93: ''I didn't imagine to live like this..''

Author's pov:

While Throttle and Vinnie were waiting for the news from their bro, both of them were leaning against the corridor wall when Throttle closed his eyes for a moment since some memories filled his mind. He was remembering the time after his accident, when he had to fake his death. And so did Vinnie. They could see it from each other when they shortly turned to look at each other before sighing and turning to look away. But both of them remembered a bit different things from what happened.

Somewhere else, during chapter 67th events

"She was a completely different person.." Vinnie said during the conversation between him, Modo, Niv, Mericy, Jessica after the doctor had given Carbine some medicine to help her to rest. Some time later when Niv went to check how she was in the other room, Vinnie and Modo turned to look at each other before Vinnie went to take a peek inside the room with Mericy. But seeing Carbine being like an empty shell from herself, he had to leave.

Vinnie was crying too and he couldn't face her for now. He had been the one who had told her that he had failed saving Throttle. He felt guilty about it. But the real reason for that was, that he knew this all was just a lie. And Throttle was alive. Even if the Biker Mice were the macho mice they were, the situation got them crying too. They had feelings just like anyone else. And being a part of a mission like this, made them feel horrible.

"This can't be happening!!" He could hear Carbine crying soon when Jessica and Mericy had entered the room after Modo had run after Vinnie. They just nodded at each other, had their ears down before wiping their tears away and checking if no-one saw them heading to the bike storage where they sat for a while on their bikes and crying. They just couldn't face the miserable general for now. It was too much even for them.

"I.. I can't face her.. I can't even look her in the eyes" Vinnie said and took a deep breath before he turned to look at him. "Me neither.. Even if we were ready for this.. This is too horrible" Modo sighed deeply as well while Vinnie put his helmet on. "We need to get out of here.." He said, getting the gray furred male to nod before they dashed away from there. They made sure no-one saw them where they went, not only for their safety, but for someone else's too.

"Is Carbine alright? No.. That's a stupid question.. Of course she isn't, her just married husband is dead even if he's not!!" Throttle raised his voice while walking frustrated around the small room kind of space underground after Vinnie and Modo had come there. They had left their bikes to safe space where they came to meet the tan furred male, who everyone thought that had just died tragically but was actually alive. He was walking around the space frustrated but the sound of someone coming got him to react, and seeing his bros was a bit of relief.

"Throttle.. Calm down buddy.. You still have that wound on your arm.. It needs to be taken care of.." Vinnie started to say but then faced his deathly glare when the tan furred male turned around fast. "Calm down?! Are you seriously telling me to calm down now?!" He growled before feeling Modo's hand on his other shoulder. He shook it off but turned to look at the big guy just before he turned to look at the ground to sigh deeply. "We know you are not alright.. But you know that this is the only time we can come to meet you for now.." Modo said while feeling so bad to see his bro crying. And Throttle was crying, heavily. He didn't care about the physical pain in his arm, his mental pain was much worse.

He had never felt so frustrated as he did now. He felt so sad, hurt and angry, but mostly frustrated. He should have been spending their just married life with his wife but no, their life had turned completely around, and in a very horrible way. "I don't even know if Carbine's pregnant.." He started to say while crying. Vinnie and Modo turned to look at each other before turning to look at him again. "But the information would hurt even more.. Maybe.. I don't know.. I know nothing for now.." Throttle cried while continuing walking around the small space again. "Throttle you.." Vinnie started to say but then took a step back when Throttle started to kick and throw some things around. "Throttle!" Modo raised his voice, but not angrily. He had an understanding tone in his voice when he tried to calm down the commander.

When Throttle didn't listen at all, Modo raised his voice even more before he and Vinnie nodded to each other and ran to tackle their bro to the ground. He groaned in pain, also now because of his wound he had got from the battlefield. "Noooo!!!" Throttle let out his most painful cry while feeling his best friends hugging him as tightly as they could. "We feel awful too but soon this is over. You are the hero of Mars, you saved us! But for now you still have to handle this through.." Vinnie sighed deeply while leaning his jaw against Throttle's shoulder that was shaking a bit as he cried.

"Why saving Mars feels like my world had just ended at the same.." Throttle sobbed when Modo wiped his tears away. The Gray furred male was looking at him in his eyes when he sighed too. "We'd tell Carbine if it was safe.. But like Vinnie said, you need to get this through. It's not safe yet for you, for us, all of us, that you could come back.." Modo said while gently petting the Commander's back. Even if the Biker Mice had gone so much together in their past, this situation was something completely new, none of them knew how to support each other more properly. They just had to try anything. They just had to do anything they could. Not just as Freedom Fighters for Mars, but also as bros to each other.

"We need to follow the plan.. It is time for the next part.." Vinnie said while tightly hugging Throttle for one more time before getting up from the ground and helping him up too with Modo. "And we need to patch that" Modo turned to look at his arm while Throttle just turned to look away as he wiped his nose. "I can't even tell Carbine that I am alright.." Throttle mumbled while his body was still shaking as he cried. "That's the whole point of this plan.. Carbine's reaction, her pain, proves to the enemy that you are dead. That Stilton got his revenge, but we still won.." Vinnie said and tried to act cold but it was really hard while looking at his bro being that broken as he was.

"Her pain.. I hate to see her in pain.. I hate to even imagine how she might feel now.. Her heart must be shattered.. Like mine, but her's even more.." Throttle punched her fist to the closest wall before throwing more things around the room again. Modo caught the backpack from the air that the commander had just thrown. "Hey.. Throttle, listen.. Throttle!! Listen to me now!" He raised his voice a bit to get him to turn to look at him. "We got you everything you need for now. Here" He tried to say but then saw him glaring at them again. "Everything I need for now is to be by my wife's side!!" Throttle growled before feeling Vinnie's arms again around him. Their tackle had helped him more than just regular hugs, but seeing at least his bros helped him through his darkest times that his mind gave to him.

"But you can't or we'll lose everything we accomplished for our planet! Our victory!" Vinnie said but Throttle just pushed him away from him. The White furred male barely stayed on his feet since even though Throttle felt weak right now, he was still physically strong. "Screw that victory!! I want to be with my wife more than on this planet!!" Throttle growled as angrily as he could. "Stoker should be here too.." Modo sighed under his breath while Vinnie sighed too as well and rubbed his forehead a bit. "We know you don't mean that.. But we have to do as the plan told us. Sorry, Throttle.." Vinnie said before punching as fast as he could, straight to the tan furred male's jaw, making him groan and fall against the wall and to the ground. Modo turned to look away during that, but he could still tell that even Vinnie was now crying as he had to hurt his friend during that state.

"You came to beat me up, huh?" Throttle asked while tasting blood in his mouth. He wiped his mouth with palm to see him bleeding. Normally Vinnie's punch wouldn't be enough to drop him, but thinking about the whole situation, it didn't even need much for him now to get dropped down to the ground. "It'll swallow and give you more time to be in disguise.. Here.. Follow the plan.. Commander.." Vinnie grabbed the backpack from Modo and threw it to Throttle's lap. "Commander.. Happy husband would be more like it.." Throttle growled while getting up, but then he got pushed against the wall again.

"Stop whining!! You'll see Carbine if you follow the plan! You'll get to her!! But not now!" Vinnie had his forehead against Throttle's forehead when he growled at his bro. "I wish I had exploded for real if I knew how bad this would feel.." Throttle mumbled but then felt Vinnie's grip tightening. "If you screw this up now, Carbine will die like all of us!! Stilton will come back and Plutarkians will destroy the rest of us! Do you want that?! Huh, Throttle?! Do you really want to see Stilton killing your wife and your possibilities to have a family with her?! Because he'll do that if you screw our plan now!" Vinnie shouted straight to his face before pressing their foreheads back together. He had leaned backwards to shout at him, but after that he connected their antennas to show Throttle some happy memories. Modo was just silently standing there, not being able to say anything.

The happy memory took its place many years back, to the time when heroes were having a small party at Stoker's place where Carbine was staying during the Sergeant's chase. After Modo and Jessica, later on found out that she had been actually Sapphire, had come there and they were talking about Stoker, Carbine saw a chance to bring up a more important topic on the table after Throttle turned the conversation out of her uncle.

"Since he had got more work, I barely meet him nowadays.." Carbine said while sitting on Throttle's lap and he wrapped his tail around her waist. "But that's fine by me.. I have more time to be with you" He said before kissing her cheek. All of their friends were happy for them, even if they still thought their thing was complicated. But after Vinnie's and Harley's short argument, Carbine petted Throttle's head before saying "And by that admitting.. I meant that at least you admit being my boyfriend" which got her blushing.

"So we actually..?!" Throttle gasped and turned to look at her. "If you want to.." Carbine smiled, getting him to smile so brightly and hug her tightly. "I'd love to!!" He snuggled against her and didn't let her go. "Freaking finally!" Vinnie cheered before congratulating them with the others. "Now it's no longer complicated, I'm happy for you!" Modo said and then lifted his bottle to air. "To our official couple!" He said, making the others turn to look at him and follow his lead.

"Why are you showing me this.. You are making me feel even worse.. You know I miss her.." Throttle said through the connection but Vinnie didn't answer him. He just continued showing him the memories, but when Throttle was about to break the connection, he grabbed his shoulders to keep him in his place. "We are not done yet" Vinnie said even if he knew this must hurt the tan furred male too, but he was sure he'd get his point. If not now, then later.

At first Vinnie showed Throttle the memory of them at the party, before he changed to another memory, which was some time later after the first one. It was dark at first but then he heard him talking. "Are you sure about you and Carbine?" Vinnie asked with the sound of opening a bottle following right after his words, getting the memory's place form in their minds. Throttle realized immediately what he was showing to him. "Of course! I love her. And I know, this is early to say, but I already know it.." Throttle said with a big smile on his face and took a bottle of rootbeer from him since he was opening one for all three of them.

Throttle was leaning against a rock outside the base and his tail's movements showed that he was pleased and happy as he was looking at the sky for a moment. "Is it really early if you are so sure? From what we saw from you two over the years, and especially I who saw how you two met for the first time, it's about time that you two finally admit your feelings to each other and that you are officially together" Modo smiled at him before taking a sip from his beer. "You said it Modo! What a chase during the years of you two just looking and teasing each other but neither of you made the first move" Vinnie laughed while swinging his tail behind his feet.

The trio were enjoying their drinks outside the base after getting their work done for the day. "Neither of.. Hey, that's not true. We went on some dates and had a fun time together for many years" Throttle sighed at first but got his bros to grin and laugh. "What?" He grunted and took a big sip from his bottle. "Then why have neither of you asked the question earlier?" Vinnie grinned amused. "I guess neither of us have a clear answer to that.. Stop laughing!" Throttle growled and then chuckled too.

"Like I said, it was about time.." Modo smirked at him, getting him to shake his head. "Like you two don't have any better things to do than to question our relationship. Get your own!" Throttle said and rolled his eyes since Vinnie and Modo leant against each other to laugh at him and toast with their bottles. They had their other arms lifted over each other's shoulders. "That would be fun but you know, this male is such a catch for any female!" Vinnie cheered, making them laugh. "Yeah right. And that big gray furred bro in your arm is such a catch" Throttle grinned, getting Modo to laugh too.

"Hey! As much as I love both of you, I prefer females in those kinds of acts, no offense Big Guy" Vinnie chuckled, getting a smirk from him as the answer. "None taken" He said and when Vinnie was about to talk more about the females, they heard Throttle's voice through the connection over the memory. "Was your bragging about females supposed to help me out?" He asked, getting him back on the memory with a chuckle.

"We are happy for you and Carbine, but are you sure you are sure? I mean.. She has a tough nature" Vinnie chuckled at him, getting him only to smile and sigh. "I know.. That's one of the many things I like about her.. And I have to say that I'm so happy we are finally together. She makes me so happy and she's just.. She's so amazing.. So beautiful.. Talented.. Hot.. And wonderful.. like a Goddess" Throttle said before drinking at the same time with his bros. "You two make a great couple. Maybe one of the strongest Mars has ever seen" Modo smiled, getting them to toast at his words and the new couple.

"General and Commander.." Vinnie started with a sound of he was about to sing. "Goes well together.." Modo continued, which got Throttle to sigh "No" and roll his eyes again while chuckling. "Tomorrow they'll make out in a kissing booth!" They sang loudly together before bursting out laughing and walking to hug Throttle who started to laugh at them. "You two are crazy mamma jammas, did you know that?!" He laughed while hugging them back, practically hanging from their necks in between them. "Crazy and crazy, but you are crazy about her!" Vinnie howled, making him drop down his head and laugh more. "I guess I can't do anything else than to agree to that!" He said, making them laugh and pat his back before the trio decided to leave the base laughing since someone from the forces got outside to shout at them being so loud they could be heard from the inside too and no-one in the closest offices got their work done.

"I see your feelings never changed when it came to Carbine. You were and you still are in love with her. I have never seen you being in love with anyone else than Carbine. You two are clearly made for each other. You know I look you up on many things, Throttle, but this is something I can admit that even I couldn't do. You are the hero of Mars, and you will get back to Carbine, but now the mission needs to be completed. Before it, if you come back too early, she and all of us will be in danger.. I know you know that.. And I don't say this often, but.. I love you, bro" Vinnie said through the connection before ending it by leaning backwards and separating their antennas from each other.

"You didn't make me feel any better.." Throttle growled while wiping another tear from his cheek. "That's some motivation for you.. Here.. Do as told and be the husband she deserves" Vinnie lifted the droppen backpack from the ground and handed it to him again. This time more gently. "Alright.." Throttle said as he took it from him. Vinnie walked back to Modo who checked that everything was ready for them to leave. "Guys.." He said, making them turn around to see him again. "Yea?" Modo said, before he and Vinnie felt Throttle hugging them again.

"You are the best bros a mouse could ever have.. Thank you" Throttle cried, making both of them start sobbing again. "Is there anything more we could do for you? Even if we can't come here again so far.." Modo asked, making him nod when he looked at both of their eyes. "Take care of her. Take care of Carbine for me. Do whatever it takes to keep her safe and help her to get through this.. To live happily again.." Throttle said seriously, making them lift their hands on his shoulders. "Of course we will.. That's the least we can do.." Vinnie said while smiling a bit for him. "You have done more than any mouse could do.. And you'll meet her again, we promise and you know that you'll do" Modo smiled at him, making him smile weakly and nod.

"Is there anything more we can do?" Vinnie asked, making him sigh. "Actually there is. But not only for me but also for the plan and for Mars.. Get rid of my scent that you got when we hugged. No-one must know that you met me.. And you know she has a very sharp sense of smell" Throttle said, making them realize him being right. "How are we supposed to do that?" Vinnie said, making Modo start to think about it a bit. "We need to get rid of it before going back to the city.. Before meeting anyone.." Modo said, making Throttle chuckle at them.

"There are always some Sand Raiders to kick out there.." He said, making them smirk and nod at him. "I'm not going to hug any of them but good wrestling would do good.. With their bad noses, getting rid of your scent is easy" Vinnie chuckled, making them laugh and nod. "I'd join you if I could, and even if I'd love to spend more time with you, I know and you know that you need to go now. See you when it's safe for me to be reborn.." Throttle sighed, making them nod at him before Modo patched his arm's wound and then he and Vinnie left as fast as they could, to be sure no-one saw them coming from an underground hideout that was left from Stoker's many projects. And for once again, Throttle was left there, all alone, with only his own thoughts and memories being by his side, along with his hurting arm and the backpack his bros left to him.

"I didn't imagine to live like this.. But.." Throttle sighed deeply before he continued. It took a moment from him to gather himself back together. He looked around for a moment while having his ears down. He thought about his life and everything he had gone through, and especially he thought about Carbine and that everything about this felt horrible. But he knew he had no choice. "Alright.. It's time for this mouse to get changed.." He said while starting to unpack carefully the backpack that had some new clothing that made sure no-one could ever recognize him, including that he needed to do something for his specs and for his very well recognizable hairstyle..

Some time later

Throttle, who was known for having his hair on his regular locks and wearing a black leather vest, red scarves and blue jeans with his black boots, left the underground hideout through the hatch he had got there during the explosion, but this time, looking completely different. "I hate wearing these.. I look completely ridiculous.." He growled at himself while swiping his pants clean from the red sand, even if it could even be noticed from the red and loose ripped jeans he was wearing.

His leather vest was replaced with a white t-shirt that was already made sure to be dirty from the red ground of Mars. On the shirt he had a dark red hoodie open to show the shirt underneath it and instead of his black boots, he had brown and shorter ones on him. But the biggest chance was that he had to cut his locks, meaning that his hair was so short that even he hated how he looked. He knew he must wear a disguise to not get recognized, like Niv had done in her past, but it didn't get him to like his appearance.

On his way out of the outskirts, his new looks gave him a chance to greet the martians that came by without getting recognized, before he finally got to the desert he had to go to hide till it was safe to come back. At least in the desert no-one would recognize him, but it was harder to get him to know himself as a wanderer instead of commander. And even if he had some medicines with him to treat the pain in his arm, it was still much more difficult to do in the desert.

Even though Throttle had many challenges during his time of being a wanderer, he didn't have any idea what Vinnie and Modo had to witness when they had come back to the others after visiting him. Meaning that they had heard Adira talking to Carbine when they were walking along the corridor and promising non verbally that they'd get through this.

"He would do everything to protect you both.. I know that honey.." Adira's voice could be heard along the corridor, but when they saw Adira walking out the room to get an emergency bag from the corridor, Vinnie got a bad hunch. They turned to look at each other, getting them both to hurry towards the room. "Carbine.. Don't do anything you would regret, honey.." Adira said just before Vinnie saw from the open door that Carbine was holding a knife in her hand. Her other palm was bleeding and she was holding it in front of her stomach.

"This is worse than we thought.." Modo managed to say while Adira tried to get Carbine to listen to her. But when she was about to stab herself again, there was a fast white line seen when Vinnie ran to stop her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Vinnie shouted when he managed to grab her wrist just before the knife would have touched her. The Knife got dropped to the floor which Modo took away fast. Modo said something to his mother and sighed sadly when Carbine wrapped her arms around Vinnie as tightly as she could when she just screamed and cried against him.

Both of the males heard Adira saying that Carbine was pregnant, which made the situation even more difficult. They had promised Throttle to protect his wife, who now seemed to be pregnant to him, meaning that they needed to protect the child too no matter what it cost. They couldn't look Throttle into his eyes if something happened to either of them.

Adira tried to convince her son that she needed time, but during their discussion and Adira was about to clean Carbine's wound, Vinnie snapped. "How dare you.." He growled against the general. Modo tried to stop him but it was no use. "HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT DOING THAT TO HIM?!" Vinnie shouted at her which made her clearly look scared. At first Modo thought if Vinnie would blurt out the truth, since he saw their role being difficult to both of them, but then Vinnie did what he had to do.

"Our bro is dead and all that's left from him is the baby you are carrying, Carbine! How dare you even think about taking your and the baby's lives away?!" Vinnie shouted while crying as much as he just could. She heard his words and grabbed him by his X shaped bandoleer to cry against him. Vinnie wrapped his arms around her too while he was also crying. Neither of him or Modo knew how they'd handle the situation, but they knew they couldn't tell Throttle that she was expecting his child..

At the desert

A few days later Throttle left the hideout through the hatch, during one night he was heading deeper and deeper to the desert, a sandstorm formed, getting him to take cover. But even without the sandstorm, he was already angry and bitter about everything that had happened. He regretted nothing more than that he had to decide to take a part on the mission, even if it might have got Mars saved. He even had a thought of that would the life had been better with his family, together with Carbine and they had kids, but the planet would have been destroyed and everyone were lack of homes and their possible children would never see Mars or even could live safe, or was it better that Carbine and their possible children and their planet were saved but he couldn't take a part in their life at all.

"I hate this bullshit!! I hate my life. I hate everything!! Screw the fucking world and everyone!!" He shouted from the top of his lungs in the middle of nowhere, where only the sandstorm could hear his words and take them away. And after a few hours when the storm had finally passed, Throttle could wipe the rest of the sand off him before spending the upcoming morning and forenoon in a cave as a try to rest.

Most of the time he tried to get some sleep, he either saw nightmares or couldn't sleep at all, meaning that he at least tried to lay down eyes closed and rest, with sleep or not, but after one, two or some months had passed, he realized that he should find some kind of town or village to fulfill his food sources. In the bag Vinnie and Modo had given him was food that he could regulate pretty long, but it wasn't still much. Also his arm was still hurting from the wound since it wasn't treated properly. So far none of the mice he had faced, hadn't recognized who he was, and by a small recorder he could keep some kind of diary and count how much time had passed, which didn't help him at all with the anger and bitter, but it helped him to give some sense of time into his head.

"Commander's log.." He was about to say but then he heard his own voice talking in his head. "Let's finish this now!!" He could hear himself shouting or actually groaning painfully in his mind while he was wandering in the desert again. Some time had passed and he wasn't sure when it had been when he had seen Vinnie and Modo for the last time. Not even talking about when he had seen his just married wife the last time.. But hearing his own command in his head got him also to remember the pain in his arm again. During the mission, before the explosion, he had hurt his arm so badly he'd need to see a doctor but after faking his death, he had to treat the wound himself, meaning that it wasn't that much help that he needed.

"Great.. If I don't die from lack of sleep or food, this wound will at least kill me.. Well thought Stoker.." He groaned while trying to fix the backpack's position in his back to not hurt his other arm. "Doing just fine. My mama always said, only real mice knew how to sew!" He heard the next Modo saying in his mind which brought back his mind the moment the gray furred male stitched his wound in the hideout. "That's great! You can even patch our wounds, Big Fella!" Vinnie had said while Throttle had been biting his teeth together. "This is only for emergencies like this, Vinnie.. I'm not a medic, I am taught to sew fabrics if needed" Modo had said which got Throttle to repeat his answer he had said back then too. "Huh, great, thanks.. My arm isn't a bit different from the bike's leather seat then, huh?" He heard himself saying just before he noticed some kind of town or village on the horizon that got him to try to walk faster even though the pain was killing his arm.

"A Village.. Finally.. Just a few more steps, Throttle.. Then you'll get food.. Just.. Hang.. On.." He said to himself while his steps were getting weaker and weaker. Throttle saw the village getting closer and closer but not close enough. Soon he saw his vision falling and the ground getting closer instead of the village before his head hit the sand of the desert and he passed out. But before his memory ended, he remembered the feeling of someone dragging or carrying him somewhere. And after waking up, he could see where he had been taken to, and by who.

"Mom, are we really getting another sibling?" Throttle heard Rhea asking after waking up from his memory. He realized he had had his eyes closed for a moment and when he found himself in the corridor again, he twitched a bit to make sure he was fully awake. Hearing Mericy's children coming from the cafeteria got him to turn to look at the others. "Yeah.. But Rhea please, ask your questions later" Mericy said and seemed not only worried but also tired. Throttle wasn't sure if Rhea had been talking the whole time him being in his memories, or when she and Rimfire had even come back. "Yea yea alright. But is it a boy or a girl? I hope it's a girl! I wouldn't stand on another brother! One is enough!" Rhea added, getting Rimfire to join her too.

"One sister is enough! I hope it's a boy.." He said, getting Mericy only to sigh deeply. After that Throttle noticed Vinnie walking past them. "If that kid is from that scumbag.. Only thing you'll get is a criminal.." He growled, and his words got Mericy only to look down. Her children got quiet, even Rhea. She and Rimfire just turned to look at each other, not knowing or understanding what Vinnie meant.

His words got Harley to react even if they were still arguing. "Are you really going to judge a child who isn't even born yet?!" She said while looking at the white furred male with a demanding expression. She wasn't going to let him out of this. "From that kind of asshole that he is?! Yes!" His words got Jessica to growl too. "Hey!! You are talking about my sister-in-law and my brother" She said, but her words didn't help with Vinnie.

"Says a female whose own sister ain't any better either.. And whose brother-.." Vinnie was about to say but Harley interrupted him. "Vinnie, not in front of kids.." She said, only receiving some eye rolling from him. "They are not kids.. Okay Rimfire isn't!" He said when Mericy turned to look back at him, but she had also been looking at Harley with a confused expression on her face.

Throttle didn't know what to say, but he definitely didn't want to listen to their friends arguing when they were waiting for any kind of news from Modo who was fighting for his life, but before he managed to say anything, Rhea spoke. "Vinnie, why are you such an ass?!" She asked, getting his jaw dropped down before the white furred male snorted and growled at her. "You stay out of this.." He said, and got Mericy to step in front of her daughter. "Enough! Don't talk to my children like that!! If Modo was here, he would give you straight to your ears!" She growled at him, but he only chuckled while having his arms crossed.

"Oh right.. He would. But whose fault is it that he lies there now?!" Vinnie said as he pointed at the door where the patients' rooms were. Their arguing got at least Throttle's head start to ache, which got him to raise his voice just the time Carbine walked in the corridor. "VINNIE. MERICY." He shouted at them, making both of them shut up, lift their shoulders to their ears and turn to look down.

"Throttle, yelling isn't good for you now" Carbine said worriedly as she walked to him. "Beside. The whole thing is Vinnie's fault" Harley growled, which only caused Vinnie to glare at her, even if one could see from his eyes that he was hurt. "Thank you for being by my side" He said, getting her to glare at him. "Like you know what it is to be loyal.." She said hurt, making him turn to look down while Carbine sighed and turned to look at Throttle from them.

"Take him outside.. We'll wait and talk with a nurse or doctor, whichever shows up first.." She said and gently rubbed Throttle's arm, making him look past her to see Vinnie and Harley once more even if both of them, and probably Mericy and her children, were looking at them too. Then he turned to look back at her to nod, before walking towards the exit and turning to look at Vinnie. "Vinnie. Come." He said, but got only a snort from him as he rolled his eyes and turned to look away.

"No, I want to stay here" He said stubbornly, getting Throttle to sigh, roll his eyes and walk to grab him by the back of his bandoleer. "I wasn't asking" He said as he roughly helped him to walk outside, Throttle almost pushing him from his back while Vinnie growled. "Finally.. Some silence.." Rhea said, getting everyone to start to laugh at her words and Mericy to hug her and kiss her head.

"Thank you.. For being a lovely daughter. And you for being a lovely son" She said while doing the same to Rimfire too. Both of them smiled at her before Rimfire talked. "Are you going to keep that baby? Even if.." He asked carefully. Mericy turned to look at everyone in the hallway. "Anyone can hate him or her if they want, but that's it. Anyone who hates my child, isn't a friend of mine.. And yes, I am keeping the baby. You two are going to have a sibling" She announced, getting her children to start cheering for the news of a new sibling. Mericy saw Carbine looking at her, then away, then at the floor and then back at her. She had trouble finding any words, which Harley understood.

"I.." Carbine was about to say but Harley spoke over her. "It's okay. You don't have to say it. You have all the rights to hate the father of that kid. But the kid is innocent to all of that" Harley said, receiving a nod first from Carbine and then from Mericy. Jessica sighed together with Harley, before she talked. The waiting seemed frustrating for all of them, not only for the males.

"How are Jade and Felix?" Jessica asked as she noticed Carbine coming there the last from them, meaning that she had to get a babysitter for Felix. She had left Jade to Sapphire at first but Carbine had promised to get her some more experienced help. "Last thing I saw was that Niv and your sister were enjoying their company. Niv had something important to do too so I need to go back soon to free her. But she said that she'll call Mora if I'm not there then. She thought that Mora's kid would like some company too" Carbine explained, getting her smile and nod. "That's nice" Harley said before Jessica talked. "Yea, good to hear.. And thank you. All of you" She said, getting all of their attention.

"Of course. Modo is important to all of us" Mericy smiled understandingly at her, but then turned to look at her son who lowered down his ears. "I hope he's going to be alright.." He said, getting Rhea to do the same while looking at her brother. "Yeah.. Me too.. I miss him.." She said, making Carbine walk to the kids to lift her hands on their shoulders. All three of them remembered her doing the same thing many times when they had been younger.

"Hey. He is not gone. He is here with us and will come back to normal. Modo is a strong build" She said and tried to cheer them up, or at least help them to deal with the situation. "You are treating us like kids, Aunt Carbine.." Rimfire sighed, getting her to smile and mess their hair with her hands. "Says a kid who still calls me aunt" She smirked, making Rhea to chuckle and smile. "Yeah! She's a general! Even on sick leave" She said proudly, even if Carbine herself was not being sure about it.

She thought about it for a moment and what she'd say. "Yeah.. But everything will be alright. Even if our whole group is.. a little broke right now.." She said what they all knew the truth was. And it was important to say out loud. "A little broken?" Rhea asked, but before she could continue, Harley talked. She was leaning against the wall, her arms crossed and her back facing the others. "More like after a mouse grenade.." She sighed and had her head a bit down.

"I think nothing has been the same since Throttle exploded.. Or fake.. exploded.." Rimfire said what they all had been thinking more or less, but then Jessica talked from the seat she was sitting on to wait. "It started when Harley got kidnapped.." She said, making Harley drop down her ears. Jessica didn't know what to say, so Mericy saw there a moment to continue. "But they are both back. And we are all alive. Survived from the war. We'll get through these troubles and health issues too" She said, and this time Carbine sighed deeply. "I think everyone might have at least one" She said before Jessica agreed.

"That's at least one more common thing" She said, but it didn't cheer up the atmosphere in the corridor. There still wasn't any signs of a doctor or a nurse to tell them anything about the gray furred male. The last thing they knew was that an alarm had been needed to get more doctors in Modo's room. "Yea, you said it" Carbine said just before the doors got opened, getting them all to react and turn to look at there, but only to see Vinnie walking in with Throttle. "Yeah, you said it" Vinnie added as Mericy turned to look away. "Oh, you agree about something with me?" She said without even looking at him. Everyone else saw him turning to look away.

"So we are still there.." Mericy said after turning to look at him since she didn't hear any answer to her question. "Enough. Don't start again" Throttle looked at the both of them, and then a nurse finally walked to the hallway, making everyone hurry their way to her. "You can come with me if you are quiet" The Nurse said, getting Harley to chuckle and roll her eyes. "Tell them to jump into the gulley instead. That's much easier than to be quiet" She said but got glared at by Mericy.

"How's my brother?" She asked, getting the nurse to turn to look at her. "His condition is stable, but it's not yet safe to say that everything's alright. But you can come with me" The Nurse said, getting Jessica to talk this time. "All of us? Or just me and Mericy? I am Modo's wife" She said worriedly, getting a nod as the answer. "So far you can all come" The Nurse said and soon with her lead, everyone walked in the room where one of the doctors was writing down something about Modo who was lying on the bed and attached to all kinds of monitors and medical machines. One of them made a sound that told his heart beating was so far normal.

"What's wrong? Is he going to be alright?" Throttle asked while Jessica and Mericy hurried to sit next to Modo's bed. Next there were Rimfire and Rhea while his friends gave them a bit of space. "Was it the heart? He held his chest before collapsing" Mericy asked while Jessica petted gently Modo's head. There were no signs of him being awake, but at least the monitors told that he was alive.

Before the doctor could answer her question, everyone started to ask their own questions till Jessica told them to shut up and listen. "You have good questions and I understand all of you are worried. But the doctor is here to tell you about your friend's condition" The Nurse explained, while Mericy lifted her hand on Modo's feet that were covered with a blanket. "He's my brother" She said worriedly, and got Jessica to say her name. "Alright" She said and stayed quiet to let the doctor talk, but this time Vinnie was the one who talked.

"Don't give us any more trouble. It's enough we have to wait for that for ten months" He said and nodded towards her stomach, which got Mericy to growl. "Do I need to kick you out personally, Vinnie?" Carbine turned to look at him this time, making him confused. "Why are you defending that scumbag?! From all of the mice, you Carbine?! Don't you remember what he did to you?" Vinnie raised his voice, but Carbine stayed calm. She looked down at the floor for a moment before turning to look at him straight into his eyes.

"Yes I do remember. Unfortunately for my whole lifetime! And I'm not defending him! I'd never! But that child is innocent! So shut your mouth or leave. We are here for Modo now" She said, making Jessica now turn to look at them. "Thanks, now both of you can shut up" She said, getting Carbine confused. "Huh?" She said, and Mericy answered to her instead of saying anything more to Vinnie. "You heard her. But thanks, Carbine" She said and then smiled a bit at her. The Black haired female just nodded at her and then apologized to the doctor for all of their behavior, getting a nod back as well.

Then, it was finally the doctor's turn to talk since all of them stayed silent. "Like I was trying to say before I was rudely talked over" The Doctor started, but Vinnie opened his mouth again. "You didn't even start, doc" He said, getting Throttle even more frustrated even if he understood Vinnie's frustration too. "Vincent!" He growled, getting him to throw his hands into the air. "Okay sorry!!" He said and walked to sit down on a seat that Carbine pointed at him.

"If even one of you lets out a louder sound than a breath, I promise you to hunt you down to the Phobos and back!! Now please, doctor continue, and we are terribly sorry" Jessica said after glaring at every single one of their friends in the room. "Are we?" Vinnie formed with his mouth, but only got Throttle to roll his eyes and Carbine glared deathly at them to behave. It had taken too much time for them to just stand there and not get any news since someone other than the doctor or the nurse were talking.

Even the doctor sighed under breath "I am not getting paid enough for this.." while the nurse was thinking "Read my mind, but if I had your salary, I wouldn't whine about it" and then, the doctor finally talked. "Mr Modo here is in stable condition for now. At first we thought too that he was having a heart attack. The symptoms were very similar" The Doctor explained and nodded at Jessica who was about to talk. "I am his wife. But you thought too? So it wasn't?" She asked, them all thinking the whole time that he had had a heart attack. "It sort of was. But when we found out about his eye prosthetic, we understood what his symptoms were about" Doctor explained, getting everyone to gasp.

"His what?!" They all said in unison. "Does Modo have an eye prosthetic?" Vinnie managed to ask first. "Technically not. Or not that kind that might first come to mind" The Nurse explained, making Carbine talk for all of them. "I think most of us didn't even know it was possible to have one" She said while looking at Throttle and Jessica with confused expressions. "Or two!" Vinnie said, making Throttle to slap the back of his head, getting him groan loudly and hold the hurt spot with his hands. "I get you are worried but Modo's still fighting for his life!" Throttle growled at him, making Vinnie drop down his ears and finally behave. He was just worried like everyone else but showed it out as nervousness since he didn't know what to do or say.

"When we found out that the situation wasn't as usual heart attack situation that it usually is, one nurse noticed Modo's eye glowing red. And from his information, he has got eye surgery from some doctor Karbunkle? But even before that, when Modo was born, he had problems with his eyes. Shortly told, his father, Dan, who was known for being a very talented prosthetist, did him a surgery that helped him with eyesight" The Doctor explained, making especially Mericy now very confused.

"Modo had problems with his eyes? I never saw anything like that! And I am his older sister" She said, getting Jessica to agree with her. "He had never mentioned anything like that" She said while Harley walked behind Carbine to whisper something into her ear as she leaned a bit backward towards her. "Even hearing his name gives me bad shivers.." The Light brown furred female said while turning to look down at the ground. Not only her words but also the mention about Modo's father got Vinnie to growl, but her words were just the end of it for him to keep it inside. "That mad man has caused more problems than we thought!" He growled while looking at Harley worriedly with side eyes.

"Calm down. He wasn't Mace back then. Even if we don't know what he was like before.." Throttle talked as he lifted his other hand on Vinnie's shoulder. "Our father was a good father before that!! He would have never harmed even a bug!" Mericy explained, while Carbine turned to look at the doctor since she just realized something. "Doctor. Are you telling us that.. Modo was born.. blind?" She asked, getting Vinnie to shake his head. "Nooo.. Not our Modo.. He would have told us" He said while everyone turned to look at the doctor as they waited for the answer. "Yes he woul-.." Throttle was about to say but then saw the doctor nodding, causing everyone to be shocked.

"Why has he never told us?" Jessica asked after a moment of silence since no-one had any ideas what to say or even think. "We are his bros!" Vinnie hurried to say. "And Mericy's his sister.." Throttle added while looking at first Vinnie and then at Mericy. Carbine looked at the others first and then Mericy who was looking down the floor. "I'm afraid that it means.." The Black haired female started as she moved some hair strands behind her ear, but then Mericy turned to look at the others before talking. "That he didn't know either.." She said, making them all gasp in shock.

"WHAT?!" Vinnie and Throttle gasped and turned to look at each other while the females and Mericy's children were too devastated to say anything. "I see this is very shocking news. Maybe your mother can tell more about that, but now we need to ask you to let Mr Modo rest. His wife and sister can stay" The Nurse said while looking at first Mericy and then everyone else. "His condition is stable and we'll inform if anything happens. For now, all you can do is rest too" Nurse continued before the doctor left to check other patients and then meet with the other doctors about Modo's case. "But.. What about his eyes.. His heart? Are they alright? Does he need surgery?" Jessica asked when the nurse started to show their friends a way out. "We know more when you let us work. So far there's no signs of a need for surgery" Nurse said, but then Vinnie realized something.

"Where's Adira? Shouldn't Modo's mother be here too?" He asked, getting Mericy to sigh. "I don't know. She should be here. I called her and she was obviously devastated and in shock but-.." She was about to say but then Rhea and Rimfire walked back to them for not wanting to leave. "We want to stay with Modo. He is our uncle" Rimfire said, but saw from the nurse's expression that they should leave too. When their friends left the corridor, the nurse's expression softened before nodding.

"Fine. Five more minutes for you two. Then you have to go" Nurse said, making them sigh in relief and sit next to Jessica. "At least one of you should go to see how's Evangeline but fine.. Let's go together after this. We can't be there anyway before her casts have gotten x-rayed" Mericy said, making them smile and nod at her. Evangeline had come to the hospital with Rhea and Rimfire, but then got an earlier appointment to get her casts checked, meaning that she could see Modo after her own appointment. During that, in the waiting space Harley felt herself uncomfortable that she walked away from the others. She had her arms crossed and her body language told that she wasn't feeling okay.

"Harley? Is everything alright?" Carbine asked and was about to walk after her, but Throttle's hand on her shoulder got her to stop and turn to look at him. He nodded towards Vinnie who was looking at Harley worriedly, which got Carbine to nod and take a step back. "Vinnie" Throttle said quietly and nodded towards her when he turned to look at him and then the light gray furred female who nodded at him that it was alright. By then Harley had disappeared from the waiting space but soon Vinnie found her crying in a corner near a staircase.

"Harley? Sweetie? What's wrong? Look.. Modo's getting alright.." Vinnie started to say when he slowly approached her, but even to his surprise, she hurried to hug him tightly immediately she saw him. "Just hold me Vinnie.." She cried and soon felt his arms around her. "I won't leave you.." He managed to say while she buried her face against his neck and he lifted his other hand to the back of her head. "I.. I.. I feel safe now when you are here.." She cried while feeling him dropping down his ears and leaning a bit against her with his head.

"Just say if there's anything I can do to help you more.. Can you tell me what's wrong?" Vinnie said and then helped her to sit on the lower stairs with him. "Hearing.. Modo's and Mericy's father's.. name.. Hearing anything about him.. It brings me back memories from that asteroid!! I feel so scared Vinnie! What if he.. he does it again?!" She cried out loud before hugging him again, this time him helping her by pulling her closer to him. "He won't ever do that again. I am here to protect you. And he'll go to the prison for the rest of his life" He growled while hating the male clearly. He hated to see her so scared and devastated. He knew she was inconsolable and suffering from the traumatic experience, but he wasn't sure what he'd do to help her. Especially when they had just been arguing again.

"Thank you.. Thank you Vinnie for everything" Harley started to say when she finally got to breathe from all that crying. "Of cours-" Vinnie was about to say but she continued. "I don't want to argue with you" She said and looked at him in his pink eyes. "Me neither.. I'm sorry about the picture.. Pictures! Both of them. And that I didn't tell you about Zeka.." Vinnie said, before he carefully wiped her tears away when he felt that it was alright to do. "When I was being kidnapped.. I realized that life is too short. I don't want to argue either. I hoped there the most that I could see you and to be with you.. And even if seeing that picture.. And hearing about your.. your comfort seeking.. hurt me. They hurt me alot! I.. I still want to be with you. I want to be with you, Vinnie. I don't want to see you being with anyone else but me! I want you to be my husband! And I want to be your wife.." She said while looking into his eyes that she saw starting to water during her words. "Harley.." Vinnie swallowed deeply and tried to hold his tears back, but couldn't when she hugged him tightly, getting him to hug her back.

"I love you Vinnie.." She said while crying too in his arms as he buried his face in her hair. "I love you too Harley! I love you so much!! I am sorry for everything. I want us to get married too! I want you to be my wife and I want to be the husband to you that you deserve, but I'm afraid that I have ruined things so badly that you'd deserve someone better, even if I wouldn't want to see anyone else together with you.. Harley I- Mmh" Vinnie talked so fast it got her to smile and lift her head up to kiss him. "You are the husband I deserve.. You are the male I want to spend the rest of my life with. Let's not argue anymore" She said softly, making him smile at her while a couple of tears still kept running down his cheeks as he sniffed.

"I promise you to behave" He said, which got her eyes widened. "You? Behave? What? Am I hearing right?" She said and acted dramatical, getting him to laugh and throw his head backwards. "Aaa.. Harley.. It's not that big of a miracle!" He said and heard her laughing too. "It is! If you start to behave, maybe I don't want to marry you anymore" She smirked as his jaw dropped down. "Hey! Don't say that!! You're scaring me! Harley!" He said before she started to laugh the way it got him to tickle her and both of them got up as she tried to get away from him.

"Let's move back to my room, but don't tickle me!!" Harley laughed as she ran along the corridor, trying to get away from him. "You just said that you don't want me to behave!! So here I am, Sweetie! Your own, the baddest mamma jamma in the whole Universe, who will get you even more wedding magazines when we get back!" He laughed, getting her to shake her head and laugh even more as he chased her in the corridors of the underground hospital.

"Do you think they'll talk? Or that Vinnie can help whatever is wrong with her?" Throttle asked while sitting on a chair in the waiting space and having his arms around Carbine who was sitting on his lap. "Umm.. I remember it was you who sent him after her, so what if you tell me?" Carbine said with a bit of a smirking kind of look in the corner of her eye. "Heyy.. Don't mock me!" Throttle chuckled and shook his head while laughing, getting her to laugh too. She was sitting the way her both legs were on the same side and he was resting his other arm on her legs. She had her arms wrapped around his neck when she placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"I'll mock you if I want. You just need to deal with the consequences of your actions" She said while turning to look the other way, leaving him first with the expression that he enjoyed her kiss, and then jaw dropped down for her words. "Is this the treatment I get for now on?" He managed to ask before they both turned to the way they heard the sound of running coming from. "Carbine?" He managed to say before seeing her smirking at him. "Carbine!" He repeated but then they saw Harley running there at first and then Vinnie following right behind her. "Is everything alright? Harley you shouldn't run" Carbine said and got up from Throttle's lap, which got him to glare a sarcastic "thanks" to Vinnie.

"I know.. But this isn't the first time. This isn't a fight against Sand Raiders after all.." Harley said while panting a bit when she ran into Carbine's arms. "Sand Raiders? When you have fought raiders? And you didn't answer my first question, babe" Throttle asked while Vinnie ran to them too. "Umm.. It was when Jessica was about eight months pregnant" Carbine explained, making the males turn to look at each other and drop down their ears. She still ignored his previous question on purpose. "Carbine saved us with her Nuke Knucks" Harley smiled and lifted her other arm on Carbine's shoulder to lean against her.

"Heyyy.. It was that.. Wait a minute. It was Xander who saved us!" Carbine remembered the male and now realized who he had really been. "What? Really? Well.. I need to thank him for that, but since when have you had Nuke Knucks? Mmh.. Am I getting a rival from you?" Throttle purred as he walked to lift his hands on her waist. "I didn't know that was such a turn on to you. Throttle!" Carbine laughed before he leaned to kiss her neck. "Hey! I'm still here!" Harley laughed and then took a step away from them since she saw enough from Throttle's tail's eager movements too.

"And I am here, Sweetie. And last I heard you were still getting married with me, am I right?" Vinnie walked to her, making her smile and Throttle and Carbine turn to look at them. "Everything is alright again?" Carbine asked, getting them both to smile. "Yes. We are still getting married" Harley smiled and then kissed Vinnie's cheek, getting them to congratulate them while outside Modo's room, Mericy was talking with her children who had still insisted on leaving. They knew Evangeline was alright and understood them as all three of them were more worried about Modo than her. And since she couldn't yet be there with them, Rhea had promised to tell her everything when they got to her, which meant that they wanted to know more about their uncle's condition.

"I want to be with uncle Modo too!" Rhea growled, her arms crossed when Mericy explained that she gave Jessica some time alone with her husband, even if the nurse stayed there the whole time too. "Where's grandma Adira, mom? She isn't answering my or Rhea's calls.." Rimfire asked worriedly while sitting on a seat in the corridor. "Rhea. I told you and Rimfire to go to check Evangeline or go home and I go get her after this. Rimfire, I don't know. I can try to call her again now. She should be here but I don't know why she hasn't come or why isn't she answering to me again" Mericy sighed deeply as she was picking up her phone from her bag, but instead hers she accidentally picked Modo's phone she had taken from the floor after his sudden attack. "Uh.. I almost forgot. I have to give this back to Modo, to put it on the side table" She said before the phone in her hand rang.

"Who is it? Is it grandma?" Rimfire asked while Rhea tried to take a peak of it. "Or is it Evangeline?" Rhea asked but then got her brother to lift up his other eyebrow. "Why would she call him? She knows he's unconscious" He said, making her add that maybe she's calling him by accident, but then Mericy finally got to answer to them. "No. It's someone from the Freedom Fighters.. Now they stopped and left a message. Rhea don't!!" Mericy said and then hurried after her daughter who took the phone from her hand to listen to the voice message. "You are not even a soldier! You can't listen to it! It might be something confidential!" Rimfire growled at her as he was still sitting on the seat, but then they all heard the caller say something about the favor Modo asked them to do and heard a name Evangeline before asking to call back to them.

"Great! Uncle Modo is lying there unconscious and we can't get to know where Evangeline's family is!" Rhea growled and pointed at the door of Modo's room. "Shut it Rhea. I can try too. At least try to take the message for him. Or our mother, but the information can also be confidential like Rimfire said, when we have to wait for your uncle to wake up.." Mericy explained, making her children sigh with frustration and Rhea to hand the phone back to her mother just before Jessica opened the door and asked Mericy come in since the doctor from earlier had come back and wanted to talk with them.

"You two aren't coming. I'll inform you if there's something new. Try to reach your grandmother.. And go get Evangeline from her appointment. She should get out probably in half an hour from now" Mericy said, making both of them groan and obey. Rimfire took his phone from his pocket as they sat on the seats in the corridor while in Modo's room, the doctor wanted to talk with Jessica and Mericy and none of them saw Modo's eyelid moving before he slowly opened his eye.

Mericy and Jessica were talking with the doctor awhile on the other side of the room as the nurse was checking on Modo's condition. "Mr Modo. How are you feeling?" The Nurse said, getting the females' attention. "Modo! Are you alright?!" Both of them hurried to him and Mericy lifted her hand on his palm to pet it gently. The Doctor also walked to check on him. He had been in an anesthetic but now it seemed to be alright to try to let him to wake up. "We are right by your side, brother.. You are in a hospital. And don't try to get up, you need to rest" She said and smiled at him gently with Jessica who lifted her hands on his palm too.

"Meri..cy.. Jess.. Where.. Jade.." Modo groaned after the nurse took off the breathing tube which after he coughed and grimaced. "She's alright. And getting a good friend from Felix" Jessica said softly and petted his palm. "How are you feeling, honey? You scared all of us.." She continued, which made Modo turn to look at his sister. "Tired.. But.. Sis.. What on Mars.." He said, getting both of the females to turn to look at each other. "I'll let you talk.. I have to use the ladies room, and I can tell your children he is awake" Jessica said while getting up. She kissed Modo's cheek and told him to be right back before she left, leaving Modo to glare at his older sister who placed his phone on the small table next to his bed before facing his glare.

"Oh c'moon.. You are in a hospital bed and still demanding answers from me!" Mericy growled but then sighed. "Scabbard, why? Why from all of the mice?! And how?!" Modo said after getting something to drink to help him with talking. But raising his voice got the nurse to tell him to take it easy or Mericy had to leave. To check on his heart, he was connected on many extra monitors to be sure about his condition and even the slightest of changes in it. "I.. I love him.. And I don't know why you all hate him so badly? Alright he is in prison but still" Mericy started but her words got Modo to look like he felt himself sick. "Don't say you love him. You wouldn't if you knew what he had done.." He growled, making her growl too. "Then tell me! All of you seem to hate him but no-one is telling me why!" She started but he shook his head as a way to let her tell him first.

"I work as the chef in the prison, which you already know. We met there.. And over time, he just.. He just managed to win me over by flirting and being so nice to me. He acted so differently when he was around me.. And I think its real" Mericy explained, making him just growl every word she said. "I don't buy that.." Modo said weakly while trying to fix his position a bit, which was difficult because of all of the monitors.

"Then don't.. But it doesn't change what has happened.." Mericy said and lifted her other hand on her stomach. "Are you keeping it?" Modo asked, making her get up from the seat. "Would you ask me that, if I was expecting Rimfire or Rhea?! No. Like I thought.." She said when he turned to look away. "So shouldn't you be happy about your new niece or nephew? Like I am about your Jade" She said, getting him to turn to look back at her. "Connect your antennas to mine.. I'll show you, and then you can judge me how much you want" Modo said but then the nurse walked to the siblings.

"I couldn't unhear what you just said, Mr Modo. You are way too weak for antenna connection. I deny you from doing that" Nurse said sharply, making Mericy turn to look at Modo first before the nurse. She thought something for a moment and she saw from her brother's expression what she had to do. Then she got an idea.

"Fine. But can you get my brother some other juice? That one makes his throat even more dry.." Mericy said genuinely and to confirm her words, Modo coughed a couple of times, making the nurse nod and leave with his cup. Immediately when the door got closed, Modo said "Do it" and Mericy leaned closer to him to connect their antennas. "Still cunning sister, huh.." He smirked as he said in their mind which got her smirking too. "That wasn't even hard, but we are risking your health on this so start showing me what you were about to show. But break the connection when it feels too bad for you" She said, and soon he showed him the truth about the male she thought was a wonderful and loving male..

"No.. No.. That can't be true.." Mericy said after sitting back on the seat. "Unfortunately it is.. You can't love him, Mericy. He doesn't deserve to be loved.. by anyone. Especially you." Modo said while closing his eye since he felt a bit weak after the connection. "I.. I have to go.. I tell Jess to come back. I.. I'll come back soon" She said before she had to hurry from the room, almost bumping into the nurse on the way. "Hey!!" The Nurse shouted after her after realizing what the siblings had done. "Don't blame her.. I don't break from one antenna connection.." Modo said when Jessica came back and started scolding about it too.

But before Mericy got out of the hospital, she ran past her children in a shock, making them run after her while shouting at her. "Mom! What happened?! Is Uncle Modo alright?!" Rimfire hurried to run in front of her, getting her to stop right there. "Why do you look like Phobos has fallen down on Mars?" Rhea asked with a confused expression on her face. "I.. I.. Modo's alright. He has woken" She started, making the siblings turn to look at each other before Rimfire talked. She wasn't even asking them why they were still there and not picking up Evangeline which Rhea saw weird. "Jessica told us. Mom, what is it?" He said but then Rhea asked if their grandmother was finally coming there too, which got Mericy to pick her phone monitor from her bag.

"Huh?" She said when she noticed something on her phone. "What is it? Is grandma okay?" Rimfire asked worriedly. First their uncle got into the hospital very tragically, then no-one got any contact with their grandmother and the next their own mother acted very strangely. "I have got a call from the Royals.. and from the Royal Guard.. I.. I have to go.. You kids go home with Evangeline!" Mericy said but when Rhea was about to complain, she growled at them. "At least stay out of the way of the doctors! And don't be a burden to your uncle!" She said before running towards the exit, leaving her children there with confused expressions on both of their faces. Soon Evangeline walked to them from her appointment, and had a confused expression on her face when she saw only Mericy's back as she ran in the opposite direction.

"Hormones?" Rimfire asked, making the females just shrug their shoulders before all three of them sat back on the seats in the corridor, to lean against their hands, one or two of their elbows on their knees. "Oh maan.." Both of them said in unison before sighing deeply, getting Evangeline to chuckle at them. She had still cast on her leg but had got rid of the bandages on her other arm. She started to tell them about her appointment, and was as bubbly as usual since she seemed to be healing alright from the accident, even if the latest news from their family members made them all worried. Her appointment had taken longer than usual since the doctor had been also worried about her mental health after she told her older brother had passed. While they had to wait outside the room, Adira was very displeased to be somewhere else than by her son's side in the hospital.

"My son is in the hospital and I had to come here.. He is fighting for his life" She said and looked and sounded morose. She was also very worried. "You can go to the hospital after this. We'll get the information if your son's condition gets worse" A Tall and muscular male mouse said as they waited in the long and very expensive looking corridor. Along the corridor there were many large and very beautifully decorated windows that were covered with dark red curtains that had golden embroidery on and tassels hanging from them. Every single piece of furniture in the corridor was carefully thought and placed and all of them looked very expensive. Nothing in the place looked cheap or qualityless.

Adira looked around the place and didn't look like she liked it much. The Place looked very beautiful and every martian would be honored to be there, even her, but if thought about the situation, she would have wanted to be more by her son's side especially when she knew nothing about how Modo was or what had happened. She was sitting on an expensive looking chair that had ruby shaded velvet covers on them while the male mouse was standing next to her in a formal position like a soldier or a guard. He didn't move even an inch and she could barely even tell if he was breathing. Soon large doors in the end of the corridor opened and a familiar martian walked to the corridor.

The martian was wearing a large red band with white edgings over the chest, on top of a black and very expensive looking jacket. Underneath the jacket could be seen a huge golden necklace on the comer's neck. The Pants matched together to the jacket and on the feet the martian had tall black leather boots. At first the expression was very serious, but when the martian walked to the old gray furred female, the expression softened. "I am also worried about Modo" Niv said before nodding formally to the male martian who bowed at the Crown Princess. "Now. Come with me. The Queen and I are ready for your hearing" She said formally, making Adira get up from the chair and follow her to a large room that had a high ceiling and the decorations that were even more beautiful and decorative than in the corridor.

Adira followed Niv silently to the room where at the end of it was a huge red and golden throne, where the Queen was sitting. On her right side was another throne, almost the same size as hers, but the biggest difference on it was that it was empty. Both of them were located on a large dais that was higher than the flooring with a few steps to get on it, to make sure the Queen wasn't in any case, on the same level with the others.

Even if Adira was worried and annoyed, she couldn't not be showing how amazed she was and how much she was admiring the space and the beauty of the Queen and the Crown Princess, who walked to stand on the left side of her mother, while on the right side, where the throne was, stood a male mouse in front of the throne. But like Niv, the male did not sit down as the Queen nodded and gestured with her hand to Adira to sit down on a seat in front of them. She did as told and she and the Queen were the only ones who were sitting. At first she wasn't sure if she should be sitting since the Crown Princess wasn't doing so too, but if the Queen gestured her to do it, she had to do it. She knew the manners of Mars very well and she knew like every other martian that no-one did the opposite the Queen told.

"Adira Kielo Elena the Widow of Dan. You are being called here in the hearing of your husband, Dan Arlen Mace the Son of Matheo, who has committed very serious crimes, after being thought to be dead in the climbing accident that happened over 30 years ago. Present are Her Majesty, Queen Erica, her oldest daughter, the Crown Princess Niv, and I, the following Commander in Chief, Stoker. The Hearing shall begin." Stoker announced formally as he was standing on the right side of the Queen, wearing very formal clothing too. All of them had very serious looking expressions on them while Adira felt herself more than a bit nervous when the Queen started to speak.

At about the same time at somewhere else

"As I thought.." Xander thought to himself while sneaking behind another wall in a space that was more metallic than nature like. He heard someone moving to the other side of the wall which got him to take cover from the shadows and to press himself tightly against the wall, barely even breathing to make sure to not let out even a single sound.

He was wearing all black clothing with a large hoodie on his head to make sure no-one could recognize him. He even had a mask on his face that covered not only his face but also his whole head to be sure about it while he was waiting for something. And then there it came after some time of waiting. Something fell on the metallic floor, and the next he heard a sound that he had been waiting for. A Cry of a child.

On his other thigh, he had a small bag along with a bit bigger one across his chest, but instead of neither of them, he took a small mirror from his pocket to take a peek behind the corner. He saw a huge character that got him to hide behind the wall again, but he still heard the sound again that he had been waiting for the whole time that got him to smirk a bit. "That child is worthy of fortune.." He thought in his mind when he saw a Martian child in the age of toddler.

"If you don't get that kid to shut her mouth, I'll make sure that's the last cry we hear!!" Someone growled that got Xander to take something from the small bag on his thigh as silently as he could. "Tsk.. That kid won't be your problem for long.." He smirked as he swung his tail silently behind his feet as he held a small teddy bear in his hand. The teddy bear had an embroidered snowflake in its stomach as Xander made sure he had his hoodie over his head and a mask properly on his face before changing the teddy bear to a weapon that he prepared silently too.

"Her mother might be the best sniper on Mars, but not the only one.." He said silently with a low-pitched voice as he pressed himself back against the wall in the shadows while looking through the crosshair of his gun that was nothing else than a gun of a sniper. He moved the way no-one heard him even breathing as he aimed towards his target, while listening to someone growling at another person again and Princess Snow was still crying.

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