♬ 68 - Bionic Action Hero (Part 1)

In the common area.

Douglas enters excitedly "Guess who I just got off the phone with?" Douglas points at his cellphone "Giselle Vickers." Douglas says.

"No way!" McKayla says "The big Hollywood filmmaker?" Bree asks "She is legendary!" Leo says "Wait, who?" Luke says "Giselle Vickers. She made all the killer zombie trucker movies. Because of her, I can't pee at a truck stop." Leo says.

"Oh I'm sorry I don't watch that crap, let me know when Nolan or Spielberg are coming" Luke adjusts his glasses on his face and returns to the book he was reading, Leo gasps and Chase chuckles "Finally someone who understands cinema around here" Chase thinks.

"Well, get this. Her next blockbuster is gonna be called Bionic Action Hero." Douglas says "Awesome! What's it about?" Adam asks "Really?” McKayla frowns "A bionic action hero." Douglas says "Huh. Save your money. Sounds like a flop." Adam says "Indeed" Luke says without taking his eyes off the book.

Bree throughout that time didn't stop staring at the boy "Did you miss something on my cousin's face or...?" McKayla mocks, Bree looks away and blushes.

"I don't know, did you happen to miss something in my brother's mouth?" Bree asks, McKayla crosses her arms and blushes intensely "Uh...My arguments apparently" McKayla says, Bree smirks.

Bree sighs, she has had this crush on Luke since she met him, and she has thought about their kiss often but she doesn't see a future in that since Luke is very independent and focused on himself. He doesn't aim to date anyone so Bree respects that and tries to ignore any feelings for him.

"And the best part, it's based on you guys." Douglas says "Whoa, whoa, whoa! The same person who makes those lame zombie movies are going to make our movie?" Chase scoffs "No way!" Chase says "Must you ruin everything?!" Leo says angryly.

"I agree with him" Luke says "And you're in line too Grumpy!" Leo says "It's not the first time someone has called me that. Unfortunately I think this would be a strong trait of my personality, just accept it" Luke shrugs.

"Relax, Chase. Giselle's an old college friend. We spent a lot of time in the robotics lab together before she switched careers. We even dated a bit." Douglas smiles "Wow I didn't know Douglas once had a girlfriend. Oh but look how cute he is, obviously he already had a girlfriend" McKayla thinks.

"What happened?" Bree asks "Sometimes people grow apart." Douglas says "She dumped you didn't she?" Bree says "Worst day of my life! And I've been to prison four times!" Douglas says tearfully.

"Aw poor thing, I'm sure she really regrets that, like totally" McKayla smiles at him, Chase frowns "Sometimes I get the slightest impression that Macky has a lil crush on Douglas, but I think it's just me being paranoid" Chase thinks.

"Anyways, she wants the film to portray bionics accurately, so she's coming over here to research with the actor that's playing you guys." Douglas says "I think you mean actors." Chase says.

"No. In the film, there aren't three bionic superhumans. To simplify it there's just one with all your abilities." Douglas says "That sounds like an excuse for laziness to me" McKayla says "I completely agree" Luke says.

"So who's the actor?" Bree asks "Oh, I bet it's Dame Judi Dench." Adam imitates her with a bad British accent "Look at me, I'm bionic!"

McKayla frowns "His accent is terrible" she thinks.

"No, it's some new up-and-comer Troy West." Douglas says"Oh, so they're just gonna throw some rookie in the leading role? I don't want any part in this." Chase says "You know, I hate to say it, but I agree with Chase." Bree says.

"You only have one chance to have your live turned into a movie. It should be done right." Bree says "Uh Yeah, but you're still having the opportunity that many don't even come close to having" McKayla says.

"I completely agree" Luke says distractedly, McKayla slaps him on the shoulder "Ow!" Luke says "Get out of that automatic mode!" McKayla says "Sorry" Luke says smiling awkwardly, Bree presses her lips together to keep from smiling "He's so cute" she thinks.

"Exactly. So who's playing me? Denzel, Will Smith? Oh, who am I kidding? Those guys can't bring the Dooley." Leo says convinced "Sorry Leo. There is no character based on you." Douglas says"What?" Leo says.

"It's called Bionic Action Hero, not Kind of Bionic Sort of Action Hero." Douglas says, Leo looks at him indignantly.

"Oh wait, so there won't be any other character in the film. Like a beautiful and kind but super strong and powerful girl that the main hero falls in love with and the two live a torrid and epic romance?!" McKayla specifically says everyone looks at her with confusion.

"Would this character in question be based...on you?" Chase asks, McKayla makes an awkward face "Uh...I don't know, do you think that sounded like me?" McKayla says with a shrug "No" Luke says "Hey, it was just a suggestion..." McKayla laughs shyly.

"Of something I wanted to live" McKayla thinks "Do you want to live this to the letter?" Chase thinks looking at her with a smirk, McKayla feels his gaze and looks back, Chase looks away clearing his throat and blushing slightly.

"Look, if they want someone to play Bionic Action Hero, why don't they use me? I'm an actor. I starred in a school play." Adam says "You had one line. And you forgot it." Bree says "Oh No way" Luke laughs "Yeah!" Bree smiles at them and they both giggle.

"Just because it's in the script doesn't mean you have to say it." Adam says "That's exactly what a script is for." McKayla says "Plus I can do my own stunts. The guy who played Superman can't stop a real locomotive, but I can." Adam says.

"Oh, yeah? Well, the hydraloop is closing. I bet you can't stop that." Chase says, hydraloop closes and Adam runs and stops the door with his arm.

"Ha! I did it." Adam says "Uh-uh-uh. You stopped the doors, but you didn't stop the hydraloop." Chase pushes a button, the hydraloop takes off and drags Adam with it, making a gap where his arm was dragged through it "Did it stop?" Chase says.

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In the common area.

Douglas walks in agitation "Is everybody ready? Troy and Giselle will be here any minute." Douglas says.

"You seem kind of nervous. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you you were trying to get your old girlfriend back." Bree smirk "That's ridiculous. How's my hair? Too spiky, not enough spike? Just the right amount of spike?" Douglas asks anxiously.

McKayla chuckles and walks up to him "You look great Douglas, If she doesn't see that she doesn't deserve you" McKayla says gently putting her hand on his shoulder, Douglas smiles "Thanks McKayla" Douglas says.

The hydraloop opens. Troy and Giselle walk out "Whoa. Look at this place." Troy says "Hey, Troy. Welcome to the Bionic Academy." Douglas walks up to him.

"Thanks I'm really happy..." Troy is ignored, Douglas walks towards Giselle "Giselle." Douglas smiles.

Giselle shakws his hand "Douglas. Nice to see you." Giselle says, Douglas attempts to kiss her hand but she pulls away "Still rockin' the same old spikes, huh?" Giselle says.

"I can change. What do you like? Side part, middle part, mullet?" Douglas says "Hey, remember what I said?" McKayla says to Douglas, he sighs.

"Hi, I'm Giselle. So honored to be telling your story. And this is Troy West, the actor who will be playing you in the movie." Gisele introduces herself to the bionic group.

"What's up, guys? It's really nice to meet you." Troy says "Ah, I get it now. He's got my body, Bree's hair, but I'm not seeing the Chase. He's perfect." Adam says.

"Oh, come on. You seriously buy that this guy's bionic? I mean, compared to me..." Chase says "Dude, you really don't wanna go there." Adam says.

"Compared to you he's not much" McKayla whispers to Chase, he smiles and turns to her holding his face "You're so perfect" Chase says in a heavy whisper tone, McKayla bites her lip "Am i?" McKayla says "Yup" Chase smiles.

"Hey, thanks for letting us come here to do our research. I can't believe I'm actually standing here with three bionic heroes." Troy says "We won't get in your way. I'm just here to check out the academy so I can make the movie as real as possible." Giselle says.

"And I'm just here to learn about your bionics so my performance will feel authentic." Troy says "Oh I doubt I'll make it that easy" Chase thinks.

"Ah, totally get where you're coming from, Troy. I'm a big-time actor myself." Adam says "Oh no" McKayla rolls her eyes "Really? Movies?" Troy asks.

"Uh, school plays. But, I did see a mom filming it on her phone, so it's only a matter of time before it hits theaters." Adam says.

"It's just a guess but I believe Adam would still be a better actor for our movie than this guy" Chase thinks "Adam is dedicated and a real bionic, maybe he wouldn't be bad in the movie" McKayla thinks.

"...I see. So what did you feel was the key to your character's inner life?" Troy asks "Oh don't ask him complicated questions" McKayla says.

"It's okay, I got to wear a cowboy hat, and ride a wooden pony." Adam starts imitating riding a pony "And that's all you need to know about Adam." Chase says, McKayla presses her lips akwardly.

Leo and Luke walks in "Why, hello. You must be Giselle. I'm Leo, the fourth and most important member of the team." Leo says "And I'm Luke...I'm just a guy" Luke says "a fan?" Giselle asks "A guy. Nice to meet you" Luke says and walks past Giselle.

"Well, back to me, you should know that my fascinating life would make a fantastic sequel. Or we can just forget about the little cocktail weenies, and focus on the main course. Me." Leo smiles.

"Why" Douglas shoves Leo across the room "...don't you guys go show Troy some bionic moves? That'll give Giselle a chance to walk around this place, and remember how adorable I am." Douglas starts to walks out whit Giselle

Giselle fakes a laugh "We are going to be walking for a very long time." Giselle says frustrated.

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In the training area.

Troy is talking to Bree and Adam while Chase watch.

"So you really think you have what it takes to be a bionic superhero?" Adam asks Troy "I hope so. Hey, I've been training really hard. Check this out. It's one of Chase's abilities." Troy touches temple and stares intensely.

Chase hops down from the platform "What was that?!" Chase asks indignantly "It was your bionic eye scan. Hey, don't worry. Once they add some special effects, it'll look really cool." Troy says.

"Oh please, with this lazy and dull performance? Not on my watch" Chase frowns.

"No, it won't, 'cause you're doing it wrong. It goes like this." Chase touches his temple and stares intensely."Oh, thanks, man. Yeah, no, I totally get how that's different." Troy says sarcastically "Yeah." Chase says.

Bree pulls Chase to the side "Yeah, okay, so now who's helping out with the cheesy movie?" Bree says "I am not helping, I am critiquing his mediocre performance." Chase says irritated and Bree wipes her face.

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In the cafe in front of the training area.

Giselle is having a snack while McKayla and Leo talk to her "Now the T-shirts, they would say "Leo Dooley's bionic army"." Leo suggests, Giselle gales at him, McKayla smiles.

"Get it? Army. 'Cause I have a bionic arm?" Leo smiles "Yeah and I really think you should consider my idea of a romantic partner for the main character. If you want inspiration I myself have a love story with Chase that you could even upgrade in your movie you know" McKayla smiles proudly.

Douglas walks into the room with his hair flattened down "Guys, would you please give this lovely woman her space?" Douglas says, McKayla stands up "Oh I'm sorry if I was a bother" McKayla says "Yeah Mack, no one would watch a romance about Chase but if you need someone to write me into the script, I am your man." Leo tells Giselle.

McKayla rolls her eyes "I'm a born typist. Best hunt and pecker in the business. Thirteen words a minute. I also direct!" Leo says as Douglas shoves him out of the room whit McKayla and sits down with Giselle.

"That kid. He would do anything to impress you." Douglas says as Giselle looks away from him to her plate "You know, Giselle, it's too bad that you couldn't see all the other brilliant things that I created outside of here. You could make a whole movie just about Marcus." Douglas says "Marcus." Giselle says.

"Yeah, my greatest invention. An advanced android with all of Adam, Bree, and Chase's bionic abilities. Believe it or not, he was even more powerful then they are." Douglas says "Well, where is he? I'd love to see him." Giselle says.

"You can see parts of him." Douglas says, Giselle frowns "They're buried in a huge pile of rubble in my old lair." Douglas says "I'm sorry. Your lair?" Giselle asks.

"Yeah. Technically, it's a suburban basement, but by law, you have to call it a lair if you use it to torture people." Douglas shakes his head.

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In the Mentor's Quarters.

Bree super speeds around the coffee table to show Troy her super speed, Luke smiles, impressed by the girl.

"That is so cool." Troy says "Yeah but there's plenty more where that came from, right Bree" Luke says "Yeah if you like that ability, you're really gonna' like my..." Bree becomes invisible, Troy looks around the room confused while Luke chuckles impressed and then Bree  reappears ".. Invisibility App." Bree says.

"No way. How did you do that?" Troy asks "Well, originally on her chip she doesn't have this ability until Douglas...""Yeah Yeah that's cool dude" Troy interrupts Luke by walking past him and going to Bree, Luke makes a frustrated face.

"It's not that hard." Bree says "Awesome. Uh... Thanks for helping me out." Troy says "Sure." Bree says "I just wish Chase was as open about your abilities as you are." Troy says.

"Don't take it personally, he's just really protective of his image." Bree says "Completely, and he doesn't believe in the slightest that you're going to portray it correctly" Luke says "And me too" Luke thinks.

"He does know that on the fan boards, they call him the Bionic Fun Killer." Troy says "Untrue information" Luke says "Yeah, but to be fair, most of these posts were mine." Bree says, Luke frowns at her.

"The thing is... I'm running out of time. I have to figure him out. If I don't, Giselle might fire me. I don't wanna lose this role." Troy says "Poor guy, being a half-assed actor must be difficult" Luke thinks.

Bree and Luke both look at each other slightly with pity "Maybe we can help, what do you need?" Bree asks "I don't know, stuff like uh... how his chip was designed and where his super intelligence comes from." Troy says "That sounds strangely specific." Luke raises his eyebrow, Troy sighs "Just all the things that make him the smartest person in the world." Troy says.

"Sorry, all I know is what makes him the most annoying person in the world." Bree says, Luke rolls his eyes "To portray him well, start recognizing that he's a misunderstood guy" Luke points to Bree who hits his hand, Luke smirk.

"Hey, I mean if all you need is a bionic owner's manual, we can access Mr. Davenport's files from here." Bree says "Really? Uh... yeah, that would be great." Troy says.

"I don't see how that's going to help you in your acting" Luke says "Yeah. I mean, it's just some boring schematics and formulas but..." Bree presses a button on computer and hands Troy a flash drive "... here you go. Everything there is to know about Chase's chip." Bree says.

"Thanks, Bree." Troy says, Luke clears his throat loudly "You weren't any help" Troy says "I'm making sure my friend is portrayed accurately on film, if that isn't helping and it isn't enough to put my name in the credits and earn a small percentage of the profit. I don't know what it is?" Luke says.

Bree sighs to Luke "We're going to get a snack now, want to join us?" Bree gently asks Troy "Sounds great. I'm just going to talk to Giselle and meet you guys there" Troy starts walking out of the room.

In hallway outside the Mentor's Quarters

"Mission accomplished. Here it is." Troy hands Giselle flash drive "Perfect. Now we can finally take them out and rid the world of bionic humans forever." Giselle walks out.

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At the film set of the movie.

Everyone enters and Giselle welcomes them "I'm so glad you guys can come by the stage and watch us film." Giselle says.

"Just so you know, I tried keeping the hair flat but it won't stay that way." Douglas says "Man, you're trying a little too hard" McKayla says "I know, but at least I haven't been totally rejected so far" Douglas chuckles "Sure" McKayla says sarcastically.

"And this is our Hollywood version of the Bionic Academy." Giselle says "Looks awesome." Leo says "No, it doesn't. The walls look fake. The floor looks fake. Nothing in here looks like the real academy!" Chase says "But your complaining is very authentic." Bree says.

"Relax there Grumpy or sooner or later they'll put us both in an asylum or something" Luke tells Chase.

"Ugh, I gotta take this call for my other movie, Killer Zombie Orthodontists." Giselle says "Orthodontists?" Leo asks "Yeah, I know, we're...pretty much out of ideas." Giselle walks out.

Troy walks by "Hey, Troy." Bree says "Oh, hey." Troy says "Are you okay man?" Luke asks "You said you were gonna meet us, and then you left the island without even saying good-bye." Bree says "I hope we didn't say something wrong" Luke tries to remain polite, even though Troy doesn't make him feel comfortable.

"It's Just that...I was so inspired by all your help that I had to rehearse my lines" Troy says, Bree and Luke look at each other "Well, I'm glad we helped you" Bree says, Luke agrees and Troy walks away.

"Great news. Since you were all so helpful, I'm putting you in the scene that we're about to shoot." Giselle says "Oh my god!" McKayla smiles "Wait, you want us to be in the movie?" Bree asks.

"Yup. But instead of playing bionic heroes, you get to play the bad guys. What do you think?" Giselle says "Aw this is amazing!!" McKayla jumps up and down excitedly as she picks up the script "I think Leo Dooley better have a line." Leo says.

"Ah! We're going to be in the movie, we're going to be in the movie, we're going to be in the movie!" Chase says in a thin and excited voice, McKayla giggles.

"Oh, so now you're on board." Douglas says "Hey, Troy starring in a bionic movie, lame. Me starring in a bionic movie. Awesome!" Chase says " You're going to look amazing on a movie screen, baby" McKayla hugs him "Yeah I know!" Chase smiles.

"Great. So then it's all settled. Any questions?" Giselle says "Uh, just one. What time will this be on tonight?" Adam says.

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At hair and make-up.

"This is so cool. I finally get to play a bad guy." Chase looks in mirror "Chase Davenport, international bad boy." Chase smiles biting his lip "Settle down, bad boy. Your mascara's running." Leo says.

Chase sits down again, McKayla leans into his chair, "Why don't you save that bad boy talk for later, huh?" McKayla says softly, Chase blushes "Damn she's getting worst...I'm not complaining" He thinks.

Bree spots Troy "Troy is acting strange, right? Troy won't even talk to me, it's so weird." Bree says "Not really. Boys blow you off all the time." Adam says "I didn't mean it like that" Bree says "Yes, I understand what you meant, it's strange...and very suspicious" Luke says.

"Do you think he's hiding something?" Bree asks "It's almost a certainty actually" Luke says "I'll investigate" Bree says going to Luke's mood who encourages her in a way.

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In Troy's dressing room.

Bree knocks on the door "Troy?" Bree enters the room to see a whole row of Troy's pictures "Self-absorbed much? No not at all" Bree says sarcastically.

A laptop chimes "Aha. Let's see who Mr. Popular is getting messages from." Bree says "This won't take long." Giselle approaches "Hurry up. I gotta be on set." Troy says.

Giselle and Troy enter the dressing room and Bree turns invisible "This is what I wanted to show you. I finally finished analyzing Chase's chip schematics." Giselle says "Then we're good." Troy says.

"As soon as they're ready to film, we'll do it." Giselle says, the table holding Troy's pictures falls over "Oh, my pictures! Help me!" Troy tells Giselle picking up the photos.

Bree switches the laptops while Troy and Giselle are occupied with the pictures "Come on, let's get outta here." Giselle says "I think I need more pictures of me." Troy says, Giselle and Troy leave, and Bree starts going through Giselle's laptop.

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On the film set.

Adam, Chase, Leo, McKayla and Douglas are pacing around the set warming up, when Giselle walks in.

"Okay. Everybody, we're about to start filming. Positions, please." Giselle says "Where's Bree?" Troy asks "Why do you want to know?" Luke narrows his eyes as he passes Troy.

"We'll take care of her later. Just make sure you use the real weapon on them." Giselle tells Troy "My pleasure." Troy says.

A bell rings "Okay. Just like we rehearsed. Douglas, you and the kids will say your lines, then Troy will shoot you. Lights. Camera. Action!" Giselle says.

Adam, Chase, Leo, McKayla, Luke and Douglas run onto the set

"Any sign of the bionic superhuman?" Douglas acts "No" Luke says pretending to be out of breath "I think we lost him!" Chase says excitedly "Told you...... we'd get away with it." Adam says trying to remember the line "But we're not done yet" McKayla says slightly nervous "Great work! Everyone." Leo gives thumbs-up to the camera.

Troy walks in holding weapon "I agree. Thanks for making it so easy." Troy says, Bree super speeds in and slams into Troy, knocking the weapon out of his hands "Woah!" Luke smiles "No!" Giselle says.

"What are you doing?" Douglas asks "You just ruined the scene!" Chase says "And my take was perfect." Leo gives another thumbs-up.

"This is all a trap! Giselle lured us here so that Troy could take us out with this." Bree says "I knew It!" Luke says "Bree, that's just a prop." Chase says.

"Really?" Bree shoots camera and it bursts into flames "Whoa! What just happened?" Leo asks "Wait! I'm lost. Are we still doing the scene?" Adam asks.

"No! This isn't even a real movie!" Bree says "What? Giselle, what is going on?" Douglas asks "Go ahead. Tell them." Bree says.

Giselle chuckles "With pleasure. The only reason I've been making movies all these years is to fund my army of advanced android fighting machines. And just when I was about to unveil my brilliant creations, along came Adam, Chase, and Bree to steal my thunder." Giselle explains.

"And Leo! What do people always forget about Leo?!" Leo says "Be thankful that at least you're not on target" Luke shrugs.

"I gave my androids all of your abilities. The only one I couldn't crack was super intelligence." Giselle says "Why didn't you just ask me for it? We could have worked together." Douglas says.

"Really?!" McKayla says "I don't want to work with you. My technology is far superior. You're my competition and the first role in business is to eliminate the competition." Giselle says.

"Really? I thought it was location, location, location." Adam says "This is crazy! There is no way that your android technology is that advanced." Douglas says "Don't doubt a woman" McKayla says.

Giselle laughing "Troy, why don't we show them?" Giselle presses a button on her watch and all the people in the room appear as androids and then back to a human form "Told ya!" McKayla says.

"Now that I have the schematics of Chase's chip, I can give all my androids his intelligence." Giselle says "Wait. How do you have my schematics?" Chase asks "Bree and Luke gave them to me." Troy says.

Chase scoffs "What?" Chase says "To be honest, she did it, I was just there being ignored" Luke says "Sorry, I thought I was helping him" Bree says, Chase shakes his head.

Troy grabs the weapon from Bree and she falls on the floor "Hey don't touch her!" Luke says going over to Bree.

"Nice work, Troy. Finish them off." Giselle says "Wait. If you destroy me, you destroy Giselle's laptop, with Chase's schematics. That's right. I switched them." Bree says.

"Oh, who cares? I've got backups all over my servers." Giselle says "Not if we create a virus that takes out your entire network. Quick! Hand me the laptop!" Chase says.

"We need time to build the virus. Cover us!" Douglas says, Chase, Luke  and Douglas go to the other side of the room to work on the virus.

"Take them out!" Giselle says, Adam, Bree, McKayla and Leo start fighting the androids

Leo kicks an android "Ow!. Just wait for it. It's gonna hurt any second now. No? Okay then." Leo runs.

McKayla dodges the shots and tricks one of the Androids into shooting another Android passing under them.

Android fires at Adam "Hey! That's not in the script!" Adam says.

While fighting with an android, Bree is flung into where Chase and Douglas are working "Easy! We're trying to work here." Douglas says "Sorry!" Bree charges back into the fight.

Leo fires a laser sphere at Troy, but he blocks in and sends Leo sprawling onto the floor, Adam destroys the weapon with his heat vision.

"Got it! The virus is out." Chase says "We just fried all your servers! Just like you fried my heart." Douglas says "Oh Please" Luke says, Chase smashes laptop to the floor.

"Surround them!" Giselle says, Troy punches Chase to knock him out, picks him up, and carries him out of the room "Chase!" McKayla screams and threatens to go after then and Luke holds her back "Mack, no, he's dangerous!" Luke says.

"Hey! Where you taking him?" Adam says "Since you destroyed my network, there's only one way to get Chase's chip. I'll have to rip it out of him myself." Giselle says "Not if we stop you." Leo says.

"That's not gonna happen. This entire set is rigged with explosives." Giselle taps watch to open the walls that are packed with explosives "And once they detonate, the world will think it's an unfortunate accident that claimed the lives of the bionic not-so-superhumans." Giselle says.

Adam charges at her, but is knocked to the ground by an android "Good-bye, Douglas. And thanks for giving me the last piece of the puzzle." Giselle says, a timer on the wall appears counting down from 2:45 minutes.

"Adam, are you okay?" Bree says "Yeah, but I'm not sure about my performance. Can we start at the top?" Adam says, Douglas starts weeping on the ground.

McKayla hugs Luke "No, Chase" McKayla says upset, Luke comforts his cousin.

"Okay, I don't know what's more annoying, the beeping sound counting down the seconds to our death, or that." Bree says about Douglas "I'm gonna go with that." Leo says, Douglas continues to weep.

McKayla doesn't pay attention to this because a thousand possibilities run through her head, and the fear of not seeing her boyfriend again takes over her by light tears.

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