Chapter 1 and Unfinished Chapter 2 (&IDEAS)
(A/N this is part 2 from the last one. Also, please don't copy my ideas if you're going to make a book or what not, if you want to, just ask my permission and tag me on your book, please. Last one, some parts here are like.... talking to myself, hehehe sorry and I don't know if I used my language here)
Year 1437
At this timeline two special 'humans' had been born.
The other who had a girl twin is named, Dipper Pines.
While the other one who also had a boy twin was called, William (Bill) Cipher.
This two kids went at the same kindergarten with their siblings and now, Mabel Pines, Dipper's sister, walked with the said boy in the next class.
"Dip-dop!!! Hurry up!!" The 6 year old girl yelled at her brother who is trying to keep up with his sister.
"Yeah, I know!!" Dipper yelled back seeing his sister already went into the room, he's almost there and not late but unfortunately before arriving at the room a bully slammed him at an opened locker and locked him in.
The poor brunet banged the door and screamed for help as he heard the bully chuckled and walked away. He screamed for 30 minutes as he slid down and started to cry violently.
Suddenly, someone opened the locker where the poor brunet was crying hard.
"A-Are you okay?" A 6 year old blond who opened the locker asked at the still crying smaller boy.
"N-No," Was all Dipper could mutter through his pained sobs.
He DID NOT deserve this!
The blond kid helped him out of the locker and hugged him close while rubbing the smaller's back; soothing him.
"Thank you, w-what's your name?" Dipper asked the blond who softly smiled at him still hugging him protectively.
"William Cipher, but call me Bill, Pinetree~" Bill cooed to the now blushing boy's face that immediately changed to a confused look and asked. "Pinetree?"
"Yeah, Pinetree!" The blond exclaimed pointing at the boy's blue/white colored cap as the said shape plastered at the middle which is colored blue.
After saying that, the blond inched his face closer to the little brunet STILL hugging him close.
"Oh," Was all Dipper could say as Bill suggested/asked. "Want me to get you to your house and fix that bleeding arm of yours, Pinetree~?"
"What bleeding arm?"
The blond pointed at Dipper's arm that is folded in the other 6 year old's chest and is bleeding a little.
At the sight of that, the brunet's brown eyes widened as he suddenly felt the taller boy kissed his cheek slightly.
"It's okay, let's go, Pinetree,"
"B-But, how about school?"
"Let's skip, please,"
After that, Bill comfortingly walked Dipper out of the school and to the smaller boy's house.
🌲Brought to you by,
Bill's little Pinetree🌲
"...and I found him at the locker when I heard his sobs,"
Bill finished the story about how did he got Dipper to the brunet's house TO Dipper's Mom who nodded while a look of worry plastered on her face as the blond patched the other boy's wound.
"Thank you again, Bill," Dipper hugged the said boy who lovingly returned the sweet gesture and purred. "Your welcome, Pinetree~"
Bill rubbed his nose onto Dipper's making the small brunet giggle as the blond nuzzled his face at the other 6 year old's neck, once again, making him giggle.
Dipper's Mom chuckled at their cuteness and smiled; saying. "You guys could make a cute couple,"
Dipper blushed furiously as he hid his red face at Bill's chest making the said blond laugh.
"I guess so, Pinetree~"
🔼6 years later🔼
"Hurry up Bill!!" Yelled a 12 year old Dipper Pines while running around the forest with his blond best friend, William (Bill) Cipher.
"Be careful, Pinetree!!" The said blond warned and chuckled while catching up with the brunet who stopped in a clearing.
"Woah," the two boys said in unison as they saw the clearing surrounded by Pine Trees, nice and warm green grass, blue and yellow flowers scattered the clearing and finally the warm sunset illuminating the place making the Trees cast shadows.
Bill took Dipper's hand and they sat down on the middle of the clearing.
"I'm glad I can go with you in Gravity Falls, Pinetree~" Bill cooed at Dipper's ear making the brunet's face flushed.
After school, Dipper and Mabel's parents are now living with the twins at a small town (which is a little populated by the population at the year 1443) Gravity Falls, Oregon which is 'not' so dangerous according to their Grunkle Stan and Ford(agreeing a little) who are at the town. But, unfortunately Bill can't stand alone without his Pinetree so he and his little twin brother Will went with them (after the Cipher Twin's parents agreed to come with them as well).
"Yeah, I'm glad too, Bill," the brunet answered as his blush deepened when the blond next to him kissed his cheek and hugged him tight. He hugged back and looked up seeing that the sun was now replaced by the bright moon as thousands of ball gas of light which is the stars decorated the dark night sky.
"Pinetree look!!" Bill exclaimed pointing at a Shooting Star, "Make a wish, Pinetree!!" The blond exclaimed again while shutting his eyes tight making Dipper chuckle and sighed then placing his head on Bill's shoulder making the blond giggle and wrapped his arms around him. Dipper smiled at him and brushed Bill's blond hair at the side.
"Bill?" Dipper whispered as Bill stared at him.
"What is it my Pinetree~?" returned Bill making the brunet smile.
"Um, do you sometimes wish that there's something that symbolizes us?" Dipper continued making Bill's smile turn into a cute grin.
"Well, I don't know, maybe. But, there's something for us though, and that is being here for each other," Bill stated as the smaller boy nuzzled into his chest.
"Yeah, guess so," said Dipper while closing his eyes and enjoying the warmth of his 'best friend'.
"Pinetree?" asked Bill.
"Yeah?" Dipper said in return as Bill continued. "I've got something for us,"
Dipper perked up by that and adjusted himself so he is now facing the taller blond who pulled out two chained necklaces, the first one had a yellow triangle on it while the other had a blue Pinetree. Bill gave the one with a yellow Triangle to Dipper while he kept the Pinetree one.
"Now we had a remembrance to each other," Bill said as they put the necklaces on then Dipper leaned in and kissed the blond's cheek making the taller boy's face reddened.
"Thanks," the brunet muttered while laying his head on the blond's chest again as the two of them gazed at the stars. Bill glanced down at him and played with the brunet's soft, curly and chocolate-colored hair and replied.
"Anytime my Pinetree. Anytime,"
(I was writing this at school around December and on Club Time)
Year 1443
"Bill! Help please!" Dipper yelled as the bullies punched and kicked him hard. The hallways are quiet when the brunet's yell echoed around the empty school. Bill suddenly popped behind the bullies and help his little Dipper up.
"You're going to pay for this!!" The blond yelled angrily and punched the three bullies on the face first then in their stomachs and finally on their private area with his knee. The bullies groaned and fell to their knees while clutching their precious 'thing'. Bill carried Dipper bridal style and took a dash outside the school and to the brunet's house.
"T-Thanks B-Bill," Dipper closed his eyes and let himself lean towards the blond's warmth. The said blond smiled slightly and kissed the poor boy's button nose and now reaching the Shack.
"What happened?!" Dipper's Mom exclaimed with a worried look plastered on her face.
"Bullies," was the simple answer from Bill as he placed his brunet on the couch and got some first aid kit he always kept in his bag for emergencies. The woman in the room groaned frustratingly because of the bullies and said. "I'm going to get you guys some food," and with that she walked out of the room and to the kitchen.
"B-Bill," whispered Dipper as the said blond patch some cuts on his arm. Bill looked down at him and asked. "Yeah?"
"Thanks," said Dipper while closing his eyes to rest. Bill smiled softly and kissed the brunet's cheek. "Your welcome Pinetree,".
"Dipper?!? Are you okay?!?!" Mabel yelled when she arrived at the Shack from her friend's house making the people in it startled. She heard that her brother got bullied, and she had updates like that so fast.
"Sweetie don't yell," her Mom and Stan said calmly as the brunette girl went to the Living Room and saw that Dipper and Bill are cuddling and asleep. Her expression softened and giggled, she took her camera out and captured the moment WITHOUT making any sound.
Gonna Blackmail this! Mabel thought and looked at the picture then back to the duo. Hmm, probably they really love each other? I need to find this out then. And with that she went up to her and her brother's room (which is the Attic) and settled her thoughts there. This is so awesome! So all I need to do is to ask the two if they are falling for each other! But not at the same time. Oh how I remember when the first time I got that 'love suspicion' to those two love birds.
"Hey Dipper! Wanna hang out with us?!?" 10 year old Mabel asked happily to her twin with her friends, Candy and Grenda. The brunet who is reading a book shook his head.
"Mabes, I'm going to Bill's later," was the answer that come out of Dipper's mouth.
"You sure?" Mabel asked again and realized something. "Why do you want to be with him- or should I say hang out with Bill anyway?"
Dipper looked at his sister and the giggling girls behind said sibling as he blushed slightly not even noticing it. "Well, first, he is my best friend besides you Mabes. And he saved me from bullies or more multiple times, and he's always there for me, again, besides you," Dipper explained closing his book, sighing. "I'm going now, but I had to tell Mom, see ya later Mabel," and with that the brunet walked out of his room and went downstairs leaving Mabel, Candy and Grenda who are just standing there stunned.
"Mabel do you think that, Dipper has something that might lead towards him and Bill?" Candy asked her best friend as Grenda yelled. "Yeah! He's always like that!!"
The two covered their ears at her loud and manly voice as Grenda sheepishly mumbled a "Sorry".
"Well, it might be. We need to find this out though!" Mabel exclaimed happily while the two squealed. "Boy Love Investigation!!!" The brunette girl squealed happily as Candy reminded her. "You know that me and Grenda needed to go back to Gravity Falls next week right?"
Mabel frowned at that but returned her smile. "I know!! But we'll send letters 24/7!! Now let's go!!" She yelled happily while running downstairs with the other 10 year olds and to the said destination where Dipper is now.
Mabel smiled at the memory and thought cheerfully. And that was 2 years ago!! This thing had gone crazy since then!! Good thing we went to Gravity Falls so my Investigation can continue with Candy and Grenda!! She smiled and looked down on her pink-colored sheets of her bed before thinking another memory when they are 11 years old.
"No!! Don't hurt my Pinetree!!!" Bill yelled while pulling Dipper close to him from a Ghost-costume kid. Today- well tonight is Trick or Treating for this Halloween night and the duo just got out of the brunet's house until the kid with the Ghost-costume scared Dipper.
The kid just came closer to them as the brunet hid his face on Bill's chest and gripped Bill's costume-which is a wolf (while his is a lamb)
The kid giggled and walked closer. Bill just got mad and yelled again. "I won't let you hurt my Pinetree!!! He's MINE!!!" Bill's yellow eyes are shining as a faint yellow glow surrounds him. Dipper had a faint blue aura around him too, and it was noticable by the kid, but within the two 11 year old's glow was swirls of pink.
The kid giggled again-ignoring and asking the scene before her and pulled the sheets-that was supposed to be the Ghost-costume and revealed herself.
"MABEL?!?" The two yelled as the said brunette laughed and clutched her stomach. The auras around the two boys disappeared as the brunette girl caught her breath- completely forgotting about the glowing event.
"S-Sorry!!" Mabel said through her gasp as the two after pulling away walked to her.
"Just don't do it again, ok Shooting Star? You got Pinetree scared," Bill said now calmly as the three of them walked towards Bill's house for him to get home. Mabel smirked at Bill's statement and let her squeals low in her mind.
After Bill was now in his home, Dipper got a little sad that made Mabel smirk more and thought about a next 'Investigation Case' to find out more. Although she already did.
Mabel smiled at that awesome memory that made her 'case' up to the roof! She decided to wake the sleeping boys and walked downstairs to do it.
"Psssst, guys wake up!" Mabel whisper-shouted when she arrived in front of the two. Dipper was the first one awake as he fluttered his eyes open revealing a faint blue glow that Mabel noticed once again. What's with the glowing? The brunette thought as the blond yawned and opened his yellow-colored eyes that is glowing yellow as well. The two looked at Mabel as a small faint Pink glow swirled and disappeared along the glow in there eyes. Uh-huh.
"Hey, Mabel," Dipper stretched and stood up and smiled up at Bill. "Thanks for saving me from those bullies Bill, again,"
Mabel gasped and yelled. "What?!?" She clenhed her fists as her yell started the two. "I'm so going to kill them!!"
"Shooting Star, calm down," Bill said comfortingly as the said brunette hugged the two making the standing boy twin to fall back on Bill's lap.
"I'm not even there to save you bro-bro!! I'm sorry!! Thanks for saving him Bill," Mabel said as she squeezed the two tight before standing and helping the two boys to stand up as well. "Now, let's eat some Dinner!!"
Dipper and Bill grinned and ran towards the kitchen with Mabel.
"Hey Dipper!!" Mabel exclaimed reaching her brother's own room seeing his brother brunet reading a Math Book and finishing his Homework.
"Mabel! I'm busy, can you please go back later?" Dipper asked politely never leaving his eyes off the book and the paper. The girl twin frowned and mumbled an "Okay" before walking downstairs to the Living Room seeing Stan on the couch reading a newspaper. Maybe going to Bill's is a good idea. Maybe I could get some answers to him and Dip!!. "Hey Grunkle Stan? Can you tell Mom and Dad that I'm going to Bill's house? So I can hang-out with his twin?" Mabel asked reaching her Grunkle who looked down at her and smiled.
"Sure sweetie," Grunkle Stan ruffled the girl's hair making her giggle and shook her head.
"Thanks! Bye, Grunkle Stan!!" Mabel yelled outside of the Shack hearing a "Be safe, Mabel!!" from Grunkle Stan as she run towards the dirt path. She slowed down reaching a yellow house on the woods and went to the porch to knock on the door. Bill's house is near at the Shack, the house is already there before they arrive at Gravity Falls, the last owner sold it to them and went to another country. This is one of the reason why Bill always visits the Twins- more like his Pinetree.
Supposed-to-be Chapters;
1: Back at the 1400's
2: Love at the Age of 12?
3: Weird Glowing
4: Their Powers
5: Immortals
6: Unexpected Trouble
7: A Farewell
8: The Meaning Of Them
🔺 At Chp. 2, Billdip will fell inlove and admire at each other even they're 12, then struggle in school with bullies and works. Then it would be *5 years later* and that is where they had a "small date" but even when they were 12, they didn't confessed just "show" it.
🔺At "Weird Glowing" this is where they knew they aren't 'humans' (also by I mean they, I meant Billdip) they glowed at the night and sometimes couldn't sleep, also they lived with each other now at their own house because they love spending time with each other even they're only 17 and their parents let them.
🔺 at Chp. 3, they would just notice that they're glowing whenever they are together, especially at night then they glow a light pink when they show love towards each other.
🔺at Chp. 4, Billdip would test their powers.
🔺As years past, they became Immortals, unfortunately their sister and brother died but was reincarnated and Mabel's reincarnation was now Stella while Will's well.. William.
🔺While them being Immortal, they can save other dimensions only for a small bit.
🔺at Chp. 6, a huge explosion occured in Gravity Falls, but Billdip tried to save them and it did.
🔺During the explosion, it was a massive explosion that made a Black Hole! Since the explosion's origin was a dying human star, Billdip sealed some of it, but some leaked and they helped each other.
🔺 At the second to the last chapter, they both knew how to stop the Black Hole from sucking the world, and that is exploding themselves BUT, they can control their dying selves so with that, they made their powers combined and then they said their Farewells and FINALLY CONFESSES THEIR LOVE!!! They had their First and Last Kiss while their powers combined making a very, very huge explosion and their power waves turned everything back to normal, also the citizens (including Stella and William) are outiside of the barrier of Gravity Falls.
🔺The beautiful couple died but, since their explosions occured at night, and since they discovered that they had powers, and are like-stars, they became constellations.
🔺So at the night sky, Ursa Major and Triangulum shone at August 31, where the Billdip's explosion occured, and the meaning of it was... Their Love.
How? Well they just SAVED A FREAKING TOWN FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!! So if a couple looked at it, Bill and Dip's history remained and was heard throughout the world, now Ursa Major and Triangulum symbolizes Love...
🔺Ok I'll add Epilogue, the Last one is where an Reincarnated Dip and Bill met then saw the constellations and knew that they are... Together. (Also Reincarnated Dip's name is Dominic while Bill is same (no idea))
Major Edit!!! Ok, the reincarnated Dip would be Dominic right? Well, I'll make Dominic the past one and Bill, will be William, but Will is still Will, their parents changed William into Bill, so yeah.
Major Edit Again!!! Ok, first I don't want to change past Dip's name. So the reincarnated at the end will be still Dipper, Bill, Mabel and Will. 'Cause I want it that way. Also, it's hard to handle 5 Freaking STORIES AT THE SAME TIME!!!!
I would really enjoy this if it's really a story, but I'm kinda busy soo~ I hope you like this tho!!
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