Prom? (Part 2)
I wasn't planning on making a part 2, but BILLCIPHERSWIFE thought it to be a cute idea and I thought, why the hell not? Also it kind of takes a darker turn, via a prompt my friend told me I should do. I hope you enjoy it. I'll be working hard on other chapters.
Also holy shit I just checked the read count for the first time in a while. 1.16k reads, already?! Thank you guys so much for your support and interest, it really makes me happy to know people like these.
Mabel jumped up in the air, her blue dress flying up with her. Tonight was the prom, and after about two weeks of Mabel's screeching, it was finally here. And Dipper wont hear the end of it. Her hair was curled, adorned with loads of hairspray and glitter. She was obviously much more excited than Dipper, who was frantically trying to make himself look presentable in the men's bathroom for his date, Bill. He was nervous, almost shaking out of his skin nervous. This whole idea of having to go to the prom wasn't a favorable one for him, but he would do it for Bill.
He adjusted the tie around his neck and looked in the mirror. His clothing was fine, but his hair was it's same frizzy looking mess that it usually was. Damn it. Mabel looked wonderful, in comparison to him. The last time he wore a tuxedo and dressed this nice was at the annual Northwest party, and even then, he hated it.
The smell of the unsanitary room sickened him, but he had no real other option. He felt he looked like crap, and it stressed him out to a point past return. He could hear loud pop music blasting from the main room, the sounds of people laughing, he didn't want to be in that type of environment, he was dreading it. The music wasn't in his taste, the lights hurt his head, the loud noises made him feel as if he were to go deaf, and the people annoyed him and caused too much unwanted stress. But he had to be here, Bill asked him to be his date, he asked him out and wanted to go, and Dipper was in no mind to stand him up. Not even the disgusting queasiness he felt at the idea of prom kept him from coming, nothing was to stop him now. Except maybe that pimple he just found on his forehead. Shit. No, wait Dipper, calm down, it isn't a big deal. Unless he sees it. Shit shit shit. There probably wasn't anyone in the entire building who stressed so much over their appearance at the moment. Usually, Dipper didn't care about appearances at all, if he wanted to walk around in tee-shirts and pajama pants in public, he would, it didn't matter to him. But this wasn't about him. This was about Bill, about impressing Bill, God knows why Dipper would want that. The boy was never one to go out of his way to impress either, but Bill..Bill was different. Bill changed his points of view, his priorities, at least in situations primarily involving him.
He sighed. Maybe Mabel was right, maybe he should have listened to her earlier. The twin sang songs of reassurance onto deaf, ignorant ears. She reminded him that if Bill was worth it, he wouldn't care about his looks. She also noted, knowing Bill, that he probably wont be as done up anyway. But it didn't change anything, nothing at all. There was just uncomfortable doubt in the back of his head, pestering and pressuring him into points of view he didn't support.
Social functions weren't his thing. Romance wasn't either. Interaction with other living humans was just in general, not up his alley of interests or abilities at all, and honestly, he wanted it to stay that way. An instant of personal thought cut short by the entrance of another boy.
"Hey, uh.." He muttered. He was no one Dipper had spoken to before, he'd seen him, recognized him, but only in the halls of the high school. "You're Dipper Pines, right?" He had a confused look on his face, and was riddled with impatience. Dipper only nodded and waited for further evaluation. "Your sister sent me in here, she says you need to get out of here. Like now."
Damn it, Mabel.
Dipper took a last glance over himself before pushing out the door, passing the unfamiliar messenger. The world blurred with strobe lights and blasting music and all at once, Dipper regretted leaving the safety of the bathroom. It took him minutes before his eyes adjusted to the warped lighting of the school gymnasium. His hyperactive twin rocketed in his direction, her sparkling, over glittering dress bouncing in her vicinity. He called her name, but the blasting music drowned him out, not even he heard his own voice's call. He pushed through crowds of dancing teenagers and annoyed chaperones to reach the girl.
"There you are, Dipper! Damn, I thought you got flushed down the toilet or something!" Her laugh light the area around them, though her voice was hard to hear. He pushed her playfully and smiled through his stress.
"What did you need?" The slight jittering pattern of the boy revealed the self-conscious fear of a boy on his first actual date. His twin regurgitated his shove and grinned.
"Your date's here. You better get going before he assumes you blew him off!"
"Wait, Bill's here already?! How long has he been here?!" Suddenly everything seemed to be a lot more stress inducing. He glanced around him and tried to make himself look prepared.
"Just go!" The older twin pushed the younger into a crowd of teens. After a few seconds of pushing, the area cleared enough for Dipper to move, but not enough to see around him.
"You look nice, Pine Tree." A gloved hand landed on Dipper's shoulder and turned him around. The blond looked stunning, he donned a yellow tuxedo, black pants, and a bow tie. His hair that usually covered his eye was brushed back, but a black, triangular eyepatch covered it instead. Their faces were extremely close, brown eyes meeting gold and the devilish grin on the boy's face almost touched his lips. Dipper could almost taste the slight smell of alcohol and cologne on his tongue when that close to him.
Oh shit, he's hot. Dipper gulped in the intimidating beauty of his date. His hair seemed to glimmer with the colored lights dancing around his hair. The sharp-toothed grin caught the brunette's eye and he pushed out a smile back.
"Something wrong, kid? Don't I look hot." The unique laugh filler the area and Dipper's heart skipped a beat. They both understood that Dipper was stunned by the handsome appearance of Bill, and Cipher took it as a gracious compliment.
The night ensued with laughing, talking, flirting, and the occasional attempt at dancing. Bill was a phenomenal dancer, wether slow dancing or just casual party dancing, he left Dipper in complete awe.
"I'm going to get us some punch, Pine Tree. I'll be right back." The tall boy sauntered off and disappeared into the sea of students. Dipper stood, awkward and alone for a few minutes.
Oh shit. "Hey fag!" Dipper turned his head to the call of the offensive term. Both of the Pines twins tended to get called out and targeted in school, for both of them being openly gay. Dipper more often than Mabel. But Dipper didn't exactly mind, sure, it was annoying, but it wasn't the worst possible thing, unless things turned violent. Bill usually helped him, and by helped, he meant Bill usually beat the living crap out of the people who bothered him for his sexuality. Bill was known to be a scary teen, he wasn't afraid to fight, or if needed, pull out those pocket knives he carried with him everywhere. That's probably why they chose to bother Dipper now, while he was alone. But honestly right now, he didn't want to deal with this.
"What do you want?" He spoke, hands in pocket and a bored expression on his face. The basic bully and his posse following close behind laughed and the leader shouted out an offensive slur.
"Listen, little faggot." God, did Dipper hate that word. "You and your little boyfriend need to go to hell."
"Hm. I don't know, I tried going there once. Didn't agree with me much." Dipper's stubborn smart-ass mouth got the best of him and next thing he knew, his feet were off the ground and his collar was in the grips of the brute.
"Why you littl-"
"Hey!" The sounds of an angered scream silenced the music and dancing, the only sound heard was that of the cups of punch hitting the ground. Bill was already standing close enough, a face to burst into fits of anger. He was furious, like he always was, but this time, it felt more intense, like the hatred for this bully increased tenfold and Bill was done with this entirely.
The jerk dropped his grip on Dipper lightly and laughed. "You brought your little gay bitch to fight for you, huh?" And with that, the boy had a face full of gloved fist. Dipper fell to the ground in a second and tried to loosen his bowtie immediately. The bully lifted himself back up, blood dripping from his nose and mouth, from the single punch Bill sent flying. By now, everyone in the room was watching, everyone but Dipper, who was too distracted to see anything.
Screams sounded around the crowd and a small clicking sound was audible for a second. Dipper's heart stopped.
He whipped his head around to see, for a split second, a pistol, in the hands of his date, aimed directly at the face of the offender.
"Bill DON'T-" but it was too late. The trigger was pulled and the room was filled with the ringing of a gunshot. It all happened so fast, the death of the homophobic brute. Dipper, still on the ground, froze, his breathing hitched. The blond looked down at his date, the look in his eyes showed no regret, no guilt for the death, and for some reason, Dipper wasn't scared like he should be.
"Are you okay, kid?" There was still blood splattered against his cheek, Dipper could only nod. Police sirens were audible and both of the boys knew where Bill was to be sent. The convict took Dipper's face into his hands and kissed him tenderly, whispering 'I'm sorry' into his ear before letting go. Cops stood behind him, eagerly waiting his arrest. Well, this night didn't go as planned.
Somehow, Bill returned to school the Monday after the prom. No one spoke of the murder. No one seemed to know of the murder, in fact, it seemed only Dipper and Bill remembered.
"You see, Pine Tree, I have a way with words. I convinced the police it was self defense, in reaction to hate crimes."
"Yes, I get that part, Bill. What I don't understand, is the fact that even though you brought a gun to a prom and shot and killed a student, and they let you off with a warning, and no one in the school remembers a thing but us. Pulling that off with a few words is not humanly possible!" The sharp grin of the teen returned and he came close to Dipper's ear. The warmth of having Bill that close sent a chill down his spine.
"Maybe I'm not human."
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