Run away

Dick was sitting outside on the beach while his teammates were inside. The cool night's breeze brushed over him, making him shiver slightly. He pulled his knees closer towards his chest and kept his eyes looked on the sea before him.

Everything was so quite out, the only noise being heard was the sound of the waves crashing down. 

Dick inhaled the salty air and closed his eyes, allowing the calmness of his surroundings flow over him and fill him up.

He suddenly opened up his eyes when he felt something drape over his shoulders. He quickly looked up. The person behind him was his boyfriend Wally and he draped his large sweat-shirt over his shoulders. Dick reached up and pulled it closer around him, causing Wally to roll his eyes. Wally came and sat beside him and pulled his sweat-shirt from Dick's shoulders and handed it to him, this action telling Dick to put it on. Dick sighed and slide it over his long sleeve t-shirt and snuggled in it. It was at least 2 sizes too big for Dick and Dick loved it. It felt comfy, warm and safe to Dick. He closed his eyes for a second and felt Wally wrap his arm around him. 

Dick looked up at Wally and smiled before he buried his face into his chest. But the smile soon fades and Dick's pulls away out of Wally's hold. A small look of hurt crossed Wally's face but as soon as it came it went away. A look of understanding flashed within his green eyes. He knew that Dick was off but he didn't know why. So when he saw him slip out of the mountain he knew he needed to go to him.

"Wally, do you ever think about...running away?' whispered Dick and pulled his knees closer towards his chest, wrapping his arms tighter around them.

Wally tilts his head to the side, looking at Dick, allowing the question to sink in and for him to think about it for a bit. He turned his body from facing Dick to face the ocean. Wally inhaled sharply causing Dick to looked over at him, worry etched in his features.

"I don't know. I mean, the thought might have crossed my mind once or twice but I was never really serious about it.'' said Wally who now looked over at his boyfriend, "Why? Are you thinking about running away?" Wally asked and Dick looked down at the sand and just shrugged his shoulders.

"Dick-" began Wally.

"I just want an escape Wally!" Dick suddenly shouted and stood up quickly. Wally remained sitting where he was but kept his eyes glued on Dick.

"Why? What happened?" questioned Wally. Dick shook his head 'no' and quickly ran his hands through his hair, slightly pulling at his dark locks.
"Dick, you know you can tell me anything right?"

Dick quickly looked over his shoulder and locked his blue eyes onto Wally's green ones. Wally could see tears flowing from his eyes and that made him want to hold Dick close and tight. Wally slowly stood up and took a step closer towards Dick, but Dick shook his head again and took a step back.

"Dick, whatever it is, we can fix it. Just tell me-" said Wally but Dick suddenly pushed him roughly on his chest, causing Wally to land on the sand with a thud sound. Wally's eyes were wide and he looked up at his boyfriend to see that Dick's blue eyes were wide as well. Shock was written all over his face at the realization that he shoved Wally down.

Dick quickly turned around and rushed forward towards the ocean. Wally quickly got up and went after him. 
Before Dick could throw himself into the ocean, Wally caught him and wrapped his arms tightly around him, turning Dick into him and pressed Dick's head into his chest. As soon as he had a grip on Dick, Dick broke down. He was sobbing into Wally's chest and shaking, eventually his knees gave out and he collapsed, pulling Wally down to the sand with him. Waves brushed gently up against them as Dick continued to cry, breaking Wally's heart in the process.

"I'm....I-I...I'm sorry! I...can't do th-this anymore! It's...It's all too m-much! It h-hurts!" cried out Dick who snaked his arms around Wally and gripped tightly onto his t-shirt.

"Shhh...Shh Dickie, it's alright" whispered Wally who buried his head into Dick's hair.

''I'm just so tired Walls.'' whispered Dick in between sobs. Wally then pulled Dick back from his chest to get a good look at him and he could see now written all over his face all the stress and pain he has been through. It was clear that Dick was overwhelmed by everything and he just wanted...needed a break but that sent fear rushing through Wally's veins. 
How much of a break did he need or want? How far was Dick going to go? Was he suicidal, because him heading into the ocean kinda seemed like it. Wally shook his head of all of these thoughts and quickly picked Dick up in his arms and held him close to his chest, rocking him as they slowly headed towards the mountain.

Dick's watery blue eyes began to grow heavy as he snuggled closer towards Wally. Wally looked down at him and smiled seeing his eyes begin to flutter shut but he also saw Dick fighting it.
"Go to sleep baby bird, it'll all be okay. You'll see'' whispered Wally who then gently planted a small kiss on Dick's forehead. Dick nodded his head and turned his head closer towards Wally and allowed his eyes to finally shut.

Wally sighed and continued onward towards the mountain. Once inside, he laid Dick down in his bed and covered the sleeping bird up. He smiled down at him and then called Bruce and his uncle Barry. 
Wally told Bruce quickly of what happened, causing the same fear and thoughts to rise up in Dick's father. He then got the okay to be able to take Dick for a little trip, a vacation, with supervision though. Wally was so grateful for Bruce's understanding, he wasn't sure he was going to let him take his birdy, especially after telling him that he feared Dick was suicidal. He then called uncle Barry to tell him that he and Dick were taking a small trip to just get away.
Wally then texted Roy, telling about what happened and asking him if he would come along with him and Dick, because Dick really needed a get away but also his closets friends. Roy couldn't say no to that, or to Dick needing some help.

So the three of them set off in the middle of the night, not positive to where they were going, just going somewhere away from everything. Away from school, the mountain and the superhero identities.

Wally held Dick safely in his arms. He lean down and kissed Dick softly against the lips so that he didn't wake him up.
"We're running away. I got you'' whispered Wally and a small smiled crossed Dick's face before he buried his head into Wally's arms. Wally smiled, he loved his birdy so much and he would do anything to keep him safe and alive.

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