15: Throttle's decision
Author's pov:
"And?" Paris said while looking at the commander, but then she noticed Rise turning to look at the black wolf which was growling towards the Michigan lake. "Lightning.. What is it? I see nothing there!" She said and walked to pat her animal guide to calm him down, but he took a step towards the lake, making her sigh.
"Rise dear.. Would you please concentrate now too? Throttle has something to say and you.. What is he doing?" Paris said while they all turned to look at the wolf now. "Maybe he saw a fish near the beach? Or a turtle?" Modo asked, making Vinnie chuckle. "Right, four turtles!" He said, but got the black haired general to roll her eyes. "No.. He wouldn't reach those at all.." The Avatar said, but then saw the wolf sitting down and being clearly much calmer now.
"Whatever it was, it seems to be gone now.. So Throttle, what?" She smiled at the commander after patting the wolf's side and coming back to them. "Me and Carbine talked our things through and we both were sure we should break up.." He explained while turning to look at the female general who nodded at him.
"What?" Paris and Mania gasped since they were the only ones left who didn't actually know it already. "It's not because of her.. We had our own problems and this was the best decision.." Carbine said while looking at the Avatar who nodded at her. "What would be that big prob- ouch! Sorry.." Mania started to say but then felt someone elbow on her side before she noticed it belonged to the Avatar.
"Privacy Mania.. That's not our business.." She said, making her friend look down and apologize again for the ex-couple. "But something else is yours.." Throttle said, making her turn to look at him and lift her other eyebrow up. "What?" She asked and was clearly confused when she crossed her arms. "I think it's clear if you ask anyone from here.. That I am interested about you, Rise" Throttle said while taking her hands gently in his.
"But..?" She said while looking at him, still confused. "But I don't want to rush.. I have just broken up from a long lasting relationship and I need some time first.." He said, making her nod understandingly to him. "Also.. If you find someone else during that, I don't want you to hold yourself just because of me, since I don't know how much it's gonna take" He continued, making Mania chuckle.
"Like she would find a better guy than you, since you can't be worse than her previous ones, can you? I think it's you who should think twice before choosing her.." She said, but got now a kick to her knee making her groan. "Thanks Mania!" Rise growled but soon they all started to laugh at that. It actually was a rather good icebreaker for all of them. They had decided to head back to the garage to get some food and other needed supplies so they could come back and spend the whole day at the secret beach. But when the day was almost over already after so many games, conversations at the beach and competitions and playful fights in the water, they all heard a loud splash coming from the lake, but saw nothing there since it was already so dark after the Sun had set and they all were laying or sitting on towels after their dinner.
"There's still something over there!!" Rise said, while getting up from her towel where she was sitting, before she started to run towards the lake as fast as she could. "Rise no!! It's too dark already!" Paris shouted, making all of the four male mice get up fast too and start to run after the Avatar as a try to catch her before she reached the water, but they had some troubles running fast on sand while she was clearly faster than the Martians or Charley had expected.
"Evien, get back here!!" General Stoker raised his voice then the males got to the waterline before the others joined them too. Lightning was standing right behind them while Rise was already running on top of the surface. "I didn't know she could run on water?" Carbine said but Paris shook her head. "She freezes the surface under her feet, but seems to melt it right after her so we can't follow her.." She explained but then heard Vinnie growling.
"Is there any place you can buy her new brains? How stupid she can be?!" He growled and kicked the sand while they saw the woman getting further and further on the lake. "Tell me and I'll get one for you too, Vinnie!" Carbine laughed, making all of them laugh while Vinnie just rolled his eyes before chuckling too.
"Have to admit her skills are impressive, don't you think Carbine?" Stoker said while rubbing his jaw and looking to the lake where the woman had gone. "More likely.." His niece nodded while crossing her arms. She tried to think of a way for them to help her since now there was nothing more than just waiting for her to come back. Getting the males' bikes there would ruin the beautiful environment there, but would there be another solution instead?
"Do you see anything over there?!" Throttle cupped his hands near his mouth to try to make his voice sound louder. "No! It's all black here if not looking at the city lights!" Rise shouted back at them, making Mania sigh. "No shit.. It's almost night already! Was she really waiting for some lights coming from under the water?!" She said while rolling her eyes before she felt Paris hugging her gently. "I'm worried too but you know she's not the first time in the water.." The Princess said, making her nod.
The Next two of them and Charley started to dry themselves before getting their clothes back on, while Vinnie and Throttle were still only wearing their swimming trunks. Only Carbine, Stoker and Modo hadn't gone in the water since the generals hadn't packed their swimsuits with them and also Stoker and Modo preferred having their mechanical body parts better as dry.
"She's almost like a fish since she's such a talented Waterbender.." Mania chuckled, making Vinnie grin. "Think twice seriously bro, or you'll be dating almost Plutarkian!" He said but got a slap to the back of his head by their mentor. "Alright alright, sorry!" He groaned while rubbing the spot on the back of his head, since sometimes Stoker's mechanical tail was such a curse for the others, mostly for him.
"Hey did you see that.." Carbine said, making them turn to look at her before turning to look back at the lake. "Over there, behind her!" She pointed towards the tiny spot they saw being the Avatar since she had got further from them. "RISE!! Behind you!" They shouted in unison while trying to wave for her to turn around fast. But instead of seeing something under her, she just waved back at them.
"No.. She's not getting it.. Modo, shoot up there, others grab your guns and follow his lead. We need to give her some light pronto!" Throttle commanded, making the big gray prepare his mechanical hand's gun before shooting some lasers towards the night sky. The Other followed his lead, making them now see the Avatar much better but she wasn't the only thing they saw.
"Lightning!" Paris commanded the wolf, making him howl the way Rise noticed being a warning, but she noticed something under her too late. "What's that?!" Mania gasped when they all saw a gigantic tail getting up the water. "RISE! RUN!!" They all shouted as loudly as they could when they saw her finally moving. She seemed to have some kind of troubles there to get more ice around her since the surface was moving because of the gigantic tail.
"Giahh!!" They heard her gasping just when the tail hit the water surface and her ice plate, making it shatter in pieces and her fly to the air. "Bros, bikes!" Throttle said, making all three of them whistle loudly to get the bikes to jump over the ground wall that hid the secret beach from the people.
"But you can't go there with bikes?!" Charley said while they all tried to think of the way they could get the fastest to the Avatar who just splashed in the water. She hadn't managed to Waterbend her landing safely or anything much more since she fell so fast. "Guys! Look over there!" Mania said while grabbing Vinnie's gun to shoot some more lights to the sky.
"Is that.. Electricity?!" Charley's eyes widened when they saw some light coming below the surface right there next to the spot they saw Rise falling. "Hooks, Punks! Manoeuver 1!!" General Stoker shouted at them. "They are too short for that.." Carbine doubted but they hadn't much more options than that. The Biker Mice shoot their bikes' grappling hooks to the water while they all hoped the length would be enough to reach the Avatar.
"Quickly or we'll all get an electric shock!" Paris panicked while feeling Mania hugging her now too. They could easily hear each other's hearts almost bounding from their chests. "And Rise will be burnt.." Charley said while holding her breath. But then they saw the Avatar's head above the surface while she was holding the hooks in her hands. "Pull!!" Carbine commanded, making the males press the buttons to reel the hooks back to their bikes.
"Faster!! That light is getting bigger!" General Stoker shouted, making Throttle sit on his bike and drive forward which made the hook fly off the water, the Avatar along with it. "Bend the water away from you!! Guys, get the hooks off the water pronto!" Throttle shouted, making them do as told to. And it was just seconds before they saw some thunderbolts coming from the water.
"Thanks guys!" Rise panted when she landed safely to the commander's arms when he caught her through the air. "That was close.. Too close.." Charley said while they all were still looking towards the Michigan lake. "Are you alright?" Modo asked while they gathered around Throttle's bike after he lifted her down the ground. "A bit shaken.. Were those really thunderbolts?!" She said but when she was about to take a step forward, she was about to fall down.
"Alright, lean on me.." Throttle said while pulling her close to him. Even if his fur was wet too, she could still easily feel him being warm. "Thanks.." She sighed deeply while turning to look back at the lake. "And again there's nothing.." Vinnie said when the lake had calmed down mystically again. "It's still there.. Whatever it even was.." Rise said while lifting her left hand on her right arm.
"Non-Earthen creatures do thunderbolts.." Carbine said while turning to look at Stoker. "Yeah.. That's truly weird.." He said but then turned to look at Mania. "But Lightning ain't normal wolf either.." She said, making the generals confused. "What if that's an ancient creature too?" Paris continued, making her nod. "Yea! Like the Loch Ness monster!" Mania said, making Charley chuckle.
"That's a myth.. But we really saw that gigantic tail over there!" The Mechanic said, making them turn to look at each other. "It was huge.. And for some reason.. I couldn't bend anymore!" Rise said, making them turn to look at her now. "You.. Couldn't bend?" Modo asked, making her nod. They all saw her shivering now, which made Throttle wrap his arms around her to try to keep her warm.
"Better?" He asked, making her blush and turn to look away after she felt his cheek against hers. He was leaning against his bike while she was leaning against him. "Yeah.. A bit, thanks.." She smiled gently, but then heard Mania chuckling before she started to cough some water off her lungs which made Throttle pat her back to help her to get rid of it all. "Watch out for not getting too hot!" She said, making Vinnie grin too. "Seriously guys! She might get sick.. Used to water or not.." Charley said, while walking to her with Carbine to help her to walk.
"Let's head back to the Garage, I'll make some tea to help you stay warm" The Brown haired mechanic said, making her smile and nod. "Help me to get to Lightning's back.." She said when the wolf laid down, so it was easier for them to help her. "Front seat's mine!" Mania climbed on the so-called front seat even if there wasn't any kind of saddle on the wolf's back.
"What are we going to for that Thunderfish, guys?" Vinnie asked while sitting on his bike and handed a helmet to Charley who walked back to him after helping the Avatar up on the wolf's back. "For now, nothing" Stoker answered while sitting behind Modo on his bike and putting a helmet on him.
"What?! But that thing can hurt citizens!" The White furred male gasped but then heard General Carbine talking. "You heard Stoker, and you will obey, right Vinnie?" She said while sitting behind Throttle and putting a helmet on he handed to her. They just heard Vinnie growling and mumbling something under his breath while Paris got on the wolf's back too and they left the secret beach to go back to the Last Chance.
At the Last Chance Garage
"Are you sure you are alright? You falling into the water looked so scary.." Paris asked while she sat on a couch with the Avatar who was drinking some tea the mechanic had made for them all. Or all but the male mice since they preferred more root beer because it was macho enough for them instead of tea.
"I am.. Don't fuss.." Rise said while taking a sip from the tea which had some honey in it. "Is it warm enough?" Charley said but got a glare from the Avatar before she smiled at her. "Please.." She said, making her chuckle and nod. "This is delicious, thanks Charley" She said but then felt someone lifting her legs up from the couch before sitting next to her.
"You know what you did was stupid, Ri.." Throttle said while placing the blanket better on her. "Continue that and I'll pour this tea on your lap!" She growled and curled her legs away from his lap while turning away. "Cold.." Vinnie chuckled with Modo while they sat on the other couch with Mania in the middle of them, who was clearly enjoying the situation.
"Like it's not enough you almost kicked my.. Oh alright! Let's just leave it.." Throttle was about to say but then saw her glaring at him so deathly it made him turn to look away before hearing her laughing, that made him sigh in relief. He felt relieved to see her alright again and he had actually been scared to see her alone against that Thunderfish, or whatever it was but before they knew anything more about it, they had decided to call it with the nickname Vinnie gave to the creature.
But then Carbine's voice broke their warm moment when they turned to look at her walking to the living room. "You guys know we came here just for a couple of days.." She said while having a cup of tea in her hands too. She had gone to the kitchen to add some cold water in it since it had been too hot for her at first. "Yea, are you talking about the mission, General?" Throttle asked, making her shake her head.
"No, you got the details about it from Stoker already, but I got a call that we need to leave earlier.. We are needed back to Mars since the situation has gotten worse.." She said, making all of the mice drop their ears down. "Are we needed there too?" Vinnie asked, making the women turn to look at him now. That question had actually surprised them.
"No.. Or yes but Earth needs all three of you here more.. Your mission here isn't done yet as long as Plutarkians dig around here too.." Carbine said while sitting on a chair next to her uncle. "Right.. When are you leaving then?" Throttle asked after they turned to look at the generals again. "In an hour.." Stoker said, making their eyes widen up a bit.
"Well, you guys don't hesitate to warn early.." Mania said, making Carbine glare at her. "Surprise visits are the safest since the Fish faces have forces everywhere.." Stoker explained, making the weapon master look down at the ground after apologizing to them. "Even if all of the things that happened weren't nice, during your visit here, I'm still happy I met you both" Rise said while smiling at them, making Stoker nod at her formally and Carbine smile a bit at her too.
"It was umm.. nice to meet you too Avatar" Carbine said, making her nod at her while trying to not feel awkward. "I promise to inform you guys if I find anything new about that Thunderfish thing and her being really the Evien" The General continued after finishing her tea and getting up the chair. "And I'll be in touch about the mission, General" Throttle said while they all got up and walked out the Garage to say goodbyes to the generals when they headed to their spaceship.
"What makes it invisible?" Mania asked while Stoker made the spaceship visible again. "Our technology is more advanced than Earthen.." He said shortly while chuckling at the weapon master looking at it so curiously. "I wouldn't step in that thing ever.." Paris shivered while crossing her arms tightly.
"Princess, my dear Princess.. It's not that scary even if it might look like it at first.. Also the same about our spaceship.." Stoker grinned while gently kissing the back of her palm while bowing at her, making her blush and giggle. "Right, Old Timer! Weren't you in a hurry?" Vinnie said while he and Modo stood behind the Water tribe princess, making their mentor lift his head up.
"What? Are you getting rid off your mentor, Punk?" Stoker grinned, making Vinnie roll his eyes and chuckle. "Yes!" He said, but soon faced the ground since the general pulled him over for one more wrestling match which made Paris step away from them when Modo joined it too. "I was about to say he had manners, but forget it.." Mania said while walking back next to her friend, making her laugh and nod.
"Neither of them were born with manners.. Maybe Throttle, but.." Carbine said while rolling her eyes for the wrestling males. "Speaking of which, get here bro!!" Vinnie said before they pulled the commander to wrestle too, making all of the women laugh together with the black haired general. "How are you feeling, Avatar?" She asked while turning to look at the brown haired woman.
"Better, but please just call me Rise.. Ain't we friends after all?" She said, making her chuckle. "Wouldn't say that yet, but alright Rise.." Carbine said, making her laugh before they shook at their hands as an Earthen habit even if it felt odd for both of them. But when Rise bowed at her with her other hand in a fist and other against it, she smiled and bowed back at her which felt much better for them.
"What's with that hand sign, Rise?" Charley asked, making Paris turn to look at her and answer. "It's an ancient way to show respect for another as a formal greeting way.. From our late cultures" She explained, making all of them try to practice it together while the males were still wrestling. "Like this?" Carbine asked, making Rise smile warmly and nod.
"Yes.." She said, and then they greeted each other formally. "Thank you.." She smiled and swallowed when she felt tears filling her eyes. "Late culture or not, you can always try to revive it.. And now you have some friends on Mars too" Carbine smiled, making them all nod at her. "So we are friends after all?" Rise asked and then got a gentle punch to her biceps by the black haired female.
"I may think about that" She smirked, making her smirk back at her. "I'll take that as a yes.." She said, making her laugh before she turned to the males. "Attention!!" She raised her voice, making all four of the males get up immediately and do a formal army greeting to the general, even Stoker did it which made them laugh and relax. Sometimes she was so determined it was a bit scary too and made the Silver Star general act like he was her underling, while it was exactly the opposite.
"We need to leave now, but before that.. I think we all need to salute our Ev- I mean.. The Avatar!" She said formally while turning to look at her. She was a bit confused when the general taught the males the greeting she had just learned. "Avatar Rise!" They all said in unison while bowing at her, their hands in the right position, that made her swallow and try to hold herself from crying. She just looked at all of her old and new friends greeting her the way which made her feel so homelike, like everything would have been thousands of years ago.
"Thank you guys.. And generals, have a safe trip back to Mars" She smiled before feeling tears rolling down her cheeks. "Oh Rise.." Paris ran to hug her with Mania before Charley joined them too to their group hug, also to give the Martians some time to say goodbyes their own way. After that the generals got to their spaceship and the others took steps backwards to give it some space to leave and also to dodge dust and the force that came from it by pressure and air.
"Should we get back to Quigley Field now?" Rise asked after they had waved for the leaving spaceship before it disappeared fast to the night sky. "Shouldn't you stay here for the night? The Scoreboard ain't always the warmest place, especially after falling to a lake?" Charley said, making her shake her head. "I'll be fine, thanks.." She said, but then heard Mania talking.
"She's hotheaded if you haven't yet noticed!" The Weapon master said, making all of them laugh. "You all are always welcome to come here.. We'll figure out the sleeping order then for sure, that's not a problem if you think that" The Mechanic said, making them nod at her. "Or we can go to the Scoreboard too" Modo suggested, making them smile. "Let's think about that later, thanks" Rise said before climbing on to the wolf's back before lifting her friends there too.
"Good night guys.. And thank you for everything.." Rise smiled, making them wave at each other before she told the wolf to head to Quigley Field. "Good night!" They heard them shouting after them before Charley and the males headed back inside to get some sleep too. Some of them managed to fall asleep easily while from some it took more time.
"That was very nice and polite from Carbine.." Paris said while Lightning was walking on a silent street. "Yes! Not everyone would do that for a woman after losing their boyfriend to her.." Mania said, making Rise nod silently. "Sorry Rise.. I know you didn't steal him from her.." She said, making her turn at them and smile.
"I know that, it's okay.." She said before turning back to look at the way they were going. Paris turned to look at Mania who shrugged and made them start to think about their friend's actions. After a small moment of silence, Paris talked again. "It's a very beautiful night sky, don't you think that too girls?" She said while looking up to the sky, making Mania and Rise turn to look at it too.
"Would be prettier without streetlights.." Mania said, making Rise chuckle. "What a romantic you are, Mania!" She said, making all of them laugh while the wolf just continued walking calmly. They weren't yet tired so they wanted to enjoy the city's night time without any kind of rush. But only rush there was in the Avatar's mind, when she was still thinking about Carbine and what had happened with her and Throttle. But also Stoker's words about Evien..
"What news to blurt out at once!" She thought while turning to look at the night sky again when the wolf entered the Quigley Field where lights had been turned off during the night time. While her mind was still thinking about those things, neither of them knew that in the Michigan lake were still swimming around that creature they had just witnessed to be there. The Night in Chicago was very beautiful but also calmer than usual, under the surface of the Michigan lake a thunderstorm was raging that no-one was witnessing now, or was it?
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