Issue 188 Part Two
It's another day at SFIT and Sebastian is now on his lunch break as he walks into the cafeteria. He wasn't very hungry so he just grabbed a banana, apple and water before sitting down with Go Go and the others that were already sitting down talking about the incident with High Voltage last night.
"Seven to two, and they still kicked our butts." Go Go said annoyed about last night that they lost again.
"I'd call it seven to three. I'm counting that energy orb thing." Honey Lemon mentioned to the team.
"Hey guys!" Sebastian said to everyone as he sits next to Go Go and Wasabi. He then took out a pack of strawberry gum and gave it to Go Go.
"Thanks, babe." Go Go thanked him smiling as she took it.
"Anything for you." He said to her.
"Also do you mean the thing that makes it like that circus bear in Captain Fancy: Issue 188? Am I right? I'm surprised that the three of us knows the connection." Fred replied looking at Go Go and Sebastian as they shook their heads.
"As if losing was wasn't bad enough, Karmi had a good look of my face." Hiro explained his problem to everyone.
"Tell her you have a clone." Wasabi suggested to him while laying his chin on his arms on the table.
"Wasabi, she's biotech, she'd see right through that." Hir replied as he sighed walking over to Karmi "Might as well get it over with."
"Hey, Sebastian want to play pingpong with us after lunch?" Fred asked wondering if he's free.
"Sure. Had a test yesterday in the class after lunch anyways." Sebastian said smiling and he drinks his water.
"Try to go easy. We aren't better than you are at it." Honey Lemon mentioned to Sebastian.
"Don't worry. When have I ever not been easy?" Sebastian asked them.
"When you hit the ball as it hit Fred in the eye as he fell down pretty hard." Wasabi explained what happened.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry Fred forgot about that." He apologized to his friend.
"It's fine. It was a accident." Fred accepted the apology.
Time skip
Wasabi and Sebastian are playing ping pong as Honey Lemon, is doing her chemistry, Go Go her engineering, and Fred is on his chair reading a comic book.
"Heads up, Wasabi." Sebastian said as he hit the ping pong ball pretty hard and caused it to go flying towards Wasabi super fast.
"Agh!" Wasabi yelled ducking and the ball went flying towards the wall hitting it but it bounced over to Fred hitting his face as it bounced again and it landed into Honey Lemons cup and it start to dissolve in it.
"Sebastian!" Honey Lemon yelled and she stern at him.
"Sorry guys. I guess I got carried away again." He apologized placing the paddle down.
Walking over to Go Go and he sees her having trouble tightening something for her invention under the table.
"Argh, Sebastian can you help me with this?" Go Go asked him.
"Sure." He said bending down grabbing a wrench and starts tightening the part that she was having trouble on.
"Thanks, I appreciate it babe." She told him lightly punching his shoulder.
"Your Welcome. Just let me know if you need anything else." He said to her before kissing her cheek and she smiled at him.
"I will." She replied and they both get up and took a little break.
Suddenly, Hiro walks into the lab looking a bit confused and Honey Lemon walks up to him and asked "Oh no, she knows?"
"Well..." Hiro is about to explain but Honey Lemon interrupted him "Oh, a memory wipe!"
"Well actually..." He ran up to her.
Honey Lemon walks over to her station grabbing somethings off the shelves.
"Wait that's a thing?" Sebastian asked Honey Lemon curiously.
"This and this, and this and, oh this. Little bit of this and little bit of that there. One amnesia chino coming up." She muttered to herself putting chemicals in a blender and turning it on.
"She didn't know he was me!" Hiro yelled to get her attention and Wasabi walks up turning the blender off.
"Wait, wait! How could she not know you were you? You are so obviously you." Wasabi asked him.
"It gets worse. She's in love with him, uh me. I don't know, it's complicated." Hiro said to him trying to figure it out.
"Ah, the power of the secret identity. Intrepid investigator Rita Rampart never realized cab driver Lash Looper was secretly Captain Fancy. Ugh!" Fred explained his comic book theory to everyone and suddenly he fell of his recliner.
"This is a comic book thing again, right?" Go Go asked him and Sebastian nodded to her.
Fred gets back on his feet looking over at Go Go and Sebastian. "Indeed. Quickly, to the Fred room!"
Fred runs out of the lab room as everyone looked at each other. Sebastian shakes his head smiling of how happy his dorky friend his sometimes.
"Your coming with me, Sebastian." Go Go said to him as she grab her keys and helmet.
"Right behind you." He replied doing the same thing and the two left the lab.
Fred's Mansion
"We will start you two with the basics: Battlemax and Avenger Duck, maybe throw in a little Mayan Mayan." Fred mentioned as he opened his drawer and it looked like it keeps going to seven feet.
"Jesus, man. Never thought how long your drawers were." Sebastian said surprised.
"Skip the training wheels. We are going straight to Captain Fancy, 188." Go Go said to Fred a bit annoyed and she puts her hand on the magazines looking for the one they are looking for but Fred quickly closes the door.
"Whoa, No!" Fred yelled shutting the drawer.
"Fred, It's the only way to stop High Voltage. I won't crease at stupid pages or anything." She explained to Fred.
"Stupid? You need to dial it down before you crease our friendship. We don't rummage through classic comics like we're barbarians. These are works of art, they must be treated as such." Fred told them as he puts a comic book back on the shelves.
"Look, Fred I know you care a lot about your comic book collection, but we need to see that comic now. So where is it?" Sebastian asked him crossing his arms.
"Okay, okay. But gum." Fred looked over to Go Go and she puts the gum in the little container Fred has in his hand. " Uh huh, and the back up." She spit the other gum out and Fred puts gloves on their hands.
"Also I should tell you guys that I don't have Captain Fancy, 188. Okay!" Fred backed up a bit of a ways to not get hit by one of them.
"What?" The two asked turning around towards him narrowing their eyes in anger.
"I only know what's in its pages based by whisper rumor." He tells them.
"Do not start at the beginning!" Go Go said to him but he ignored her.
"I'll start from the beginning!"
Go Go grunted cause she didn't want to hear the full story of Captain Fancy. When Fred was explaining she was leaning into Sebastian hitting her head lightly on his shoulder. Sebastian only smiled as he wrapped his right arm around her to stop which she did.
"To my eternal frustration, I am not one of the lucky few." Fred explained not happy about it.
"Oh, here we go." Sebastian sighed shaking his head.
"So, where is it now?" Go Go asked him.
"In the clutches of my arch-nemesis. Be forewarned, he's a dark and dangerous foe." He said turning towards her.
"You need to grow up, Fred he's not bad." Sebastian replied chuckling a bit.
"Towards you he's not. But with me he's dangerous!" Fred mentioned to him.
"Well, let's go see him then. I want to know how to stop High Voltage." Go Go said and they nodded following her out of the room.
"Fred, why did you take us to your house, even though you don't have 188?" Sebastian asked curiously.
"I GOT LONELY OKAY!!!" Fred cried out the reason and Sebastian chuckled patting him on the shoulder.
Fred rode on Sebastian's bike as Go Go followed them from behind and they head to the comic book store that was cross town. Parking the bikes they walked in to the store and saw a kid reading a comic on the check out table.
It was quiet for some reason and Sebastian looked over at Fred, only to be told to go up first with Go Go and they both sighed walking up to the kid.
"Hey kid is your dad here? We need to talk to the owner." Go Go asked the kid.
"Actually Go Go, he is the owner." Sebastian mentioned to her.
"He's right. Your talking to the owner, dream girl." The kid replied combing his hair back.
"Chilling, isn't he?!" Fred asked her
"Richardson Mole, San Fransokyo Eligible 11-year-old." He introduced himself to Go Go "And you are?"
He was about to kiss her hand but only for Go Go to quickly move her hand as she said "Much older than you."
"Hey, Richardson. It's been awhile, how is business going?" Sebastian asked him wondering he been.
"Hello, Sebastian. Great to see you again and business is doing great thanks for asking. I see you brought my arch-nemesis with you this time." Richardson said to him as he glared at Fred.
"Well, there's a reason why we brought him. Fred mind explaining to him?" Sebastian explained turning to Fred.
"Hey! This is a business call, Richardson. Let's keep this professional." He said to him.
"Very well." Richardson accepts their problem.
"We need to see Captain Fancy, 188." Go Go told him.
"Ah, a very issue I sniped from you on that online auction."
"You cut the power to my house!" Fred yelled at him.
Fred on his computer on the online auction trying to win the comic book.
"Almost, almost al..." Fred talking to himself.
Then the power goes out only to have Fred froze there in shock and yelled "MOLE!"
Flashback ended
"Those charges were never proven." Richardson told Fred smirking while smiling.
"Argh!" Fred yelled trying to go after him, but only to get pushed back by Sebastian and Go Go.
"Can we just see the dumb comic book?" Go Go asked Richardson getting a bit agitated.
"Oh, I like you angry, dream girl. Follow me to the Mole Hole!" Richardson said as he goes into a classic telephone booth and he suddenly gets sucked down to the floor.
The three looked at each other confused wondering what just happened till Richardson yelled "I'm waiting!"
Go Go and Fred goes in and it looked pretty crowded to fit three people so Sebastian just waits for them to go down first till following. When waiting it was his turned and he falls down the hole.
"Ow!" Fred yelled and Sebastian looks down to see Fred underneath him hurt "Sorry, Fred."
Getting off he helps up his friend and the three look around to see a lot of arcade games. But what was weird they had Fred in all the arcade machines and they see Richardson shooting some sort of gun that fires green slime at a Fred poster.
"I told you he hates me." Fred said to the two.
"Beat my high score on any of these, and I'll let you see Captain Fancy, 188." Richardson smirks at Go Go.
Go Go walks over to game that looks like Wack a mole but it's different and she replied "Wack a Fred? Let's do this."
"Oh, poor choice. This is my favorite game and my high score is..." Richardson explained but Go Go didn't care and starts to wack the heads.
"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! High score!" The arcade said and Go Go put the paddle back on the game.
Sebastian was shocked cause Go Go went kinda overboard cause there are broken pieces of the game everywhere and he said "I'm not a fan of watching you do that, Jesus. It's fricked up."
But then he starts to smile at her and she smiles back blushing.
"I'm impressed." Richardson smiled looking down at Go Go's master piece.
"I'm concerned." Fred replied a bit scared.
Richardson walks over to a passkey on the wall and the safe opened to reveal Captain Fancy, 188 book and Fred gasped at it "Its beautiful."
"Oh, just give it." Go Go said to him and she went to grab it but Fred grabbed her wrist and told her "Bup-bup-bup... Gloves."
"That was totally not worth the 'bups, Fred." Sebastian shaking his head at him.
After awhile Fred is still reading the comic to find anything that could help cause of defeating High Voltage. Sebastian was getting kinda bored till he turns his head to the right spotting a piano up ahead.
"Hey, Richardson, do you mind if I..." Sebastian asked pointing at the piano. Richardson replied "Not at all."
"Thanks appreciate it."
He walks over to the piano and starts to play the song that has been in his family for many years. Go Go and Fred heard it as they look over to see Sebastian on the piano. Fred was crying a bit cause he thinks its the best song he ever heard, and Go Go stayed silent giving Sebastian a smile. Sebastian gets off the piano walking back over to them.
"Beautiful song. Who taught you that?" Go Go asked him.
"Basically it's always been in my family since 1800s. Ever heard a pirate name Edward Kenway?" Sebastian asked wondering if she knows and she nodded.
"Well, he's my ancestor." He explained.
"Really? Well that's cool and interesting. Explains a lot of your skills a little bit." Go Go mentioned and he smirks at her.
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing, I'm just messing with you." She chuckled and they went back over to Fred who is still reading the comic.
"Ugh!" Fred yelled a bit disgusted of what he saw on the comic. Sebastian and Go Go looked and just smirked at it.
"Oh, come on. Grow up." Sebastian said to Fred.
"Read faster." Go Go told him to hurry up and Fred said "A wise man once said, if you want to find a solution, you can't rush Fred."
Go Go then grabbed a hold of Fred's ear squeezing and pulling it, causing Fred to whine in pain. "Ow, ow,ow,ow I'll read faster!"
"Good now read." Sebastian told him and they waited patiently again, but suddenly Sebastian's and Go Go's phones start ringing.
Taking out their phone and saw that the caller is Wasabi as they answered.
"Yeah?" They asked wondering.
"High Voltage! San Fransokyo Trust! Now!" Wasabi yelled to them.
"Alright. Keep them busy till we get there." Sebastian ordered till they hang up the phone.
"Yes I get it! I totally get it!" Fred yelled in excitement.
"So you actually found a answer in that thing?" Go Go asked Fred.
"Couldn't be any clearer." Fred respond out smiling.
"Great Let's go!" Sebastian said grabbing Fred as they run out of the store.
"Come again! Not you, Fred!" Richardson Said goodbye.
They got suited up before heading to the bank where Wasabi, Hiro, Baymax and Honey Lemon are.
Two minutes later
"We have to tap out. Does anyone want to tap in?" Hiro asked Wasabi and Honey Lemon.
"We do!" They turned to the right to see Go Go and Fred.
"Go Go, Fred!" Honey Lemon yelled excited to see them.
"Fred knows how to defeat these dance punks."
"Wait where's, Sebastian?" Wasabi asked curiously.
"Hello." Sebastian said behind them as Wasabi jumped screaming falling to the floor.
"Wow." He sighed looking down at his scared friend till he runs over to Go Go's side.
"Actually I have no idea." Fred told her.
"What?" Go Go said cause she couldn't believe what Fred told her.
"Are you freaking kidding me, Fred?! You said you got the answers on the comic book." Sebastian said annoyed at Fred.
"Yeah, to explain Hiro's secret identity situation! Was I not clear on that?"
Fred then gets electrocuted from behind sending him flying over to Go Go and Sebastian. Sebastian dodged out the way but Go Go Gets knocked back by Fred and they went flying over where Hiro and the others are, Fred lands on the floor as Go Go lands on Fred breaking her fall.
"I'll keep them busy while you guys figure out a plan!" Sebastian yelled to them as he jumped onto a desk climbing up the platform that is above making his way over to High Voltage.
He drops down as he wraps both of his arms around their necks pulling them to the side making them stumble to the ground.
"How dare you!" Barb said to him as she went to shock him but only for him to dodge it.
"Hey, better than hitting a girl cause I'll get in trouble for that." He told her.
"Juniper, shock him!" Barb ordered her daughter. Juniper nodded begin to shock him but he blocked it with his sword.
Sebastian runs over to Juniper grabbing her and wrapping his arm around her neck. But Juniper elbowed him in the chest a couple times as she turns around facing him as she went for a punch, but he swat her hand away.
"Sebastian, move!" Sebastian looked up to see Go Go in the air. He moves out the way as her discs hits both of them and she covered the electricity with rubber with Honey Lemons chem balls stopping it.
"Great job, Go Go." Sebastian said to her smiling.
"Use a catchphrase! Say a dumb line like it's a joke, even though it's not really a joke!" Fred yelled to Go Go.
"Last dance, freaks." Go Go told them as her discs came back to her.
"Good one!"
"Escape dance, Juniper! Two five seven eight!" Barb yelled to her daughter as they start running.
"Not so fast!" Honey Lemon yelled throwing her chem ball at Barb as it hits her causing chemicals to make her trap.
"Oh... sorry mom, I'm going solo!" Juniper said to her mother before she start to run and start to do multiple backflips to the exit.
Sebastian sighed as he runs up to her as he pulled out some sort of rope with a blade at the end.
He throws it at juniper as it wrapped around her legs causing her to fall down.
She tries to run but Sebastian keeps pulling the rope back to him and Honey Lemon used her chem ball on her as well.
"Your grounded." Bard said to her daughter angrily and Wasabi picks her up and brought her closer to the others.
"Nice job, Sebastian." Hiro said to him.
"Thanks." He replied.
"What is that anyways?" Wasabi asked wondering as Sebastian takes off the rope dart off of Junipers ankle.
"Rope dart. Thought it'll be helpful in some cases like this"
"Have I missed anything significant?" Baymax asked everyone.
"No, where all good, Baymax. Just pretty quick thinking from Go Go." Hiro told him.
"Big ups to Fred for the inspiration. Even if it's completely unintentional." Go Go explained to everyone.
"That's what I do!" Fred said feeling happy about himself.
"Fred, the superhero identity. What do you got?" Hiro asked him.
"Ah yes. You see, Captain Fancy's alter ego Lash Looper, may look like Captain Fancy in a sweater vest, but no body recognizes him. Not even ace reporter Rita Rampart!" Fred explained to him.
"And that's supposed to explain why Karmi can't see me as Hiro Hero?"
"Yep! It's a super hero thing." Fred said to him smiling.
"Well I guess dinner is on me tonight guys."Sebastian said to everyone which they gladly accept. Go Go then starts to hold his hand which he gladly accept and they waited for the police to come pick High Voltage.
Go Go starts to yawn as she lays her head on Sebastian's shoulder as well and he asked "Long day today wasn't it?"
"Yes it has. Hey, do you mind staying with me tonight?" Go Go asked him.
"You know I don't mind, Go Go." He told her.
"Thanks." She whispered tiredly and Sebastian kissed her and she kissed him back.
"I love you." Go Go said to him.
"I love you too." Sebastian whispered. The police arrived and they all went home and rest.
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