Hudson's Bluff

Heads up! Little (Y/N) is clueless of what a soulmate is!! The way you know it's yours is by being safe, childish, and secured. The boys are opposite to this but will know!

Enjoy! And happy new years!!🥳🥳🥳


Sam never really planned to bring you along this time around, considering this is the second time roaming the fair at night as well as enjoying the concert sitting near a nice lite boom fire once again, however, your big brother chose to make it difficult to stay and enjoy the moment. Holding onto your toy plush, Sam picks you up and tries running after Michael through this big crowded flock of people. It was hard, but he managed to get all the way through, gently set you down on your feet once again, then held tight to your hand as he continued calling out to Michael. Running after him like his life depends on it.

He was running too fast for your little legs, and with a much faster speed, your shoelace was caught by your own feet. Sam did not have time to react to catch you as you tripped. Your knees both were scratched up and bleeding.

Sam frowns in guilt and worry. "I'm so sorry!" He checks it, finding your left palm was scratched up too, frown deepening more before picking you up like before,"Dammit Michael. Why can't you stay still for once?" Sam was running after him again, your once again in his arms.

Michael so happened to fall in a trance with a mysterious woman. He was drawn in by her he did not waste time to run after her, leading to you two right this moment. However, he had little time till four guys on motorcycles noticed them. They were all waiting for Star and Laddie.

Sam place you down. "Finally caught up to you. Dude, why didn't you stay with us?" Sam was on him, trying to figure out why he did that, knowing mom said to stay together.

"You won't understand."

"Understand? For God's sake, Michael!" Your attention was set on Laddie, who complimented your stuffy and was eager to hold it, not long Sam points at you while playing tik tak toe with Laddie "Didn't we promised mom that we won't get hurt either? I remember damn straight before we left. Our sister hurt herself on our way to catch up to you! Mom will surely kill us now!!"

Michael's eyes shot down to your frame. He thought Sam was joking, but no, you were, in fact, injured already. From acting like a cool guy with a high ego, he immediately frowns at the sight. Now he wants to be your big brother, a good kind one.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. How about I take you out for-?"

He tried to fix his mistake. You simply knew it was an act. The moment he tried to lay his hand on you, Laddie moved aside for Michael, your actions next was to run away.The four bikers watch in amusement as the small child scurried off to hide behind Marko's motorcycle. Even better when Michael tries to lure you out with ice cream split you respond with sticking your tongue out at him. Not even Sam was able to take you away from the four bikers.

"Seems you messed up big time Michael." The leader spoke up, he found it more amusing by how your attention shifts from them to him, a hand extended out for you to grasp "Ever been on a motorcycle before?"

Your brother has one. He never lets you on it though. So you shook your head. All of the boys perk up at that answer.

Paul smugly perks up, see Michael watching with hints of guilt in his features "Thought you said you own a motorcycle Michael?~"

"I have one." He was sitting on it, a nice looking one too, not long holds out a hand towards Star "Hop on."

The leader didn't like that. Considering not one but two of Michael's siblings were here. One very upset as the other hides away from both siblings. Plus, he was ordering around Star.


She snaps towards his direction, not happy to be called out by him "What now?"

"What are you doing?" He can and knows what will happen, he wants to see how long Star can stand her ground "Don't you realized he isn't a good apple? Look at these two for example. Is this how you would like to be treated?"

Star can see that. However she would accept the offer. Anything to get away from these four psychos. But she listened, Michael now upset as Star accepted defeat. She really can't do anything but listen.

He smiles "Good. Now come here." 

Michael could not believe it. Why was Star listening to this jerk?

The leader, David,  soon helps you sit behind Marko on his bike. The way you were reacting made it more obvious that this indeed your first time on a motorcycle. As a passenger that is. Marko noticed your hand was scraped up too. Dwayne saw that right as you were playing with Laddie, he even told him about it as you ran away and hid from both brothers.

"If this kid was my sibling I would bandage these on the spot." Marko shifts you to his lap, Dwayne was prepared with bandages in case Laddie was ever injured, soon he speaks up to "This isn't so bad. Just some minor scratches."

Star finally approached you. She could already tell these fools were thinking of taking you away. She did not notice the change however now? It was obvious. Especially what will happen from here on after once she hops onto David's bike.

Sam watch as these two men you never met in your life managed to make his own little sibling smile and giggle at their jokes and funny brotherly antics. Michael wasn't around enough to witness your happiness however Sam noticed. He felt two separate things brewing deep in his very soul. The first was envy for these strangers were able to grant you some spark of joy. The second was brotherly jealousy. How dare they? You were his little sibling. He should be the one making those jokes and being a idiot for the sake of your laughter and smiles....

He would snatched you away if you were avoiding him like this, protected by older biker men.

Marko, who held you on his lap, shifts you to the front. Seeing that you look up at him as your arms clung tightly to your plush toy. All he did was pat your head playfully before making his motorcycle roar to life. Dywane, who had Laddie sitting behind him, helped you sit more comfortably by handing his jacket to you. He used that as a strap so now your tied up with Marko. He didn't complain nor did you.

"You know where Hudson's Bluff is overlooking the point?"

"I can't beat your bike." He was right. His bike is just a tad slower.

David corrects him, aging him on, Star clings on to him from behind "You don't have to beat me Michael. You just have to try and keep up."

Michael wasn't going to give up on Star. He was so stuck in a love sick trance he long forgotten about the other two there. One on the sidelines and the other about to experience what it is like riding a motorcycle at night.

Sam jumps in, trying to snap him out of it "Don't you dare fall for these sickos trap!Forget about that chick and help me get (Y/N) back!Nononono-!"

The roaring of all the four motorcycles broke the joyous silence of this fair night. The sudden motion and kick of speed surprised you however you clung to your plushy for support. Michael soon follows behind. He was not going to listen to Sam. He was doing this for Star. Not you or Sam.

"You bastard!" Sam watch as Michael zooms off to god knows where, he was kicking the trash and punching the air out of pure frustration and betrayal, screaming loudly as he could into the night "MICHAEL YOU FUCKING BASTARD!"

He was a bastard. Only from here it just gets worse.

You were having the time of your life. They drove around the beach shore to the forest out back. A maze full of twist and turns. Laughter and howlers too. You couldn't help but join in by laughing and giggling once in a while. Marko heard it all and he was happy you're enjoying this as much as they were. Just like Laddie you found this very fun to do as well enjoy every twist and turn. That was such great news to hear. Everyone was glad other then Star. Mostly Star.

You frown, squinting your eyes to see through this fog "I can't see!"

"Exactly!" Marko slows down a tad as Michael zooms pass him towards David and Star, racing each other side by side, slowing to a mid hault "That is what makes it so fun."

At this moment everyone was already slowed down to a halt. David however kept teasing Michael on. He wasn't slowing down neither was he.

"Come on!Come on Michael!" 

Your attention was shifted to Dywane as he unwrapped his jacket and toss it on you. Everyone was watching Michael besides you and him. He kept your attention on him by talking about what Laddie told him earlier about your plushy and how much he likes it. Dwayne was good with kids. Especially after Michael saved himself only to throw hands at David the second he realized he almost died. Anger was blinding him at this moment. Even when that happened Dwayne made sure to block the view of the fight at hand, trying to block out the bad for your sake. Once again talking about things such as stars and the beach shore. Mostly stars.

Paul, who helped with the mess, swoops around to pick up your tiny giggling form. Holding onto your plushie as he softly tossed you into the air, not super high, catching you while making funny faces all at the same time. Endless giggles and overwhelming joy.

It was so much fun that you had little time to realize you're brought down to a cave. It was big. Filled witcircuses stuff, torn clothing and trinkets, one large fountain, and little furniture.

"Nice place.." Micheal tried to erase what happened above by commenting his way out of it, ignoring his little sibling who bonds well with each of the bikers and Laddie.

All he wanted was Star. And if he has to be on these guys good side, he will do it. Anything to have her.

David saw through it. This was by far how much a guy could stoop so low, falling to never recover after this night.

David made a little cushioned seat just for you beside him, waiting and observing your endless awestruck curiosity, reply back to Micheal "This place is better than nice. It's worth a price.~"

He was by far confused by that only to be cut off by Marko arriving with some Chinese food. Everyone began to gather around, Dwayne picking up your still giggling form to set you beside David in the seat he provided for you, not long, everyone took their time in eating the warm noodles within that white box.

Michael, who watch as David shared some food with his little sibling, return his attention to his own food. He felt something in him twitch the wrong way....guilt perhaps? Maybe so. He doesn't know right now.

"Enjoying the worms?"

Michael paused mid eating, seeing David staring at him, did not hear his words "Worms..?"

"Yes. Worms." He let's the child beside him eat away happily with his food, eager to test Micheal to breaking point."Your eating worms, Michael!"

In his eyes, he indeed was. A white food tin full of worms. Big, slimy, and fully alive. Sickness overwhelming him and urge him to throw up. In that moment he looks up to see his little sibling eating from the container David offered to you. Enjoying it to the fullest. Micheal smacked it out of your hands, surprisingly confused and sad for your chow mein, not long began to clutch onto your small chili face. Trying to make you spit or throw up all the yummy food you just ate.

"You idiot!"

All the members jump in to pull Micheal away, his hand tight on your teary face, as they separated the two. One over sick cause of one messed up false illusion and the other a mere victim of the illusion. Crying over the cup of spilted noodles.

"Dude!That's fucked up!" Marko shoved Micheal back in anger, not long Dwayne and Paul separated the two also.

The crying child was placed onto David's lap. The soft caressing of his finger tips trace small to large circles on the small child's back. His arms were heavy and large enough to make the weeping child feel as if they were tucked away within a warm protective blanket. The tears fell as your noodles were tossed to the trash. Not fully halfway eaten either.

Dwayne grimace, gently tilting your small face his way, he wasn't happy by the sight.

Micheal's bruised your poor, innocent face with his bear brute hands.

As the child cried in the lap of slightly enraged David. Star watch the event unfold more. She wasn't sure of what will happen next, usually it's unknown, did not expect Laddie to come out to your aid. By some miracle, he managed to take you to his shared bed with him and Star. She wasn't sure about David plans but knew to not interfere. So she retreats. See if she could help soothe the pain and spilt tears to sleep.

Micheal sat there in disbelief. The first was due to the intense illusion like trick David pulled. The second was the faked he broke his mother's promise; Don't get hurt. He stare at his hands. The hands who inflicted harm. The hands that hurt his sibling, for no reason at all. Micheal was sent down a mixture of disbelief lies utter most guilt.

Why? Why did he do that??

A wine bottle was presented before him, opened and all. David offering what could be wine but wasn't at all.

"Here. Drink it. Clear up your mind."

He should go apologize. That is what he should do. But no. He took it to drown it out. All the members hoot and holler as Star set both children to bed. The deed was done.

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