The Big Day & Tadashi's death

To day is a big day for Hiro Hamada and Sebastian rented a truck to carry Hiro's Microbots that are in trash bins and brought it to the Lucky Cat Café. He backs up into the alleyway as Wasabi was directing him where to go.

"Good!" Wasabi yelled to him giving him a thumbs up.

Sebastian gets out the truck as he helps the others putting the bins into the truck and tied them down so they don't roll everywhere and spill the Microbots out.

"That it?" Sebastian asked Hiro as he nodded smiling.

"Well I better get to SFIT then. It's almost nighttime. Big day for you buddy." He said before going back into the truck as he drove to SFIT and parked the truck in the back.

2 hours later

It's now the student showcase as everyone is pushing the trash bins with Microbots in them inside and they look around to see a lot of tech going on and a lot of people.

"Wow, a lot of sweet tech here today." Tadashi said looking around.

"Huh, no kidding." Sebastian replied looking around as well.

"How are you feeling?" Tadashi asked his brother.

"Your talking to a ex bot fighters. Takes more than this to rattle me." Hiro admitted but Sebastian can tell he's nervous.

"Yup, he's nervous." Go Go said walking next to Sebastian and looking at the inventions.

"Oh!" Honey Lemon said cause she finds it cute when Hiro is nervous.

"Oh, you have nothing to fear little fellow." Fred said trying to cheer him up.

"He's so tense."

"No I'm not!" Hiro said but he is a bit worried that he won't make it into to SFIT.

"Relax Hiro. Your tech is amazing." Honey Lemon said in excitement.

"Tell him Go Go."

"Stop whining, woman up." Go Go mentioned and Sebastian nods at what she said.

"I'm fine!"

"What do you need little man? Deodorant, breath mint, fresh pair of under pants?" Wasabi asked him smiling.

"Underpants? You need some serious help." Go Go said to her friend as they stopped behind the stage.

"I never met a guy so equip than Wasabi." Sebastian mentioned laughing.

"Hey, I come prepared." Wasabi said to them.

"I haven't done laundry in six months. One pair last me four days, I go front, I go back, I go inside in then I go front and back." Fred said about his underwear trick.

Wasabi gagged at that and he almost threw up. Go Go shook her head, Honey lemon stares at him disgusted and Sebastian shook his head laughing.

"Wow, that's both disgusting and awesome." Tadashi replied.

"I have to agree." Sebastian said laughing.

"Don't encourage him." Go Go said to the two guys.

"It's called recycling." Fred explained

"Next presenter. Hiro Hamada." The announcer said in the speakers.

"Yeeaah, this is it." Fred said smiling getting off the stage.

"Well I guess I'm up." Hiro replies shyly smiling.

"Okay, okay photo, everyone say Hiro." Everyone got behind Honey Lemon.

"Hiro!" They all said as Honey Lemon took a picture.

"We love you, Hiro good luck!" Honey Lemon left with her trash bin

"Don't mess it up." Go Go left with hers.

"Break a leg little man." Wasabi said to him before leaving with Honey Lemon.

"Science yeeaah!" Fred yelled in excitement rolling his Trash bin.

"You can do it Hiro Just believe in yourself." Sebastian said to him ruffling his hair before he left to catch up with GoGo.

The two sit the trash bins near the wall as they walked back to their friends and where Cass were waiting for Hiro.

Sebastian looks at Go Go to see her wearing her yellow shirt legging with two lines showing her skin a bit, and she was wearing high shorts as well.

"You look nice Go Go." Sebastian said to her shyly.

"Than... thank you Sebastian. You look nice as well." Go Go replies blushing.

They then saw Hiro on stage who has a nervous expression. His friends and brother smiles at him cause they know he can do it and Callaghan was watching Hiro with anticipation.

"Um... hello, my name is Hiro-" he was going to say but the mic feedbacks interrupts on his introduction.

"Sor, sorry. My name is Hiro Hamada and I been working on something that I think it's pretty cool. I hope you like it." Hiro said as he brought out his Nero Transmitter putting it on his head and he brought out his microbot that was in his pocket and he showed it to everyone.

"This is a microbot." Hiro said as some people awkwardly walks away at his really small invention.

"Pricks." Sebastian whispers only for his friends to hear.

"I agree." Go Go whispers to him glaring at the people who walked away.

Hiro looks over at his brother wondering what he should do but Tadashi gives him the breath in and breath out gesture and he whispers "Breath." And he does.

"It doesn't look like much, but when it links to the rest of its pals." Hiro said and suddenly the microbots came out of the trash bins heading towards the stage.

"Things get a little more interesting." Hiro said as people walks over to the stage to see what Hiro's invention can do. Sebastian looks to his right to see Alister Krei.

"Great, what is he doing here?" Sebastian asked.

"The microbots are controlled with this Nero Transmitter. I think I want them to do, they do it." Hiro explains to the crowd.

"The application for this tech is limitless. Construction." Hiro ordered as the microbots grabbed pieces of scrap making it to a building in no time.

"What used to take teams of people working by hand for months or years can be accomplished by one person. And that's the only beginning. How about transportation." Hiro said as he walks off the tower the microbots made and the microbots made stepping stones for him.

"Microbots can move anything, anywhere with ease."

Hiro then controlled the microbots up the stage lights and it grabs his feet and moved him towards Tadashi and his friends. He gave Tadashi and Sebastian high fives before landing back on to the ground with the microbots.

"If you can think it, the microbots can do it. The only limit is your imagination. Microbots!" Hiro explains as the crowed begin to cheer and clap. Sebastian claps and whistles at his friend.

"That's my nephew!" Cass yells to him in excitement.

"That a boy, Hiro!" Sebastian yells to him.

Hiro the bows at the audience before going back stage being greeted by his brother and friends who had smiles on their face.

"Nailed it!" Tadashi says as they did their secret fist bump.

"Not bad!" Go Go said smiling at him.

"Good job, kiddo!" Sebastian replied ruffling his hair

"Wow you just blew my mind!" Fred said to him

"Good job little man." Wasabi smiles at Hiro

"They loved you. That was amazing!" Honey lemon yelled giving him a hug.

"Yes with some development your tech can be revolutionary." Said a voice as they turned to se Alistair Krei walking up to them. Everyone backed up a bit except for Hiro, Tadashi, and Sebastian.

"Alistair Krei." Hiro Said to him

"May I?" Krei asked Hiro to see his microbot. Hiro gave it to him as he looks it over. Sebastian just glares at him cause he doesn't really much care for the man.

"Hm, extraordinaire. Hiro I want your microbots in 'Krei Tech'." Krei mentioned to him.

"Shut up." Hiro says amazed but having second thoughts too.

"Mr. Krei is right. Your microbot is expiring piece of tech. You can continue to develop them or you can sell them to a man who is guided by his self interest like he did with Mr. Bradshaw here who declined." Callaghan said to Hiro glaring at Krei.

"Why did you decline, Sebastian?" Hiro asked him wondering.

"Because I know my brother doesn't want me to sell my tech to anyone. Even though some tech I made is from my brother's blueprints too and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want me to sell his stuff to Krei either." Sebastian explains to him.

"Robert, I know how you feel about me. But it shouldn't of effect-"

"This is your decision, Hiro. But you should know when I told Sebastian long ago that Krei has cut corners and ignored sound science to get where he is." Callaghan mentions to Hiro.

"That Just not true." Krei was going to explained but Callaghan keeps cutting him off.

"I wouldn't trust Mr. Krei with your microbots or anything else." Said Callaghan.

"Hiro, I am offering you more money of any fourteen year old could imagine?" Krei asked him

"It's your choice, Hiro. Doesn't matter which one you pick, where behind you." Sebastian says to him.

"I am going to have to reject your answer Mr. Krei. They aren't for sale." Hiro tells him.

"I thought you were smarter than that. Okay, what about you Sebastian I'm asking one more time?" Krei asked Sebastian.

"So this is what you do? Steal peoples inventions and give them money?" Sebastian asked him a bit frustrated.

"It's not like that." Krei admitted.

"Well, it seems like it to me. To answer your question for the second time 'no' I an't giving my inventions to Krei tech. ever." He said to him.

"I thought you were better than that too. Robert." Krei Said as he looks at Callaghan before walking away.

"Mr. Krei!" Tadashi Said to him and Krei turns back.

"That's my brothers." He points to the microbot in Krei's hand.

"Oh, that's right." He says throwing it back to Hiro and walks away.

"I'm looking forward to see you in class." Callaghan smiles giving Hiro his invention to Register into SFIT and Hiro gladly took it.

Everyone then walks out of SFIT and Honey Lemon was talking to Hiro how great his invention was and gave him a hug again.

"Okay geniuses lets speed those hungry brains back to the café, dinner is on me!" Cass said to everyone causing everyone to smile and Fred was excited.

"Yes! Nothing is better than free food. Unless, it's moldy!" Fred yelled excitedly punching the air.

"You and food I'm telling ya." Sebastian shakes his head at him smiling.

"Hey aunt Cass, Sebastian will catch up alright." Tadashi told them.

"Alrighty buddy." Sebastian says smiling giving Tadashi a bro hug before running towards his friends that were up ahead.

When he got closer to his friends he saw Go Go looking up at the sky near a tree. He walks over to her standing beside her.

"What are you thinking about?" Sebastian asked her.

"Nothing really just looking at the sky. A lot of stars out tonight so I just want to see them for a second." Go Go replied to him.

Sebastian looks at the stars and spot a familiar one that he knew too well. He gently taps her on the shoulder and said "Look Orion's belt."

"Wow! I never seen it in person. How did you know it was Orion?" Go Go asked still looking at it.

"Well to tell you the truth my middle name is Orion." He explained to her.

"Really? I was wondering what the letter 'O' stood for in your full name. It's a good middle name to be honest, it suits you." Go Go told him and smiled.

"So, what did you think about Hiro's invention?" Sebastian asked her.

"Quite impressive. I could never think of that and for him being fourteen that is surprising to me." She said.

"Same, I was in shock when he showed everyone. That kid has a big brain." He said to her.

"Sebastian are you busy in two weeks?" Go Go asked while turning to him.

"I don't think so. Why'd you ask?" Sebastian replied.

"Can you come with me to Muirahara Woods again?" Go Go asked him and Sebastian looks at her to see her pleading in her eyes for a yes.

"I love to." Sebastian said to her.

"Really?" She asked in shock.

"Of course, I am you friend and all." He told her as she smiles and she hugged him.

"Thank you, Sebastian. I know I go by myself to Muirahara woods but I think bringing someone I trust and doesn't annoy me will be better." Go Go explains.

"Your welcome." He told her and they both let go of each other.

Suddenly, they both hear a loud sound as they looked around to find out where it's coming from.

"What is that?" Go Go asked wondering what the sound was.

Sebastian looks to the school to see it had smoke and red out lines in the bottom of the smoke.

"There's smoke over there which means?" Sebastian thought to himself then it clicked.

"Tadashi, Hiro!" Sebastian yells running fast towards the school.

When he got to the school he saw saw everyone running out the building cough from the smoke and he saw Hiro and Tadashi who were next to a girl so he ran over.

"Are you okay?!" Tadashi asked her.

"Yes, I'm okay but Professor Callaghan is still in there!" The girl said to him.

"Tadashi!" Sebastian yells running over to them.

"Sebastian!" Tadashi and Hiro yelled you him.

"What's going on?" He asked them.

"We don't know we heard the fire alarm go off then saw smoke and ran over as fast as we can. Professor Callaghan is in there too we need to get him out!" Tadashi explains to him.

Sebastian nods as the two were about to run into the flaming building to save Callaghan but Hiro grabs the two by the arm.

"Tadashi, Sebastian no!" He yells and the two not wanting them to run in there. They both look at Hiro then back at the building, and back at Hiro.

"Callaghan's in there." Sebastian told him.

"Someone has to help." Tadashi says to his concerned brother.

Then they both start darting into the school trying to find Callaghan in the flaming building.

"Callaghan!" They both yelled looking around.

"Callaghan where are you?!" Sebastian yells wondering where he was.

"Callaghan are you in here!" Tadashi yelled.

"Cough* This can't be good for your health!" Sebastian explains while coughing from the smoke above them.

"We need to find, Sebastian look out!" Tadashi said as he pushes Sebastian out the way to where the entrance was and a bunch of debris blocked Tadashi from the exit.

Sebastian gets up as he looked around for Tadashi and saw him in a little gap of the debris

"Sebastian *cough are you okay!" Tadashi asked coughing.

"*Cough Yeah I'm fine. Help me make a path for you to get out!" Sebastian yells as he tries to move some debris but it was no use but he wouldn't let his friend to be left behind.

"Sebastian, it's no use. You need to get out of here." Tadashi said to him.

"No! This ain't how this is going to end!" He yelled trying his best to take off the debris but it was no use.

"Sebastian look at me!" Tadashi yells at him and he did.

"There's is no other way. Please, take care of Hiro for me if I don't make it." He explains.

"Tadashi I-" Sebastian was about to say but gets interrupted by Tadashi.

"I know. Tell our friends that I love em for me okay." Tadashi mentioned to him.

"Your my brother, Tadashi." Sebastian points out and Tadashi looks at him with a smile.

"I know, and I'm sorry this is going to happen to you again. Please take care of my brother." He told him before running off to find Callaghan.

Just then Sebastian saw a wall of fire coming towards him fast and he quickly runs out the front door to see Hiro going to run inside to find them. Then the blast of the impact knock both of them to the ground.

The blast knocked Hiro out for a few seconds before looking at the building that's on fire.

"Tadashi!, Tadashi!" Hiro yelled to his brother but no response.

Sebastian is laying on the left of Hiro and he felt darkness consuming him. He saw Hiro turned over to him and looks at him with a worried look and shakes him.

"Sebastian stay with me!" Hiro yelled to him but Sebastian can barely hear him and his ears were ringing.

"Sebastian!" He barely heard as he turns to his left to see his friends running up to him in worry.

"Guys." He whispered to them and Go Go kneeled down on his left looking at him with a scared expression.

The darkness was getting worse and Sebastian saw fireman and paramedics surround him giving him oxygen from the smoke. He looks back at his friends to see them have tears in their eyes and Hiro was hugging Cass crying.

"I'm sorry everyone." Sebastian whispers until the darkness took him and he passed out.

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