24: War

Author's pov:

"No.. No.." Carbine lifted her hand on her mouth while looking at the dead body. "Don't look at her.." Throttle gulped and pulled Carbine in a hug, making sure her face was against his fur. "This can't be happening.." Vinnie stuttered while Throttle looked at him. He could feel Carbine starting to shiver against him. She was clearly crying. But when she heard Throttle mumbling something in Martian, she lifted her head up to look at him.

"That was beautiful to her memory.. But she may rest in peace when we have revenge.. Justice is needed here.." Carbine sniffed and growled when she turned to look at the arena that had turned to a bloody battlefield. But just before they had to take cover again from the open fire, they heard someone shouting behind them after a thud.

"Guys! Look out!!" Someone yelled which made Vinnie turn right around. "Harley you are alive!" He ran to hug her but she pulled him behind the chairs to all fours again. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?!" She shouted but soon noticed the General and the Commander crawling to them. "Are you okay? How's Jessica? And Modo and Stoker!" Carbine asked after noticing that the hostility ray's effect was about to fade away from Harley.

"I am.. But I feel horrible.." Harley said while her ears dropped down. "I would have got that shot.. If she didn't fall just at time from the upper level.." She sobbed and then felt Vinnie hugging her again. "We all knew her.. This whole thing is.. I.. I don't even have a word to describe this.." Throttle sighed deeply before looking at Harley. "She was one of my closest friends in the nursing school.. She.. She was way better than me.. or anyone else there.." She started crying but Vinnie pulled her in a tighter hug while Carbine was shooting back, trying to defend their small group. She managed to get a couple of Plutarkian soldiers down, but soon the tears blocked her view. Even if she tried to not show any emotions like the rules demanded, losing a close friend like that had hurt each of them badly.

"We need to move from here.. Like the plan was! Get to the others and find the Four of the Highest.." Throttle tried to keep his head steady, and after a small moment of no answers or reactions, Vinnie nodded to him. He was clearly trying to hold his tears back too. He had known that nurse very well too, since she had been his ex-girlfriend, the first female that he had ever truly loved. And now she is gone.. Brutally shot straight to head during a falling..

"Yes.. After this slaughter is over.. We need to get the bodies safe.." Carbine added after they had finally managed to move to the stairs. "Vinnie, come.. There's nothing you can do.." Throttle said and pulled his friend behind the wall. "I can't believe she's gone.." He was in shock, which meant that Throttle needed to help him to move. "I know she was important to you, Vinnie.. She was to all of us.. But we need you now.." Harley whipped her tears while walking in front of him. Carbine was walking in front of her, the gun ready to defend them. Throttle had also the gun ready which Vinnie had thrown to him earlier.

But as soon as they were at the top of the stairs, someone jumped in front of them making them jump a bit. "Modo!! Don't you dare to scare us like that!" Carbine panted after she had felt like her heart had jumped out of her chest, her soul following right behind it. "Guys!" The Gray furred male said eyes widened up before he ran to hug his bros. "You are alright!" Throttle said after hugging him back. "Yeah.. Maybe got a few bruises and scratches but that's nothing compared to others.." Modo sighed deeply but then noticed Vinnie being all silent.

"What's with him? Is he hurt?" He asked making the group silent. It took a moment before Harley explained the situation to him. "That's.. Horrible.." Modo sighed deeply but then they heard another familiar voice behind him. "Situation is what it is.. I'm glad that Harley is okay but that's still terrible to hear.." General Stoker said while walking behind his back with the chestnut furred female. Three of them seemed to have their heads finally cleared from the hostility ray's effect.

"Carbine.. I was looking for you earlier.. You were right about this.." Stoker continued before anyone else could say anything. His niece nodded when he whipped her tears away. "I understand you are all in shock.. But you need to gather yourselves together.. We need to defend the whole planet of Mars now.." He explained making Carbine's eyes widen up. "Don't you mean.." She started but Throttle ended her sentence. "Did they really sell Mars?!" He said making each of them turn to look at the General.

"Seems the opposite, Soldier.." Stoker said while nodding towards the way their group should move. Along the way to trying to find the Four of the Highest, they helped anyone who needed help and tried to defend themselves and the others from the enemy that was tougher than they had thought. When they finally got themselves to the loge, where the special guests had been held during the show, they faced a view that was just a cherry on top of this cake of terror.

"NO!!" Carbine gasped after Modo and Throttle blocked the doorway from the enemy while the others checked the situation around there. While Harley helped Vinnie sit down on the floor, the black haired female ran to the closest body. "We are too late.." The Chestnut furred female sighed while looking around. Each of the mice had been slaughtered and now their bodies were covered in blood.

"We need to check if there's any chance that someone has survived!!" Stoker commanded but instead of doing anything, he walked to the white furred male and slapped him across his face. "Huh?! Old timer?!" Vinnie woke up from the shock. "Get up.. We need you here, Punk" The General said and helped him to get up. But when Vinnie went to help the other Biker Mice with defending and Stoker was about to help the females going through the loge, they heard Harley shouting.

"I found the Commander in Chief!!" She shouted making Stoker run straight to them. "Chief! Are you alright?!" He said while kneeling down to him. The Commander in Chief was badly injured but awake. "You need to get to Ben.. He is the only one who survived from the Three leaders.." The Commander in Chief said weakly before closing his eyes. "No!! Don't you dare to leave us!" General Stoker shouted while Jessica kneeled down to him. "He is alive.. But in terrible condition.." She said while testing his pulse from his neck.

"I found Leader Ben! He is over here, badly stuck!" Carbine shouted from the deeper of the loge. Half of it had collapsed during the explosion, which seemed to have happened close to it. "Harley, come with me to check on him. Jessica, you stay here to take care of the Chief" Stoker commanded before trying to get to his niece. It was hard to move around there, but when he was about to find a spot where they could walk, he saw the two other leaders, Lucas and Jeff.

"Don't look.. Just follow me.." Stoker sighed deeply before saying the same phrase in Martian that Throttle had said earlier to their dead friend. It had deep meaning in Mars, much more than just wishing for safe travel to a better place.. "Are they..?" Harley was about to say while she felt Stoker's tail on her eyes. "Both dead.. Yes.." Stoker just added before they managed to get to Carbine who was squatting on top of a pile of junk that was left from the collapsing.

"He is behind this pile.. I can see his.. Upper body.." Carbine sobbed when Stoker climbed next to her. "Ben.. Do you hear me? It's General Stoker" He said calmly while his niece turned her head away. Both of them knew that soon the last leader would be gone too. Then the most important person on Mars would be the Commander in Chief, who was also near crossing the border of life.

"Sto.. ker.. Yes.. I.. I hear.. you" The Last leader coughed and some blood was running down his jaw from his mouth. "What happened?" Stoker asked, trying to stay calm while Carbine jumped down the junk pile, back to Harley. Both of them stayed silent to hear the last words of the leader Ben. The Biker Mice were listening too close to the blocked doorway after making sure that they would be safe there since the attack to them was stopped for a moment.

"Plutark.. They came back.. Trying to.. Ghh.." The Leader tried to say but soon started coughing again. "Take it easy.. You will be alright, Ben.." Stoker lied while looking down at him. "Don't lie to me, General.. I ca.. can't feel my lower body.. This.. Might be the end of me.. But the other leaders will.. take care of Mars.. You all will.." Ben said weakly before he was about to close his eyes.

"But the other lead--.." Harley was about to say but Carbine poked her elbow with her own before shaking her head. "Yes.. They will and each of us will! Mars will have its revenge! But you need to tell me what happened.. So please.. Continue, leader Ben.." Stoker said calmly while turning to look at the others. He shook his head, making Carbine turn to look down the floor while Harley lifted her hand on her mouth.

"They wanted to.. Buy Mars.. But we denied.. the of.. fer.." Ben said and took a moment before continuing. Stoker saw that he was about to cough but it clearly hurt too much. He reached his hand down to him and took his weak hand in his. Normally it would have been forbidden to touch the Highest Leader like that, but this whole situation was far from normal. The General wanted him to feel safe for the last time.

"After that.. They ambushed us.. And we.. heard.. the.. the exp.. losion.." The Leader said just before he closed his eyes last time. Stoker's tail dropped when he lifted the leader's hand on immobile chest, before saying that same Martian phrase again. Harley started crying when Carbine hugged her. She closed her eyes immediately when she noticed one of the other leader's smashed heads under some more crushed pieces of metal. An ear there, an antenna over there.. Way too far from each other. What a horrible end they had faced..

They shared a moment of silence for each of the leaders after saying the phrase out loud together. After that, General Stoker got down and walked next to the others who gathered around the Commander in Chief. "We need to get him in the hospital, immediately.." Jessica said after she had got some first aid ready, but there wasn't much done there without any kind of supplies.

"How? We might be safe here for a while.. But leaving here every limb still attached to us is a totally different thing.." Vinnie said while taking a peak from a tiny hole which had been part of a loge's huge windows. "Throttle, try to find out if there's any working radio or other that kind of thing.." Carbine commanded after looking around the place. "Harley and Jessica, you two try to find anything that we can use to wrap the Chief around Modo's back" She continued while her uncle just stared at her while the others obeyed immediately.

"You seem to have a plan already.." Stoker said and lifted his hand on her shoulder making her form a small smile. "I'm just trying anything that comes into my mind.. We need to get out of here and we just can't carry the Commander in Chief out like a normal patient.. Modo is the biggest of us, so there might be a chance that he can carry him on his back.." She explained and soon Throttle walked back to them.

"Nothing.. Everything here is destroyed.." He said making the generals sigh deeply. "Seems like we need to get out of here with Biker Mice style" Vinnie smirked after turning to look at them. "I wished you would not say that.." Carbine said but then nodded. "There's only a few torn chairs with small pieces of fabric.. But.. Nothing we could use.." Harley said while Jessica was checking the Commander in Chief's situation.

"We don't have much time or we lose him too.." She said but then Carbine spoke again. "No we don't.. I need all of your belts.. Including the lost leaders.." She said but then Stoker spoke again. "It's forbidden to violate the deceased person.. You know that.." He said but she sighed deeply. "I know.. I do know that but we don't have any other choice to get him out of here than use them to tie the Commander on Modo's back.. Unless you have other ideas?" She said but after a moment of silence, the older General sighed and nodded.

"They would understand the situation.." Throttle said while unplucking his belt like the others did too. "I'll go get theirs.." Stoker said making the others nod. Since he was the highest of the four now, it was even a bit more appropriate. "Leader Ben's was destroyed, but the other two were doable.." He said after walking back with the leaders' belt in his hands. Meanwhile Modo had kneeled down, his back facing the Commander in Chief, who was soon lifted on his back by Throttle and Vinnie. The Females had already started to tie his body against the gray furred male, who wrapped his tail around the Chief's waist.

When the group was ready and Modo had got up, Stoker and Carbine dashed through the doorway while defending them with their guns. Jessica and Harley ran next to Modo, trying to cover the Commander in Chief while Throttle and Vinnie ran last in the line. Only Jessica and Harley didn't have guns, which was also the reason they ran in the middle.

During the running up the stairs, trying to get safely as possible to the closest exit, they saw dead bodies everywhere they looked. There were still some survivors who tried to fight back while escaping, but there was also way too many Plutarkians to fight against. And the view did not change when they finally got out after helping a few fellow Martians who joined their group.

"Where are our bikes?" Modo wondered when they managed to get the whole group of twenty Martians behind some walls where the Plutarkians hadn't yet spotted them to be. "I swear if someone has scratched my bike's painting..!!" Vinnie growled but after Throttle had whistled loudly, they heard familiar grumbling.

"Oh my dear, I knew you would be safe!!" Vinnie was so happy after seeing his bike driving to him and seeing it being okay that he hugged the vehicle tightly. It beeped back to it's white furred owner while the other Biker Mice greeted their bikes too. "They seem to have been fighting too" Throttle said while checking his bike after sitting on the driver's seat. "Smart ones, aren't they? Of course they are!!" Vinnie said while still hugging his bike.

"They deserve some well made oil change when we get out of here" Harley laughed but then heard Carbine talking. "Sorry to interrupt this warm reunion, but we have more important things to do!" She said but soon heard her uncle talking behind them which made all of them turn around to look at him.

"Carbine's is right! You guys get the Commander in Chief to the hospital" Stoker started while counting who had got out with them. "Me and Jessica will help these to get safe. I'll contact you after I'm clear about the whole situation.. A Few phone calls need to be made.." He continued making Carbine nod while she sat behind Throttle on his bike. Harley and Vinnie helped Modo to sit on his bike with the Chief still tied on his back. Then they got to Vinnie's bike before the trio started to drive as fast as possible to the closest hospital. But along the way, they saw ongoing fights everywhere, which also meant that they had their full attention on defending themselves from Plutarkians that had spotted them.

A Few hours later at the army base:

"Commander in Chief has fallen to a coma..?" General Stoker repeated what Carbine had just said after she had arrived at the base with Harley and the Biker Mice. "Yes.. His situation was very bad and we barely made it in time.." She sighed while walking to the monitor where her uncle was doing something. "I don't have any good news either.." He sighed when the males sat on a couch behind them. Harley and Jessica were giving some first aid for the soldiers that were arriving at the base non-stop.

Carbine and the others had got them patched at the hospital before they left. Only she had been injured badly since she had gotten shot to her arms. Others had just some scratches and minor wounds. Now they needed to help the others whose situation was worse since the hospitals all around the planet were getting full injured Martians.

"I have received calls all around Mars.. This motocross show wasn't the only attack.. Plutarkians had their spaceships and forces ready to attack immediately when the Four of the Highest denied their offer.." General Stoker explained while following the monitor. There were a couple other soldiers at the monitor with him, trying to answer every call as possible. "The whole planet is in panic.. Is the whole army there helping to defend?" Harley asked and got a now as an answer.

"Most of those who are available to fight.." Carbine answered to her before Throttle answered the question each of them were thinking. "Is Mars in the middle of a war?" He asked, making Stoker nod again. "There's nothing that could prove otherwise.. We need everyone to fight against the Plutark.. Before it's too late.." The General said making the Biker Mice turn to look at each other before nodding.

"But this ain't the only thing.." Carbine sighed after reading the newest message a soldier had handed to her on paper. "We have received the first message about lost ones.. And this amount is terrifying.." She said and handed the paper to her uncle. Vinnie took a peak behind his shoulder. "No way?!" He gasped when seeing the numbers. "And this isn't the full number.." General Stoker said before looking at each of them.

"From billions of Martians.. There's just a few hundred thousands left.." He said making all of them gasp and look at each other. "Soldiers!" He continued before anyone could fall into a desperation. "Mars needs each of your help! You know what to do!" He commanded all of the soldiers in the base. He had taken the lead right after arriving and noticed that he was the highest of there.

"This war might have begun before Mars even got a chance to prepare.. But we will win this, right guys?!" Vinnie lifted his fist up in the air after the General's speech. Everyone of them shouted their agreements and by that they instilled courage in all of them. Each of them, from the soldiers to the nurses knew their duty when they started to prepare their weapons and supplies ready for anything while General Stoker continued contacting the other generals. General Carbine had her duty as a lower general to make some plans for the forces after gathering them together..

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