caught out on the streets after dark.
But this was Nightwing's home. Blüdhaven was to Nightwing, what Gotham was to Batman. Nothing more, nothing less. It was his city, his turf. No other hero's were welcomed in it without Nightwing knowing about it. After all, Dick was raised by Batman and learned most, if not all, of what he knows. Of course that includes his desire and determination to work alone.
Something was different in his city tonight. Normally it wouldn't be hard to find a problem for him to solve. Gift a bad guy, get away, find another, risk his life again. Help people. It was his routine. Tonight however, he had yet to find a problem or crime in progress. Even the amount of citizens on the street was lower then usual.
Nightwing's eyes closed until they were only a sliver wide. "Suspicious..." he mumbled under his breath. He jumped from his perch from a roof top, landing on another lower roof, then a closed dumpster, and finally the ground level. He jumped on his parked bike, kicking the kickstand up and raring the engine. It buzzed with excitement and took off when Dick finally let off the break.
As he drove, he let his mind wander. It had been awhile since he visited The Cave. His mind drifted to each of his Ex Teammates. More specifically, Wally. Dick pulled up to a red light stopping his motorbike and letting his right leg support the bike from falling over.
Lost in his thoughts, Dick didn't notice a red haired man standing at the cross walk. He was looking down at his phone, with a tired look in his emerald eyes. Hearing the noise of a motorbike he softly looked up, doing a double take at the owner of the bike.
"Nightwing?" Someone asked, knocking Dick out of his thoughts. He looked over at the small group of people waiting to cross at the crosswalk. The group of people also looked at him at the mention of his name. "Oh my god! It's really him!", "Take a pic!" Were just some of the many things the growing crowd began to say.
Dick's masked eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the original voice, he recognized it somehow. He didn't see anyone he knew, at least not within the crowd. He waved at the adorning people, the light turned Green and he was off again. The people watched as he went.
Wally looked over at the teen next to him. "You know him?" He raised an eyebrow. The teen looked at him dumbfounded. "You don't?! He's Blüdhaven's OWN superhero! He keeps us all safe, and not to mention he's a total hunk." She boasted showing different pictures to Wally of the hero. Wally nodded and smiled but walked away.
He found him! After Dick left the team it's like he went missing. Batman knew where he was, but he wouldn't share the info to the team, now Wally had finally found him! He ran to the nearest Alley changing into his familiar Yellow and Red uniform. He wide smile he wore, never leaving his face.
Wally caught up to Dick quickly using his speed making it rather easy. He was running along side Dick's bike, waiting for Dick to notice him. When Dick did, he nearly crashed is bike. He had turned sharply making the bike flip, but Wally caught Dick and skidded to a halt.
Dick looked at him with wide masked eyes and a slight pink blush on his cheeks. Not really caring his bike just got totaled. "Wally? What are you doing in Blüdhaven?!" Dick asked wiggling out of the speedster's grip.
Wally rolled his eyes, then looked around. A crowd was starting to form at the commotion. "We need to talk... but not here. Got a place?" Dick nodded, also noticing the growing crowd.
~~ Line Break ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ~~
Dick unlocked his door, giving the heavy door a push open. Wally couldn't help but notice that Dick actually had to put effort into opening the door. Wally looked at the building, observing its every detail. When they had first approached the building Wally thought Dick was joking, much to the aggravation of Dick.
"Look, I didn't take any money with me when I left. Besides, rich boy moving to a bad city such as Blüdhaven? Too much unwanted attention." Dick explained walking through the door, noticing the disapproving observing eyes of Wally.
Wally only shrugged in response. Dick shut the door, locking it. Wally raised an eyebrow towards him. "It's something you have to do around here..." he mumbled setting his Eskrima sticks down on the a nightstand bear the door along with the keys to his bike. Mind you-was now totaled. Wally kinda stood awkwardly in the door way as Dick disappeared into another room.
Wally took his moment of solitude to look around the room. A red leather couch and a single matching arm chair surrounded a cherry stationed wooden coffee table. A flat screen TV sat across from the set up, snuggled between two bookshelves. One held different entertainment boxes while the other held books and files. Adjacent to that was a set up of a few computers in the corner along with filing cabinets. Wally could only assume that's how he got all his info in Blüdhaven.
Wally turned his head in the opposite direction to find the dining room, it had a black and steel theme, very modern. The dining table held the same Cherry wood color that the coffee table head with matching chairs and a light adorning it. Wally couldn't help but notice how clean and organized everything was... a huge difference compared to himself. He chuckled at that.
"What's so funny?" Dick walked in, he was in the middle of slipping a black long sleeved tee-shirt over his head, giving Wally a glimpse at his well toned abs. He also wore a pit of comfy fitting jeans, but Wally's investigating gaze also found he was barefoot.
"Nothing." Wally quickly thought of a reply with a reassuring smile. Dick stared at him for a moment, then he shuffled over to the kitchen. He opened the fridge, not caring a very curious red head was peering over his shoulder. "Tea, Water or... Juice?" Dick asked listing off what he had on-hand.
He looked back over his shoulder at Wally waiting for a response. "What kinda juice?" Wally raised an eyebrow leaning against the counter. "Grape.", "Eww.", "Dude, Grape juice is amazing." Dick grumbled pouring himself a glass, then tossed Wally a water bottle. He knew Wally didn't like tea and since he found grape juice gross, that was his only option.
Wally watched Dick intently as he drank his juice, taking a sip of his own water. He had so many questions to ask, but he didn't want to push him.
Dick rolled his eyes, he could tell Wally wanted
To blow him away with questions so he walked over plopped down on the couch. Wally fallowed suit.
Once they were both settled Dick sighed, "Wally, What are you doing here?" He asked looking over at the speedster at the opposite end of the couch. Wally bit his lip in thought, where to start? Dick waited patiently for his question.
"Why did you leave without telling anyone?" Wally finally asked. "I didn't. I told Kaldur I was leaving." Dick said his lips forming a thin line. He had rehearsed these lines in his mind. No matter what, he couldn't go back, he wouldn't.
"Ok. Then why didn't you tell him where you were going? Stay in touch?" Wally asked. "I told Bruce." Dick shrugged. Not that he had a choice there. If he had just disappeared Bruce would have found him within the week. He wasn't called the world's greatest detective for nothing. "Dick. Why didn't you tell everyone?" Wally in a You-Know-What-I-Mean tone. "It wasn't anyone's damn business!" Dick said with a scowl. Wally winced at his tone, but decided to drop it.
"Why did you leave? Why did you leave me?" Hurt flashed in Wally's eyes and a pang of guilt went through Dick's chest. Dick scooted closer to the re head. "Wally, I'm tired of living in Bruce's shadow. I'm tired of being tied down by, "The Original Robin", do you know how frustrating it is to fight everyday only to be giving credit to someone else? It's not that I wanted to leave you or the team. I just need time, to start over and create a name for myself that doesn't hide in the shadow of Batman." Dick said staring into Wally's eyes wth sincerity.
Wally sucked in a breath and stared into Dick's eyes. He knew exactly how Dick felt. How many times in the midst of battle had enemies called him Flash Junior? He knew what it felt like to be in the shadow of someone greater then himself. He didn't want to live in his Uncle's shadow either. Was this how Roy felt that day at the Justice hall? That day the team was formed... Dick was going through the same thing Roy had when their team first formed.
Wally thought for a moment. Then he turned to Dick seriously, "Then let me start over with you." He said seriously observing Dick's reaction. Dick's jaw slacked slightly and he looked taken back. "What?" He questioned. Wally knew he didn't mean repeat the question. Dick wasn't dumb. "Let's start over together-", A smirk grew noticeably on his face. "-There's enough crime in Blüdhaven for two superheros? Right?" He said and Dick furrowed his eyebrows with a nod.
"Are you sure you want to do that? What about the team?" Dick asked concerned. "Yea about that... I kinda left to look for you..." Wally trailed off avoiding Dick's gaze. Dick deadpanned. "How long ago...?" He questioned pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance-a habit he had picked up from Batman. "He he, about three weeks ago?" Wally rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
"You've got to be joking! They're gonna be worried sick about you by now! Dammit Wally! Oh great that probably means Batman has been alerted and I wouldn't be surprised if your uncle showed up at my doo-", "It's fine, Dick! I left them a note and told them not to fallow. I told them I would be back when I was ready... My uncle will respect that." Wally interrupted Dick's rambling.
Dick bit his bottom lip in thought, his gaze would travel between Wally and the floor. Finally, he let out a defeated sigh.
"Why did you fallow me?" Dick asked. Wally could feel his cheeks heat up, his heart rate increase. "Cause I sorta... love... you?" He said dropping his gaze once more in embarrassment. Dick froze for a moment. Wally loved him? For years he had silently watched his friend develops different relationships-all with girls. That's why Dick, could never bring himself to confess his own feelings towards the red head.
Dick immediately grabbed a hold of Wally's hand surprising the speedster. His face was a mix of Happiness, surprise and perhaps innocence? Like a child had just been told he could have that toy he had always wanted.
"You mean it?" Dick asked hopeful. Wally could help but chuckle at the adorable face Dick was making... it was seriously cute... Woah. Too cute. Before Wally could process his actions his lips gently pressed to Dick's, surprising Dick. Dick was wide eyed for a moment, but his eyes soon fluttered close, accepting the gesture.
Wally's lips tingled, his hand entangle its self into Dick's raven colored locks. Wally licked Dick's bottom lip, asking for entrance which Dick accept after a bit of teasing. Wally's tongue slipped into Dick mouth, instantly familiarizing itself with Dick's own wet tongue. The two tongues battled for dominance, but Wally wasn't going to let Dick win, but Dick wasn't going to give up without a fight.
Dick and Wally broke apart, gasping for breath as a single strand of saliva connected the two. During their connected moment Dick had been laid on his back, with Wally hovering over him, using his arms for support. Dick gazed up at him with shining blue eyes.
"How far are we going with this?" Dick asked biting his lip in a lustful way. Wally grinned,
"How far do you want to go?"
To be continued in part 2...
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