Bill's Friends-Dipper's Caretakers


Dipper woke up the next morning feeling groggily after that 'my-life-crashed' thing with finding out who he really was. He still couldn't believe his family- wait, um... people?, would lie to him. He had to hand it to them though, they did care for him since he was a baby and growing up until now. They've still shown concern after the knowing the truth.

He pushed his blanket down to look at his new room. The curtains were closed so he had to get up and open them. First, he needed to drink water. He felt parched from all the crying and shouting. Then Dipper noticed the presents next to the glass of water. He figured it would be better if he opened them later. Dipper picked them up and put it the drawer.

Dipper returned to his initial intention of getting out of bed to open the curtains. When he did, Dipper found the room to be amazing and cozy. The room is blue and white, the furniture simple, but elegant. He had a whole bookshelf full of book that he could read at any time if he wanted to. A desk made of wood that still looked brand new and waiting to be used.

"Sapling? Are you awake yet?" Bill's voice asked from somewhere in the room.

Dipper looked around and found some horn pipes lined along the wall. Ones people would find on a ship for sailors to communicate with others around the boat. He flipped one of the lids open to see if this is how it works. "I-I'm awake."

"Can you come down? I made you some breakfast already."

Dipper was silence for a moment.

"If you can't come down then I'll bring your breakfast to your room." Bill says.

"No it's fine, I'll come down." Dipper replied to Bill and closed his pipe.

"Alright then. It shouldn't be to hard to find the kitchen, see you soon." There was a small click from the pipe Bill's voice came out of.

Dipper made his way to the door and walked out of his bedroom and went down the hall to a large staircase. He could smell something nice coming from down the staircase. As he went down he could start to hear other voices coming from the kitchen as he assumed.

"Really Bill? That kid of yours was with the Pines family the whole time?" A grumbly voice asked.

"To think, if that kid went back hiding with that other family then Bill would have a harder time lookin' for him." Another male voice commented.

"Well I found him just in time okay. I regret doing lots of things with him when I didn't know who he was yet." Bill cut into the conversation. "Now that my Sapling's back you lot better treat him with respect."

"Yeah, like how your wife is gonna roast you when they find out you possessed your own son!" A familiar voice of the demon know as teeth exclaimed. Everyone, but Bill, laughed at the thought.

"No one tells a my wife that I possessed our kid! It's worse enough that I sent you and Eightball to go eat him during the first day of Weirdmageddon."

Dipper sat on the stairs, peeking through the bars, watching the demons talking in the kitchen. He noticed they were in human form as well, but he was still able to recognize them. They were the group Bill had brought during Weirdmageddon to 'party' in the third dimension.

Bill, in the kitchen, noticed his child's presence near by the stairs. "Sapling, come on in and join us. You've meet my gang before." He says loudly to get it to his son.

Dipper flinched on the spot as the kitchen got quite to murmurs. He proceeded down the rest of the stairs to the first floor. He walked towards the kitchen to enter, finding himself in the company of more demons. "U-Um..."

"Don't be shy Sapling, it's not like they're gonna eat ya!" Bill chuckles as he goes over to the boy. He nudges Dipper towards the group at the table. "I believe another introduction is in order. From the left to right we have Xanthar, Pyronica, Pacifier, Hectorgon, Kryptos, Keyhole, Amorphous Shape, Teeth, and Eightball."

Dipper hesitantly waved at them while one of his hands clutched Bill's yellow tail coat. "Hi..."

"Heya little Sapling! We'll be seeing each other more often so let's get along!" The pink demon, Pyronica, exclaimed happily as he gave Dipper a big smile. It actually reminded Dipper of Mabel to be honest.

Dipper looked up at Bill curious, "What are they doing here anyways?"

Bill chuckled, "To be honest they're suppose to take care of you when I'm not around. Right now we're just holding a meeting."

"What do you mean by take care of me?"

"The hench maniacs were suppose to be your caretakers when your Mother and I had important business to take care of when it lasts for a while long." The blond demon explained to his son. He could hear what Dipper was about to say.

"So my nannies?" Dipper deadpanned as he let out a sigh.

"Yup! Anyways take a seat, I just finished getting your breakfast together." He snapped up the plate to his hand as Dipper took a seat at the big table with the other demons.

They were able to get a nice conversation going as Dipper was eating his breakfast. The demons became familiar with the younger demon of their friend. Instead of Dipper thinking of them as nannies, care takers, whatever, they became family. 9 older siblings, one sister and eight brothers. Though the little get together had to end, because of their job positions in the Nightmare Realm, but Dipper would be seeing them more often.

"So who would be the first to babysit me while you away?" Dipper asked just curious to know who he would have to spend time with first. He already had a good feeling about all of them.

Bill hummed before answering, "I believe Pyronica or Amorphous Shape would be the first. Sometimes they'll in pairs though, like Eightball and Teeth, just for extra protection though." He assured his son.

Dipper, for the first time since he got home, his real home, he had fun and relaxed.

-First time-

Bill had to leave for a job after making a deal with someone outside the Nightmare realm. Dipper was little surprised at first, but he should have suspect much.

"How long are you going to be gone for?" Dipper asked, watching Bill pick up a few things before opening the front door to the house. Dipper had never seen the outside yet, mostly because Bill hasn't exactly been keen on letting him out yet to explore the realm.

"I should be back in 5 days tops." Bill answered, turning around to face his son. He took a few steps towards Dipper and kneels down. "I promise I'll be back. Until then Pyronica will be babysitting you. Think you can be a good boy for her?" He watched Dipper nod his head and he hugged the boy tightly. He kissed the boy's forehead for comfort, himself included. "I'll see you Sapling." Bill got back on his feet and left through the door.

Dipper waited on the stairs, a couple of minutes followed and Pyronica came like Bill told him earlier.

"Excited Little Tree?! We're gonna have a lot of fun together for the next 5 days!" Pyronica looked really excited to hangout with him. She found Dipper adorable, wanting to get to know this little tree so they were the closest besties.

The boy could only show her a helpless smile knowing he was going to have fun for the next few days with his big sister.

"Sapling! Throw it over there!"

"Py, it's too stinky, you do it!"

"I can't take it either the smell is getting to me too!"

"Why did you let it in in the first place?!"

"It's too cute is why Little Tree!~ I mean who doesn't like cats in this dimension!"

Dipper soon learned from Bill, as soon as he got back, that everyone in this dimension had a weak spot for cats.

-Second Time-

"Another job so soon?" Kryptos questioned as Bill groaned.

"Yeah, this guy is a total nutcase for one, but I need him." Bill rubbed his left eye.

He other demon hummed, "Then what about your son? Gonna let one of us babysit him again?"

"It's not like I want to leave Sapling's side. I want to spend time with him, but I have plans going on for the both of us." He rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers to get a set of cards. If possible he wanted all these deals to lead into a way to let his son and himself live in the third dimension. They could live in the deep and hidden parts of Gravity Falls, he could even get his gang and wife to come visit often too.

"It's not like it's any trouble to us Bill, trust us, we really enjoy spending time with him unlike some other demons that live in this realm." Kryptos assured his friend as he takes a swig of his drink. He sets the glass down, "So who are you thinking of choosing to take care of the kid?"

"Eightball and Teeth...."

"Oh boy..."


"Kid come on! Don't do this to us..."

"Teeth, I think the little guy is punishing us for almost eating him during the raid."

"Got that right you crazy demons!"

"Please! You got me saying please already."

"I still can't believe he tricked us into getting trapped in this cage."

"Wait a minute- is that?!"


Since then the other demons knew never to mess with Bill's son or else they get punished, badly personally by the boy himself.

-Third Time-

Amorphous Shape sat across from Dipper quietly in his human form. His hair is the mix colors of the rubix cube, pale skin, and wearing a strip of cloth over his eyes.

"I'm Amorphous Shape, it's nice for formally meet you Sapling." The demon extended his hand to Dipper.

Dipper stared at the hand for a moment before taking it to shake. "Nice to meet you too Morph... can I call you that?"

"I don't mind." Amorphous Shape smiled kindly.

There was a moment of silence. Dipper shifted in his seat and Amorphous Shape did the same since the silence was getting to them.

"Ever wanted to learn how to cook?" Amorphous Shape asked. He's feeling antsy to do something because the silence was awkward.

Dipper smiled and nodded. "Yeah, sounds fun."


"Ah! Sapling that's too fast!"

"But we need to make it go soft quicker!"

"It's all about patience, plus you're not using your wrist again."

"I'm gonna get this right, and make a better cake than you!"

Later at a taste test, Amorphous Shape won and it just fueled Dipper's determination to beat him at cooking.

-Fourth Time-

Pacifier and Hectorgon watched their friend's son cooking in the kitchen with vigor. They had no idea what was going on and why.

"Little Tree?" Hectorgon says to get the boy's attention to them.

The thirteen year old looked over his shoulder at the two demons who just arrived to watch over him while Bill was away for another deal. Though it didn't stop him from stirring his batter in the bowl. "Can't you see I'm busy? Wait, actually the both of you sit." Dipper ordered them.

Both demons felt a chill go up their back, they didn't know how, but the kid was able to put pure demon intent on his words. They did just what their little tree ordered without complaint.

Dipper was doing multiple tasks around the kitchen from storing to frosting pastries. Pouring drinks to freezing stuff in the freezer. He carried a freshly baked batch of sugar cookies to the table where his nannies sat.


"Sapling please no more..."

"They're really good Little Tree, but I don't think we can keep trying your tests anymore."

"Here's the next batch boys. You're not getting away from this, since Bill's gonna be gone for awhile."



-Fifth Time-

Apparently Bill had managed to catch a big fish, resulting in him being gone for a month. Bill took a big precaution and put three demons to take care of his son for a month.

Currently Xanther, Keyhole, and Kryptos were test subjects to Dipper's cooking like Hectorgon and Pacifier, but for two weeks. So to say it be came as nightmare, a sweet one ironically.

The one day, after those cooking tests were over, Dipper somehow had gone missing. This situation put the three demons in panic instantly. They tried to sense him, but they couldn't pinpoint his presence.

The checked the whole house from top to bottom, no luck what so ever.

"Oh nightmares!"

"Little Tree! Come out please!"

"Bill's gonna flip when he finds out this!"

"Stop commenting and keep looking. That kid has to be here somewhere!"

"... Guys?"

"What Xanthar?"

"Did we remember to lock the door with the secret lock Bill put up?"




"Oh my- Search outside, now!"

"Finally they're gone. Now to lock the door and continue my project."

+Bill's Return+

Bill came home with a smile on his face. He was walking up to the door when he found three demons crowding his door. "Hey what are you guys-"

"Bill!" The trio exclaimed when they turned to hear his voice. They ran over to him looking extremely worried.

"Bill, man, your son's been missing for a few weeks. Apparently we forgot about the lock you put up and we thought he must have gone out." Keyhole explained, he saw Bill tenses after hearing his son is missing again.

Bill clenched his hand into a fist, okay this was it for now. He opened his door after unlocking it with magic. "Kryptos, gather the others, I want a full search. Xanther I want a full explanation of happen while I was gone," He ordered as they walk into the house, only to stop at the smell of something sweet. He figured someone was his home.

They all went to the kitchen to find the room loaded with sweet trays everywhere. Any kind of pastry sweet was there, from cakes to lollipops, even small hard candies. At the kitchen counter, still cooking, is Dipper wearing a pain white apron over his clothes.


Dipper took his attention away from the pot and to the doorway where he saw Bill. He smiled shyly, "Uh, W-Welcome home."

The three demons behind Bill let out a long sigh of relief. Bill let them leave, after disclosing his orders from before. The dream demon went over to his son and hugged him tightly in an embrace.


"Please Sapling, don't ever do that again with the others. They told me you were missing again and I was panicking." Bill's gloved hand held the boy's head gently above his shoulder. "I don't want to lose you again."

Dipper remained quiet and returned Bill's hug with his own. "I'm sorry." It had been a few months already since Bill had taken him home. Although Bill was hardly around to be with Dipper and the boy felt left alone all the time even if he did have his non-blood related sister and brothers around. Dipper would be lying if he said he wasn't lonely without Bill.

Bill picked up his child, to carry him back to his room. He did put away the apron since it was slightly dirty. The silence of the house was there with the only noise being Bill's footsteps. All the way until they reached Dipper's room.

Dipper let go of Bill once the demon placed him on his bed. The blond demon pulled the blanket up to cover his son to keep him warm.

"I won't be going out for awhile so we can have some Father and Son time." Bill told his child, feeling a little embarrassed, seriously he wondered how parents do this. "You wouldn't mind, do you Sapling?"

Dipper looked up at Bill and smiled. "I don't."

Bill grinned, then leaned down to kiss Dipper on the head goodnight. "Sweet dreams Sapling, I'll see you in the morning." The dream demon brought up the dolls and placed them on either side of his son.

They worked liked a charm and instantly put Dipper to sleep.

"Night... Bill..."

Bill petted his son's hair for awhile, then teleported back to the kitchen to clean up. He packed all the sweets in bags, the cakes and other big sweets into containers. Lollipops and any anything smaller like hard candies were put into little clear bags.

"Seriously, when did Sapling start taking a liking to cooking?" He wondered aloud to himself. He cleared more than half of the large kitchen under a few minutes.

Just as Bill was about to finish up he found an already bagged and wrapped up sweets. He picked it up and looked at the contents filled with sweet lemon flavored sugar cookies. On the tag label he read:

To: Bill
From: Dipper
Even though your not around a lot, I'd appreciate it if you would still take the time to eat like me.

Bill slowly opened the bag and picked up one of the cookies. He brought it up to his mouth and took a bite. The dream demon couldn't help, but feel guilty for not being around his son much after he finally brought him home. He was determined to be there for his son now.

"Thank you PineTree, you really are like your mother, knowing how to make me work better."

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