Monster Falls!!



Dipper's POV

I stretched my human arms out, struggling to get up using my deer legs. Finally out of my 'hand-made' bed, I slung the door open in my room with my antlers, carefully not breaking the wood. I went to the living room seeing a lazy gargoyle me and my twin sister liked to call Grunkle Stan. My other grunkle, Grunkle Ford, was always in the basement, only coming back up if it's a family meeting, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and other stuff.

I'm bored, got no stuff to do, I whine in my thoughts, just as I walked out of my grunkle's tourist trap, I felt and heard my stomach grumble, Well, at least now I have stuff to do!

I passed my pink mermaid twin sister who was doing back flips and flops on her pond. I padded down the forest ground, hearing cracks from branches and my hooves hitting the dirt.

My head perked up when I spotted my strawberry and blueberry bush, I quickly ran to it, but then was pulled back when branches caught on my antlers.

Great way to start the day.

I groaned, attempting the pull the branches off, even slowly so I could, but it's like a wooden sailor's knot.

"Ugh," I breathed out, fixing my red flannel when it went up. I winced when my deer ear got pointed by a part of the spiky and pointy branches. I still tried to pull it out, until I heard foot steps.

Oh no, a human! I quickly attempted again, I'm so screwed!

This human... thing.. is in the state as I am. Both of us have shocked faces, as his has a pink tint on his cheeks, and something humans use on their eyes..? Oh, an eye patch, I forgot that Grunkle Stan wears one. He was wearing a yellow vest thing, a white under shirt, black... gloves? And a.... black and brown shot gun?!


I kept struggling with the branches with wide eyes, glancing at the still surprised human once in awhile if they moved.

"H-Hey, do you want h-help with that?" I flinched when he spoke, as I noticed, he's walking towards me. I cower, timorously.

"I-I'm not going to hurt you..." he says, helping me with the branches in my antlers.

He got them off. I rubbed my antlers and finally rests my arms on my sides, taking off running without saying a word.

Phew, I kept running, hearing my hooves hit the ground hard, Good thing the human didn't shoot me, guess he's good..


Grunkle Stan and Ford went out which I don't know why and where they'll went. Mabel was sleeping deep in her pond, I could see her form having a peaceful slumber underneath, since the water is clear and sparkly beneath the moon light.

I don't want to sleep, I'm not even sleepy at all. So I decided to take a midnight stroll.

I felt the breeze pass my deer ears and chestnut brown soft hair. The Pine Trees near me kept swaying with the wind, making sounds with their leaves and branches. The wind was making a faint wooing sound, creating this stroll more relaxing and peaceful. I smiled as I hugged myself from the cold breeze, I'm still wearing my red flannel so it still kept me a bit warm.

This night is so serene, it's like nothing can ruin it.


You have to be kidding me... I thought, irritated, Maybe it's just random monster that I could pass... wow, I'm a little too arrogant and cocky for my own good...

I could see its silhouette. It has red glowing eyes and a body of a mountain lion, but way bigger.

Ohhhh shoot, I am to cocky for my own good, I growled under my breath, cursing.

It growls as I took of running yet again.

"This night couldn't be any better," I say sarcastically to myself as I pant a bit from running. I took a glance behind me, seeing a black shadow following me. It's following me.

It roar one more time, I ran faster than any deer, cervitaur, and fawn could, but eventually, it caught me. Nice.

I screamed when it slashes my arm, ripping my sleeve. It was about to attack again, but it was pulled off me when I heard a gun shot its head, then multiple times until its dead. It landed beside me as it dissipated into air, leaving ashes on the cold forest ground. I winced as I managed to get up with my shaky deer legs, I held onto a Pine Tree, looking at the narrow gash on my arm.

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard that same voice from the same human I encountered earlier. I whimpered as I saw their silhouette ran towards me. Since both of us are under the moon light, I could see that he has his shot gun strap on his shoulder and a bag slung on the other.

I shook my head as an answer, wincing again when he took my arm. He sat on the ground as I shakily sat on my deer legs, getting comfortable after.

I blushed a bit, He's being nice to me, and he tends my wound, good thing it's not deep, I thought as he wrapped bandages around my bruise. After that, I pulled my arm back. I looked down, embarrassed.

"I'm Bill Cipher by the way," he introduced himself that made me look up at him, straight through his yellow gold colored eyes with my brown ones.

I blushed again and noticed that pink tint on his cheeks, "Dipper Pines," I said with a smile.

He smiles back as I added, "Thanks for saving me from that monster and from the branches in my antlers earlier."

He chuckles and waves it off, "You're welcome, it's fine."

"So, you're not going to kill and hunt me?" I said, fearfully with slight glint of fright in my eyes.

He scoffs, huffing a laugh, "Don't make me laugh kid," he said with a chuckle, "I practically saved you from that mutant mountain lion, why would I kill you? You got my interest, Pinetree~"

I narrowed my eyebrows at the name, "Pine-wha..?" He laughs, making me giggle quietly.

"Pinetree," he repeated with a grin, "I first saw you trapped in the branches of a Pine Tree, and we're under a Pine Tree right now." He pointed up as I look to see a Pine Tree looming over us. I scoffed, chuckling.

"Yeah," I breathed out.

"I am a Hunter," he says, adding, "But I don't hunt and/or kill animals or creatures that got my interest~"

I blushed when he looks at me lovingly. I rubbed my wounded arm, blushing madly when he scooted closer to me.

He then wrapped his arm around my human waist. This is weird, good weird, I felt.... comfortable with him.


I was freaking out like crazy. He noticed this and rubbed my back soothingly, he lean and whispers, "Don't worry Pinetree, I won't hurt you. I'll protect you forever."

At that statement, it made me blush madly. He grins and quickly kissed my cheek, making me blush even more and cover my tomato face with my hands, as a flustered smile crept up my face. I could hear his laughter, making me giggle.

Maybe, if I'm with him, it won't be that bad.

-End of To Date A Cervitaur-

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