The Tale of Two Captains (PART 3)

Read the A/N below after reading this one-shot, thank you. For the ones who saw in their notification that this was published and you opened it but it cannot be loaded, it was a mistake 😅 I kinda published this when it's still not finished (there's even writings in my language •-•) welp



The sun is already setting, as the ocean water created a sparkling view. A herd of sea gulls pass through the windless Forbidden Sea. The island in the center is filled with cheering demon and human pirates.

They were running around childishly, Tad screaming, whimsically, along with Mabel, shaking everyone from her enormous excitement. At the middle of the excited pirates are Bill and Dipper, who still stood there, flabbergasted, along with Will who cowers behind his brother.

Bill and Dipper looked at each other with confused faces, shrugging once they didn't answered their unsaid questions.

"B-Brother? W-We're going to emerge our w-whole crew, r-right? B-But we have two sh-ships," Will says, shaking from the other pirates' loud screaming as his anxiety rushed in. Bill patted his brother's back, surprisingly comforting him.

"Don't worry, bro, I'll take care of the ships," Bill says, letting his hand return to his side. Will gripped the blonde's coat sleeve, still shaking.

Dipper sighs, holding up a hand in front of the blonde when he noticed the demon will take action.

"I'll handle this...."

He steps forward, grabbing Mabel when she passed him. Her screaming halted when her twin shut her mouth with his hand.

"HEY! IF YOU STILL WANNA BE IN THE CREW COULD YOU KINDLY SHUT THE HELL UP?!" He yells, his voice ringing through that side of the island, even his twin covered her ears from his yell. He surpassed his twin's loud yelling, and he is so proud of himself.

The pirates stopped abruptly and formed a group around the four, who let out a sigh of relief, silence once again filling, but Mabel says otherwise.

"Aww, come on!" she whines, tugging at his sleeve. Dipper brushed his sister away, rubbing his face, frustrated.

"Mabel, please! For once, can you stop whining?! Bill's forming a plan on combining our ships!"

Once the brunet captain said that, the crew, including Mabel started cheering again, only to be shut up by Bill who bursted into flames and glowed red, along with his eyes.

"Now, all of us are settled down and calm," Bill says, sending a death glare at Dipper's twin who smiles sheepishly. His flames calms down, same with him. Will exhales, finally letting his twin go.

"Okay, I'll do the job!" Bill chirps, sweeping away from Will.

Dipper scoffed, shaking his head, How can he possibly combine the ships anyway? In a snap of his fingers? Impossible! He might end up dead from using too much energy!

"On the contrary," Bill popped in, smirking down at Dipper who has his arms crossed, "I am not the one who's going to do it, Pinetree~"

Dipper growls at him, blush rising.

"Ooo~! Is it some magical creature you know?!" Mabel squeals, jumping up and down, her pink pirate dress bouncing. Dipper just face palms at his sister's childishness, but he still loves her, and she makes a great older sister.

Bill just grins, then looked at Dipper who spoke, "Well?"

"I'm gonna break the 4th wall," the blonde says before turning on his heels and walking up to the end of the shore.

"Break the wha—ugh whatever." Dipper groans, crossing his arms again. He could still feel the blonde smirking gaze at him, even though Bill's back faces him.

"Auctor!!" Bill shouted through the horizon as suddenly bright light blinded them all. Dipper closed his eyes tight, when he opened them, the pink glow lessens as a structure of a ship was casted far right from near the shore.

The glow fades as the now huge ship created a shadow over the soft and white sand. Even from afar, the humans and demons can see its huge form, the sun reflecting its golden glory, dark oak wood designed itself as the whole structure of the ship, the wood used from The Mystery Shack, gold linings sparkled, as it represents the part of The Mindscape, the 4 sails being black and white, alternately, their poles being the same materials as the whole ship, the crow's nest became bigger as it was the similar design.

The flag's background being black, and a white colored triangle above a white Pine Tree.

A durable and dark wood plank made its way down the sand, small particles of it blew away as the wood landed with a faint thud from the pirates' hearing.

Almost immediately, since they are all stunned, the pirates ran towards the ship's plank. Sand trailed behind them as another cheering occurred. They jumped through small boulders and finally reached the huge ship in, yet again, glee.

Mabel and Will grins, high five'ing at each other.

"You've gotta tell me how you did that," Dipper blurted out next to Bill who chuckles, fixing his black tricorn hat, it's yellow feather waved with the wind.

"Well, it's hard to explain." Bill rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling again. Dipper snickers, grinning. The blonde looked down at the small brunet, baffled look etching his face.

Dipper smiles up at him, before turning his head to look at the setting of the sun.

Mabel and Will giggles at the background, spying on the two captains.

They are one of the greatest first mates.

Tone the sarcasm there though.

"Let's leave them be," Mabel whispered at the blue haired who nodded in agreement, running quietly through the sand with the girl and up the ship.

"Shh, look!" Wendy whisper-shouts, noticing that Mabel and Will arrived without the captains. The first mates grins, pointing by the distance. The crew looked afar to see their captains still there.

Bill stood there, paralyzed. When Dipper looked at the sunset, his face sparkled by the reflection, his brown hazel eyes turned golden brown from the majestic light of the sun. His hair blew with the cold wind.

Wow, he looks beautiful, Bill blushed when he realized his thoughts, still mesmerizing the smiling face of the other captain. He fake coughed a bit which caught the attention of Dipper.

"Hey!" Dipper waves his hand in front of Bill who went back staring at him. Bill blushes again, casting up a nervous smile.

Dipper smiles again, staring at Bill whose loose hair shone through the sun, golden eyes glinting.

He looks majestic, Dipper thought, perking up from his own thoughts as his own face created a dark blush, Good thing it's almost night.

As the two had a staring contest, Dipper was first to snap out of their mesmerized staring.

"U-Um, you alright?" He asks, looking up at Bill. The blonde snapped out of his fantasy daze as he laughed nervously.

"M-Me? U-Uh yeah! I'm fine! Now, let's go to the ship if there's any changes!" Bill yells while running towards their now ship, leaving Dipper there. He followed the blonde and quickly ran up the plank. He scouted through the wave of the celebrating crew and found Bill peering through down the edge of their ship.

There were yelling and cheering from both demon and human pirates. They seemed to get along so quickly, even though the demons are most feared, the humans didn't mind at all, all of them are already comfortable at being allies together.

Mabel and Will kept an eagle eye at their siblings, reporting each other if any 'Billdip Reports' are created.

Bill has his palms on his chin, his elbows resting on the golden reels of the ship, staring down the unmoving sea. The sun already disappeared as the moon materialized from behind the island, already setting its course to be seen by everyone.

Its moonlight shone down at Bill, he heard clumps behind him as he looked to see Dipper running towards him with a grin.

"Hey! You left me by the beach!" the brunet yells, reaching him.

Dipper rested his arms on the golden reels, same like Bill. The blonde smiles down at the other as Dipper started discussing about the whole 'combining' thing.

"So, we have the ship, and the crew, but if we sail throughout the Seven Seas, what adventure will it be? Your style or mine's?" Dipper asks, jumping and managed to sit on the reel. He gasps, almost falling back if it wasn't for Bill grabbing his hips and pulled him up.

They stared at each other, yet again, mesmerizing at their own looks.

Bill shakily contracted his hands and leaned against the reel, he didn't even answered the brunet's question. Dipper fumbled with his thumbs, remembering where his tricorn hat is, It's in my quarters...

He looked to his left where the upper deck is, the golden stirring wheel shining. At the bottom of that deck is where 2 openings and a staircase that led up to the deck can be seen.

"H-Hey, Bill?" Dipper asks, gently hopping down.

"Y-Yeah?" Bill looked at him, with small pink cheeks.

"Let's e-explore the ship, to see if there's changes or mixes," the brunet mumbles, walking towards the openings under the upper deck. Bill followed suit as the brunet went to the left wide and open openings.

The both of them can see gold plates at the top of the first two doors, saying 'First Mates', they clearly understood that it's where their siblings' going to sleep, they went deeper in and saw more doors, vividly telling them that it's for their crew.

Wait, their crew.

Dipper only realizes, face palming for not noticing it before, There's two captains in the ship! Of course, there's only one needed!

"Bill," he called out, stopping at his tracks, "We've got a problem."

"Huh? What is it?" Said captain asks, mimicking Dipper as he looked down at him.

"We, obviously, are the captains, we can't have two in this ship, y'know?" Dipper raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms again.

Bill comprehended that initially, tapping his chin, "Nah, it's fine." he finally answered.

"W-What?" Dipper questions with a surprised face, dumbfounded.

"Both of us can handle it! It's pretty much fine, Pinetree!" Bill encourages, wrapping an arm around Dipper's shoulder, "Look, two captains and first mates! We can handle our whole huge crew perfectly! " the blonde grins down at Dipper who seems to be convinced, "And especially with your and my skills of leading, we can do it!"

"I practically led my ship the wrong way...." Dipper mumbles, pouting.

Bill chuckles, squishing Dipper's right cheek which resulted of him receiving a playful punch, "I did too! Don't worry, Pinetree, we can help each other when stress about leading is here!"

Dipper blushes, cursing his mind, "By cooling down, r-right? I-I mean, do our own h-hobbies and nothing m-more..?"

Bill gets the idea and smirked at the brunet captain below, "Well, if you want to~"

Dipper huffs, leaving his co-captain behind, stomping out from the opening. The blonde laughs loudly, clutching his sides.

"Dipper! I was just kidding!" He ran after the other who stood there, next to the opening, flabbergasted.

"Y-You know my name," the brunet blurted out through the noisy clattering of their crew.

"Why not, Pinetree! I always know!" Bill purrs, hugging him from behind. He stiffens before pushing himself away from the blonde.

"W-Wait, if we already considered that the both of us are captains.." Dipper trailed off, looking down, "..then—oh no.."

He ran towards the two doors next to the opening and the staircase, busting in as Bill trails with him.

Mabel and Will still have their eyes on the two, snickering. Wendy and Soos joined in, laughing when their captains went in their quarters. The crew were jumping around the hard wood of the ship, as the others misses the underground door which led to their supplies and the canons, which counts as 40, 20 at each sides of the ship.

The ship is still unmoving, still next nearby shore, albeit there's wind blowing through the supposed windless sea.

The crew already explored the ship when Bill and Dipper are still in the beach, Mabel and Will yelling when they found out that their siblings have the same room.

Bill burst in after Dipper, seeing the walls as dark oak wood, same as the ship's main materials, the gold linings as well, but at the right side has more yellow or gold things than the left side which was filled with blue stuffs, 2 desk at the middle with their own chairs, 2 closets as well at the far corner of the room as the two doors next to it represents as the bathrooms, a huge bay window behind the desks and in the middle with blue and yellow cushions sat below.

He heard Dipper sigh heavily in relief, he looked at both sides to see 2 individual queen sized beds. Well, they are the Captains.

Bill made a silent realization of what made Dipper rush in there so suddenly, as he chuckles at the brunet.

"You thought we're going to have the same beds~?" Bill teases, snaking an arm around Dipper's waist. The brunet yelps, pushing the other away from him in shock.

"N-No," Dipper answers, taking his coat off and hang it at the coat rack near the two main doors.

Bill rolls his eyes, shaking his head, "Your thoughts says otherwise~" he coos, making the brunet scoff, as he took his own coat as well, placing it next to Dipper's.

"Well, I'm going to sleep, you'll handle the others," Dipper commands, taking his shoes off while placing it nearly under the bed, and his other accessories as he placed them on his nightstand, his sword and its sheath hanging by his bed post.

Bill was already lying on his bed, not obeying what Dipper said.

"I'm sleepy, I'll just message Will and Shooting Star," the blonde says. Dipper furrows his eyebrows at the nickname, and remembers his, but he shrugged it off.


"Goodnight, Pinetree." Bill looked at the other across the room.

Dipper stares back at him, now comfortable under his covers.

"U-Um, night Bill."


He's confused, very confused, stunned even. Dipper keeps tossing around his bed, can't keeping his mind off the blonde.

It was weird, very weird! How can we—why did w-we—ugh! It's too much easy for him, too easy! Dipper screams in his mind, confused on why he easily got along with the blonde, especially their crew, the part he got baffled on is that they were 'new found enemies' that turned into 'new found allies', I-It's just so fast.. oh just accept it!

Dipper stuffed his face on the pillow, peeking at Bill who's sleeping look faced him. He smiles, blushing when he caught himself staring.

He groans quietly one last time, before drifting off to sleep, with the last thought of his co-captain...


(A/N okay! Small explanations and then to the actual Billdip!)

It's been months when The Mindscape and The Mystery Shack became allies, their new huge ship sailed pass the Forbidden Sea, shocking Dipper since the sea's windless.

But furthermore, he let it slide with a statement, "Eh, that's another mystery to solve for another time."

Little did he know, she broke the 4th wall 😁.

Anyway, more dangerous adventures came through them, having fun side by side. Especially the two captains. They even encountered a giant sea serpent from the Abandoned Island, and Dipper almost died if it wasn't for Bill saving him.

They witnessed creatures that Dipper wanted to take a better look at, the result came out creepily, staring at an animal who's bigger than you was creepy and spine-shivering for Dipper and Bill, since it turn its head around, and made a form of a pretzel, causing Dipper to stop his research. Bill was there for him when the brunet was creeped out, nevertheless, Dipper was there for him as well, with certain time of anger.

The crew got along very well with the first mates, having fun each winnings they earned from every encounter of the creatures or fight from other pirates. Bill and Dipper just spend their time to each other, that signals their siblings about the duo's feelings.

One day, Dipper and Mabel convinced Bill and Will to visit their Grunkles, that led an argument between Stanford and Bill since the old man sees the demon as treacherous, but from his observation of him when the blonde is always with Dipper, it went out pretty well, now agreeing to the alliance Bill and Dipper made, more like what the crew wanted, but Bill and Dipper is still fine with it, because of the fun they caused with them.

After visiting the Pines Twins' Grunkles, they left Gravity Falls, Oregon and passed the U.S borderline. More dangerous beasts appeared when they 'accidentally' passed the Bermuda Triangle because of Bill wanting to see the Triangle, they almost got in trouble but they passed the Triangle swiftly.

Dipper and Mabel asked why the blonde wanted to see the Triangle, Will just laughs and snaps his fingers, making his twin turn into his demon form. That resulted a red and blushing Bill and laughing Dipper, Mabel, and Will while the twins yelled, "HUMANOID DORITO!!"

Bill childishly avoid talking to them when he turned back to his human form, Dipper came to him saying sorry as he hugs the pouting blonde. The two hugged while Mabel and Will watches them with grins.

Those already passed, as another event came crashing: Mabel and Dipper's 22nd birthday.

Mabel sneakily opened the door of the Captains' quarters, laughing silently as she saw her twin's peaceful sleeping form. She went closer to him in her casual dress everyday. She crawled through the wooden floor, carefully not weighing any creaking parts, now rising her form at the edge of her twin's bed.


A high pitch girly scream broke out, that resulted for the blonde captain to jolt up. Bill looked at the shocked Dipper hastily, the brunet having the same expression as his.

Mabel erupted to hysterical laughter, rolling all over the cold wooden floor, pounding her hands on it occasionally.

"MABEL!!" Dipper scolded loudly, growling at his rolling twin. He gave her a death glare, slapping Mabel's arm when her rolling self went closer to him. The brunette yelped, rubbing the bruised part of her arm.

"That hurts!"

"You deserved it!" Dipper yelled back.

"What's the ruckus here?" Bill finally spoke after watching the twins argue, rubbing his ears from all the yelling the duo made.

"IT'S OUR 22ND BIRTHDAY!!" Mabel squealed, shaking her already irritated brother, she received another slap and a glare from him.

Bill's eyes widened, face palming, I fucking forgot. He perked up, blushing, setting up a plan, "Well!" He yells while standing up, snapping his fingers, causing his pajamas to change into his captain clothes.

"Bye!" One last glance at the twins, more likely Dipper, he disappeared.

He appeared to his brother's quarters, startling the blue haired. He sat at Will's bed, their discussion about the 'events' for the day commencing by his statement.

"I think I have a present for him."

Mabel and Dipper sat there, dumbfounded by the rushing of the blonde human-demon. The older sister smirks, already know the reason.

"Well, he already have plans for the day," Mabel said out of the blue, still smirking.

"Yeah.. guess what is he up to?" Dipper wonders to himself, not noting his sister's sarcasm as he tilted his head at the side a bit. The girl twin just smirks widely screaming and squealing in her head like a psycho.

Oh, it's going to be a great birthday for the twins.

Especially for Dipper.


"HAPPY 22ND BIRTHDAY MABEL AND DIPPER!!!" The whole crew shouted in glee, cheering after. Their voices echoed through the vast ocean as the birthday twins grin, high five'ing.

"Here's the cake!!" Some yells as Pyronica and Wendy held the 2 layered cake from the left opening near the Captains' quarters.

The twins stared at it in amusement, surprised that the crew had the time and ingredients to cook one.

"How can we even share with the cake?" Mabel asks, the feeling of guilt rushing in as she thought the whole crew would not be given a slice.

"Oh, we have a 3 layered cake," Wendy answered, as right on time, Tad and Soos brought the said from where the two women went out off.

"Wow, when and where did you managed to get ingredients? And time to cook?" Dipper asks, Will who's next to his twin answered the question.

"O-Oh some o-of the d-demons b-bought the i-ingredients by t-teleporting."

"Yeah, and we just did magic," Bill who's next to Dipper added, motioning his hand like he usually do with magic.

"Ohh," The twin said in unison, as they all laughed.

"LET'S EAT DA CAKE!!!" Soos roared, the crew scrambling towards the cake as they carefully not to make the food fall from the table on the deck.

"Happy birthday again, you two," The red head repeated, setting the 2 layered cake on the table in front of the four, walking away to join the others.

"Where did you get the ingredients?" Dipper asks, handing Bill a slice of cake in the plate. The blonde smiles, digging in the cake.

"In England, we managed to please Queen Elizabeth, since she's to obsessed with cake," The blonde demon answers every chew.

Mabel handed Will a plate with a slice of a cake as well, the four of them sitting on the chair around the table while the crew kept screaming and being savages at the background.

"No wonder Queen Elizabeth have so many cake ingredients," Mabel wonders, chuckling at the end.

(A/N read the explanation in the A/N below)

"AFTER THIS WE'RE GOING TO HAVE THE WACKIEST PARTY EVERRRRRRR!!!!!!!" Some of the crew yells, making their cheering louder.

"WHO WANTS RUM?!?" Pyronica screams, tossing bottles of rum to the crew as they fought to get one.

"Shall we stop their overjoyed selves?" Dipper asks, getting a scoop of the cake from his fork.

"Nah, let them be," the blonde replies as they watched the crew still fought, laughing sometimes.

They ate while watching the ruckus the crew is making, thankfully, they didn't do anything disastrous that may affect the ship and/or the First Mates and Captains.

"LET'S GET SOME RUM!!" Mabel announced loudly, slamming her empty plate on the table while dragging a terrified Will towards the crew. Their cheering got louder when the First Mates joined in, and between those noises are Will's yelps and calls for help.

The Captains laughs, the blonde sees the state his twin is in, then calming him through telepathy.

"D-Do you want some rum too?" Dipper asks, cussing at himself silently, Damn this stuttering. He squirms in his seat, finding a comfortable position and succeeding.

Bill smirks, completely reading the brunet's mind, Oh Pinetree~, he shook his head at the thought, humming a laugh.

"I'll get some for you~" he coos at the furiously blushing Dipper as he stood, gracefully walking away to get rum, feeling proud of himself.


"As always." She rolls her eyes.

"Shut up." The blonde stuck his tongue out, pushing the device on the teen's face, "Now finish the one-shot."



Stupid dirty mind, Dipper scolded himself, crossing his arms with his blush.


She looks down at the screen, a poker face on, "How is this dirty?"


She snickers.


Dipper stood and walked towards the reels. He leaned to peek at the calm dark ocean, still hearing cheers from afar. He sighs, gazing up the stars. He chuckles, rubbing his birthmark on his forehead, spotting the Big Dipper on the starry midnight sky.

"Here." He shook, startled with slight wide eyes. Bill smiles, chuckling while handing him a bottle of rum.

"O-Oh..thanks." The brunet took sips from his rum, carefully not drinking too much, for he cannot handle his drunk self easily. Bill took large gulps, as if it wasn't affecting him, well it doesn't. He grins as he spotted some Constellations.

(A/N Fun fact is that Constellations were discovered at 270 B.C..... just sharing, carry on...)

Dipper just looks down, bottle in his hands as his thumb played with the top, as his elbows rests on the golden reels. His breathing hitched when an arm snaked around his waist, pulling him closer. He looks up to see Bill smiling down at him with half lidded eyes.

Dipper open his mouth to speak, but came silent, his remained blush deepens.

"U-Um," he croaked out, "B-Bill?" he asks, feeling the other captain's warmth, fighting the urge of leaning to him more.

"Look..." Bill trails off with his smile turning into a nervous one," I....I have this funny feeling when I'm with you..Pinetree..." his voice came out as a whisper, cursing his mind about the flustered state of his.

Dipper set the bottle on the reel, looking at Bill's lips. He wrapped his arms around the amused blonde's neck, the threatening urge of kissing him succeeded.

"Me too..." Dipper planted his lips on the blonde's gently, the two of them shares their passion to each other. Bill moved his lips to the other, the brunet melting to his touch. Bill hoisted Dipper on the reels, kissing him more as the human captain wrapped his legs around the demon's waist, his blue coat dangling on the end of the reels.

"Happy birthday Pinetree," Bill mumbled through their kiss with the both of them giving each other their first sweet kiss.

And that's

The Tale of Two Captains



Yup, "sweet kiss" cuz it'll became a hard and hot kiss 😝😏😏😏😏.

Sorry for the shitty ending by the way, and for the very late update! This one's kinda long, and I had to repeat a part here since my phone shuts itself down 😭 literally the half of my work gone.

And about the Queen Elizabeth thing, if one of you lives in England or Europe, or respects their culture I am terribly sorry about the description of your former ruler: Queen Elizabeth, actually I'm referring to the 1st Queen Elizabeth, I am sorry if I insulted her or anything, I just remembered a movie where she is obsessed with sweets, including cake, I don't even know if the real Queen Elizabeth is obsessed with it, so again, sorry for any bad insults, and thanks for reading!!

(Edit: Aug. 13, 2018; this A/N was made when I created this part which is still not finished until I did the last part in school, which was around the first week of August, and I just edited it so it'll make sense, the A/N at the top is made today so yeah)

Just guess what does my language means at the bottom 😂 it's some of my ideas for this one-shot, and there's English, it's very humorous in my opinion.


okay part nato kung san ay ang description ng adventures na nila at fun fun at yada yada until andun na bday ni dip at mabes.

at dito ung saan mainlove na sila! ung huli kung san sila magkikiss base sa isang comic na pirate au kung saan si bill 'drunk' pero di at kiniss si dip sa edge ng ship nila (get it? 😆) sa moonlight with starsssss

PERO be4 that! ummm may actiony? magisip pa ako XD, pero why sila drunk? kasi bday nila Dip and Mabes! at pupunta sila Gravity Falls, Oregon ung ship nila nagemerge by me!

magiisip pa ako 4 sa meeting of stan and ford sandali lang un tas may mga adventures pa, since both boys sina dip and bill ung office ay sleeping quarters nila! but with individual beds 😊 hehehehe 😜😈😈😏😏



Don't ask please, thank you 👆😂.

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