Chapter 2: Bohroks return

A/n: Hello my fellow readers, here is the next chapter to this story. Now lets get the chapter underway.

Y/n's pov

As Gali along with the other Toa Nuva showed me around the water village, which at this point the Matorans were less scared of me now, but their curiosity has not changed. After awhile we return to Nokama's hut, while Lewa, Pohatu, Onua and Kopaka return to their villages, while Tahu accompanied with me, Gali and Hahli back to Nokama's hut. Once we got there the aforementioned Toa Metru of Water exits her hut with the mask in hand.

Nokama: Ah, you return. How was your tour around the village of water, Y/n?

Y/n: It was good, the Matorans seem to at least to be curious of me.

Tahu: *chuckles* Well, that is an understatement. Since you do seemed to be the only one of your kind around these parts.

Nokama: That's good to hear, Y/n.

Gali: Nokama, have you managed to decipher the markings?

Nokama: Yes, I have. And I do believe Turaga Vakama should hear of this as well.

Tahu: I'll be your guide Nokama, since I do need to get back to my village as well.

Nokama: I would appreciate that, Y/n you should come with us too. 

Y/n: Sure I don't mind.

Gali: I'll remained here, to guard the village. While you are away Nokama.

With that we head out of the village with Tahu leading the way to his village, which is known as Ta-Koro and to get there we had to go towards the volcano. Now just climbing volcanos at home is a dangerous thing to do, even if its active and have the potential risks of encountering lava. But since Tahu is leading the way he'll no the safer routes to Ta-Koro, but before we leave Nokama hands me a sword which I gained a curious look.

Nokama: Just something to have, since there is some hostile wildlife on the island.

Y/n: *takes the sword* Thanks and as the old saying goes. "Its best to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it."

Nokama: Wise words indeed.

-time skip brought to you by Y/n, Nokama and Tahu making their way to Ta-Koro-

3rd pov

As the Human and two Toa walk down the route Tahu is leading them, while Y/n can feel the heat within the volcanic like area making Y/n glad he was wearing a short sleeve shirt and shorts. luckily for the said human, he didn't have to endure it for long as the group now get's a good view of Ta-Koro, upon getting near the front gates of Ta-Koro Y/n could see some Matorans with weapons and appear to be guards. One appeared to alert some of the other guards and have them to open the gate, which then opens allowing them to enter the Village of Fire. They enter the village and see that the outer walls acted as a defense for attacks like a castle, then Y/n sees two Matorans run up to Tahu, one with a golden mask and one with a blue mask.

gold mask Matoran: Toa Tahu! Your back.

Blue mask Matoran: With Toa Nokama and... *sees Y/n and tilts his head in confusion* Um, who and what is he?

Tahu: Jallar and Takua, *motions to Yn* this is Y/n. Y/n this is Jallar Captain of the guard and Takua, a chronicler.

Y/n: Nice to meet you two.

Jallar: Likewise, though I have to ask the same thing as Takua. What are you?

Y/n: Well, I'm a Human.

Takua: Human? *sees that Y/n is around the same height as Tahu and Nokama* Are you some kinda of new Toa, cause your almost around Toa Nokama and Tahu's height.

Y/n: No, this is just my natural height.

Jalar/Takua: Okay.

Tahu: Anyway, me, Nokama and Y/n are going to see Turaga Vakama about the mask Y/n had with him.

Takua: A mask?

Nokama: *brings out the mask* This mask, it was with Y/n when me and Gali got him to our village.

Takua: I see, I never seen a mask like that. Do you guys mind if I tag along?

Tahu: I don't see why not, come along.

The group along with Jallar and Takua joined them, while also asking Y/n some questions and the said human tries to answer them as best he can without accidentally telling them that their toys and fictional characters in his world. Once they reach the home of Turaga Vakama who turns to the Toa, Matorans and human with a welcoming smile, though Vakama was just as surprised to see Y/n as well.

Turaga Vakama: Toa Tahu and Nokama, its good to see you both. *chuckles* Of course the same goes to you Takua, Jallar and special guest.

Nokama: Its good to see you as well, Turaga Vakama. I assume you got my message before I left Ta-Koro?

Vakama: Yes, I have both referring to the Human known as Y/n and the mask. *looks to Y/n* I must say, you are an interesting one. It is an honor to meet you Y/n.

Y/n: Likewise Turaga Vakama.

Vakama: Now, what have you learn from the mask Nokama?

Nokama: *shows the mask* I have been deciphering the ancient words within the mask, so far all I have been able to read is that its chosen bearer in a time of great need. Will become a whole new Toa.

Tahu: A new Toa?

Takua: The mask's chosen bearer? Didn't Y/n had this mask on him?

Y/n: Yeah, its the same mask that got me to this world.

Vakama: I see... Then it could stand to reason that the mask has chosen you, Y/n.

Y/n remains silent and glances at the mask, since in his home world he was just a normal young man with no unique skills about him, so Y/n questioned why the mask chose him of all people from both his world and the world of Bionicle. Which Vakama was able to notice that the young human was questioning the mask and himself, something that Vakama was familiar of during his time as a Toa of Fire of his time.

Vakama: Now since you have been traveling for quite some time, why not rest up and recover your energy.

Nokama: I agree, it will be a long travel back to Ta-Koro.

Tahu, Nokama, Jallar and Takua leave to their respective homes, I was about to follow them and see where I would be staying at, but Vakama stops me for a moment.

Vakama: Young Y/n, I would like to speak with you.

Y/n: Sure, Turaga Vakama. What do you need?

Vakama: It's nothing, though I did notice your expression when you glanced at the mask. You had been questioning why the mask chose you and doubt about being special, right?

Y/n: I... Yeah, back home I'm just a normal guy. So I'm pretty sure the mask chose wrong.

Vakama: I think, the mask chose correctly. I was like you in mind set, when I first became a Toa along with my sister and brothers. I was just a simple mask maker Matoran and the previous Toa of Metru Nui gave me and the others stones that brought us to the Great Temple, where we became the new Toa of Metru Nui. After some trials that me, my Toa brothers and sister went through to retrive the Konoha disks and rescue half of the sleeping Matorans from Makuta Teridax, it took the sacrifice of Turaga Lhikan to help my realize that through our trials and our courage to protect the Matorans, we had already shown to be true Toa. Keep this in mind, someday I'm sure you'll find the answer to why the mask chose.

Y/n was taken back from Vakama's words, though he had full well known the events of the Toa Metru's time and knows that Vakama still has the Konoha Vahi or The Mask of Time hidden on the island. Y/n then nods to Vakama understanding him and leaves the area to outside, only to be met with Nokama waiting for him outside of the building. Which Y/n was not surprised that she was waiting for him, as the said female Toa turns her head to see Y/n walking out.

Nokama: I see, you talk with vakama is finished.

Y/n: Yeah, he just gave me some words of encouragement. So how is our living arrangements going to be?

Nokama: Well, Tahu and the Matorans have a hut for us to use since some of the others are being used.

Y/n: *slightly blushes* Wait, us?! You mean we'll be sharing a hut together?

Nokama: That is correct, though we only have one bed in the Hutt. I hope that isn't a problem?

Y/n: N.. no, it's just that I never slept with a girl.

This give Nokama a confused look, since to Nokama she saw no problem with sharing a living quarters with someone if there weren't enough structures for them, which thinking on Y/n's words made the female Toa giggle thinking Y/n was being funny.

Nokama: *giggles* You are quite the interesting being, Y/n. But I assure you, it won't be a problem with us, when it comes to living in the same hut together. Now let's go to the hut and not be out for too long.

Nokama heads towards their hut that they'll be staying in for the night, with Y/n following behind her trying to shake off some lewd thoughts in his mind. But he is realizing that this will be his first time sleeping in another world, though he is feeling like that he is missing a crucial detail of what point in time he is in.

Y/n: [Wait, if I remember correctly, this should take place after the Bohrok War. If that's the case then, that means... Oh boy.]

-meanwhile at the Bohrok Queens chamber-

within the chamber of the Bohrok Queens, with them being trapped in their cage made of protodermis unable to give orders to the Bohrok, but that wasn't the end of the Bohrok attacks at all. As six unique Bohrok assemble in the chamber, but unlike the usual Bohrok the had plating has silver with the color of the element on the top.

A/n: Like this, but with the Bohrok Kal color design and the art is not mine.

Unique Bohroks: screeech!!!!!!!!!

To be continued

A/n: And done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know in the comments on what you guys think of it and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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