Chapter 1: Human meets Toa Nuva

A/n: Hello, my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story, now in the prologue comments, I've got one person who mange to find more female bionicle OC, so I'll show them at the end of the chapter. Now let the chapter begin.

Gali's pov

I wait at the village entrance of Ga-Wahi, waiting for my Toa brothers to arrive just as Toa elder Nokama tasked me to do, though one of my brothers managed to arrive faster than others being Toa of air Lewa, who lands not too far in front of me.

A/n: For appearance wise, use the mask of light movie look of Lewa cause I could not find a good pic of him.

Lewa: Ah, sister Gali it has been too long. *hugs Gali*

Gali: *smiles and returns the hug* It has been some time brother. Are the others on their way?

Lewa: Of course, Pohatu and Onua are almost here, as for Tahu he should not be too far and Kopaka-

????: Already here.

Just hearing the sudden voice of Kopaka made both me and Lewa jump a bit, as we then turn to see him behind me.

Gali/Lewa: [Need to put a bell on him.]

Gali: It's good to see you, brother.

Kopaka nods, then we heard whistling and we turn to see Pohatu and Onua, with Tahu behind them coming to us.

Pohatu: Sister! Brothers, it's so wonderful to see you all.

Onua: I'm curious as well, is it some sorta attack happening?

Tahu: Yeah, cause Elder toa Nokama wouldn't have you being us all together for nothing.

Gali: No, it's not an attack or anything like that.

Pohatu: Well, if it's not an attack then what?

Gali: Follow me, cause I've it was through words would you believe me?

I then lead the way to Elder toa Nokama's hut, while my Toa brothers were somewhat curious to what I was meaning, luckily Nokama's hut was not too far making the walk travel being only short. Once we were close, I knocked on the hut's door to let Nokama know that I'm here with my Toa brothers.

Nokama: Please, enter.

I open, the door as me and my brothers enter to see Nokama tending to this unknown being and to see Hahli looking through his bag, I look towards my Toa brothers and see that they were surprised upon seeing the strange being.

Tahu: Okay, Gali you are right, if you did bring this up with words.

Lewa: yes, but do prey tell, who or what is he?

Gali: I have no idea. *to Nokama* Have you discovered anything about him, Nokama?

Nokama: Sadly, no. I'm not familiar with what ever he is, what about you Kopaka?

Kopaka, focused on the strange being and used his Mask power to scan the strange being's body, hopping that he could give us some form of info on what we're seeing.

Kopaka: Hmm, it appears that this being has a heat signature, but sadly I can not say for sure what he is.

Onua: Well, looks like we have an undiscovered species.

Hahli: *gasp* Toa, I think I've found something.

We turn to Matoran Hahli to see that she pulled out a mask that was black with white accents and gold part running along the mask, Hahli hands Nokama the mask who gives the mask trying to get an idea if it's a mask similar to mine and my Toa brothers or a more powerful one. After a few minutes Nokama places the mask down next to the being's bag and other belongings.

Lewa: Elder Toa Nokama, do you know what kind of mask it is?

Nokama: No, this mask is nothing that I have seen before, like the being we have seems to have an unknown mask with him.

Tahu: So many questions, yet know answers to said questions.

Onua: Hmm, maybe our unconscious unknown person here, can give us some answers once he wakes up.

Pohatu: Good idea brother!

Nokama: but we don't know when he will-

????: *grunts* Did anyone get the number on that truck?

We turn to see the unknown being, that was unconscious during our discussion starting to wake up and hold his head, as he slowly sits up and slowly starts to face us.

Y/n's pov

After some minutes or hours of losing consciousness from getting helped out of the water by someone, after sitting up a bit and calling out the voices I was hearing when I was starting to wake up. Hoping to get some response from who ever were talking.

Y/n: Did anyone get the number on that truck?

when I did called out to them, all I got was silence I turn to what seem like blur visage of people in front of me, so in attempt to clear out my vision I rubbed my eyes which started to clear up like I wanted, but What I see just made me even more surprised from seeing the people in the room.

A/n: I know this is the reboot look of Toa of Water Gali, but it's the best I can work with, just replace her look with her original look form the mask of light movie with this body figure.

I see Gali and the rest of the Toa Nuva in front of me, each having their own expressions upon seeing me, but what surprises me even more than them was seeing another Toa of water who should've been a Turaga after the events of the of Bionicles two.

Y/n: [What the? Why isn't Nokama a Turaga? and why are her, Gali and Hahli seem.... different.]

As many things run through my mind, mainly questions of what's going on and how did I end up in the world of Bionicles, then I notice Nokama put her hands up in a calming manner probably thinking I was freaking out from seeing them.

Nokama: Easy, please calm down.

Y/n: There's no need for that, I'm as calm as a cucumber and it would take a lot more than seeing you guys.

I then look around the room and noticed the Toa of ice Kopaka looking at me most likely using his mask power.

Kopaka: I don't see any injuries, nor admiralties.

Pohatu: I think, we should get some introductions in order, then we can have our now awaken friend here answer some questions for us.

Gali: Right, now my name is Gali the Toa of water.

Tahu: I'm the Toa of fire, Tahu.

Onua: I'm, Onua, the Toa of earth.

Lewa: I'm Toa Lewa, the Toa of air.

Pohatu: And I'm the Toa of stone, Pohatu.

Nokama: Finally, I'm the last of Toa Metru. The Toa of Water Nokama. what may your name?

Y/n: My name is Y/n L/n, and what are your questions?

Tahu: First, we would like to know what you are, cause we've never seen anyone or thing like you on Mata Nui Island.

I begin to think of how to put it into words, without telling them that they are more or less toys, back on Earth.

Y/n: Well, I'm a human. Humans are organic beings.

Gali: Human? If you have time, do you think you can explain a bit more with me and Nokama?

Y/n: Sure, I'll answer to the best of my ability. Is there any more questions?

Nokama: Yes, actually and it involves this mask that is in your possession.

I look to see Nokama handing me the mask, that I found back on Earth before it took me here and seeing that it was still in the black and gold design opposed to the old and fragile state.

Nokama: Do you know where this mask came from?

Y/n: Well, back in my home world, I found that mask in a cave with various marking on the walls and that mask was in the cave. Though it was in a different state than what it looks now.

Lewa: what do you mean, "different state"?

Y/n: Well, when I found it, it looked old and fragile. Making it in no position to be worn by anyone, but then a bright light that brought me here and the mask appearance changed to what it looks now.

Nokama: I see... and this happened when you touched and held it in your hands?

Y/n: Yeah, why?

Nokama: Can you write the markings you saw, by any chance?

Y/n: Yeah, I've got a perfect memory of them.

I then got up off the bed and made my way, to my backpack and get out my pen and sketch book which I'm surprised that, their still dry even when falling into the water.

Y/n: [Thank god, I bought the water proof backpack.]

Once both the pen and sketch book were out, I begin writing the markings from the cave and thanks for my perfect memory, I was done relatively quick. I then hand my sketch book to Nokama, who begins to examine the markings I drew which seemed to get her full attention.

Nokama: Hmm, it appears these are much older language of our world, it'll take some time for me to decipher. In the mean time, Y/n I suggest you explore the village.

Y/n: Okay, but what happens after that?

Nokama: I'll let the Turagas know of your existence. I'm sure Turaga Vakama would want to know.

Gali: I'll show you around Ga-Wahi. *turns to her borthers* do you wish to join in?

Tahu: I'll tag along, for some time. I don't want to be gone from my village for too long.

Y/n: Understandable.

Lewa: I'll tag along, as well. There's always time to make new friends.

Kopaka only nods, which is his way of saying he'll tag along. I guess Kopaka is always the silent type of Toa.

Pohatu: I'm in.

Onua: Same here brother.

We then begin to leave the hut, but before I went with the Toa Nuva I felt a light tug on my pants and I looked down to see, Hahli looking up at me with what appears to be a "worried" expression. I knelt down to be at least the same level to talk face to face.

Y/n: Can I help you?

Hahli: I... just want to say sorry. About what happen at the cliff.

I just head pat Hahli to calm her down and ease her nervousness, about what happen then.

Y/n: It's fine, when it comes to seeing something that you never seen before, it's understandable. What's your name? [Even though I already know, but it will be too suspicious if I called them by name without them introducing themselves.]

Hahli: My name is Hahli.

Y/n: Nice to meet you Hahli, my name is Y/n.

Hahli: Nice to meet you.

Y/n: Do you want to join me and the other Toa?

Hahli: Sure!

I then stand back up and followed the Toa out of the Hut, with Hahli following right behind me and we start going around the village, with Gali leading the way. I also saw some Matorans giving me curious looks. Since I was with the Toa, they probably didn't take me as a threat at least I hope they don't think I'm a threat.

Y/n: [I can only wonder what will happen next.]

To be continued

A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you guys think in the comments. Now as I'll show you guys more additions to the harem.

Lynna and Mirl


A/n: There's not a lot of art work for Xenna, but you can chose this version of her or use a similar body figure as Lynna.

Female Rahkshi

A/n: Don't have a name for this one yet, do let me know if you have a name in mind and I sure do hope this doesn't get flagged.



A/n: Just remove the stinger on her face with lips.

female zesk

A/n: Same thing as the female rahkshi, but i had to remove three pics due to them being "unsafe" but it wasn't showing me which ones was unsafe, so I had to remove the pics that I thought it was meaning. If you want the see the pics I used go check out e621 you'll find them there.


A/n: She'll appear around the arc for the Pharaka and the mask of life.

Sister Kalua

A/n: let me know when she should appear.

Xola the Toa of Lightning


Freya the Toa of Crystal

A/n: And there we go more additions to the harem, please let me know what you guys think and some names for the female Rahkshi and Zesk. Also do let me know when should these ladies appear in the story, let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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