♬ 63 -Spider on the Island

In the common area.

Leo and Luke are at a console when Douglas walks in.

Douglas is on the phone "Yes Donnie, I'll take out the garbage. No Donnie, I won't experiment on the kids' bionics while they're asleep again." Douglas says, Luke and Leo looks at him.

"It was one time and you didn't even notice." Douglas tells them "So this is the mad scientist behind your bionics?" Luke asks Leo "Yup, and get used to it because he has bionics as an answer to everything" Leo says "Gotcha!" Luke says.

"Gotta go. Yes, I miss you too." Douglas hangs up phone "Aw he's a soft heart huh" Luke says.

"Well, Donnie and the students made it to Gettysburg for their first official field trip." Douglas says "Bionic kids and cannonballs. What could possibly go wrong?" Leo says sarcastically.

"You're a student. Why didn't you go?" Douglas asks "Oh, Big D thinks I'm there. When he takes attendance, I paid a kid 5 bucks to yell 'Here!' and another kid 10 bucks to yell 'Shut it, Leo'." Leo smiles "Oh Smart, I used to do that in gym class at school" Luke says and they high five.

Bree walks in "Oh, hey Bree. I ditched the field trip, so I could hang out with you guys. What should we do on our day off?" Leo asks "Our day off? No, this is my day off and I already got it all planned out. I'm going to sit by the pool and read a book. I'd ask you to join me, but I live and work with my family, so I'm sick of all of you." Bree says.

Luke laughs "I love her sincerity" he thinks, he looks at the console, Bree quickly looks at him "But I'm not sick of you...friend" Bree giggles ar Luke, Leo frowns.

"Good to know, in fact I've already read this book, it's really good, maybe when you finish it we can discuss it" Luke suggests, Bree gives an excited smile "Of course!" Bree says.

Chase and McKayla walk in "Hey guys, wanna hang out?" Leo asks "No Leo, I want to be alone with my boyfriend after a busy week" McKayla thinks "No! I want to do something romantic with Macky, Leo!" Chase thinks.

Chase and McKayla look at each other "Uh we actually have plans right?" McKayla tells Chase.

"Sorry Leo, gotta make the most of my day off. I already organized the weapons vault, alkalized the island's water system and taught a cute little group of dolphins to wave hello!" Chase waves.

McKayla giggles "You're so adorable" McKayla says "No, you're adorable" Chase says, leaning towards her "Aww!" McKayla pouts "Okay! We get it" Bree says.

Adam walks in with a rock "Oh, hey, Adam." Leo says "No." Adam says "I didn't even ask you anything yet." Leo says "Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead." Adam says.

"Thank you. Would you like to han..""No."Adam interrupts Leo.

"Guys, check out this rock I found on shore. I had to dig it out from under a wooden box of old yellow coins and jewelry." Adam says "Wow, it has a rustic beauty" Luke says adjusting his glasses "Adam, this isn't a rock. It's a fossil. Let me see that." Chase says.

"No!" Adam says, they tussle and Chase gets the rock, laying it on the console and scanning it.

Chase gasps in amazement "This is a prehistoric sea spider! It went extinct millions of years ago." Chase says "Way to go, Chase. You made my rock boring." Adam walks away.

"You didn't make it boring, you made it amazing!!" Luke says "yeah!" Chase says excitedly "I'm grateful he's here to support me tho...I finally feel like I have a real friend" Chase thinks.

"Cool, I love spiders! You know, back in high school, they used to call me 'Spider Legs!'." Leo says, everyone looks at him "And now I'm realizing that's a bad thing." Leo says frustrated.

"It looks like it's from the Cretaceous period." Douglas says "You're right, Douglas! It's from the Valanginian subdivision. I would have loved to have seen this spider while it was alive." Chase says "Oh I would love that too!" Luke says excitedly.

"Well, maybe you can. You know, before I got into bionics, I dabbled in biology. I was trying to use fossils to bring extinct species back to life." Douglas says "Woah! Really?" Luke asks, Douglas smiles.

"And that explains why there's still no Mrs. Douglas Davenport." Bree says "Oh then I must disagree, smart is the new sexy darling" Luke smiles proudly "This only goes for you" Bree crosses her arms and Chase smiles "Did I mention I love this guy?" Chase says pointing at Luke "Just twenty times today" McKayla says.

"This specimen is almost perfectly preserved." Chase says "You know, I was never able to crack it on my own, but maybe with your help, I can." Douglas tells Chase "I'm pretty sure you're not looking at me, but I am in." Leo says.

Chase determined smirk "Let's do this, Douglas." Chase says, Adam rides over in a tandem bike "Hey Leo, it was rude of me to just say no when you asked if I wanted to do something earlier." Adam says.

"Well, it's nice to see you've come to your senses." Leo says and tries to get on bike "Yeah, what I should've said was 'no thank you'." Adam rides away and Leo stumbles.

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In the training area.

Douglas is s drilling at the rock "Almost there. Got it." Douglas says, Leo walks in "Oh, you guys started without me. I must have missed the memo. Where we at, compadres?" Leo says.

"First we have to extract a sample of its DNA." Douglas says "Oh, great, we can map out its genetic structure, and recreate it exactly." Chase walks up to him.

"Or make it better. There's a reason this spider went extinct. This time we can give it a better shot at survival....After all these years of killing things, I can finally help something live." Douglas says excitedly.

"Uh, what'd you have in mind? Elongating its chelicera?" Chase asks "Elongating the who to the what now?" Leo asks confused.

"Maybe we can increase the strength of its carapace." Douglas suggests "Oh, good idea." Leo says "Nah, but to do that we'd have to alter the dimensions of its trochanter." Chase says "Mm, bad idea." Leo says.

"Okay this is starting to get annoying" Chase thinks.

"Right, to properly distribute the weight..." Douglas says "Yes, the weight." Leo agrees "Of its altered exoskeleton." Chase says "The exoskeleton. Of course." Leo says.

"You're just repeating everything we say." Douglas tells Leo "No, I'm testing you to see if you're both listening, and you are. Now, can we please get back to our tree panthers and our carrot pizzas." Leo frowns.

"Leo, look. You're a great tech guy, but this is more of a biology thing." Chase says "Are you icing me out?" Leo asks "Finally. Something you do understand." Chase says, Leo glares at him.

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In McKayla and Leo's quarters.

McKayla and Luke are playing cards on the floor "I missed spending afternoons like this with you" Luke says and plays a card "Me too! I missed my cousin/Bff being around" McKayla says with a delicate smile.

Luke smiles "Although apparently I have a certain competitor for your bff as I can see" McKayla plays a card, Luke frowns "Chase?" Luke asks and plays another card.

McKayla shrugs "Are you jealous?" Luke smirk "What?" McKayla says "Are you scared that you're not going to be my best friend anymore or that I'm going to steal your boyfriend?" Luke makes fun.

"He talks like he has a chance against me" McKayla thinks.

"Steal my boyfriend?" McKayla raises her eyebrow "Yeah, you scared that he'll find it more fun to spend time with me than you" Luke smirk "Of course not" McKayla says "

"So what's the problem?" Luke asks "It's just that you guys have been spending a lot of time together doing science stuff, It kind of takes me out of the fun" McKayla says, Luke sighs.

"I wish I understood science" McKayla thinks.

"Poor thing, you're really disturbing her relationship...I know having a new friend is cool but let your cousin enjoy her first boyfriend" Luke thinks.

"You're right, I'll take it easy" Luke says "You don't have to" McKayla says "Of course, you're his girlfriend, he should spend time with you. You're the most important thing in his life" Luke says, McKayla looks at him.

"I am?" McKayla asks "you must be, he loves you right?" Luke says, McKayla nods.

"Plus there's plenty of other things for me to do on this island and other people to talk to" Luke says "Exactly!" McKayla says, Luke presses his lips together hesitantly.

"Uh...what about Bree?" Luke asks looking away "What about Bree?" McKayla asks.

"Do you think she would like to hang out with me?" Luke asks, McKayla frowns with a smile "Do you have a crush on Bree?" McKayla asks "What?!" Luke says in a thin voice.

"No!" Luke still says in a nervously thin voice "Retreat, Retreat!" Luke thinks in panic.

"He's totally into Bree" McKayla thinks "I'm just asking because she seems cool, and she and I are already friends" Luke says "If you're already friends, just go out with her" McKayla says "Yeah but I don't want to be a bother to her" Luke says.

McKayla tilts her head "Like what if she doesn't like me" Luke plays with the cards in his hand, implying that he wants McKayla to find out whether or not Bree would be interested.

"I thought you had given up on that" McKayla says, Luke sighs "And I gave up but the variables change Mack, and with the change of variables we need to collect new data so we can arrive at a new variable" Luke frowns nervously.

"I don't understand what you're getting at" McKayla says confused "It's not even me" Luke says.

Chase walks in "Hey guys come here, I want to show you something quick!" Chase says and runs away and McKayla Luke follows him.

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In the common area.

Chase and Douglas bring everyone together to present their reanimated prehistoric spider.

"Behold! One of the greatest achievements in the history of science!" Douglas unveils the spider.

"Aaah! Spider! I'll get it!" Adam threatens to go after the spider "No! Stop!" Chase tries to hold him back.

"Stop. Douglas and I were able to extract the DNA from the fossil and reanimate the sea spider." Chase says "That's amazing!" Luke says excitedly.

"That's kinda...gross" McKayla says looking at the spider, Chase glares at her "Uh I mean congratulations honey" McKayla smiles.

"Wait, so you brought a million-year-old creature back to life in one day?" Bree asks "What'd you do with your day off?" Chase smirk "I hated the spider but I love how impressively smart he is" McKayla thinks looking proudly at her boyfriend.

"When you take a lot of shortcuts and conduct dangerous experiments without any safety precautions, you can do anything in a day." Douglas says "Can you believe it?" Chase says "That you'd spend your whole day off with your weird uncle and playing with a dead spider? Yeah, I believe it." Bree says sarcastically.

"Oh Bree, stop this is one of the greatest achievements in the world of science in recent times!!" Luke says impressed "Yeah, this is just the beginning. Think of all the other extinct animals we can bring back to life. Dinosaurs. Ooh, dodo birds..." Douglas says.

"Camels." Adam says "Camels?" McKayla asks "Adam, camels aren't extinct." Chase says "Oh yeah? Then how come I've never seen one?" Adam says "Anyway...I'm proud of your achievement guys" McKayla says.

"Really?" Chase smiles happily "Yeah, I love it when you act all science guy" McKayla says shyly "Even if I don't understand" she thinks "Yeah! She likes It, I love that she likes what I do best" Chase smiles.

"Ugh, that thing is nasty. Can I touch it?" Leo asks, Luke chuckles "Only if you feel like losing your hand" Luke says,

"Leo look, we can't risk anything happening to it. The spider's very existence can change everything." Chase says "And make me famous around the world." Douglas smiles.

"And what about me?" Chase asks "Oh, I'm sure you'll end up on somebody's blog." Douglas places electronic lid on the case "There. That should keep our little friend safe." Douglas says.

"Well, I'm gonna go somewhere quiet and enjoy my day off." Bree says "Can I come with you?" Luke thinks as he follows her with his gaze, he closes his eyes and sighs.

"I'm gonna go somewhere quiet and make noise." Adam says, he and Bree walk off "Stop following me!" Bree shouts "Stop walking in front of me!" Adam says annoyed.

Chase and Douglas go to the hydraloop "Where are you guys going?" Leo asks "To the mainland. We still have to pick up a few things for its terrarium." Douglas says.

"Oh right" Chase remembers something, he quickly returns and holds McKayla's face giving her a quick peck on the lips that makes her give a shy smile blushing.

He goes back to the hydraloop with Douglas "Mind if I..." hydraloop door closes "...join you?" Leo says.

"Why don't you go out with us?" Luke suggests "Yeah" McKayla says "Thanks, I just can't believe my own brothers and sister are blowing me off..." Leo says.

Luke looks at the spider "Man that's amazing" Luke says "I know, want to see up close?" Leo says "Leo, it's dangerous!" Luke says

"Nah!" Leo tries to take off the lid "Oh, great. I forgot the locked it." Leo says "Cuz you're not supposed to open it" McKayla says "M.C you think I can't handle a little spider?" Leo says "Exactly" McKayla says, Leo rolls his eyes.

"Good thing I have the spare key." Leo uses bionic arm to take off lid, McKayla rolls her eyes and starts to leave "I don't want to be involved in this" McKayla says however being naive about the danger of the spider

"Well, hello there." Leo looks inside "It's a matter of time before it rips your face off" Luke says, but he also has no idea of the danger, biology and things like that are not his area just like Leo.

"Oh, mmm. Anything that smells that bad deserves to be extinct." Leo neglects to put the lid back on properly and the spider moves the lid as Leo walks away.

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In the Mentor's Quarters.

Bree is reading, Adam walks up to Leo "Hey, Leo, I have a question." Adam says "What's up?" Leo asks "Is this annoying?" Adam blares a airhorn.

Bree rolls her eyes "Yes, it's annoying." Bree says "Well I'll tell you what's annoying. People who interrupt conversations. Leo." Adam blares the airhorn again.

"Let me hear it one more time." Leo says Adam blares a airhorn "Yeah, that's annoying." Leo smiles.

"Then we might have a problem, 'cause this thing, it's like candy to my ears." Adam blares the airhorn continuously, Bree slams her book "Adam, why do you keep pestering me?" Bree says.

"I'm not pestering you. I'm just trying to relax on my day off. This is my Zen." Adam blares airhorn continuously again "That's it." Bree super speeds Adam over to the pool, and pushes him in.

"Try to toot your little horn now," Bree cross her arms, the airhorn blares muffled from underwater and Bree and Leo roll their eyes.

Douglas and Chase walk in whit McKayla and Luke.

"You messed with our spider." Douglas tells Leo "Did you tell on me?" Leo tells McKayla and Luke "It was the loose mouth here that can't keep secrets from her "Chasey"" Luke tells McKayla.

"you're the one who freaked out when you saw the lid open! What should I do?" McKayla says "That's not the point" Chase says "You can't bring an extinct spider back to life and expect me not to play with it. Besides, what's the big deal?" Leo asks.

"The big deal is, you didn't put the cover on right, and it escaped." Chase says "Oh. Well, that is a big deal." Leo says.

Adam gets out of the pool and starts screaming.

"You okay?" Chase says "Oh, I don't know. Something bit me in the back when I was in the pool." Adam says "Hmm. that's called karma." Bree sing songy.

"Oh, no, I bet it was the spider." Douglas says "Oh no" Luke says "Well, if it was, it's gone." Chase says.

"Ah, it really hurts. How's it look?" Adam turns around to reveal a massive lump on his back and everyone screams.

"Uh you were saying you've never seen a camel huh?" Luke says scared, Bree hits his arm.

"I better scan the wound." Chase scans it "Guys, his spider bite shows lethal levels of poison." Chase tells them worriedly.

"What? Is it bad?" Adam asks "Uh, no. Just stay calm, and think of your happy place. Better yet..." Bree says nervously and blares the airhorn.

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Adam lying on the couch in the Mentor's Quarters.

"His vitals are dropping by the minute." Chase says "He's burning up." Leo says.

"I cannot believe this is all because of a spider bite." Bree says "If we don't do something soon, he's gonna..." Douglas makes throat-slitting gesture and thumbs down gesture.

"Stop, he's a strong guy, he'll make It" McKayla says "Thanks Mack, you're an angel" Adam wants to put his hand on McKayla's face but puts it on Luke's face instead.

Luke frowns and pushes Adam's hand away "Chase. Chase. Where's Chase?" Adam says weakly, Chase bends down next to him "I'm here, Adam." Chase says.

"Take my hand. There's something I have to tell you." Adam holds Chase's hand "If I die...""I'm not gonna let that happen." Chase says.

"No, listen to me. If I die, I want you to know...even when I'm dead...""Adam..." Chase says worried.

"I'm just a pile of bones..." Adam says, Chase buries his head in hands momentarily "I'll still be taller than you." Adam says, Chase jumps up immediately.

Adam laughs weakly "You should've seen the look on your faces. Wait. Why do you have so many tiny faces?" Adam says.

"He's hallucinating" Luke says "Oh god" McKayla says.

Leo bends over Adam "I love what you've done to your hair, Bree." Adam says, Leo frowns.

"I never would've brought that spider back, had I known that it was poisonous." Chase says "Well, for me, all spiders are poisonous" McKayla shrugs.

"Why didn't you know it was poisonous?" Douglas says "Why didn't you know it was poisonous? You're the fossil expert." Chase says "You're supposed to be the smartest man in the world." Douglas says.

"Hey, stop. Blaming each other is not gonna help Adam. Besides, I'm the one who pushed him in the pool." Bree says "Oh, so it's your fault. She admitted it." Douglas says.

"Well, he let the spider out." Bree points at Leo "Well, they're the ones who didn't stop me" Leo points at the pair of cousins "It looks like you would listen to us!" Luke says "Hey, I'm not even here right now. I'm in Gettysburg." Leo says.

"Stop!! It doesn't matter who's fault it is!" McKayla shouts "We have to find that spider. If we can make an antidote by extracting the venom from its sac, it should reverse the effects." Chase says.

Adam starts groaning "Don't worry, Adam. We're gonna find that spider and save you, I promise." Leo says "Okeydokey, Mr. Corn Dog." Adam hallucinates Leo as a giant corn dog.

"Oh, don't be afraid. I just wanna bite your head off." Adam says weak, Leo looks at them scared "Okay, come on." Chase says they walk out.

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In the common area.

Everyone is looking for the spider Chase is holding newspaper.

"Now the spider is really dangerous, so we have to be very careful that we don't get bitten." Chase says, McKayla walks behind him with a frying pan.

"right" Bree is holding plunger, Chase holds McKayla's hand and walks directly behind Bree, trying to use her as a shield, and she stumbles.

"What are you doing?!" Bree asks "Protecting you?" Chase says "Oh my hero" McKayla rolls her eyes and goes ahead "It's good that Mack protects her little girlfriend" Bree makes fun of Chase "Oh, come on, I'm the bigger loss than you and we both know it." Chase tells Bree.

"You are bionic, and you're afraid of a spider?" Bree says "Of course not. I made it. I'm not afraid of it." Chase says "Sure babe" McKayla says sarcastically as she looks around distressedly.

"look at this" Bree says to McKayla. Bree from behind him runs her fingers in a walking motion across Chase's arm to mimic a spider.

"Ah! Get it off me, get it off me!" Chase runs out of the room screaming, McKayla and Bree laugh "He's so cute tho, Gets scared easily but cute" McKayla says.

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In the training area.

Leo, Luke and Douglas look for the spider "Here, spider, spider, spider." Leo says "What are you doing? It's not a dog." Douglas says "They both bite, don't they?" Leo says.

"You guys are unbelievable!" Luke says, Leo and Douglas glares at him "Here, spider, spider, spider." Luke says.

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In the common area.

Chase and Leo meet "Did you find it?" Chase asks "No. Did you?" Leo asks "Why would I ask if you found it if I found it?" Chase says "I was being polite." Leo says "At a time like this?" Chase says "There is never a bad time for good manners." Leo says.

Chase rolls his eyes, Douglas, McKayla, Luke and Bree run in.

"Hey! Did you find it?" Chase asks "No. Did you?" McKayla says "See learn from your girl? No, we did not, but thank you for asking." Leo says, Chase makes a frustrated face.

"Okay, the spider could not have just disappeared." Bree says as a rumbling noise shakes the whole room "Wait. What was that?" Bree says.

"I think it's coming from outside." Douglas says, they walk to the window

"Guys!" McKayla's eyes widen "Is that...""I think we just found the spider." Chase says.

A gigantic spider is shown walking around the island's exterior, and then peering into the window, they scream,
McKayla and Chase hug and Bree throws herself into Luke's arms, screaming, and they run into the training area.

"That spider did not look like that this morning. What happened?" Leo says, Chase is visibly panicked "I don't know." Chase says.

"Why is it so big?" Bree asks "I don't know." Chase says "It's your creation you should know" Luke says "But I don't know!" Chase says "Why don't you know?" Leo asks "I don't know!" Leo says.

Douglas tries to sneak off "Douglas." Chase says, Douglas sighs "Okay, fine. Remember how you wanted to make the spider more resilient so that it wouldn't go extinct again?" Douglas says.

"I assume he did something he wasn't supposed to do" McKayla says "Mm-hmm" Chase says indignantly.

"And, uh, we talked about giving it growth hormones." Douglas says "And I said, DO NOT do that!" Chase says "Which could be interpreted in many different ways." Douglas says "How?" McKayla says "Look at your tone, Chase control your woman!" Douglas says.

Chase rolls his eyes, they are both annoyed by the recurring couple jokes, but at the same time they are enjoying it.

"Well, I didn't know it would get this big!" Douglas says "Oh, yeah! Who knew growth hormones would make something grow?!" Chase shouts.

"You're just mad 'cause I didn't save any for you." Douglas says, Leo and Bree in unison "Ooooooh."

"Below the belt, Douglas! Below the belt." Chase says "After all, you're not that much taller than him!" McKayla crosses her arms "Thanks baby" Chase says, McKayla smiles proudly.

"Okay guys, stop, there is no need to kill each other. Although, that was a good one, Uncle Dougie." Bree says "No i wasn't" Luke says, Bree galres at him.

A rumbling noise sounds heard from outside and the room shakes.

"If we don't stop that thing, it's gonna destroy the entire academy." Chase says "No, wait. We can't kill it yet. The venom's no good to Adam if we extract it when the spider's dead." Douglas says.

"Great. Now we just need to find someone. who knows how to milk a 50-foot spider." Leo says sarcastically "Aw great...I'll call our uncle who has a farm he should know" Luke says to McKayla.

"No, no, we don't have to milk it" Douglas says "Yeah, because it was super logical" McKayla says sarcastically.

"We have to extract the spider's venom with this." Douglas starts fumbling with harpoon-like device "This should be sharp enough to puncture the venom sac." Douglas says.

"Check the security feed to see if it's still out there." Chase tells Bree and Leo "Okay, it's by the living quarters." Bree says "Great. Let's go." Chase says.

"Remember, we have to get as close as we can to make sure we get a good shot." Douglas says "So you want us to sidle up next to a giant, angry, deathly spider and poke it with a needle." Leo says.

"Yep. And if we can do it before my brother returns, that would be great." Douglas says.

"Is it too late to go back to Grandpa's house and leave them behind?" Luke asks "A Yes because I already fell in love with one of them" McKayla says "I think so do I." Luke gives a frustrated look.

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In the Mentor's Quarters.

The spider chases and tries to attack them "Why is it trying to attack us?" Bree asks "It's not. It's trying to eat us." Douglas says.

"Why is it trying to eat us?!" Bree says "Because we forgot to bring back its food source." Douglas says "That's why I prefer mechanics!" Luke says.

"You are a terrible scientist!" Leo says "Hey, I'm not the one who let the spider out." Douglas says "You are the one who made it a 50-foot-tall man-eater!" Leo says

They pass Adam on the couch "Chase. Chase. Where's Chase?" Adam says wakly "Oh, knock it off!" Chase says "Hey How are you big Guy?" McKayla says going to Adam to take care of him.

They go outside and Leo grabs the harpoon.

"Okay. All right" Leo says "Leo, what are you doing?" Douglas asks.

"Saving the day. You know, doing my Leo thing." Leo says "Do you want to remember what the last feat of yours "Leo thing" Luke says, Leo galres at himm

"Not like that, you aren't. Your angle's all off." Douglas says, the spider leg strikes Douglas and he falls several feet away from them, Leo laughs "Now that's karma." Leo says.

"No, stop. Douglas was right. Your angle is completely off." Chase says "Oh, I am not giving the harpoon to somebody who started all this." Leo says "So give it to me" Luke says, they start to fight over the harpoon.

"Oh you are useless!" Bree grabs the harpoon from them "You know, suddenly, I feel sorry for the spider." Chase says "Oh yeah!" Luke smirk "She is so powerful" Luke thinks.

Bree takes aim "Here goes." Bree shoots the spider in the venom sac and it screeches, releasing yellow goo all over Bree "Ew!" Luke says "Got it." Bree says with disgust.

The spider falls into the ocean "Perfect. This should be more than enough venom." Douglas says " Ya think?" Bree says as Douglas scrapes goo from her face.

"Well, let's go make that antidote." Chase says, him, Leo, and Douglas leave.

Luke grabs a towel and takes it to Bree and wraps her in the towel "Here you go" Luke says and gently wipes some of the gunk off her face, Bree smiles with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Thank you" Bree blushes "You're welcome" Luke smiles gently "Aww he's so kind" Bree thinks "Come on, I'll help you clean up" Luke says, Bree frowns "Shit, That sounded weird" Luke thinks "Uh or rather I'll accompany you..." Luke blushes.

Bree tilts her head "No, I-i didn't mean..." Luke sighs "I got It, Luke relax" Bree giggles "You've already helped a lot" Bree smiles gently and leaves, Luke follow her with his eyes.

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In the cafe in front of the training area.

They are gathered together playing cards at the table "You see, this is what I'm talking about. A little family bonding." Leo smiles.

"Funny how it takes a giant killer spider going after our loved ones to remind you what's really important. Sitting around with the same people you see every day." Bree sighs impatiently.

"Too bad we had to destroy Spidey. I'm gonna miss him" Leo says "Not me" McKayla says "Neither do I" Luke says.

"On the bright side, we're the only people to make a species extinct twice." Douglas says "That's not something to be proud of buddy" Luke says.

Adam walks in "Adam, you look great." Bree says "Thanks. You look like you always do." Adam says.

"Wow, that antidote worked quickly." Chase says "Then, why does he still have a giant boil on his back?" Leo asks "Disgusting" Luke says.

Chase, Leo, and Douglas get up to look "Eh, it's just excess fluid. Should be gone in a few days." Douglas says "Or I can just pop it right now." Adam lifts shirt to pop the boil, spraying pus all over Chase, Leo, and Douglas, who scream in disgust.

"Eew" McKayla covers her eyes "Oh, I feel better already." Adam says "So do I." Bree says "Uhg I'm going to thow up" Luke retches "And it went in my mouth." Leo says disgusted.

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